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JSK工房 Hgames Translation Thread

Hey guys,

I just wanna say thank you to all the translators here working for free (I guess?).
Your translations are always amazing.
If I could I would help you translate those games but I don't speak Japanese, I am not really into computer "science", I'm happy that I found the japanese language package for my PC but this is almost the limit of my computer knowledge and last but not least, as you might have noticed, English is not my mother tongue.

So thank you for your hard work and I will even leave a thumps up below this post.

Since there're a number of ongoing and/or halted translations for JSK's games, it's probably time that we start moving the discussion over to here to keep the original thread from being cluttered. Please discuss any translation efforts for his games here.

Link to the original thread.

For a general directory to a specific game, as well as other helpful guides about the translation efforts, feel free to use Delexicus's "The Community JSK Studio Guide" ( ).


Karen, Daughter of Martial Arts Plutocrat - HALTED
Crowd sourced translation. Current progress found here:

In order to restart, it needs proofreaders / translators.
(Donocad) : Hi, I'm Donocad, despite what's said in the guidelines, I found that many sentences were just pasted from machine translation. Please give me a hand to proofread all of this, or just a part.

Mia, Magical Buster Girl - IN PROGRESS
Translation done. Proofreading and shape modding in progress.
A nice font for the dialogues has been made by Delexicus, the "Frankenfont". It's integrated to the game now.

Contact Delexicus if you're willing to participate.

Irene, Restrain and Interrogation Princess Irene - IN PROGRESS
Translation in progress, by Icevail.

Reimi, the Queen of Martial Arts - IN PROGRESS
Proofreading in progress, by Donocad.
Addition of a new font, uncensoring, a complete translation of the menu, all of this are planned, and will included on the latest version.

Maki, Caring for my Moody Niece - IN PROGRESS
Uncensoring (by TheBomb), translation of the menu and guide, addition of the Frankenfont,… all of this is completed, except some button re-positioning and shapes editing.
Translation is in progress.
Pm Delexicus if you're willing to participate.

I'm waiting for the niece 😍 :D
I am almost certain that I did pull off a partial to that one, but I am not sure did I share with T-pals, or did someone else work on it.
You did share a copy with us, and it was integrated into our translation work. Unfortunately our translators for Satsuki are either inactive, or working on other JSK games.
I see.

270 Euro... convert to indonesian rupiah... 4 million!? I mean, IDR is relatively low value compared to dollar and euro but to be able to spend that much in one night is... idk, can't find word to express it.

I apologize in advance for just dropping by, commenting and leave nothing of value behind. but eh...

I do have a friend who took japanese language major, but iirc he wants money if I want to hire him. I'm on the last year of my university (was lagging behind because hentai and procrastination) so no money at the moment. translation is hard and you guys are doing it for free, I understand if my friend ask me to pay him (if only jokingly)
I see.

270 Euro... convert to indonesian rupiah... 4 million!? I mean, IDR is relatively low value compared to dollar and euro but to be able to spend that much in one night is... idk, can't find word to express it.

Bad drinking habits and expensive drinks, alcohol is heavily taxed on here, so its not cheap to consume.
(Prices skyrocket during holidays, for obvious reasons, more customers and they WILL pay anything to get their dose of liquid bread)

Small pint costs around 7-9€
Medium pint 10-12€
Large pint 13-18€

And that is just for regular beer / cider

Shots cost more, those go up to 16€ for just that tiny little shot glass, 10 of those and boom, already 160€ gone and you're not even drunk yet.
Or the special drinks, 12~22€ per drink / size

The prices are high since alcohol is heavily taxed upon and government is the sole supplier of it. 🤔
Bad drinking habits and expensive drinks, alcohol is heavily taxed on here, so its not cheap to consume.
(Prices skyrocket during holidays, for obvious reasons, more customers and they WILL pay anything to get their dose of liquid bread)

Small pint costs around 7-9€
Medium pint 10-12€
Large pint 13-18€

And that is just for regular beer / cider

Shots cost more, those go up to 16€ for just that tiny little shot glass, 10 of those and boom, already 160€ gone and you're not even drunk yet.
Or the special drinks, 12~22€ per drink / size

The prices are high since alcohol is heavily taxed upon and government is the sole supplier of it. 🤔

Being a non drinker myself, I never could understand the appeal of purposely dulling my senses like that. I've seen what it does to those around me, and it just seems like such a waste. Of time, of money, of self respect. I have more thoughts on the subject, but I'd rather concentrate on more productive measures at this moment.

On an unrelated note, I made a with my progress on the rental property. I'll keep it updated if anyone wants to know how much work is left before I can start up more translation work.

If it hasn't been rental property, I would have prefered to keep the attic usable, but you sure don't need it then ^^
It was surely way of a mess all you had to take away o_O
People think they can add layers and layers to keep a house warm, instead of doing things right with only one good time...
I had the walls covered with 4 layers, and the house was still all wet... but water could come from everywhere (ground, space between house and garage, enev the chimney xD)
We cleaned the walls leaving the stones naked, then we make a single isolation by outside, and the house is so nice now =)
If it hasn't been rental property, I would have prefered to keep the attic usable, but you sure don't need it then ^^
It was surely way of a mess all you had to take away o_O
People think they can add layers and layers to keep a house warm, instead of doing things right with only one good time...
I had the walls covered with 4 layers, and the house was still all wet... but water could come from everywhere (ground, space between house and garage, enev the chimney xD)
We cleaned the walls leaving the stones naked, then we make a single isolation by outside, and the house is so nice now =)
The attic will be fully usable. The center V supports are only temporary. They are wedged into place to remove the sag in the rafters. The knee walls and sistering studs can then be installed level. After the construction adhesive on the stud reinforced rafters have had three days to dry, the V supports are removed.

I'll try to remember to take a close up shot of the finished rafters for better clarity.
Hi, I'm new here, thought I would ask for some assistance though, because I'm having quite a bit of trouble.

I decided to try my hand at translating a Game (Although, I think there are probably translations out there for it, but I wanted to give it a go for myself), but I've run into a few walls. The Game I am translating is Miyui, and I've already decensored it, but I'm having some troubles with a few of the text changes.

My first, (and most Major Problem) is the Main Menu Buttons (and side option menu ones), because when I type the new text into the field, some of it ends up off screen, and I'm not sure how to get it to show all of the text.

Also, I'm not sure where to even begin with the translation of the Banner, the one that reads "美唯、隣の制服剣士" on the main screen. Not sure how to edit that type of text, because I can't find any text to alter, and somewhat afraid it won't be that simple lol.

Also Having trouble changing the "Normal Mode Extra Mode 1 etc. buttons, but not sure but what that's a similar problem to the banner.

Any advice is greatly appreciated, and thanks for your time. :)
My first, (and most Major Problem) is the Main Menu Buttons (and side option menu ones), because when I type the new text into the field, some of it ends up off screen, and I'm not sure how to get it to show all of the text.

You need to realign the text with use of X: ### and Y: ###,
and make sure the font you're currently using does have english lexicon included, otherwise it won't show up.

Also, I'm not sure where to even begin with the translation of the Banner, the one that reads "美唯、隣の制服剣士" on the main screen. Not sure how to edit that type of text, because I can't find any text to alter, and somewhat afraid it won't be that simple lol.

Its a image, you need to do some GIMPING with that, then replace the old banner with new one.
Yes, that simple. 🤣

Well, not really, you need to know how to properly use picture manipulation software to pull that one off decently.

Also Having trouble changing the "Normal Mode Extra Mode 1 etc. buttons, but not sure but what that's a similar problem to the banner.

You can't edit buttons directly, those are images that need to be edited with picture edit software, just like the banner.

Here is a in a nutshell guide for button editing

1. Get JPEXS FF dec - Skip if you already have it, its free to use and download, no keygens, cracks or space magic needed
2. Open the main sfw file in the software you just installed, or already have.
3. Select "Images" from the left
4. Find the image you wish to edit
5. Right click and choose 'Export Selection'
6. Choose PNG format, don't touch anything else
7. Select the directory you want to send the picture you've chosen.
8. Open the folder in which you exported the image into
9. Open the image with GIMP or any other avail image software you got
10. Translate with the means you have at your disposal
11. Do the picture editing part and save.
12. Open JPEX again, this time you right click the same image you exported, but choose "Replace - Update bounds"
13. Select the image you have photo edited
14. Repeat 3 to 13 until you're done
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Thanks Very much for the advice :), it's greatly appreciated.

I'm still not clear about one thing though, when editing X and Y values, which is vertical and which is horozontal? (Because it almost always is sufficent Vertical)

(Edit) Oh, and also, my JPEXS isn't linking anymore on "Dependent" and "Needed Characters" and I don;t know why. While it's not critical, it does speed up the work, so I was wondering if any one had any idea why it's doing this.

Thanks again :)
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(Edit) Oh, and also, my JPEXS isn't linking anymore on "Dependent" and "Needed Characters" and I don;t know why. While it's not critical, it does speed up the work, so I was wondering if any one had any idea why it's doing this.

Sorry, that is beyond my range of knowledge, you might want to refer to the creator site for further queries about the software's functionality. 🤔

I'm still not clear about one thing though, when editing X and Y values, which is vertical and which is horozontal? (Because it almost always is sufficent Vertical)

This is from the bottom right menu, where the music volume, etc can be changed, but applies to any shown texts.

xmin 325 <- Haven't really touched this, no idea.
ymin -32 <- Same as above.
xmax 1603 <- Determines the visibility zone of the text, if your text cuts off due to length, increase this value.
ymax 249 <- Same as above, but in height, increase if capital letters or smaller letters gets cut off.
font 52 <- The font group that is used to type the letters, change only if this font group doesn't have english letters in it, or if you want to use another font format.
height 240 <- Scale of the letters, aka how much big/small the text is on the screen.
letterspacing 5 <- How close, or far apart letters are shown from one another, also can be added if not present by default.
color #ffffff <- Text color, should be obvious.
x 280 <- This values determine where the text is shown, can be added if not already present (Left / Right).
y 220 <- Same as above (Up / Down).
]BGM <- The text that is shown, can be freely edited, as long as the chosen font has those letters in its group.

I assume this part is what you are confused with.

And on the bright side, I have the WHOLE December for myself, ball and chains go to family trip with her parents and siblings, while I'll get to stay back home, since I have to work, can't go with them and I need to feed our dog, heh.

Also on other topic, my mouse is acting up, whenever I scroll up or down, it keeps going to reverse direction at random intervals, and a lot at times, then the laser at bottom shuts down at times for few seconds, meaning mouse becomes unresponsive, the lights remain on, but it disconnects from pc, haven't had this issue before, thus I have no idea where the problem lies at, anyone here with knowledge over mouses?

I opened it up and cleaned it, but it did not help, or made anything worse and the mouse is quite new, 4 months old.
Model: Sandberg E-sports Equipment, eliminator mouse.
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Sorry, that is beyond my range of knowledge, you might want to refer to the creator site for further queries about the software's functionality. 🤔

This is from the bottom right menu, where the music volume, etc can be changed, but applies to any shown texts.

xmin 325 <- Haven't really touched this, no idea.
ymin -32 <- Same as above.
xmax 1603 <- Determines the visibility zone of the text, if your text cuts off due to length, increase this value.
ymax 249 <- Same as above, but in height, increase if capital letters or smaller letters gets cut off.
font 52 <- The font group that is used to type the letters, change only if this font group doesn't have english letters in it, or if you want to use another font format.
height 240 <- Scale of the letters, aka how much big/small the text is on the screen.
letterspacing 5 <- How close, or far apart letters are shown from one another, also can be added if not present by default.
color #ffffff <- Text color, should be obvious.
x 280 <- This values determine where the text is shown, can be added if not already present (Left / Right).
y 220 <- Same as above (Up / Down).
]BGM <- The text that is shown, can be freely edited, as long as the chosen font has those letters in its group.

I assume this part is what you are confused with.

And on the bright side, I have the WHOLE December for myself, ball and chains go to family trip with her parents and siblings, while I'll get to stay back home, since I have to work, can't go with them and I need to feed our dog, heh.

Also on other topic, my mouse is acting up, whenever I scroll up or down, it keeps going to reverse direction at random intervals, and a lot at times, then the laser at bottom shuts down at times for few seconds, meaning mouse becomes unresponsive, the lights remain on, but it disconnects from pc, haven't had this issue before, thus I have no idea where the problem lies at, anyone here with knowledge over mouses?

I opened it up and cleaned it, but it did not help, or made anything worse and the mouse is quite new, 4 months old.
Model: Sandberg E-sports Equipment, eliminator mouse.

Ok, thanks much :). I greatly appreciate the assistance :)
For your moouse, go warranty! you'll get a new one! (you tried reinstall the driver? is it a cordless mouse?)

Don't forget to enjoy the time you are alone! I hope you won't spend your nights translating hentai ;)
For your moouse, go warranty! you'll get a new one! (you tried reinstall the driver? is it a cordless mouse?)

Mouses don't get warranty around here, too "cheap" to have such, according to suppliers.
"Just buy another one" was the answer I got from the hardware store.

And yes, I reinstalled drivers few weeks ago after full format.
The mouse just randomly decided to go fubar on me, it has no other performance issues, but the scrolling and random disconnects just annoy me a bit

Don't forget to enjoy the time you are alone! I hope you won't spend your nights translating hentai

Well, that's the plan, I'll do ending translation to " " on top of Yugifan's partial and when done with that, I'll make partial to the new if it pops out during December, if not, I rework one of the more recent ones, while I catch up to the stuff I've missed.
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Can anyone suggest a good app or widget that could machine translate the games without unpacking the swfs manually?
Can anyone suggest a good app or widget that could machine translate the games without unpacking the swfs manually?

I haven't tried this out yet, but if the swf is converted to an exe you miiiiight be able to run it through google translate. Fan translations or official translations would be preferable to giberish though.