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Milk Love.

Re: Milk Love.

A. BUT NO HUG! It'll just stimulate Kanami's breasts again.
Re: Milk Love.

because its logical than she will ask
Re: Milk Love.

(Lila's not as educated as Kanami. She may have pulled out a GROWTH enhancer for all she'd know. Kanami's milk is back to 500)

"What are those?" Lila tilts her head curiously. Kanami replies, "These are milk enhancers. Back when I was captive, I developed a layered drug that, when this is used, enhances my milk energy so I don't break. It was very risky, as only certain chemistries of people could be able to use it. It helped me stay sane instead of one of those that'd mindlessly do whatever the warriors tell me.

Kanami smiles, winking. "Sorry, but I don't have the resources to do the same for you."

A.) Go straight.

B.) Go right.

C.) Go left.
Re: Milk Love.

A! Making a turn at all could lead us in a circle.
Re: Milk Love.

Everything keeps happening when we go straight...
A. it'll end eventually...
Re: Milk Love.

A. No need to start changing up directions and getting lost.
Re: Milk Love.

A. Twisted1 is right. Keep with a direction until some clue as to what lies anywhere makes itself known. (I took the liberty to just jump right in here. This story is my cup of beverage-of-choice!)
Re: Milk Love.

They both head right out of the forest to the other side. It seems to be a ravaged city. Kanami smiles. "Well.... at least we're going to live modern again, huh?" Lila laughs a bit. "I guess...."

They head up to a building labeled "Hospital" and a building labeled "Shop". Lila thinks for a bit. "Hmm.... where do we go first to ask for questions? The shopkeeper may not be as friendly as the nurses..."

Kanami looks to the buildings, thinking.

A.) Shop

B.) Hospital

C.) Alleyways (Heeheeh. <3)
Re: Milk Love.

A, shop

The hospitial will probably end up being full of naughty nurses who want Lila to play with them....
Re: Milk Love.


Im sure than this one will dont end fine, too
Re: Milk Love.

I like A as well - although what the shopkeeper will want in return for his wares... poor Lila. More milk-power down the drain(er), no doubt. At least she'll get some clothes out of the deal, right?
Re: Milk Love.


I think chuckling after the alleyway is a good sign nothing bad can happen. ^-^
Re: Milk Love.


For tied votes are more fun.
Re: Milk Love.

B.) I have a feeling either way will lead to milk lossage. But for some reason I get the impression that a hospital will be....... safer?
Re: Milk Love.

C, because failing is more fun than succeeding anyway.

Hidden super secret item get?
Re: Milk Love.

(I need a good logo for this CYOA, as it seems to be picking up in popularity.)

Kanami and Lila move toward the alleyways, hoping to get past the city altogether. Lila looks around, seeing nothing. Suddenly, wild Grown Sucker Tendrils by the thousands slither up like snakes. The two run toward what seems to be a dead end. Lila squeaks as she is taken by several of the sucker tendrils, dragged to the distance. Kanami steps back, drawing out her anti-milker syringe.

A Sucker Tendril seems about to jump overhead to Kanami to keep her away from the pale Lila. It seems she has to aim high or low to keep Lila, and sometimes even herself safe from the tendrils.

It is about to jump to her shoulders to chest.

A.) Aim high

B.) Aim low

C.) Aim middle.