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JSK工房 Hgames Translation Thread


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Mar 18, 2020
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Thank you, I'm slightly impressed shoplifting girl hasn't been fully translated, yet Princess Irene is fully done.


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Dec 20, 2018
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I forgot to link the JAVA GUI Parser usage guide into the Community Guide. Fixed that. Here's the for your convenience.

EDIT 1) Junkev made a stellar logo for Cornered by a Cheeky Devil. Same goes for A Fighter Mistook me for her Rival. I'm merging them into the current translations.

View attachment 30049

View attachment 30050
Yo, these are pretty fly though.


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2018
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Anyone want to take a crack at translating the new game's title?


Google translates it to:

Is the Demon King aiming for life by an elf female knight?

That doesn't sound right though. Another site gives this translation.

Is the King of the Devil Being Killed by the Knights of the Elven Woman?

Based on these I'd start with...

Will the Demon King survive the elven knight?

I'm sure we can come up with something better though.


Apr 7, 2016
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"Wasn't the Demonlord aiming for the elven knight's life?"
"Wasn't the Demonlord going after elven knight's life?"

Would be my uneducated suggestions for the title :unsure:

I left the female part out on purpose out from the translation since knight is a genderless title in the west.
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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2018
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"Wasn't the Demonlord aiming for the elven knight's life?"
"Wasn't the Demonlord going after elven knight's life?"

Would be my uneducated suggestions for the title :unsure:

I left the female part out on purpose out from the translation since knight is a genderless title in the west.
Of the choices, I like your first one. Maybe I just don't like the original game name. It's too wordy. A good title should be either short and sweet, or have a touch of word play.


Maybe it could be stated in the inverse.

"Will the Demon King spare the elven knight's life?"
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Apr 7, 2016
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Whichever is more pleasant to read, I'll refer the title as 'devi elf' as time progresses :unsure:
I'll see if I can make a partial to it on the upcoming week, unless someone else is already on it, that is.
If so, I just make a private one for myself and won't hog the spot light from others wanting to do it.

But I can make much more better suggestion once I know what the story is about, is MC being the attacked party or the attacker, for example makes it much more easier to give proper title once I know the story bit better.
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Apr 7, 2016
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I can see why JSK was pointing out the dialogue slowing down the progress, there is more than usual amount of dialogue between fights and after those in devielf :unsure:

As for the title suggestion, since now I know we are the one who gets attacked, I'd suggest the following;

"Can the demonlord survive elven knight's attempt on his life?"
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Apr 7, 2016
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And triple post from me;

Devielf (The latest JSK title about demonlord and busty elf) partial is done and contains;

- Latina's pre / post battle dialogues in story
- Player choices
- Battle UI
- Skills (might have missed something, but nothing crucial)
- Main title UI (the gallery scene choices to be exact)
- Casual joke line after one certain scene, (No, not a JoJo ref), I couldn't resist using that one.
- Ending intro / outro

What it doesn't contain;

- Sex scene buttons
- Sex scene smut
- mid battle smack talk
- Corona
- Decensor
- Sponsorship ads paid by Raid;shadow legend.

I have yet to play test it myself to see if I fubared anywhere.

I'll add next the battle sex scene intros and outros.


I hit the nail on the hypnosis dialogue being similar to that aiue oka's bully hypnosis doujin.
Hypno Latina literally thinks sex is torment for the mao-sama, and cumming inside her is the greatest weakness he has. 🤣
And boy, she is mean under that spell. :eek:
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Jan 5, 2020
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Hi, I haven't posted anything just yet, but I started working on a translation for the latest JSK game "Devielf" as Icevail mentioned.
I've translated most of the sex scenes, but I can't figure out how to get the script for the dialog for when you start f****** her and for the dialog between fights.
If anything I could help completing the translation, Icevail. I'll be happy to help.
And triple post from me;

Devielf (The latest JSK title about demonlord and busty elf) partial is done and contains;

- Latina's pre / post battle dialogues in story
- Player choices
- Battle UI
- Skills (might have missed something, but nothing crucial)
- Main title UI (the gallery scene choices to be exact)
- Casual joke line after one certain scene, (No, not a JoJo ref), I couldn't resist using that one.
- Ending intro / outro

What it doesn't contain;

- Sex scene buttons
- Sex scene smut
- mid battle smack talk
- Corona
- Decensor
- Sponsorship ads paid by Raid;shadow legend.

I have yet to play test it myself to see if I fubared anywhere.

I'll add next the battle sex scene intros and outros.


I hit the nail on the hypnosis dialogue being similar to that aiue oka's bully hypnosis doujin.
Hypno Latina literally thinks sex is torment for the mao-sama, and cumming inside her is the greatest weakness he has. 🤣
And boy, she is mean under that spell. :eek:
And good work btw :)


Apr 7, 2016
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Main timeline of each scene in question has the before insertion lines.

For example: H_D_4; MainTimeline AS; line 378 contains pre insertion dialogues for all routes, the last 4 x [code here written here ] ones are after main story scenes, the first one is the story mode, rest in between are fillers with no purpose, never understood why add something in the code that serves no purpose other than as placeholder, and since the code is similar in all sub folder files, its fairly easy to pinpoint the needed lines if you know where one is, you know here the others are. (y)

Same applies to endings, when you switch positions before insertion, already done with that part.

The post battle dialogue is in the エルフの騎士.swf's, all of it is in there, for all routes and outcomes in regards to story dialogue, and I tell you, there is a lot of it.

Also, the feeling when some dialogues simply are way too long in english to fit in the chat box, and making it shorter would leave out half of it or Latina's responses wouldn't make any sense in turn.
"The fact that you want to live in peace, only means you elves are worthless." *diags would be the full line and I already shortened it a lot.
Decision, decisions.. :unsure:

Also did few lines for the fore mentioned H_D_4 (hypno cowgirl) *diags2 when I was checking hypno content up.


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Jan 5, 2020
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Main timeline of each scene in question has the before insertion lines.

For example: H_D_4; MainTimeline AS; line 378 contains pre insertion dialogues for all routes, the last 4 x [code here written here ] ones are after main story scenes, the first one is the story mode, rest in between are fillers with no purpose, never understood why add something in the code that serves no purpose other than as placeholder, and since the code is similar in all sub folder files, its fairly easy to pinpoint the needed lines if you know where one is, you know here the others are. (y)

Same applies to endings, when you switch positions before insertion, already done with that part.

The post battle dialogue is in the エルフの騎士.swf's, all of it is in there, for all routes and outcomes in regards to story dialogue, and I tell you, there is a lot of it.

Also, the feeling when some dialogues simply are way too long in english to fit in the chat box, and making it shorter would leave out half of it or Latina's responses wouldn't make any sense in turn.
"The fact that you want to live in peace, only means you elves are worthless." *diags would be the full line and I already shortened it a lot.
Decision, decisions.. :unsure:

Also did few lines for the fore mentioned H_D_4 (hypno cowgirl) *diags2 when I was checking hypno content up.
I know what you mean, but you must have in mind that machine translation is very raw. It's really hard to simply translate some slangs. I've been trying to understand what's happening and changing the dialog according to the scene. IE.: I've been getting a lot of "You're going to commit to me" in the machine translation, but after seeing when and where this phrase has been used I assumed it means something like "You're going do it to me", so I've been translating it to "You're going to fuck me" or "You're going to rape me" according to what route the dialog is in.
I've been trying to get Latina's mood into the dialog.

Btw, I've been able to translate pre-insertion dialog and the ending dialog, but I haven't been able to translate the after-insertion dialog.

I searched through the entire "maintimeline" of the エルフの騎士.swf file and I still can't find the story dialogue.
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Apr 7, 2016
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The after insertion dialogue is on line 188, search with "Insert_taiki" on any of the sub folder file dialogue's AS's if you have trouble locating it.

And main story dialogues are on *See attached picture*

The starting intro and all story dialogues are at the scripts 192 and 172 right below it.

Latina has following mind sets; <--- heavy IMHO, doesn't stand as accurate I bring it out as

A virgin holy knight that thinks hand holding is too lewd = Story mode Latina

Rape; Subservient slave, that begrudgingly accepts her fate.
Masochist; "Hurt me more, snake, and by hurt, I mean fuck my brains out and knock me up as punishment for being so impudent before I met you, drown me in your seed and pleasure."
Trap / jail /confinement; "Do your worst, I can take it, come at me, bro. (T-posing)", too proud to admit defeat, holy knight this and that and swears she gets her vengeance some day.
Love; "If you think I am worthy of you, I have no issues of you partaking on me whenever and however you so desire, I kind of want your offspring too, so grace me with your demonseed, my dear demonlord"

And finally her hypno mode; Just go read aiue oka's bullying doujin with hypno power, you get gist of it real fast, Latina gets nasty real fast under hypnosis, all that verbal assault, though I might have spiced up it on my end a bit. 🤣

If that gives any indication on mood writing.


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New member
Jan 5, 2020
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The after insertion dialogue is on line 188, search with "Insert_taiki" on any of the sub folder file dialogue's AS's if you have trouble locating it.

And main story dialogues are on *See attached picture*

The starting intro and all story dialogues are at the scripts 192 and 172 right below it.

Latina has following mind sets; <--- heavy IMHO, doesn't stand as accurate I bring it out as

A virgin holy knight that thinks hand holding is too lewd = Story mode Latina

Rape; Subservient slave, that begrudgingly accepts her fate.
Masochist; "Hurt me more, snake, and by hurt, I mean fuck my brains out and knock me up as punishment for being so impudent before I met you, drown me in your seed and pleasure."
Trap / jail /confinement; "Do your worst, I can take it, come at me, bro. (T-posing)", too proud to admit defeat, holy knight this and that and swears she gets her vengeance some day.
Love; "If you think I am worthy of you, I have no issues of you partaking on me whenever and however you so desire, I kind of want your offspring too, so grace me with your demonseed, my dear demonlord"

And finally her hypno mode; Just go read aiue oka's bullying doujin with hypno power, you get gist of it real fast, Latina gets nasty real fast under hypnosis, all that verbal assault, though I might have spiced up it on my end a bit. 🤣

If that gives any indication on mood writing.
Thanks a ton. I finally found it, I've finished all the sub scenes and I'll start working on the story dialogues right away, thanks to you!


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2018
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Just a reminder. Tengux's GUI parser can be used to combine different people's translations. This should be especially helpful with Icevail's and Johnro's work on Devielf. Here's a for quick reference. It would also make online collaboration easy if you upload the merged translation CSV file to Google sheets. Then share access to the sheet with whoever you're translating with. The GUI parser is located in the JSK Repository section. It's in the GUI Java Translation Tool folder.


Apr 7, 2016
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Well, the initial Devielf partial is ready now, for the most part, there might be typo here and there. 😴

Same deal as always, if someone wants to finish it up, go ahead, if no one does it, I will gradually upgrade the content for few months, unless this corona fubars world to a point where its every man, woman child and man of culture for themselves. 🤣 Please note that ball and chain might tell me to stop at moment's notice once this pandemic is over, she can't complain now since we're kind of stuck in our apartment till the lockdowns are lifted.

I still haven't fixed the player choices on few parts, due to those being long as fuck in moonspeak, and space is less than ideal to write it down in western lexicons, having trouble on how I should write it down as within the given space. 😵

I'll upload it to mega and pass the link to T-pals.

Note that I will only provide the main swf this time around, my sub folder files are obsolete, but my partial SHOULD work with the newer version of the game, assuming no changes were made to it by JSK on the latest update, ASSUMING NO changes were made to it. :unsure:

So please do make a back up of your raw file BEFORE you paste the partial into the game folder. 🤣

I dont want to come back to see my mailbox filled with "the game broke after your partial install" stuff. 🧐

You get past the story bit and fighting parts now, sex scene intro / outros not included due those being, as I previously mentioned, part of obsolete files.

If I missed something, do send PM and I'll look into it asap, otherwise I assume everything is balanced, as everything should be.
As long as its crucial for the progression.

Until next time, my dear coronial marines.
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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2018
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I'm uploading Icevail's partial of Latina now. I also ported the translation over to the new version with Tengux's GUI parser. It did not transfer everything, but it caught a lot. Maybe when Tengux has free time again, we can update the GUI parser to grab more stuff for version porting.


Active member
Dec 20, 2018
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Well, the initial Devielf partial is ready now, for the most part, there might be typo here and there. 😴

Same deal as always, if someone wants to finish it up, go ahead, if no one does it, I will gradually upgrade the content for few months, unless this corona fubars world to a point where its every man, woman child and man of culture for themselves. 🤣 Please note that ball and chain might tell me to stop at moment's notice once this pandemic is over, she can't complain now since we're kind of stuck in our apartment till the lockdowns are lifted.

I still haven't fixed the player choices on few parts, due to those being long as fuck in moonspeak, and space is less than ideal to write it down in western lexicons, having trouble on how I should write it down as within the given space. 😵

I'll upload it to mega and pass the link to T-pals.

Note that I will only provide the main swf this time around, my sub folder files are obsolete, but my partial SHOULD work with the newer version of the game, assuming no changes were made to it by JSK on the latest update, ASSUMING NO changes were made to it. :unsure:

So please do make a back up of your raw file BEFORE you paste the partial into the game folder. 🤣

I dont want to come back to see my mailbox filled with "the game broke after your partial install" stuff. 🧐

You get past the story bit and fighting parts now, sex scene intro / outros not included due those being, as I previously mentioned, part of obsolete files.

If I missed something, do send PM and I'll look into it asap, otherwise I assume everything is balanced, as everything should be.
As long as its crucial for the progression.

Until next time, my dear coronial marines.
I'm uploading Icevail's partial of Latina now. I also ported the translation over to the new version with Tengux's GUI parser. It did not transfer everything, but it caught a lot. Maybe when Tengux has free time again, we can update the GUI parser to grab more stuff for version porting.
Thanks for everything you guys do! You all really go the full mile when it comes to this stuff and it shows.


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Jan 21, 2019
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Hi, first time typing in this thread. I am having a problem here with Latina. I was playing around with the JSK Parser, I was able to deconstruct it and tried editing the text but whenever I tried recompiling it, the text doesn't go to the correct scene. Example, I edited a text from H-D-1, after recompiled, that particular text went to end1, end2, end3 and end4, leaving H-D-1 untouch. Anyone having this issue?