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ACT Vore Loli Ryona [nanakusado] もんすたぁ☆さぷらいずど幽鬼ち / Monster surprised Yuki-chan (RJ275826 / RJ309773)

Harpy's vore article. The suggestion that I made was for the harpy to catch Youki head-first and gradually swallow her with repeated gulps as she tilted her head back. What I envisioned was having her immediately tilt her head all the way back and repeatedly gulp while Youki struggled to avoid being swallowed, until her HP became 0. This is a little different from that, but I think it works even better than what I had in mind. Nana said that the basis of the animation was how birds swallow fish, but their methods for preying on rats and mice were also an inspiration for the harpy's attack behavior.

Nana's going to start working more on the actual stage next, so I think there'll be a pause in new vore animations for now.
Ah, the stage is next then? I wonder how it's gonna look or if the reason why Youki got shrunk will be revealed. As for the harpy scene, yeah it's pretty nice. I like how all the enemies have scenes that fit their character and species. Though after the mandragora one where she spat out Youki's panties upon last life, I was wondering if the other enemies would have an extra bit of animation like that for losing your last life. Right now they've all just kinda...abruptly ended. Aside from the goblin girl slapping her panties back on (which I'll admit was cute and funny). Granted, all the other teaser scenes on Ci-en have been a death with spare lives, so for all I know, we just might not have been given all the details. Which I have no issues with. I'd rather find out for myself what's in store after it's released. Unfortunately, I'm impatient from time to time, so I can't help trying to sneak a peek at the new stuff.
The stage design itself, as well as the reason for Youki being shrunken down, have gone totally without discussion at this point in time, ahaha. I've assumed it's shrinking magic of some kind based on how Dran has magic for making things grow, based on the boss slime's dialogue and Dran's own battle. "Size changing magic" seems to exist in the setting. If I had to take a guess, the stage may be a combination of outdoors and indoors, as there's grass that Youki can hide in, but also vases she can drop on enemies. Or at least, the latter was in the first look at the stage...along with a rake for enemies to step on. I wonder if he's really going to implement that...

I asked about game over scenes, and it turned out that the mandragora normally spits out Youki's panties, it's independent on being a game over. It looks kinda weird like that, but that's how it is, there isn't anything special for game overs at this point in time. I did suggest doing something special for game overs, but also said that the important thing is that something is done to make it clear that the monster girl enjoyed eating Youki. I'll be a little more detailed with that next time I talk to Nana, as I did have something in particular in mind for the harpy when I said this. I've seen videos of birds kinda shaking their whole body after swallowing something like it feels really good, I want that kind of impression with the harpy, where she feels so good having Youki inside her stomach that she does something like that, or maybe flaps her wings happily, basically anything to express "mm, that was delicious!". Anyway, regarding doing anything special for game overs, Nana said that if there's enough time after making everything, he'll consider ideas for game over scenes. I think that this is unlikely due to the intended release date of August, there're already concerns about going into September, but Nana said on Twitter that he'll try not to worry about it and concentrate on making the most enjoyable game he can. I'll discuss this idea with him again when the timing's good.

Forgot to mention this in the prior post, but Youki's H gauge now accumulates while inside of mandragora's stomach, in addition to her HP gauge depleting. No word on whether or not the H gauge filling up will lead to the same result as her HP going down to 0. I'm inclined to think so, but there are some potential ideas to discuss with that kind of system...
Yeah, for now it's probably best that Nana gets what they want to do done, as much as I would enjoy some additional extended scenes. I guess there's always that small glimmer of hope that after the H-version releases, there could be some future updates that add in stuff like that, though I'm sure they probably have other plans they want to start up after this game is done.

Also I'd just like to point out how it's mostly usually just been you and me going back and forth for this month of updates, Garuga. Don't know if I should find that funny, or a tad bit sad. Such is the way of things when talking about vore, I guess.
I'm reading and lurking, must say I'm really glad Nana is expanding on the vore content so much. It's shaping up to be like the successor to echidna wars.
I'm comfortable with being the only person posting, knowing that there'll be some lurkers reading it. Having people to talk to is a bonus! But um, yeah. I really didn't think Nana would put in so much vore content. I'm very grateful for it. Nana mentioned a while before resuming the R-18 development that the game wouldn't have been as popular as it was if it weren't for the vore content, and was surprised at how well received it was. He wants to make a game that's equally enjoyable for its H content and its vore content. I'm certainly of the opinion that in terms of the vore content, there isn't any game that I like more. The sense of Youki being mere prey for the monster girls is very strong thanks to the relatively simple animations. She's just caught and devoured. Even though she's a former hero among the demons, even though she's on an adventure to save humanity, at that size she's merely prey that is instinctively eaten without a second thought to the value of her existence. There's a kind of unbearably irresistible charm to such a gap, that the precious heroine is eaten so callously by a nameless predator. The monster girls are all very cute too. Seeing them enjoy Youki as delicious food is another charm point to the vore content. Echidna Wars DX is an iconic vore game that is a great standard to hold vore games to, but to be totally truthful, I didn't particularly like it, because the number of monster girls that eat the player using their normal mouth is...zero! There are also a lot of non-monster girl designs that aren't really appealing to feed the player characters to. With this, not only is it nice to see Youki get eaten, it's nice to see the monster girls eat Youki. I like every single vore animation in the game, and that's something that I can't say of any other vore-centric game. It's really unique.
Not into vore myself, but there's (hopefully) plenty eroge to keep me happy and I'd rather Nana make what he wants to make. One thing I'd like to see are bad ends for H scenes though, not just looping animation 3. (of course, things like gargoyle scene would have to make sense given Youki got ***shattered***). Given that I cant read moonrunes I dont know much about the hostile mooks, so I cant really throw ideas forward without them breaking character possibly.

Sidequestion: as a ci en supporter I will receive the game for free when it releases, right? I know I pledged up to 40$ by now...
Ah, no. There was a freebie special for the R-15, but it was a higher support plan. But, you can get a discount on the R-18 version for DLsite if you bought the R-15 version. R-18 is something like 500 or 800 yen that way. I think Steam has a policy about R-18 games that kept Nana from doing the same there.
Steam does not have such a policy specific to R-18 games.

1. Steam does not allow you to undercut them. (Selling the game for cheaper or giving it away for free on other platforms.) However, they DO allow leeway to give to to subscribers on Patreon and similar platforms as long as the pledge amount is comparable. (Maybe there was confusion about this rule so Nana wants to be careful about pricing/giving away copies)

2. Steam doesn't have a mechanism to give you a discount for games based on ones you already have unless it's a DLC type thing. So Nana has no way to put it on Steam as a separate game and give owners of the first one a discount. UNLESS they do it by making an R-18 DLC for the R-15 version. (But then the R-15 version would need to be marked as an 18+ game)
The stage is really shaping up to be interesting, it's nice to see the gameplay being this drastically changed into a stealth game.
Love the use of environmental objects to deal with enemies, though I did not expect to see a rake being used as a stage trap. xD
Yup, the rake sprite was actually featured in the first article about the stage. The mouse traps are new though, they were featured in a short clip yesterday. Dev's really going full on with the Tom & Jerry inspiration they had when planning out ideas for this stage. Although the dev initially expressed concern about the stage being like a totally different game, the airship combat in stage 4 is the same way. It's working out quite nicely.
Man, that mousetrap looked painful. Both physically, and in terms of life bar. And the rake was a good moment of humor. Now that you mentioned Tom and Jerry, this stage does seem to have a notable amount of slapstick.
Oh no.
Sometimes I forget how brutal this game's scenes can get. I also forgot that vaporized by explosions were a thing in the game as well.
Always did think it a little funny that Youki took scratch damage from the same explosions that vaporized enemies.

Gotta say, going from the classic rake gag to vaporizing explosions is a bit of a whiplash in mood.

Update on the new stage. If you're part of a 500+ yen plan for this month, you can view an 11 minute video of the stage so far. Special death animations are mandragora (3:40), lizard girl (5:55), bomb (7:00), and goblin (8:40). The preview for the next part of the stage is the gargoyle girl, along with goblins that have also been shrunken. That's going to be the next step on the stage progress, the gargoyle girl isn't done yet.
The stage is coming out pretty nicely, and that bit with the gargoyle chase is interesting too. Wonder if it's gonna be the "boss" of that stage, or you know, the end portion.
After seeing the lizard girl scene, I can't help but feel a bit......underwhelmed. Not just for that one. I really liked the mandragora (mostly for the end bit) and the goblin girl, but the rest were just kinda...there. I do still like those scenes, but they feel like they could be expanded upon a bit more. I dunno. Maybe it's because I've been spoiled by some other vore scenes in other places, even some from this game (looking at you wolf lamia). I'm probably just expecting too much from them, which is more a fault on my end than theirs.
I think lizard girl's vore animation is incomplete. Nana has been focused on completing the stage. I'd bring it up to him, but I know Camel/D-gate has been talking to him about her. He' ll probably say something. Nana said they won't be able to make the August release he was aiming for, so hoping he'll spend some time polishing the scenes.

The gargoyle girl being added to the stage was actually a request from me. But, my initial request was as a security camera-like surveying statue that would activate if she saw Youki. Having a scene where a giant gargoyle girl eats goblins was another request. This preview looks like a great way to implement both ideas. I spoke to Nana a little and he indicated the gargoyle girl might be the last element added to the stage. Should hear back from him soonish.
Do you know if the DLSite version will be able to be updated to the R18 version?