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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

My workplace was fairly SAD free.

Which is good, because the only thing worse than having no one is having someone and knowing you can't do anything with them.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, my new friend is really into DnD and WoW and is trying to get me to try them. I have no clue what the hell I'd be doing, but I figured of anyone I know, you all would have some advice; good bad or ugly.

Thoughts? And thanks!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Worth a shot. It might be a bit confusing starting up, but really fun once it gets going.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

DnD is as good as the people you do it with, if you play with your friends just to have fun it's a nice experience, if you do it with a bunch of people you don't know, it can get pretty awkward i guess.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

We have a Terrier mix at the school who is having clotting problems. They aren't going to be able to do surgery on him, and I'm hoping it's just a Vitamin K deficiency. I'm going to go in early tomorrow (on my day off) to check up on him. Poor little Shorty...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, my new friend is really into DnD and WoW and is trying to get me to try them. I have no clue what the hell I'd be doing, but I figured of anyone I know, you all would have some advice; good bad or ugly.

Thoughts? And thanks!

WoW sucks. >: |

As far as D&D, the game varies a lot by edition. Listen to the various class options, hopefully have someone describe them in a light manner; such as: "Sorcerers are spellcasters that get lots of spells per day, but not a lot of variety in what they can do with them" or "Clerics are healbots, but they also rock around in heavy armour and can lay beatdowns on baddies pretty good too" or "Bards can do a bit of everything, but their key focus is making everyone else better"

You don't want someone getting into heavy system mechanics while you're starting out. I also recommend getting someone to make a character with you; try to be as involved in the character creation process as you can manage, but it ultimately depends on how well you can keep up. Ideally you want to be in a lower level game so there's less things to do, but if that's not available, just try to find someone who seems to be good at helping you understand.

Don't be overwhelmed by the amount of crap in it. People have rulebooks to consult for a reason, there's a lot of shit to learn and you're not expected to know it all. But try to pick up basics like where to look for your armour class, your hitpoints, the number you add to the dice when you make attacks etc. because some people get annoyed when people have to ask where they find those sort of things every time; because they're called upon so often.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm inclined to agree with what Inc said about getting into the game. If you have questions and the like, there are enough of us around here to ask questions of that hopefully we'll be able to help.

*sighs* So, I just found out today that I will, by April likely, be joining the ranks of the gainfully unemployed. It's something that I've seen coming and there've been talks about the company doing the whole Chapter 11 bit and the like, but we really didn't think it'd be *our* store closing (especially when there's another, smaller store in the nearby mall that already escaped the jaws of death once.) So, yeah. I'm trying to look positively at this (I've been through this before, if the store does close by April, I won't have to worry about my Boston vacation) but then, I've been through this before and according to some of my co-workers Facebook updates, we *already* have vultures calling to see when we're marking stuff down.

At least I'm not attached to a lot of the decorations and fixtures in the store like I was at Media Play where we had fun cool stuff.

Ah well. I need to head to bed. Want to make sure I'm actually there for the morning meeting tomorrow instead of rolling in right on the 10 o'clock mark like I usually do. Probably have a lot to say.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

:/ I'm sorry to hear that Copper. Your job market sucks right now...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Ouch Copper, that sucks. I know how you feel.

Best of luck in the job hunt.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Looking for work is a full time job, good luck.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Eww I'm sorry to hear that Copper... Here's to ya finding a new job asap!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Sorry to hear about that Copper, good luck with the job hunt.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Shorty is doing alright, he got transferred to a facility that had more meds than we do, and is capable of treating him\
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, thanks for the good luck wishes, guys. I guess I'm going to have to see what's out there and where I'd like to go. In the meantime, like I said, going to enjoy the time off and think positively. At least I'm not adverse to jumping into the retail market, unlike a friend of mine. But, we'll see. We'll see.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I just counted over $8000 in end of day revenue for the bar i was 2ICing. And the boss made me do it an annoying and needlessly roundabout way. I am so paranoid i made k mistake somewhere because I'm fully accountable for any discrepancies.

I also learned that over $500 in coins is quite heavy.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I just counted over $8000 in end of day revenue for the bar i was 2ICing. And the boss made me do it an annoying and needlessly roundabout way. I am so paranoid i made k mistake somewhere because I'm fully accountable for any discrepancies.

I also learned that over $500 in coins is quite heavy.

Coins ARE heavy. My change from lunch on campus (which always includes 4 pennies x.x), after eating eight times, is enough to fill a bag heavy enough that would seriously make a good weapon to bash someone's skull in with.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

man, as if have pennies. I know most americans would go batshit insane and grind to a halt about occasionaly having to pay 2 cents more but life is easier when the smallest coin you have is 5 cents.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I return from my expedition to Katsucon!

-4 books of the Psychic Academy manga series
-Japanese candy
-a 'Special Kitty' mouse pad and a signed poster from Danielle Corsetto
-a picture of the Iron Giant drawn by Bill Ellis from
-random Katsucon freebies.

Got to meet Danielle Corsetto ( ) and Frank Cho ( and I think he's drawing for Marvel now if I heard right?) IN PERSON.