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ACT Vore Loli Ryona [nanakusado] もんすたぁ☆さぷらいずど幽鬼ち / Monster surprised Yuki-chan (RJ275826 / RJ309773)

Not trying to drag things off topic, but what's this other vore game you're speaking of with the lamia? Is it a furry game or is it just that boss?

I don't understand it very well yet, but the MC of that game is a girl that can become a furry. The enemies currently made for it are a Zelda Like-Like style worm, the wolf lamia, and a cyclops giantess (making her a giantess was my suggestion). There were a few other enemies that were planned that he mentioned, a "female dragon", (I guess a dragon lady, wolf lamia's sometimes called a female furry), an alraune, and a slime. At least 10 enemies are planned. I don't understand the gameplay very well as right now all that's been shown of it are test rooms to make sure the enemies work properly. The emphasis is on having the MC get massaged by the insides of the stomach, with no danger to her life. The cyclops giantess' vore scene is being modeled after the boss gargoyle in the Youki game, having a close-up interior view of the mouth as the MC gets licked, they're currently working on that. Yuri was also said to be present in it, but nothing made of it so far. The graphics are NES style. They use their Twitter for updates on it, it's at .

That's totally allowed.

Thanks. If it's okay, then here's a video of my run.
One of the reasons that Nanakusado released an R-15 version of the game was that, if there was H content, then people would primarily play it for that purpose, instead of to enjoy the gameplay. The high difficulty would be very off-putting for players, as they'd just want to see the H content, not have to learn how to play the game. Making a game that was enjoyable strictly for its gameplay without relying on H content was an important goal for Nanakusado. As far as ero games go, I thought that the gameplay was unusually well developed. I'd like to play it in a speedrun marathon one day, but I doubt that any would accept it, given that there's still stuff like nudity.

Also minor thing, but I was talking to the dev earlier and they mentioned they forgot that they haven't implemented the Mandragora's H scene yet, so that's another thing they still need to do.
I can't really comment on this particular game as I've not played it.

I don't get devs like that. H-games are responsible for some of the most punishing, frustrating experiences I've had as a gamer. And not because I couldn't jerk it while getting pixel-perfect jumps XD Some of it's because of lack of experience on the dev's part, or because the dev has played their own game so much that the don't realize they've made it as hard as it is. Lately devs attempting to ape Dark Souls' difficulty has been responsible more often than not. I believe a game can be both fun and erotic without a doubt, but I'm not sure if it can be THAT intentionally difficult and erotic at the same time. So when I hear a dev say something along those lines all I can usually think is: How many H-games have you played?
For what it's worth, despite doing Time Attacks of the Youki game and preferring to do challenge runs of games, my general methodology for H games is to just rush through the game as quickly as possible to see whatever content I want to look at. The gameplay is a means to an ends, seeing H animations. There are some solid H games, but the H content will always be more valued than the gameplay. The best example I can think of from personal experience is Flower Fairy, which is high difficulty and heavy on exploration. For every boss, I just kept damage rushing as much as possible while learning as little about the boss' attack pattern as necessary because I simply wanted to progress through the game, rather than learn how to play it. It's not that the gameplay wasn't good, because it was. That just wasn't why I was playing it, it was for vore content. If I had been playing it as a game first and foremost, I would have approached it with a different mindset, and focused on learning how to play the game for the sake of enjoying the game instead of making progress in order to see scenes I was interested in. That's the kind of mentality that Nanakusado had in mind. There will definitely be players that think "I just want to see the H content!".
Is there any additional content involving slime or slime girls being added to the game?
The R-18 version will modify the slime girl's grab attack to be an H animation, and the slime girl will have a threesome animation with several enemies (zombie, goblin, harpy, wild child, and lizard girl). The slime girl will join in if one of those enemies initiated the H scene, but no enemy can join her H scene.

I can't say more than that.
Ah, I was actually checking every so often on that game by aran saijo. I saw their feed mostly filled up with that wolf lamia boss from this game, but I didn't know that it was their idea, though I had my suspicions. Their game seems to be in the somewhat early stages though, as I haven't seen much else besides animations and stage test videos.
But anyway, that's cool that you can only say so much about the future updates. Don't want the fires stoked too much, and I've unfortunately been in a blaze of hype where the release didn't live up to it plenty of times. H-games included. Though I'm not saying I think this will disappoint because I already like the base game.

...though i can't help getting a bit hyped for more vore updates to the game
Ah, I can't talk too much about the R- 18 version because Nanakusado asked me not to lol. Lots of confidential information. I won't betray his trust, but I'll talk about the game as much as possible. Gotta build hype and awareness after all.
Wait theres even more stuff Nanakusado has planned? Man, And here I thought Nana was gonna show everything (5$ supporter on Ci En) Thanks for getting me hyped tho even if its a day 1 purchase for me.
When it gets made, Nanakusado will show it on ci-en, generally speaking. There are some things that get posted on their Twitter and not their ci-en (for example, the gargoyle girl's H-scene with Youki has some stuff that's Twitter-exclusive at the moment), and their Twitter is prioritized over ci-en for which gets updated first. There are also some things that haven't been shown yet, such as some of the enemy combinations, because there are so many of them (I think it was like 20). But for the most part everything is shown.

I've talked a lot with him privately about plans for vore content while throwing some other ideas as I think of them, such as a gargoyle x goblin H animation (a gargoyle H animation with another enemy was my suggestion, but I didn't specify which one, Nana decided on the goblin as her prey). The plans that Nanakusado had in mind, and the suggestions that I had that he decided to implement, will be made public as he works on them.

E: Minor update, Nana just has Dran left for Youki's H-scenes. Aran mentioned the plans for having the wolf lamia do oral vore so I figure I might as well mention it here now. That was one of the things that I was asked to keep secret, but since Aran just talked about it on Twitter, it's public information now. Although the wolf lamia restores a lot of HP after eating Youki, it seems that she doesn't actually digest her. But the oral vore might have digestion. It's still being planned out.
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I'm surprised I didn't get an email notification for this, but I saw on their twitter that their ci-en page's latest post has a video showing off the small gargoyle girl's H-move. It's free to watch even if you don't have a ci-en account. Or at least it is now when I checked. Hope it wasn't a mistake.
I think it was mentioned already that the gargoyle petrifies her, probably by me, but after seeing the full scene, I can say it's my favorite H-scene that's getting added in the game right now. It's a shame that for this scene and every other time she gets petrified, she always gets shattered. It'd be cool if at least one of the petrification scenes left her as a statue for the game over.
The goblin x gargoyle animation will also feature petrification, but it remains to be seen how it'll be done. My suggestion was for a doggystyle animation where the gargoyle girl pins the goblin down with her body weight, but let's see whether or not that's what Nana decides to do.

Ah right, I should probably mention, as of right now I believe that everything that has been shown thus far has been implemented except for the zombie x harpy animation, so some new stuff should be next, if I'm not mistaken.
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Zombie x harpy animation already shown through past Ci En (assuming you mean when the harpy's bullying the poor zombie)

The 5$ supporter bonus is definitely a treat...even if I find it quite wasteful the gargoyle just tosses aside petrified Youki after blowing her load into her.
I kinda lost track of group rape scenes tbh, but it's fine. if he forgets I'm pretty sure it's easy to add it once the game releases given it's made in pixel game maker MV i think.
Although the zombie x harpy scene was on ci-en, it was just a still image and not a part of gameplay. I think it may have been completed at that point or soon afterward, but it hasn't been implemented in the game yet. That's what I mean. Nana hasn't posted anything about their progress on Twitter for a couple days. They are working on something, just no pictures yet. I might bug them again soon.

Nana writes a lot for describing the scenes and establishing character/enemy personalities. For the gargoyle girls, they're lustful and have a great deal of experience with sex as a result of how many times they do it. They take great care to make sure it feels good for their partner, but it's all so they can enjoy the pleasure in their partner's face, mixed with terror as they're petrified. Once they're satisfied, they lose all interest in their partner and discard them like a used tissue. Because of this, countless lives are sacrificed satiating their lust. They're cute, but they're still demons. This is the kind of stuff Nana writes up.
Well I can respect someone who likes putting a lot of thought into the story and the characters, and even having it show in the animations too. Even with the shattering at the end, it's still a scene I enjoy a lot.
Yeah, that's one of the things that I really like about reading the ci-en articles, Nana puts a lot of love into writing this stuff out (most of the time). Even in conversation, he gets pretty detailed. Forget how it came up, but he was telling me that the bones in stage 6's last area, around the giant gargoyle statue, are from the boss gargoyle's previous meals, and that she's fed goblins. He said the area's theme is a gargoyle temple, I guess the boss gargoyle is kinda enshrined in there and taken care of by the demons inside the temple, which includes a steady supply of food for her in the form of expendable goblins. The goblins are the weakest race in the demon world (well, until the zombies were made as "an enemy that's even weaker than the weakest enemy", the Goomba to Mario's Koopas basically), and are used for labor, sex toys, and even food, though that only came up for the boss gargoyle (possibly other demons eat them maybe). It's some obscure information from their ci-en, but Youki is a member of the goblin race, her strength is just an abnormality. It doesn't come up in the game, but the resemblance is pretty noticeable when comparing Youki's horns with the goblin's. When I brought that up as the boss gargoyle recognizing Youki as her standard food due to being a goblin, Nana hadn't thought about it like that, but wrote a whole little thing about it. Paraphrasing it, "Oh yeah, she would probably see her as just another meal. She wouldn't notice the difference until she ate her. But I think that she would immediately notice how delicious Youki was. But because she's thickheaded, she doesn't think about it, and simply eats her". Going on more about it, he established the boss gargoyle as rather dumb and only thinking about satiating her appetite, which I thought was the case. But one of the things he has planned for her with the R-18 version has me wondering about that...but that's a secret!

I think it's a bit interesting that the two gargoyles have somewhat contrasting but similar personalities in how they're driven by their appetites, but fulfill them with different methods that require different levels of intelligence. The small gargoyles are smarter and more attentive to their prey, while the boss gargoyle is dumb and eats her food thoughtlessly. It's probably not intentional (Nana is surprisingly thoughtless despite the detail he puts in to things that he does think about), but it's a nice little thing.
It's some obscure information from their ci-en, but Youki is a member of the goblin race, her strength is just an abnormality. It doesn't come up in the game, but the resemblance is pretty noticeable when comparing Youki's horns with the goblin's.

Huh. I had missed that info entirely. Not sure if I just overlooked it or if it's a downside of relying on Google Translate for large chunks of posts.

One thing that stood out to me was the similarities between Dran and Youki. Both have white hair, green eyes, and yellow horns. And from what I recall of Dran's second stage dialogue sprite (and Youki in the OST art), their eyes turn golden in certain situations.

Originally I wondered if it was hinting at a bigger part of Youki's past (previous demon king/unique existence among demons, maybe?) but now I wonder if it's just supposed to be a sign of exceptionally powerful characters in the setting. Of course, it's just as likely that I'm looking too hard into this and it's just one of Nanakusado's aesthetic preferences.
The goblin thing was mentioned once waaaaay early on, I only found out because I read every article on their ci-en pertaining to the Youki game.

It's probably an aesthetic thing. Dran's eye turns red rather than yellow/gold, but eyes changing color when a character is serious is not all too uncommon a concept. It's worth noting that the two artworks are by two different people, Dran's by Camel/D-gate, dunno who did the OST art. That they both feature this concept is probably Nana's preference. That said, having the same eye/hair color and the same colored horns...when put like that, it sounds like Youki could very well be interpreted as Dran's child. It's undoubtedly a coincidence, but it would provide a good explanation for Youki's unnatural strength relative to the rest of her race, if Dran was her "father". She would definitely be an absentee parent, so it would make sense to be unaware of their relationship. But I don't think there's any kind of explanation at all for Youki's special existence.

By the way, it's not something I can go into detail about, but I did discuss Youki's past a lot with Nana. There was a lot that he didn't think about in terms of her personality and conduct, but he expressed some interest in fleshing it out more.
So now the game has been about saving the world, and now it adds demon daddy issues as well?
This game just gets better and better.
So now the game has been about saving the world, and now it adds demon daddy issues as well?
This game just gets better and better.

Makes it double the better when we know there's Belmon-like character using a whip there to fight us.

This is some R-18 spin-off of Castlevania.