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SIM Loli Guro [いーめいどぷらす] BLACK-MARKET [RJ286256]

Subtle linkbegging is still linkbegging.
1.2 is out, here are the patch notes:
Leah's sex in players own home.
Milking room
Loli new Hairstyle Pattern
Loli pregnancy, sex during pregnancy
Loli can grow up to an adult.
Added "Father's Type" and "Mother's Name" to Loli's profile.
Fainting, fainting rape.
Zombification, zombie-rape.
Meat toilet (normal & Loli)
You can rename your character in the character edit.
Sorting the girl list (LV, MAXLIFE, quality) in ascending or descending order
Marks on the list (waiting area, stunned, zombie, urinal)
Additional sex pose for the receptionist.
Add a pregnancy chance when finishing in player Home
Additional items (poison, breast milk, zombie cure)
Special abilities are added to 1 to 5 stars.

Fixed a bug that when you can't drag a girl, you can drag her from the list.
One save slot was added.
Added a button for treating everyone's mental illness.
Added an auto-use-meat button to the monster's room status.
Added a pause button.
Can't wait to try it. Thx for the heads-up. Now my watch begins until someone drops the latest version, lol.
Not sure how to do faint sex/"zombie" sex yet...
Not sure how to do faint sex/"zombie" sex yet...

idk about faint, but you need a girl who has an std to die in a room for them to turn into a zombie. after that they start eating customers so u need to either destroy the room or feed them enough meat to put them docile
How do you unlock Leah in the home?

Nevermind, turns out you have to sacrifice a loli to the monster in order to continue.
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If anyone's interested in the new ver, feel free to PM me.
Fair warning, may take me a bit of time to get back depending on work schedule, but shouldn't be too long!
Kinda dumb question, but is PM restricted with new accounts?
So is the "meat toilet" just when they collapse and still get used?

"Meat toilet" is a feature that gets unlocked at some point that allows you to drag girls outside in the male waiting area. Not sure how it unlocks exactly tho (as I played from a completed save with nearly everything done).
"Meat toilet" is a feature that gets unlocked at some point that allows you to drag girls outside in the male waiting area. Not sure how it unlocks exactly tho (as I played from a completed save with nearly everything done).
Ohh thank you
I hadn't thought of dragging them outside, it worked
If anyone's interested in the new ver, feel free to PM me.
Fair warning, may take me a bit of time to get back depending on work schedule, but shouldn't be too long!
May I ask, do the newest ver already in Eng patch?
english patch doesn't exist for this game. just use "reipatcher for unity" to auto traslate the in-game text.
Yes, ReiPatcher. Thank you.
I forgot the name for that auto translator patch.

I actually dont know how to apply that patch into a unity game, so that's why I asked him if the latest ver already pre-patched.
Yes, ReiPatcher. Thank you.
I forgot the name for that auto translator patch.

I actually dont know how to apply that patch into a unity game, so that's why I asked him if the latest ver already pre-patched.

You just run the "SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator" exe in the game's folder and run the shortcut the program creates "<game name> (Patch and Run)". It then translates as you play
damn good game...even though I suck at it......I'm really shitty at management games, so much that I even manage to lose when I play "the sims"......I like NTR but watching that old fatass fuck the girl is anoying after the 10th time....
Anybody else have a issue with reipatcher breaking the left mouse button for the game?
Anybody else have a issue with reipatcher breaking the left mouse button for the game?
You mean you're basically stuck in the main menu and unable to click anything? Check if you have japanese characters in your file path. For some reason, that was a problem for me in the new version despite nothing of the sort happening before.
Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. Asking for or alluding to links to game downloads is prohibited. Failure to follow this rule will result in an immediate 1 week ban.
Hi everyone,

Anybody has a link or wahtever to the latest version? Thanks!
some tips for starting out: just try to make the most expensive buildings you can and have girls work in them while trying to unlock achievements. for example at the beginning you can immediately upgrade the female recruit area, build a livestream room, upgrade it, and then you can immediately make fellatio rooms, all before you even recruit a single girl. if you want efficiency, just focus on the newest buildings you can make and ignore or demolish the old ones. if you want super efficiency, rush to the spooning room (the 3rd building that requires 6 achievements), and put the youngest girls you can to work in them and pray someone gets pregnant. once you get 1 or 2 lolis working in the cheapest loli dungeon the money will just pour in and you've pretty much already won, and you can do this as soon as around the 3rd to 5th days

pregnancy is directly affected by age, the younger the girl the better her chances, at 18 a girl has 1% chance, at 39 0.2% chance, at 42 0.1%, and at 43 0.0% (haven't tested if this is really 0% or just rounded)

i also fooled around with game saves and figured i'd share what i found

saves can be found under "Black Market_Data\StreamingAssets\XML" but be warned that screwing up anything can ruin your save so make backups or use a program with an undo history like notepad++ or a proper XML editor that will warn you of errors like microsofts XML editor

data for girls is saved in the <GirlSave> tags and always end with </GirlSave> and everything related to the girls stats is located there

most things should be obvious so i'll just cover a few tags worth mentioning:

<charaName> has the girls name and i believe you can change it to english or whatever without any problems but haven't tested it much

<personal> (ity) affects the flavor text a girl uses when she performs, selfish will complain for example
0 own pace
1 affable
2 open minded
3 narcissist
4 negative
5 shameless
6 selfish
7 acts tough

<special> (skills) wanted to mention these because they can be rare and through testing i think they start appearing with 3* girls at the earliest in newer versions, previous to v1.2 i never saw them on girls below 6*
0 nothing
1 immune STD
2 immune breakdown
3 immune preg
4 immune miscarry
5 play reward x3
6 stamina won't decrease (haven't personally seen this appear in-game, might just be for debug)
7 won't age
8 XP x2
9 preg x4
10 recovery x2
11 XP x3
12 play reward x2
13 meat toilet reward x10 (goes from 500 to 5000, not sure if any other stats affect this)
14 preg x2

<parameters> the first 4 you can freely edit in-game once you get a house (my home) and you can immediately see the changes so it's easier to edit that way, the last 2 can only be changed from here. note that 5 is a switch for an alternate set of clothes for the specific breast size type, like small can have either a school girl outfit or a one piece dress.
1 eyebrows
2 front hair
3 back hair
4 breast size 0=medium 1=large 2=small
5 dress type (0/1=switch alt dress, 2=naked but censored)
6 shoe type (0-5, 6 is barefoot)

<colors> there are 5 color types, the first 3 can be changed in-game from my home. the color palettes don't seem to use standard HTML RGB or RGBA colors if anyone knows what they use i'd appreciate it

1 hair color
2 eye color
3 skin color
4 clothes color
5 shoe color
a=alpha channel? 0=not visible (default is always 1, changing it seems to put a different filter on the color and 0 makes it "invisible" though i think it's only useful on clothes)

<profile> this gets somewhat complicated but is just flavor for the girls background and has no effect on anything in-game so you can ignore this if you don't care about it. not all of these translations are great since i just quickly went through things and removed some nuance to make it short and simple and for 7-12 i just couldn't think of a proper way to explain it in english
1. occupation2. blood type3. hobby4. birthplace5. talent6. cause of debt7. favorite type A8. favorite type B
0 farmer
1 HS
2 college
3 Idol
4 banker
5 gym instructor
6 theatre
7 freeter
8 dancer
9 food factory
10 prostitute
11 bartender
12 housewife
13 OL
14 civil servant
15 police officer
16 flight attendant
17 unemployed
0-4 A
5-9 B
10-14 O
15 AB
0 oyaji hunting
1 cafe tour
2 staying home
3 man hunting
4 host club
5 self improvement
6 sleeping
7 solo karaoke
8 FX
9 making money
10 reading
11 movies
12 brand name goods 13 anime/games
14 motorcycle
15 workout
16 bug collecting
17 outdoors
0 sweden
1 china
2 canada
3 brazil
4 usa
5 turkey
6 italy
7 india
8 france
9 spain
10 egypt
11 germany
12 UK
13 russia
14 hokkaido
15 tokyo
16 kyoto
17 okinawa
0 glutton
1 imitation
2 drawing
3 martial arts
4 jump rope
5 puzzle
6 weather forecast
7 memory
8 willpower
9 computers
10 speed reading
11 handwriting
12 trilingual
13 cooking
14 none
15 cleaning
16 song
17 dance
0 drug addiction
1 investment fraud
2 dark$overdue
3 man
4 friend skipped town
5 deceived by friend
6 business failed
7 already in debt
8 hired murder
9 home loan burned
10 pyramid scheme
11 hired suicide
12 marriage fraud
13 hired false charges
14 expensive goods
15 hired accident
16 spent borrowed money
17 hired insurance scam
0 thin
1 chubby
2 well built
3 buff
4 normal build
5 handsome buff
6 really buff
7 anyone
8 thin waist/muscles
9 tall
10 small
11 weak
12 disassociated???
13 overweight
14 interesting
15 short legs
16 big head
17 small head
0 has hair
1 has money
2 won't punish
3 virgin
4 bald
5 gentle
6 joker
7 like a friend
8 filial
9 has dreams
10 outdoors
11 indoors
12 energetic
13 absentminded
14 smart
15 dumb
16 poor
17 reserved

so for example
would be a farmer, with blood type B, who likes hunting for guys to milk money from, from russia, that is good at puzzles, who ended up in debt because she hired someone to make someone else have an "accident", and who likes guys with big bulging muscles who care about their parents
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