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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Holy shit, man, congrats. One of few members in this forum I respect deserve this happiness.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Damn Alias, yer getting more well wishes than I did. Well done.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hey, congrats....now thats done with: Good Luck!OY PEOPLE WITH POWER, some guy is hogging all the glory and spotlight
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Thanks for all the well wishes! =D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Congratulations, that's something big
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Congratulations, Alias!

I wish you only happyness,...etc.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hrm...seems like the last time I was online was 6 days ago. Makes sense, the internet has been down since last Friday and shows no signs of recovering. My parents are planning on switching internet providers, Tiscali is a load of bollocks because we've had tons of problems with them so maybe Sky will be better. Dunno when that will be though as we need to get the MAC code off Tiscali so we can switch over. I'm currently using my uncles internet so I doubt I'll be able to pop on all that often.

Hopefully I'll be active again soon, but for now I'll be fairly inactive.

And congrats Alias, heres hoping you can reign in your woman better than my father.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, for some less exciting announcements. Yesterday I rappelled down from the roof of a 60m tall hotel. I am very proud^^

Tomorrow morning I'm catching a plane to Barcelona. I am very much looking forwards too it. And it occures too me that whenever I have something planned, for some reason, everything else that I might want to attend ends up on the days booked for something else.

Example: Today+ friday+ weekend is set asside for packing, transport of a car and Barcelona. That's 4 days. I'm missing, one movienight with a whole bunch of girls. (no other guys:p) one birthdayparty, one more birthdayparty, and a beach barbeque. I mean WTF? Anyways, I'm gonna be gone the next few days, so bye, see y'all.

And for the sake of peace, nobody die this time. Please.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Several people... For some reason people had relatives dying, and a lot of the people here had boyfriend/girlfriend troubles. I dunno why. I hope you can keep it together this time.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, I've only got an imaginary boyfriend right now...although rumor has it his father is trying to kill him, so we'll have to see how that goes *laughs* (I love my GM.)

I make no promises to behave myself while you're gone, Wonder. But I do promise not to burn down the forum. It's the best I can do.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm not gonna share with any of you if there's a death in my family. That's not the kinda thing I share with the internet.

That said, if I die, I have a computer virus that will launch some old Soviet Nukes at the moon to carve my obituary upon its surface.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Several people... For some reason people had relatives dying, and a lot of the people here had boyfriend/girlfriend troubles. I dunno why. I hope you can keep it together this time.

Obviously without your presence, which appears to be the seed of life, ULMF slowly kills off it's members and there families. You should apply for the Million Dollar Challenge by James Randi for this supernatural ability of awesome.