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Garnering Interest: Paradise


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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I'm calling this.. a sci-fi thriller game, mixed in with a bit o' monster rape and forced pregnancy. I like what RJ put together in AWMBI, and am hoping to keep with some of the mystery he had in that game. There's definitely going to be some base building, as well as PvP. I'm hoping to see at least four players before I start posting everything here..

Table o' contents – Press Ctrl + F and then the code in brackets if you want to skip to a certain area.
Story- [STOR]
Character Creation- [CHCR] (Nearly Finished!)
Choosing a Corporation [CORC]
Choosing a Race [RACC]
Choosing your Stats [STAC]
Choosing your Class [CLAC]

Space was much more empty than even detractors of the government could hope for. Once humans left the Sol system, it took a while to get to the desolate Alpha Centauri, and even longer to see the far-away Sirius, but every planet the humans came across required almost a century of Terraforming. In a desperate attempt, the government sends out 8 manned expeditions, meant to go beyond the known frontier. Sadly, the current world government wouldn't see this plan come to fruition, mostly from growing concerns that a global government couldn't take care of the overcrowding problem fast enough.

Four corporations stepped up to challenge the government, each one offering their own, unique solutions to the problems plaguing Earth. Helix And Fissure, originally a think tank, had set up a dominant market in North and South America, using Genetic Modification to extend the lives of it's customers, as well as offer some other exotic modifications. The Sulander Corporation, a pioneer in the developing market of robotics, worked on making cybernetic enhancements and AI-controlled systems to ease the life and workload of it's main market, Europe and Russia. Yutani Industries became a major player in the global market after manufacturing arms, building sophisticated targeting systems for their massive mobile platforms that dotted the skies all over Asia. The Lunar Foundation was the last corporation, who focused on mainly trying to 'heal' the world of it's injuries, returning the Middle East to a veritable oasis.

All four companies gained popularity, to the point where they took over the local seats of government in their area of control, setting up dominance and trying to quell the ever growing populace. Wars broke out, people died, peace was made, and the never-ending patterns of wars and small skirmishes between the companies quickly began common, menial tasks...

Until a Faster Than Light transmission was received from Voyager 8, one of the manned expeditions. It read: PARADISE FOUND. BUILDING FTL BUOY.
For once, the squabbling of the corporations came to an end, as every person on Earth turned their eyes to the stars once more. Maybe that really was the solution to the problems they were facing on their home planet? If space really was empty, then there was plenty of room for their species to expand and grow in... and plenty of space for the corporations to keep at arms-length with each other. An agreement was reached; while it would take years, decades, maybe even a century for the Paradise of the Stars to have a buoy built, there were many planets, much closer than Paradise, which could be terraformed. Lunar Foundation would terraform, while Sulander would build up bases with AI and Robots, with Yutani becoming the muscle, and Helix providing any genetic mods needed to live in such harsh environments. They would all stake a claim, expanding slowly from Earth, trying to remain Neutral... but Paradise was the goal.

It's been 300 years since the only FTL transmission from Paradise was received. Colonies have been founded all over the Galaxies, and the general populace no longer cares for the planet only called Paradise. The corporations have yet to forget... A wealth of resources and fame are awaiting on this mysterious planet. The Buoy has been finished and activated. It's time to discover what's really awaiting us on Paradise.

Character Creation [CHCR]
This game is all about exploring Paradise, both it's treasures and it's terrors. Male and Female characters can both play, but keep in mind, most monsters will be classified as 'male' (and Yaoi will not be included unless someone tells me it's okay). Before you choose anything – including race or character type – you need to choose which corporation your character will work for. Corporations determine what benefits you receive, what kind of feats are available, equipment, etc; but it also determines your character mentality and why they're trying to explore Paradise.

Helix & Fissure: A company who works on perfection through genetics, employees of H&F usually have a 'holier than thou' complex, though some outsiders claim their mods may cause mental instability. The exotic mods produced by the company can change the skin of someone, or change their genetic code.
Gains: +2 to Body, +1 to Agility
Loses: -3 to Endurance.
Special Ability: Mod Madness
Special Tech Tree: Genetic Mods
Races: Humans, Modified Humans, Exi-Mod Humans

Sulander Corporation: A company built up from a former Battlebots Champion, it's the leading competitor in the field of robotics. Famous for their Battle Mechs, Sulander is also popular for making the Do It Yourself! line of buildings, which a skilled Engineer can set up and walk away from, letting a structure be built by a powerful AI inside a large block of metal.
Gains: +2 Mind, +1 Perception
Loses: -3 Body
Special Ability: EMP
Special Tech Tree: Cybernetics
Races: Humans, Androids

Yutani Industries: Built from the blood of thousands, Yutani makes the best firearms, and also has the most concept firearms on the market. They have a private sector that works on Genetic Modifications and Cloning, which has lead to the uber Metahumans being made, looking just like regular humans (albeit a few feet taller on average), they can list up to 10 times the weight of an average human. Yutani draws in thousands of Mercenaries from across the solar systems, and usually has their forces employed by the other three corporations for peace keeping missions.
Gains: +2 Body, +1 Perception
Loses: -3 Mind
Special Ability: Adrenaline Rush
Special Tech Tree: Weapon Licenses
Races: Human, Metahuman

Lunar Foundation: Once a civilian sector charity foundation dedicated to the climate restoration of the Middle East, starting on the first terraforming device known to man. Bought out by young millionaire, he continued their tradition, creating the entire region into an area known as Oasis. The first company to make a bio dome on the moon, the corporation has also developed an Multi Environmental Survival Suit, allowing the user to survive up to eight weeks in a vacuum. The employees of Lunar Foundation have a sometimes naïve idea they will fix the problems of mankind through peace... although the Zealots working for the company have no qualms making the 'world a better place' by removing bad seeds.
Gains: +2 Endurance, +1 Body
Loses: -3 Perception
Special Ability: Survival
Special Tech Tree: Terraforming
Races: Human, Zealot

Races: Every corporation has the basic race: Human. They suffer no bonuses or penalties, but also don't get to advance as far into special tech trees as their special races. If you want to be a Human, go ahead and put that in your character sheet, then skip to the next area: Stats. If you want a special race, please read below.

Helix & Fissure Races: Genetically modified humans are the special races of H&F. They both offer the same bonuses and penalties, but offer two different play styles (and two different tech trees):
Modified Humans: Humans with basic genetic modifications. They've been made to be 'genetically perfect', with very few imperfections showing on their bodies. Made to look more like a painting of a human, they have no 'wild' mods; but, they're Mod Madness seems to be much more effective.
Gains: +1 to any stat.
Loses: -1 to Mind.
Special: Gains +2 to all rolls during Mod Madness
Tech Tree: Discrete Mods
Exi-Mod Humans: “Don't like something about yourself? No, Helix & Fissure doesn't mean if your a little overweight... although we could fix that. Do you want eyes that resemble an ever-expanding Super Nova? Or skin, blue as the sea? Why not a tail for extra balance? Here at Helix & Fissure, we offer this and more. Click here if you're interested; or, if you want a discount, take a look at our employment program. Helix & Fissue always needs hard working individuals like yourself!” - H&F Commercial about Cosmetic Modifications; AKA: Exi-Mods.
Gains: +2 to any stat
Loses: -2 to Mind
Special: Gains + 3 to all rolls during Mod Madness
Tech Tree: Exi-Modifications

Sulander Corporation: A corporation which focuses heavy on technology and it's engineers, it's not too surprising Androids make up a substantial amount of their workforce.
Androids: Technically, Androids are Human, but all of their working organs are mechanical. They can eat, drink, and function just like a regular human. They're always stronger, faster, and better though, able to perform complex tasks in almost half the time of a human.
Gains: +1 to Body, Agility, and Endurance
Loses: -2 to mind; ¼ the pay of a human.
Special: +2 to all tech rolls, +1 to all agility rolls
Tech Tree: Upgrades

Yutani Industries: Yutani's genetics program has created a tall, strong beast called a Metahuman. This program came out of necessity, thanks to the Heavy Weapon Suit.
Metahumans: At least 6 feet tall, Metahumans look like freakishly tall humans, but with a denser muscle fiber, allow them to carry massive suits of armor; Heavy Weapon Suits, or a HWS, as they're called, have multiple hard points, allowing Metahumans to carry in massive weapons to a battle.
Gains: +2 to Body, +2 to Endurance
Loses: -3 to Agility.
Special: Most available, destructive weapons.
Tech Tree: Heavy Weapon Suit

Lunar Foundation: The Lunar Foundation has no secret weapon, except for their devoted employees, who have received the name Zealots by their enemies.
Zealot: Zealots are still quite peaceful, but as soon as a regular Lunar Foundation employee is threatened, or the company itself, there is no deadlier force than a Zealot. Their rage can sometimes get the best of them, leading to their easy exploitation by enemies. However, if a Zealot lives long enough, they receive training not even a hard-core Yutani soldier can stand up to.
Gains: Zealotic Rage: Active Ability; +2 to Body, Agility, Perception, and Endurance for 10 rounds.
Loses: During Zealotic Rage: Gains +4 to all incoming Damage rolls; Rage lasts for 10 rounds.
Special: If an enemy threatens any Lunar Foundation employee, Zealotic Rage is activated.
Tech Tree: Peaceful Existence

Stats: When creating a character, you have 10 points to distribute amongst your stats. All stats start at 1, no matter what your deficit is; if you have a stat that's in a deficit, you cannot spend one point to increase it.
For example, if you chose Yutani Industries as your corporation, and you're a Metahuman, you need to spend 4 points to get up to 2 Mind. A level 1 character's stats are maxed at 7. There are five stats, and each will go towards a very important stat.

Body: Strength oriented tasks, which include: Escaping a grapple, swinging a melee weapon, pushing or lifting any object, and helping to set up a wall for a building.
Mind: Intelligence and psyche related tasks, including: Pushing an enemy out of your mind (as well as attempting to invade someone's mind), attempting to figure out a puzzle, as well as staving off a mind-shattering orgasm.
Perception: Sight oriented tasks: Aiming a firearm, firing a ranged weapon, spotting a hidden enemy, and also spotting traps in your surrounding area.
Agility: Deals with: Speed you can move at, dodging ability for melee attacks, dodging for ranged attacks, and moving small components (pieces of a puzzle).
Endurance: Simply put, your endurance: Your health, as well as your ability to hold out against pleasure dealt to your body.

Here's what the stats effect...:
Strength: This is your body score. BODY.
Accuracy: This is your Perception score. PERCEPTION.
Stamina: This is your Endurance score plus a quarter of your body score. ENDURANCE + (.25*BODY).
Welding: This is your Mind Score, with half your agility added on. MIND + (.5*AGILITY)
Dodge: This is your Agility, with a quarter of your Perception added on. AGILITY + (.25*PERCEPTION)
Research: This is your Mind score. MIND.
Psyche: This is your Mind score plus half your Endurance score. MIND + (.5*Endurance)
Influence: This is your Body plus half your Mind score. BODY + (.5*Mind)

Classes: Like corporations, every class has the ability to do a bit of everything – but Rangers are better at Combat, Engineers are better at building, etc; Also, depending on the class you choose, you can grow into an Epic Class that can perform even better.

Field Commander: Field Commanders are essential to a working operation on Paradise. They control the teams and their operations, the supply drops from orbital cruisers, even the day-to-day business of non-essential personnel (NPCs). If a Field Commander has been captured or killed, no experience is gained until another one is found/rescued.
Special: Coordinates all activities of the base camp.
Disadvantages: Not the strongest combatant.
Starting Feat: Boost
Splits to: Force Commander, Admiral

Ranger: Rangers are the ranged combatants of Paradise. Every weapon license is available to them, making them offensive juggernauts (at times), but they're weak when it comes to their genetic enhancements and controlling them. Some Rangers are able to help around the main compound, setting up walls for the Engineers.
Specials: All weapon techs are available.
Disadvantages: Weak genetic enhancements
Starting Feat: Concussion Shot
Splits to: Sniper, Assault Specialist

Engineer: Engineers work on anything mechanical inside the compound. They're combat ability is often called into question, but their skills can be honed towards a more combat-efficient worker, a builder, or a robotic specialist.
Specials: Can access all building schematics.
Disadvantages: Decent combat ability, weak genetic enhancements
Starting Feat: Weld
Splits to: Combat Engineer, Architect, Robot Technician, Mechanist

Scientist: Scientists, while being the weakest combatants, are needed for their invaluable research abilities. Without a scientist, no tech can be researched, no new abilities can be gained, and no specimens on the planet can be analyzed. While they're weak from a combat perspective, their genetic enhancements make them a force to be reckoned with, especially for those unaware of a scientist's abilities.
Specials: Strongest Genetic enhancements, makes research available.
Disadvantages: Limited weapon use.
Starting Feat: Analyze.
Splits to: Researcher, Genetic Soldier, Enhancer

Scout: A scout is a jack of all trades, yet a master of stealth. They have the same combat abilities of an Engineer, with special enhancements for just the Scouts. If they're ever outnumbered, or face a stronger target though, Scouts typically have no chance to win.
Specials: Stealth specialist, with special enhancements.
Disadvantages: Covers too much area to be considered a real threat.
Starting Feat: Camouflage.
Splits to: Spy, Survivor

Bodyguards: More or less a title than a real job, Bodyguards were created for protecting the scientists and engineers back on the hostile cities of Earth. Now considered it's own sect of military combat, Guards are considered the most dangerous close-combat force to be reckoned with. Their ranged armament is limited, but Yutani has profited greatly off the weapons Guards ask for.
Special: Close combat gen enhancements, special weapons.
Disadvantages: Limited ranged armory.
Starting Feat: Tough
Splits to: Unarmed Specialist, Deviant
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Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

Interest granted.
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

*Slams down a fist* I demand second place!... Score...
Yeah, I'll play, count me in!
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

Interest shown here as well.
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

Interesting. I am wondering about what happened to the signup forum though, both of the two speculatively new games that are shaping up are here and not there...
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

Interesting. I am wondering about what happened to the signup forum though, both of the two speculatively new games that are shaping up are here and not there...

There was a sign up forum?

I vaguely remember it, but never remember using it. Are you sure it wasn't in the RP section?
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

Unless that's sarcasm (Which is hard to tell when it's just text) http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/forumdisplay.php?f=17.

Also: will corporation names be preset, or do we get to choose a corporation type and come up with a name for it ourselves?

There are four corporations, each with their own unique races, tech trees, and abilities. The corporations are...
Helix & Fissure, who specializes in Genetic Modification and Scientists;
Sulander Corporation, specializing in Robotics and Engineers;
Yutani Industries, specializing in Firearms and Rangers;
and finally, Lunar Foundations, specializing in Terraforming and Field Commanders.

Also, see how many references you all can catch in my descriptions.
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Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

There are four corporations, each with their own unique races, tech trees, and abilities. The corporations are...
Helix & Fissure, who specializes in Genetic Modification and Scientists;
Sulander Corporation, specializing in Robotics and Engineers;
Yutani Industries, specializing in Firearms and Rangers;
and finally, Lunar Foundations, specializing in Terraforming and Field Commanders.

Also, see how many references you all can catch in my descriptions.
Can't decide, want all three...
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

You get all of them. Helix & Fissure, for example, just has more genetic mods than any other company; Yutani has WAY more guns than all three corporations combined.
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

Ah, I knew that much, it's just the shiny uniques they get which have me salivating.

Gene Mods seem to be allowing you to upgrade your workers' and character's base stats and give them funky abilities, robotics could make fun minions, and terraforming might allow for the construction of bases in more secure areas.
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

I wouldn't call them references so much as... Puns Silth XD But yeah, I caught a few. And I think I'm going for Sulander Corps for sure. I'm fine with basic everything as long as you give me my Cybernetics Enhanced Soldier Augment. ^-^
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

Ah, I knew that much, it's just the shiny uniques they get which have me salivating.

Gene Mods seem to be allowing you to upgrade your workers' and character's base stats and give them funky abilities, robotics could make fun minions, and terraforming might allow for the construction of bases in more secure areas.


Kind of.

Genetic Mods have two different classes: Discrete and Exi-Mods (Exotic). Discrete alter your base stats in certain circumstances; Exi-Mods can change your skin tone, give you chameleon-like blending abilities, and wings.
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

There are four corporations, each with their own unique races, tech trees, and abilities. The corporations are...
Helix & Fissure, who specializes in Genetic Modification and Scientists;
Sulander Corporation, specializing in Robotics and Engineers;
Yutani Industries, specializing in Firearms and Rangers;
and finally, Lunar Foundations, specializing in Terraforming and Field Commanders.

That is all that interests me
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

I'm probably going to go Yutani. Just because I have so many fond memories of AvP2 (the game, not the movie.)

Edit: Yep, definitely going Yutani, if that's possible. Kinda like Helix too.
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Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

Updated main post with the four Corporations, they're races, tech trees, as well as the general mentality your character will have while working for the corporation.

For any of you who played that one game that I can't remember, gameplay will basically be along the same lines. One player will be a Field Commander, who researches upgrades, builds the base, and orders around the other players - they don't fight unless an enemy is in the base This is almost like an RTS experience. All the other players follow the orders of the Field Commander to a certain extent, exploring, building, fighting, or sabotaging; this will be just like every other game I've ever run, where I roll a die and tell a story and fun stuff happens. Yaaaaay fun!

The only problem I foresee right now? Too little players for all four Corporations to be fielded. I may have to only let two Corporations go at it, then add on the other two when more players join (I wanted at least four active players per team).
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

Luna Foundations sounds fun.
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

I like Yutani and H&F. I like reshaping people. like futas. and such. :p
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

Hmm. Makes me wish there was a 5th corperation, focusing on Alien Reclaimtion, allowing for some more exotic creature use.
Re: Garnering Interest: Paradise

All the other players follow the orders of the Field Commander to a certain extent, exploring, building, fighting, or sabotaging; this will be just like every other game I've ever run, where I roll a die and tell a story and fun stuff happens. Yaaaaay fun!
So general characters could basically have no combat abilities, but mostly be base support or doing things like being escorted out to build relay points?