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JSK工房 Hgames Translation Thread

Sounds about right for translating, I'll share the pain by slowly translating the partial for How To Discipline a Shoplifting Girl.
Thankfully, I have no pressure to finish soon :p
Maybe you want to use these instead translating through jpexs.
Those are .txt files containing almost all the dialogue in Mika.


  • mika_txt_raw.zip
    525.4 KB · Views: 39
  • README.txt
    23.2 KB · Views: 26
Maybe you want to use these instead translating through jpexs.
Those are .txt files containing almost all the dialogue in Mika.
Thanks, but I already did my own similar thing where I made a parser in python code and extracted all the dialogue from the game into a csv dataframe with file, script, function, line-number, speecher, original-line, machine-translation, translation and notes, so I'm basically just staring at what you see below (essentially a huge excel sheet) and translating one line at a time. Sorry, I did before joining this forum and finding your bash parser.
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Thanks, but I already did my own similar thing where I made a parser in python code and extracted all the dialogue from the game into a csv dataframe with file, script, function, line-number, speecher, original-line, machine-translation, translation and notes, so I'm basically just staring at what you see below (essentially a huge excel sheet) and translating one line at a time. Sorry, I did before joining this forum and finding your bash parser.
View attachment 27975
Why apologizing, that's super cool !
Were you able to extract all lines, or only the ones in .as file ? If yes, how ?
Why apologizing, that's super cool !
Were you able to extract all lines, or only the ones in .as file ? If yes, how ?
I'm using JPEXS as well, it is a wonderful java application for this.
In this case I just took all the action scripts (.as files) out of the flash file and extracted all the strings from those, then sorted out the ones that aren't related to either dialogue or tooltips, then just have the script list every string and all it knows about each into the form of a semi-excel sheet (.csv file, which is just a comma separated tabular text file, simplicity is wonderful).
I have only tested it with this specific game (How To Discipline A Shoplifting Girl) so far, so I'm not sure it would work with others, though I could obviously just take a quick look inside the other games and I would know.
I'm not sure what you mean by other lines than the ones in the action scripts, unless you are thinking of the possible lines inside the flash as text tags, those I export as well though I just change those in notepad and leave them along with vector shapes and other stuff that I might want to translate, then when I feel like testing it I just run another python script to replace all lines and recompile the whole thing back into a flash file again.
It's really dirty, back it works perfectly at least so far.

I am most likely not nearly as knowledgeable on these methods as you, I have only been doing this a little hobby project for a few days.
I'm using JPEXS as well, it is a wonderful java application for this.
In this case I just took all the action scripts (.as files) out of the flash file and extracted all the strings from those, then sorted out the ones that aren't related to either dialogue or tooltips, then just have the script list every string and all it knows about each into the form of a semi-excel sheet (.csv file, which is just a comma separated tabular text file, simplicity is wonderful).
I have only tested it with this specific game (How To Discipline A Shoplifting Girl) so far, so I'm not sure it would work with others, though I could obviously just take a quick look inside the other games and I would know.
I'm not sure what you mean by other lines than the ones in the action scripts, unless you are thinking of the possible lines inside the flash as text tags, those I export as well though I just change those in notepad and leave them along with vector shapes and other stuff that I might want to translate, then when I feel like testing it I just run another python script to replace all lines and recompile the whole thing back into a flash file again.
It's really dirty, back it works perfectly at least so far.

I am most likely not nearly as knowledgeable on these methods as you, I have only been doing this a little hobby project for a few days.
Then your parser would work on other JSK games. I thought that you would edit the .csv file then give it to your parser to recompile it.
Same situation here, even this project have spanned over one year.
While I just open jpex, find all the lines manually, read through every damn line between 1 - XXXX, translate, hit the wrong save at times, flip the table because of it, and call it a day.
While I just open jpex, find all the lines manually, read through every damn line between 1 - XXXX, translate, hit the wrong save at times, flip the table because of it, and call it a day.
Hmm, a "deja vu". Too bad.
Then your parser would work on other JSK games. I thought that you would edit the .csv file then give it to your parser to recompile it.
Same situation here, even this project have spanned over one year.
Well that is just the translation part, I just have the decompiler and python script fill that csv with everything that can possibly help me translate everything, like which lines are related to which, at what time the line would chronologically appear etc.
Then I just run the reverse script which replaces every line in the action script and recompiles.

While I just open jpex, find all the lines manually, read through every damn line between 1 - XXXX, translate, hit the wrong save at times, flip the table because of it, and call it a day.
Well... Some people like making things hard on themselves. Or maybe you are just not the coder sort to just pop your own parser together on a whim.
Well... Some people like making things hard on themselves. Or maybe you are just not the coder sort to just pop your own parser together on a whim.

I have no clues about coding, not one bit, its pure rocket science for me, any attempts trying to explain it to me yields no results.

So I do what I can learn to do, tear it apart and put it back together, hoping it still works, the hard way.

And on that note, I am hitting the sack, been sitting on pc for almost 13 hours nonstop.. 🥴
Is the Uncle niece one translated?
Patience, I imagine there is like 5000+ lines to be translated. It takes time, we gotta be nice and patient.

I have no clues about coding, not one bit, its pure rocket science for me, any attempts trying to explain it to me yields no results.

So I do what I can learn to do, tear it apart and put it back together, hoping it still works, the hard way.

And on that note, I am hitting the sack, been sitting on pc for almost 13 hours nonstop.. 🥴
If it works then it works. Though I would be tempted to throw together some application to help translators like Donocad did, cause just translating in JPEXS sounds pretty horrible and slow.
Patience, I imagine there is like 5000+ lines to be translated. It takes time, we gotta be nice and patient.

If it works then it works. Though I would be tempted to throw together some application to help translators like Donocad did, cause just translating in JPEXS sounds pretty horrible and slow.
Another forum member @jameson252 is working on just such a Windows based GUI for exporting and importing dialogue from action script files. Perhaps you two could brainstorm a bit on what features you'd like added.
Partial status for Cheeky bree.. I mean Cheeky devil.

UI = 100%
Players questions = 80% (estimate)
Nano's dialogue = 30% (same as above)
Lewd content = None

Edit; The moment when you forget to type one letter from a word and it changes the whole situation to pure comedy when it comes as you play through the scene.

"Mom said that people close to one another take baths together."

Now guess which letter from what word was missing?

It was 'baths', I had written it as 'bats'.
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Another forum member @jameson252 is working on just such a Windows based GUI for exporting and importing dialogue from action script files. Perhaps you two could brainstorm a bit on what features you'd like added.
What features we want would depend on what translators would find helpful, like what features would you like to see Delexicus and Icevail to help you speed up translations? Else it is really only the imagination that sets the limits, and you will have an express bus to development-hell (though a text parser obviously would have certain limits, though they are far-far further out than you might immediately think).
We can properly fairly easily start some development and have a solid application by new year. Obviously, depending on what people dream about having while translating.
What features we want would depend on what translators would find helpful, like what features would you like to see Delexicus and Icevail to help you speed up translations? Else it is really only the imagination that sets the limits, and you will have an express bus to development-hell (though a text parser obviously would have certain limits, though they are far-far further out than you might immediately think).
We can properly fairly easily start some development and have a solid application by new year. Obviously, depending on what people dream about having while translating.
Primarily, I'd like an easy to use GUI as the base. I know Icevail uses FFDEC as his only means of translating. My understanding is this is because he has a less technical background. A nice and simple to use GUI would go a long way to helping out our most prolific translator make more efficient use of his time.

Another idea would be to have a simple button to translate all the game SFX. I have a SFX translation definition file that I made up a while back with JoSmiHnTh's help. A simple search and replace function pointing at the extracted dialogue would do the trick. It's included in the latest BETA of the JSK Codec under H-Translator.

We also made up a way to auto remove the mosaic censors. It's included in the latest BETA of the JSK Codec under H-Translator as well. It's basically a multi line search and replace that searches for two specific terms. This was based off of Noxtek's work. If this could be made into another simple to use button, it would be another great time saver.

Also, detect and consolidate duplicate lines. There are a TON of duplicate lines in JSK games. Any way to reduce the drudgery of re-translating the same lines over and over would go a long way.

Anyway, these are the broad strokes of what I think would be useful in a GUI based dialogue parser.

EDIT 1: I forgot to mention the main feature to have. The ability to export and import the dialogue into a TXT file. This will allow the translators to easily translate and edit their work. With a standard word processing program.
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Delexicus is right, I am literally on stone age when it comes to advanced PC stuff, I know how to build and maintain PC operational for way past its best before date, but when it comes to inner works of softwares, I come armed with a torch and pitchfork, calling you a witch 🤣

And then there is the ball and chain issue that throws wrenches on the gear, when she is around, its nigh impossible to get anything done translation wise, she doesn't like hentai or anime, the whole story is somewhere on this thread, time is not exactly on my side when it comes to translations, unless there is something that keeps the ball and chain away, such as now, the christmas trip I send her and her parents to , its just me and our dog for the whole december.

*Shoo, shoo* Let me do my thing, social expectations and morals, let me be the degenerate I am!

Edit, thanks to power of copy paste and non existent partial photographic symbol memory, the player questions are done.

Now I have to play out the game for the first time and spot where I have gone wrong.

Here's small peeks from what it looks like as of now, the text are translated but not aligned properly, some go way past the boxes and borders, and that is bit beyond my knowledge to fix, I know its about X / Y stuff, but boy I am bad at math, if I can't calculate it within my head, its beyond me xD

I'll reset my brain from the moonrunes, a day break, then I move to working on Nano's dialogue bits, I've done some, but skipped unimportant repetitive parts, as I felt those are a low priority.


  • 1576584201706.png
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  • 1576584232478.png
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Here's small peeks from what it looks like as of now, the text are translated but not aligned properly, some go way past the boxes and borders, and that is bit beyond my knowledge to fix, I know its about X / Y stuff, but boy I am bad at math, if I can't calculate it within my head, its beyond me xD

We can probably fix that whenever you think you are done with your partial. If no-one else does it, I will, I also really want to translate that title and UI elements, they trigger me.
It should be done on my part in day or two, there are only few points left that are necessary to be in english in terms of progression, that's usually where I stop with the partials, when one can reach the endings that require more than lewd and rapey actions.

I still need to play through all segments to makes sure I did not skip any play choices along the way.

The last thing I do is add the ending start and end dialogues, as I consider those to be part of the story bits.

Edit; And I am done with the above.

All that is left is Nano's dialogue lines, the repetitive kind for the most part.

Current progress;

Player choices 100% (estimate, not sure if I came across all the choices on my playthroughs)
UI = 100%
nano's dialogue = 30%, unchanged, I fixed typos and such.

I will add the ending dialogues on main swf and call it there, itsn ot much, but its something., if someone wants to finish it, be my guest.

After that, its for the rest of the commutes to finish / modify / fix, I also left one gift in one of the 4 endings, I translated one bit out of it and well, you'll see once you get your hands on it.

In few hours, I'll give the link to T-pals.
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