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Re: Hate Thread

Hearing the words, "marriage is between a man and a woman" from someone close to me. Somehow I managed not to cry until I got some privacy...

I hate feeling like I can't say I'm a lesbian without people thinking I'm some kinda freak.
Re: Hate Thread

I believe in marriage the way the bible defined it! Man and a woman. .. and a woman. and a woman. and a slave. and your dead brothers wife. Pretty much whoever you want if you have a penis I think. I mean hell, there even was a gay couple in the bible. BUT THEY WERE MEN! And that's all that matters!

Or wait, does your friend only think that because of procreation? Because I'm proud of that person, it takes a lot of guts to stand up for the eugenics movement these days after Hitler, and doing things like petitioning for people unable to procreate to be banned from marrying and falling in love, or just getting rid of them completely.

Seriously, the thing I don't get is, 99% of the time, you can ask someone with an opinion against homosexual marriage "What does that have to do with legality?" and they won't be able to answer you. I mean, fuck, I can make a better argument against homosexual marriage than them, and I'm not even on their side, how sad is that?
Re: Hate Thread

Dammit Toxic, stop beating me to saying things.
Re: Hate Thread


On a serious note, fuck homophobes in general. Also religious extremists in general. I hate the things those people campaign for.
Re: Hate Thread


On a serious note, fuck homophobes in general. Also religious extremists in general. I hate the things those people campaign for.

I also agree extremists in general are the biggest thing I hate in the world, especially as it always seems to be the persons with most extreme views that give a group a bad name.

Alas, Toxic, you forgot the most important part in your anti-tyrade:


Suddenly the argument has a mystical starman of credibility, and it makes sense to fight against it even if the people in question are 50 miles away, have no kinks whatsoever and are the nicest people ever. What will the children think of them?!?

Naturally, they forget that most children either A: Don't give a poop, or B: only see two people who love each other very much.
Re: Hate Thread

Hey, everybody. Does anybody want to know what I look like?

Pic removed, since I don't want this to haunt me years from now.

This is me after being refused any basic treatment until I got home.
In case anyone wonders: bicycle accident; neighbors too lazy/tired to help. I have at least tried to made myself known, and have knocked on quite a few doors. I have been ignored by many cars, doors and people on my long way home.
I am somewhat aggravated right now. Feel free to call me a pussy.
I probably deserve it. I don't know what I should have done differently. Except having driven better ...
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Re: Hate Thread

Hey, everybody. Does anybody want to know what I look like?

This is me after being refused any basic treatment until I got home.
In case anyone wonders: bicycle accident; neighbors too lazy/tired to help. I have at least tried to made myself known, and have knocked on quite a few doors. I have been ignored by many cars, doors and people on my long way home.
I am somewhat aggravated right now. Feel free to call me a pussy.
I probably deserve it. I don't know what I should have done differently. Except having driven better ...

You're a bearded man smeared in blood. I think I kind of understand their reaction.
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Re: Hate Thread

As frightening as a bearded man covered in blood might be that doesn't stop you from calling 911 or the local equivalent for someone who is obviously hurt.

Looks like you have a pretty good gash on your forehead which should definitely be looked at, though the forehead does bleed an awful lot because of all the capillaries bundled in the area. I won't be calling you a pussy as I've had similar accidents myself. Beyond making sure you clean the cuts out with peroxide or rubbing alcohol of you are feeling extra sleepy compared to normal I would get it checked out pronto. Concussions can be bad news.
Re: Hate Thread

Well it's probably not as serious as it looks. It was already very late/early when I posted this and I was just pissed in general - didn't have a pvc pipe to go with either. What's wrong with having a beard anyway? I just hope it won't leave a scar. Didn't have time to go to a doctor yet after all, since I went straight to bed. Although it's nothing a little Schnapps can't fix.
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Re: Hate Thread

Yeah like I said the forehead tends to bleed an awful lot making things look worse than they are. And since you're awake I don't think there is any immediate worry about a bad concussion. That's the problem with PVC it's never around when you need it.

And I'm not sure what the problem with beards is really, since even someone who's clean shaven and bleeding would be just as frightening.
Re: Hate Thread

Hearing the words, "marriage is between a man and a woman" from someone close to me. Somehow I managed not to cry until I got some privacy...

I hate feeling like I can't say I'm a lesbian without people thinking I'm some kinda freak.

Well at least you know most folks here will accept you for who you are love. It's not the same, true, but it's something.
Re: Hate Thread

Yep... that's why this is one of my favorite communities around. Thanks for the love and support guys and gals. I know it'll get better someday, but at least we have each other. *group hugs and stuff* :)

Re: Hate Thread

This happened several days ago, but I'm still dealing with it. Thankfully, it's mostly over, but, just...gah!

The events were as follows: I have to be to work at 1 PM and I go on break roughly at about 345 (which is another rant altogether, but anyway...) My mother is at work, too, but when I come home, I hear water running and I'm like "Huh? Is mom home?" *start toward bathroom* "OMG, did I leave the shower running?!" *hurries* I walk in to a *deluge* in the bathroom. One of the pipes that brings the water up to the toilet busted and it's spraying water EVERYWHERE.

First order of business, try and stop it, which isn't happening, since I can't see where the water is coming from, nor am I willing to drop down to the soaked floor to do so. Then the thought crosses my mind "OMG THE BASEMENT!" (which is where my ROOM and all my STUFF is.)

I grab the phone and am calling my mother to come home and help, bounding down the steps to find water STREAMING along the pipes and drenching everything beneath them. After nearly killing myself on a wet mat between the stairs and the light, I take stock of the damage, which includes a pair of my work pants, various assorted boxes and totes and...SHRIEK! MY BOOKS!

LTD Commodities sells these almost awesome products for storing magazines, CDs, and DVDs (which are also the perfect size for manga.) I say "almost" because the sides are plastic, which is great for seeing in, but the tops and bottoms are only cloth, which is not so great for keeping water out. One such case is practically right underneath the spray of water and for those of you who remember my story about the 16.5 pounds of gay porn, well, it wasn't that, but I'm willing to bet it's another 16.5 pounds of books. On the plus side, there was a reason this stuff was stashed away and not on mys shelves, but at the same time, "my books, dammitalltohell!" (Including my first edition translated copy of Finder, which I took off because I have the reprint, that cost me about $50. Didn't get hit as bad, but still got damp). Another casualty was one of the magazine holders, which contained everything from Empire sci-fi mags to Stargate issues to Playstation Magazines (including my Dragon Age 2 cover one). There were also several totes of books and plushies that I'd been moving out of my room, ironically, to make room for the stuff on my floor, should our hot water tank bust again or the washer drain puke like it did before and so that stuff wouldn't get wet. And I also found that I had another container of magazines that was getting 'gravity damage' due to the way I had them stacked in there (the top mags were pulling at the spines of the lower ones, causing them to fray and bust apart.)

So now my kitchen table looks like it holds a demented cake, layered with manga, newspaper, and paper towels, as I have them stacked to be dried. Fairly sure at least two of the magazines are a lost cause (they're fused together), and the piping has been replaced. Could have been a lot worse, but at the same time, what did get damaged is enough to make me rail, wring my hands, and gnash my teeth.

tl;dr - Busted pipes suck. (Or perhaps, more aptly, blow, in this instance.)
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how everyone and their mother who sells software/hardware tries to shove the steaming pile of dung that is Windows 8 on you whenever you want an OS that isn't a complete clusterfuck of bad UI and horrible file paths.
Re: Hate Thread

@ Copper I almost feel like I should call the cops to warn them that you're about to go on a murderous rampage. Seriously though that sucks and I'm sorry, so please don't kill me for no reason.
Re: Hate Thread

my condolances

@ Copper I almost feel like I should call the cops to warn them that you're about to go on a murderous rampage. Seriously though that sucks and I'm sorry, so please don't kill me for no reason.

Thanks guys. Like I said, been sitting on this one about a week, so Ronny, if I haven't murderized anyone yet, probably not going to happen, so you're all right.
Re: Hate Thread

Poor you :(
Although it doesn't help with things of sentimental value, I do hope you have insurance.