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Introduction Thread

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

You guys can have the sauna. I've never liked the idea of sitting around and sweating leisurely with a bunch of people. :p A jacuzzi on the other hand.....sounds like a fun idea. Ohh and, welcome to Fracture and Pentavus. Meet me in the jacuzzi sometime! :)
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

And I get to look at penis. boobs too.

OMG TWINS! I WAS THINKING THE SAMEtotally didn't see the white text

On a serious note, my school has a co-ed sauna, which I thought was weird considering how they are with a lot of things.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

OMG TWINS! I WAS THINKING THE SAMEtotally didn't see the white text

On a serious note, my school has a co-ed sauna, which I thought was weird considering how they are with a lot of things.

Ha! Well at least we all get what we want right?

And a co-ed sauna in a school... that is slightly odd.

When you say it that way mine gets creeped out for some reason. I just imagined it in such a creeper voice :D

Just imagine it in the Freddy Krueger voice... Jackie Earle Haley or Robert Englund is your choice.

To be honest I was aiming for a bit creepy there.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well in all fairness, no one knows we have it. People only starting catching on after me and all my buddies would hit the sauna, then walk all the way around campus, through the educational buildings, and across the lake back to our housing in just towels. We did this several times, until we were called anti-semitic terrorists... funny story
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Name: Fracture

My Fears: Sonic 06

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Sonic 06
2) Silver(Sonic)

~ Favorites ~

Video game series: Sonic
TV Show: Sonic series

Do I...

Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: SONIC
Have furry leanings?: I love them

Welcome to ULMF, Newcomer Fracture! *Flings a cookie to!*

If I may ask, what type of furries do you like in particular? Wolf or Wolf-like creatures for me, which show in my art. ^^'

I think her answer would be " "

Hey Fracture, did you like Sonic Unleashed?
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well in all fairness, no one knows we have it. People only starting catching on after me and all my buddies would hit the sauna, then walk all the way around campus, through the educational buildings, and across the lake back to our housing in just towels. We did this several times, until we were called anti-semitic terrorists... funny story

Anti-semitic terrorists? How in the fuck...
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well, one of the days we did our usual schtick, I was sick. So it was just two people. On the way back, my friend walks into the library in his towel, looks really confused and goes "uhhh.. is this the sauna?"

Funny right?

No, he gets stopped by three cop cars on the way back. Apparently, the old bat in the library was from the holocaust research center and was a survivor and somehow heard him say "is this the showers?" Which is not only incorrect, but fucking evil knievel couldn't make that jump.

The campus police told them it's their right to walk around in a towel and they can't stop that. Well the sergeant didn't tell them that because he was "too disgusted to speak to those kids." It was reported as suspicious terrorist activity, and the next time they went in their towels, they were stopped again.

At this point the campus police got a hold of everyone that's ever walked with them by using footage from their security cameras, which included myself. We all had to go see the dean of students, on our own time, over the summer, while we had holds placed on our accounts. Yeah, cuz the summer is the best time to decide "Hey, all these kids must live around here right? And who cares if we're stalling their ability to choose classes over the summer, it's only one semester we're fucking up for them."

I told him that I didn't do anything, but I'm not trying to sell out of my friends because I don't think they did anything offensive either. I refused to apologize and said apologizing for "perceived" offense" is dumb, and that the only thing they should apologize for is the misunderstanding. In the end, they had to work hours at the holocaust research center for some sensitivity bullshit which was then changed to watching 15 hours worth of holocaust dvds and writing reports on it.

My friend still had a hold on his account after about a year and a half because he was in california that summer, and he called and asked why the meeting couldn't have been done over the phone and they pretended it was "very srs bsns." When it turned out to be a 3 minute meeting of "why you think they're offended."

During the meeting, the dean was fucking ridiculous. His logic was "You don't find that offensive? How would you like it if I pissed on your grandmothers grave?" First off, he didn't use the term "someone," he said "I" which is extremely personal, and not comparative at all, considering there was no intention of offense. Later he tried to relate to them by saying "I understand, I started trouble in college too," and then tells them a story about his college getting construction when he was there, and he called the cops saying that students were hanging out dressed as construction workers, and then warned the construction workers that students dressed as cops were coming to prank them, starting a small riot. Cuz yeah, walking into the library with a towel on is totally like starting a police war on campus.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Oh right, meant a specific type and not in general... blah. *Brainfart.*

And my commiserations Toxic, it is impossible to think of anything approaching useful on that, other than to agree.

I usually give people with bad experience the benefit of a doubt... But experiencing over-reactions, punishments followed by patronization is mind-boggling-ly stupid, among other things.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Don't get mad, get even. ;)
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Okay, even if someone had come into a library and said "uh is this the showers?" why would one automatically jump to Nazi death camps? I mean, he's wearing a fucking towel, so even if he had said showers over sauna, a shower is something people go into on a daily basis.

Holy fuck.

That's all I gotta say.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Didn't bother me none, but I thank you all for your consideration. I didn't get in any trouble after, and the one guy who couldn't choose classes cuz of the hold, we just helped hold classes for, so we could drop them before he took the open spot. Neither of them even did the assignment, they just apologized and said that if the holds weren't taken off, they'd seek legal action, and it sort of all just fizzled away slowly. Ahh, schools, you bullying pussies. Way to be like every bureaucracy or business, in that you push around people hoping they'll just take it because you're "authority" but cower the second you realize they have the balls to tell you to shove it.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I once had to delay registering for classes because I owed $0.23. Thing was, I didn't know much I owed, or that I even owed anything, so I drove up to campus and asked accounting why my account was frozen. The woman looked it up, then got a really sheepish look, and admited the problem. Seemed quite happy I didn't get all mad. Wasn't like I was some random student, because I turn my work slips into her, probably would not have liked it if I was always mad at her x.x However, despite only being a 3 mile drive, the trip cost more then the charge.

Oh, and the charge was because our bill was late. Why was the bill late, it arrived the last mail day before the 4th of July, due the Monday after, therefore even returning right then and there would mean it was late :rolleyes:
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread


Derp. Some people are too oversensetive, or look to find issues everywhere.

I have a billing story. On the bill, years back my parents owed one of the phone compoanies some money. Something like $5. Thing is, the comapny doesn't accept payments less than $20 or something, probably to ease up on paperwork and the like. When asked "How can we pay it?" they just said "We'll just roll it over into the next bill so you can pay it off then."

Now, the problem with all this is my parents had changed phone company. So we weren't getting any new charges with them. And every month, the bill for $5 would turn up, but they couldn't pay it. The phone company refused to let them, but also wouldn't stop sending the bill.

And you know, I might have to ask about that at christmas, because I don't remember if it was ever resolved. Who knows, maybe they;re still getting the bill.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well this is a much more amusing way to introduce myself than I would've come up with solo.

Name: It exists
Screenname / Nicknames: Never really had one.
Age: 21
Gender: not really sure, physically male
Current Country of Residence: USA

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: blond
Hair length: 3"
Breasts: I wish
Glasses: Contacts
Features: big and hairy, pretty dense frame, but not as fit as I'd like to be
Height: 6' 2"

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: blue
Hair color: dark red
Hair length: shoulder-blade length
Ears: not entirely sure what to put here
Breasts: prolly a C cup
Tail: nah, I like pants
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: that would be pretty cool
Glasses: sun glasses
Features: fit, still a dense frame
Height: eh 6'2" is nice
Cyclops: no, I like my depth perception
Skin: tan

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: huh?
My Fears: needles, just medical needles
Common Utterances: eh?, fuck that noise, zabbadada?
Is the glass half full, or half empty: The glass is twice as big as it needs to be
Bad Habits: procrastination, doing stupid things while tired

3 Things I Dislike:
1) how TV doesn't play good shows often enough
2) the lack of background music in real life
3) ignorance

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Masamune Shirow
Other manga of interest:too many to list
Video game series: Metroid
TV Show: House
Anime: Nanoha
Webcomic: no clue
Drink: rum & coke
Shoe: one that fits
Hat: fedora
Color: silver
Music Genre: metal
Internet Meme: rofl copter

Do I...

Smoke: nope
Swear: fuck no, I mean...
Flip out and kill people: sure why not
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: trying to
Knit scarves for orphans: nope
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: nope
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: a what?
Have furry leanings?: nope

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: nope, I just assume everything will go wrong and it does
Should Marty have gone back to it?: You mean from the Old West? yep

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: lurked for about a week and decided to finally stop
Other random trivia: e=m*c^2

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to the forums Stratiros, and don't worry about not knowing the zodiac. It doesn't come up often around here.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hi Strat!
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hi Stratiros! I always love fedoras...not on me but on other people, very stylish. Have fun. :)
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

My sister loves fedoras.