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Re: Hate Thread

My beanie babies are all worth one penny each.

My childhood officially hates me, and I hate it too.

Ya mean the Chrispy Creme effect finally hit the Beanie Babies too?

Re: Hate Thread

I've downloaded the Sir Hammerlock DLC twice now, apparently, and it's still not showing up in my places to fast travel to.

I am so close to getting angry about this.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't remember if I was such a spaz about driving last time I was here, but I definitely am now. Here is but the latest tale of such things.

I left my apartment for only 20 minutes. In that time, my car was almost hit twice. Once because someone brought a truck into the Taco Bell parking lot that was too big (I actually had to scoot my car forward so they could leave), and the second time because apparently how four way stops work elude some people. Oh, not the normal way people mess it up either. This person didn't even stop at all, kept going merrily along at 40 through a 20 zone.
Re: Hate Thread

I was waiting at a red light today and saw a crash happen like 10 feet away. Both thought they had green I guess (or weren't looking) with the front left of one shattering into confetti. It felt like slow motion. It really is everyone else you have to worry about on the road.
Re: Hate Thread

A few months ago some asshole in a Mercedes S-Class passed me from the right on the highway (which is forbidden in Germany), went right in front of me and put his foot on the brakes hard - at about 150 m/ph, which was incidentally my heart rate at this moment. Thankfully, I reacted appropriately and nothing happened.

It was probably an intended insurance scam though, since it was like 2 am and nobody else was around.
Re: Hate Thread

Mhmm, some people.... Granted, I like obsessively watch crash compilations from Russia. If it's taught me one thing, as soon as I get some extra cash I'm getting myself a dash cam.

Also, mildly related, but someone had managed to block FOUR parking spaces with one cart at the store too. I put that back where it belongs, but when I came back out there was another one almost in the same spot...
Re: Hate Thread

One minute, you think you know someone, the next, they're claiming that the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting was a hoax. As in they seriously believe it, 100% no bull/troll.

My hands. They thirst for necks to crush.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, there's a certain type of person like that, typically the Uncle you invite for Thanksgiving and just let him rant while nodding politely. I just have to think, what a scary world they live in where everything is a conspiracy...
Re: Hate Thread

Yup, that's... pretty much what happened with that girl I was sitting being all emo about for a week straight.

Last I heard she was making a huge bitch of herself at the place I used to work by bitching everyone out about the fact that she has to work to get paid.

So glad I didn't start dating her.
Re: Hate Thread

So a waterpipe bursted in one the rooms in some blokes apartment which lead to the whole building unable to use water in the bathroom and kitchen for a complete week because they need to switch the whole pipe set. Thank god the toilets have a different set of waterpipes and are working by tomorrow.
Re: Hate Thread

So, I hate being expected to preform at full cognitive abilities with the flu.

I walked out of class today because I couldn't remember what I was supposed to and, being sick, I was very upset over it. Then my teacher yelled at me telling me I was not allowed to have a breakdown... So I stammered out that I had the flu and I shouldn't have been there in the first place and stumbled out.
Re: Hate Thread

People need to learn to say what they mean. If he didn't want me to have any of that pie, he should have said something other than 'you can have some if you want.'

So, I hate being expected to preform at full cognitive abilities with the flu.

I walked out of class today because I couldn't remember what I was supposed to and, being sick, I was very upset over it. Then my teacher yelled at me telling me I was not allowed to have a breakdown... So I stammered out that I had the flu and I shouldn't have been there in the first place and stumbled out.

Oh, look, another teacher that wants a pair of boots inserted into them rectally.
Re: Hate Thread

Eh, to make a detailed judgement I woulda had to be there, but I do have preprepared "We're in college, we pay you for a service, you work for US." statement prepared. It's not the way the system should work, but it's the way the system does work, and some professors need to realize that.

Granted, this is typically my argument against the people that keep you 10 minutes over and then throw a fit if you try and leave. I have a big gripe about that normally x.x
Re: Hate Thread

Off the top of my head, the least general/vague thing I hate is my wasted potential creativity which I can never seem to focus well or in the right place. It's a shame, really. Very stagnant and dull feeling.
Re: Hate Thread

I got a letter today demanding 800 € for having downloaded / shared an episode of The Walking Dead (by the way, what is the correct term for this kind of letter, I tried to look it up in a dictionary).

Thank God I still have a few super effective lawyer balls lying around here somewhere...
Re: Hate Thread

You need Repel to keep them away, not balls to catch them. You'd be stuck with them if you caught them.
Re: Hate Thread

Did you actually do it? I mean, regardless of opinions on the subject, it'd be really x.x if they got the wrong person to top it all off.
Re: Hate Thread

Off the top of my head, the least general/vague thing I hate is my wasted potential creativity which I can never seem to focus well or in the right place. It's a shame, really. Very stagnant and dull feeling.

Agree, so much. Perhaps you mean in more specific situations, but for me, it's just like. I've had a really productive couple of days, lots of work, lots of sorting stuff, got some art and writing done, and now that it's all finished I'm just sitting here like "WAT DO", and I just hate the feeling when nothing seems interesting enough to actually get out of my chair to do.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my dice. Not only do they never roll what I need them to, they are now actively trying to kill me. At least that's my theory since I twisted my ankle on the 4 sided one earlier. Of course I wouldn't have twisted my ankle without the sudden shooting pain of stepping on it with my bare foot.