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Re: Mjorna

Meda ears perk when the dragontaur she notices calls out he is going hunting. She smiles and calls out to the dragontaur "If you get any skins, can you bring them to me?" As she walks into the village after making the trek from the tannery to Ilph's hut to deliver the finished leathers, ready for working.
Re: Mjorna

"Can't promise they'll be in great condition, but I'll do what I can, miss." He answers. And it was true, he'd be hunting. With sharp things. And he would likely have to pierce the hides to do enough damage to be able to take them back with him, though he *could* probably wrestle a few and snap their necks, given his size and power.
Re: Mjorna

As Hera steps through the gate she enters the courtyard. . . and finds more bodies, along with the badly burned battering ram. She sees other uniforms now as well - the blue tunics and polished steel cuirasses point to Emeidia. A massive wooden door leads into the keep, and a flight of stairs leads up the battlement.
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra smiled as she took the skins and set them aside in her hut. "Thank you dear, would you like to come with me to see if we can find any wild berries to go with supper tonight?"
Re: Mjorna

Meda nods her head, her face in smiling. "Sure, why not Ilph? Do you mind if we use your silk baskets?"
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra grabbed one of the silk lined wicker baskets and set it on her abdomen, "Where should we look? I think I remember seeing some raspberry bushes off to our south..."
Re: Mjorna

Meda nodded her head at Ilph's suggestion but comments saying "Isn't it blueberries in the south of the forest?" As she picked up a silk basket.
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra grinned, "Alright, you go after the Blueberries, and I'll go after the raspberries. We can eat them fresh and use them as a sauce on the meat tonight." She reached an arm back to steady the basket, and then scurried off.
Re: Mjorna

Meda smiled happily and began to walk to where she believe the blueberry bushes lay. "Best of luck Ilph" she calls out to Ilph as they both hurry in the same direction.
Re: Mjorna

She makes a sign of prayer to herself, wishing them safe passage to the afterlife. It was soo sickening, still, she wanted to know more, and slowly made her way to the keep...
Re: Mjorna

"Any who wanna go huntin', I'm leaving to do so now." Toya calls out before trotting off into the woods, dagger and arrows in one hand and bow in the other, glancing back when he reached the edge of the wood to see who, if anyone, was following.
Re: Mjorna

"Alright then. If you have any ways to keep yourself safe, that'd be good. I can't keep us both safe. We'd better get going before it get's dark, though. Never know what creeps around in the shadows," Leon says, holding out a hand for Virgil. "I'm Leon, and you?"
Re: Mjorna

"Virglio Montoya. But you can call me Virgil" the monkey-kin says, reaching out and grasping Leon's hand and shaking it "a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Re: Mjorna

As Hera tilts open the heavy wooden door she is greeted by an overwhelming stench and a cloud of flies. A moment of doubt for the lioness - whatever was in there was almost guaranteed to be gruesome, especially as she sees that the door's lock has been smashed with an axe or something similar. Does she really want to know?
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra scurried around collecting raspberries, and eating some of them along the way.
Re: Mjorna

The past was too much of a draw for her- her mind was made up, even as her gut started summersaults as her hands pressed the door- and shoved them open.
Re: Mjorna

The stench rises in intensity even more - not even the cloth can keep it away. Disgusting sweetness assaults Hera's nose. But it is nothing, absolutely nothing in comparison to the sight.

Hera has entered a dining room, beautifully decorated with tapestries and complete armors, polished to mirror-like perfection. It makes the scenery all the more bizarre.
The guests must have been surprised by the invading soldiers. One of them, a lion in a fine robe, made it all the way to the stairs in the back before something heavy caved his skull in. The rotten remnants of his brain are plain to see. It doesn't take long for Hera to spot a blood and brain stained mace lying next to a Emeidian soldier with a slender dagger in his back. As she looks at him a small spider climbs out of his mouth and skitters away.
A woman in a gorgeous dress is bent over the dining table, an Emeidian soldier behind her. The way her skirts are bunched up around her waist make it pretty clear what was going on. A spear has nailed them together in an obscene tableau.
A knight lies in the middle of the room in full armor. It hums from the insects buzzing about inside.
Re: Mjorna

Yulka sighed. The animals couldn't go too far, right? She was feeling lonely, odd considering she'd just been traveling 'alone' (if you exclude the animals), for so long. It must have been because she was finally, hopefully, part of a community and yet she'd hardly met anyone.

The bunny-kin stood and, checking over the animals one last time, headed into the little village. She'd only be gone for a little while.
Re: Mjorna

Meda smiled happily as she wondered about in the southern forest, having found a small section of the fores with unripe and ripe blueberries to which she was easily picking them, she wondered how Ilph was doing in her raspberry hunt.
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Re: Mjorna

:Looks like it'll just be me then..." Toya sighs to himself, trotting off into the wood lightly to look for things to hunt, not quite familiar with the animals of this region.