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ACT Vore Loli Ryona [nanakusado] もんすたぁ☆さぷらいずど幽鬼ち / Monster surprised Yuki-chan (RJ275826 / RJ309773)

The R-15 version won't receive any updates (as far as I'm aware), so all of the vore content that has been shown will be exclusive to the R-18 version. This will include vore scenes that involve R-18 elements (nudity and possibly H).

But uh, yeah, game had 3 vore scenes to begin with (4 if you count boss slime girl's digestion), and Nana wanted to focus on new vore content for this whole month, so there'll be more vore.
Ci-en updated, two new giant enemies, zombie and mandragora. Mandragora is vore. For now, she's using the same stomach sprite + animation as the boss gargoyle, but it'll be changed to something new later. The zombie is undecided, but might do an abrupt gulping vore attack.
I'm kind of getting the feeling that the enemies will have a bit of uniqueness for their scenes. Which is something I can wholeheartedly appreciate and respect, for they could have easily have all been copy/paste scenes with a different enemy.
I decided to translate the ci-en entry. It's a bit of a rough translation and won't be a fully accurate 1:1 translation, but it'll be proper English instead of a machine translation. I'll do this for future entries that contain vore scenes as well. I added a couple explanations in parenthesis for onomatopoeia.

"Big Zombie-chan and big Mandragora-chan have been added."

"Well, it isn't exactly big because Youki has become smaller,
so it's a minimum stage, but w"

"Zombie-chan and Mandragora-chan have been added.
I'm making a system with provisional resources from Mandra-chan."

"When the big Youki was the opponent, she attacked in ways like shouting,
the shrunken Youki, as far as Mandra-chan is concerned, is like a bug."

"How does she meet her daily needs while buried?
You will be able to catch a glimpse at a scene without mercy."

"When buried in the ground, Mandragora preys on insects and small animals that draw close."

"Oh, there are sweets here. Because they're troublesome to get, she follows her tooth, and...
Prey has arrived! Then, take action with a conditioned reflex.
Gabaa! (sound of mouth opening)"

"'Bakun!' (gulping sound)
Just like that, she was eaten in one bite by a giant mouth."

"Already, the formidable enemy Youki doesn't matter at all.
She is simply prey that was instinctively preyed upon, nothing more than that.
(The internal depiction is using provisional existing resources.)"

"If she doesn't escape, digestion will finish in no time.
With a 'puu" (spitting sound), something was spit out."

"Youki's adventure carrying the fate of humanity is abruptly over."

"Once again, I want to thank all of my supporters. It's Hirokichi Nanakusado.

"Over the past few days, I haven't been able to make as much progress as I expected.
There were some personal matters too. In particular, I updated Action Game Maker after a long time..."

"I think I was delayed by 2 days because of this.
Well, all that said, I still updated today."

"It's Mandragora-chan. The motif is a carnivorous plant.

"I'm using resources from the giant Gargoyle, but this will be overwritten with something original.
This stage will be a stage for enjoying vore and predation.

"Zombie girl-chan is almost always moving absent-mindedly.

"But, I think it would be possible to suddenly catch and 'gulp!","

"When there are more developments, I plan to update again.
See you later"
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Yup, should be complete and updated on ci-en early tomorrow. I am really impressed by how quickly Nana is making progress.

I might not translate it unless someone actually wants me to. Summarizing it is probably fine. I think it' s fun to read and enhances the eroticism of the scene, but not everyone would care.

And there's the update. Like with the mandragora girl, it's not finalized. The goblin girl's unbirth scene is teased at with a picture...that will be the next update. After the goblin I believe is the lizard girl...and there's still more after that.

The zombie girl is normally absentminded and harmless, but if Youki moves near her she will take notice and grab her before stuffing her in her mouth. Similar to a baby, she sticks anything she's curious about into her mouth. The zombie girl is the weakest demon by far, but Youki is prey even for her at this size.
This game looks promising. Not only the artstyle but the design of main girl. Love me some cute oni girls with white hair.
Hmm, it's pretty good right now. Guess it's fitting. A simple enemy has a simple scene. One thing I'd like to know is how Nana is gonna "finalize" those scenes. I know about the interior shot for the mandragora being adjusted, but I was curious if they'll add in a few extra details or animations. Alright, so now we got big versions for just about all the regular enemies besides the wild girl and the mandrake (the other plant girl that hides in the ground that does a crap-load of damage to you). Hmm, makes me wonder if this stage will have a boss at the end, though I feel like it was already mentioned.
This game looks promising. Not only the artstyle but the design of main girl. Love me some cute oni girls with white hair.

The R-15 version is already out if you wanna try that out. It only has ryona and some vore (3 standard vore scenes + slime digestion), but the gameplay is solid. With 5 different weapon types, you can try out different ways to do each stage, or aim for a Time Attack. First clear's about 2-3 hours, after that I'd say an hour and a half is normal. My PB (and the game's WR) is 46 minutes 46 seconds (real time). Even as just a regular game, it's pretty great.

Hmm, it's pretty good right now. Guess it's fitting. A simple enemy has a simple scene. One thing I'd like to know is how Nana is gonna "finalize" those scenes. I know about the interior shot for the mandragora being adjusted, but I was curious if they'll add in a few extra details or animations. Alright, so now we got big versions for just about all the regular enemies besides the wild girl and the mandrake (the other plant girl that hides in the ground that does a crap-load of damage to you). Hmm, makes me wonder if this stage will have a boss at the end, though I feel like it was already mentioned.

I'm curious about this too, so I'll ask about it next time. I'm thinking extra details/animations yeah. Judging from the mandragora (btw, the mandragora used is the sound-attacking one, the fire mandragora is just a palette swap so won't be featured), I think that some of the scenes will have extended sequences on game over. It would be weird if she always spit out Youki's panties even when there were extra lives. I know that not all of them do, but I was shown something secret so I won't say more. I will say that I did ask about the wild child and she will not be featured.

This is just trivia, but at some point the mandragora's damage was nerfed to half of what it was at launch, and its range was reduced. Nana thought it was too troublesome as it was and made adjustments.
The R-18 update seems to be shaping up nicely. Loving all the vore stuff! Curious though, and sorry if you've already answered this question, but will these scenes be game over scenes or ones that happen mid combat that you have to escape from? I am very much hoping for the latter, making it more along the lines of the Gargoyle rather than the fox Lamia from the R-15 version.
They're more like the boss gargoyle. All of them are grab attacks, some of them involve Youki immediately being swallowed and having to escape from the stomach before her HP is 0, while others only swallow Youki when her HP is 0. So far, the animations that have been publicly shown (key word here)...

-Mandragora: Immediately swallows Youki. HP damage is done while inside of the stomach. If Youki doesn't escape, she is digested, her panties are spit out, and she loses a life.
-Zombie: Grabs Youki and puts her in her mouth. If Youki doesn't escape before her HP is 0, she is swallowed, and she loses a life.
-Goblin: Grabs Youki and starts masturbating, rapidly filling the H gauge. When the H gauge is fully blue, the goblin starts using Youki as a toy. Once Youki's HP or H gauge fills, Youki is shoved all the way inside, the goblin tightens her panties back up, touches herself one more time, then gets up. Youki loses a life after this.

The harpy should be shown soon...I made a request about altering the animation a bit, but I decided it was already extremely good (absolutely my favorite so far) and asked Nana to disregard it. I don't think it would be an improvement after all. I'm not sure I was able to convey this properly to Nana though...there was something else, but I won't mention it. Nana should be the one to reveal it. I think the lizard girl will be the next one in development.
I don't like the turn this game's taking. I was hopeful for enemy on enemy H content when I saw the blog posts on that... but that seems to have been put aside for an entire level focused around vore content. No judgement for liking that of course, I would just rather the dev focus on finishing something before moving onto the next rather than jumping between this and that.
Unfortunately, enemy on enemy H will be a bit limited. Nana had set aside all of July for vore content, but, there were additional ideas and bug tests to go through during the beginning of July, so he got to a bit of a late start on it, and he's ended up taking a much more monumental task than originally intended. He wanted to release in August, but it's looking like September at this point...the zombie and harpy H was implemented as something that can be seen in a remote spot in a stage, and not a full-on H animation that can be instigated by any pair of the two. The threesomes and incomplete H scenes were the main focus on H content after the R-18 work resumed. A goblin and gargoyle H animation will almost certainly be implemented after discussing it with Nana, but beyond that...it's hard to say. There weren't any other concrete ideas that he had for enemy on enemy H. I've talked to him about some ideas for it, but nothing beyond that specific pair. I think at the very least, any random goblin and gargoyle will be able to initiate the H scene, but really there's a ton of work to do, both for vore and some remaining H ideas.
So the upcoming harpy scene will be from a regular one and not the boss for stage 2, right? I think I saw this a while back (or imagined it) but was there plans for Nana to alter any of/add more to the boss scenes for the H-version?
Also side note, would you be willing to share your request for the harpy after the scene is shown to the public? Just a bit curious here.
That sounds absolutely perfect, thanks for the clarification. Can't wait! Micro/macro vore is pretty much my favorite thing ever, so I'm excited for it.
Yeah the harpy scene is for the ones present in the shrink stage. That said...well, I'll say no more! But I think the harpy article will be tomorrow or the next day. It's one of my favorites for sure, so please look forward to it!

On the topic of bosses...Mino, Charlotte, and Dran had their H scenes implemented. I have a vore request for the boss gargoyle. And Aran confirmed in a public Twitter conversation that there is talk about implementing oral vore with possible digestion for the wolf lamia Jourouda. There's more, but it's all confidential for now.

And yeah for sure I'll talk about the idea I shared with Nana. I love talking about the game and vore after all, haha. I'm a bit worried Nana went ahead and adjusted it based on what I said despite being asked to disregard it....I couldn't decide whether or not I wanted to suggest changes because it was already amazing. I'm sure that whatever Nana does will be splendid though. Nana is by far my favorite for vore.

Forgot to say, if you subscribe to this month's 500 yen/points plan on Nana's ci-en, you can see clips of all the scenes for the shrink stage so far. Plus the rest of the month's.
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With all the people around Nana, it sounds like they're slowly being indoctrinated into being a vorarephile. Jokes aside, I agree with you Garuga. Their work is very satisfying, vore notwithstanding. And I'm more of a same(ish) size fan when it comes to those scenes, so the wolf lamia is by far my favorite in the game right now. Micro/macro scratches the itch here and there as well, but for me, if the size difference is vast, it doesn't do much for me. But the ones for the new stage are at that size where I still enjoy it.
It's the vorarephiles that are indoctrinating Nana! Aha. But yeah, he's more into the ryona aspects of it. Said it's really cute to see Youki get eaten up by the monster girls. I was worried he was making stuff that he didn't actually find appealing because he isn't into vore, but he's enjoying it for other reasons. That makes it a lot easier to make quality work. And for sure, the stage's enemies are a great size. Big enough to overwhelm Youki easily and gulp her down with ease, but not any more than that.


This is, uh...different from what he showed me yesterday, which is to say that he's taking on some changes I requested. Even though I said to disregard it after all...Nana is such a rebel. Well, I hope it ends up an improvement, I'd feel so bad if what I asked for turned out worse. Anyway, before, the harpy gripped Youki by the foot, like the boss gargoyle did (complete with Youki elbow action), and kinda shook her around a little while carrying Youki in her mouth. So I think this at least is an improvement over how it used to be.

New article will be tomorrow, he made adjustments based on my request despite being asked to disregard it. It does look even better now, I'm glad. On the other hand, there was something else that I asked about that went from "okay!" to "I'll consider it"...geh. We'll see what happens...
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