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VN/TEXT Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Re: Tsukihime

Well thing is I'm using google chrome, and when it's done (sorta) it reaches 0 seconds left, but never finally confirms the file completed. So I'm stuck at the edge of my seat while it continues to say it's downloaded, yet WON'T FINISH!
Re: Tsukihime

Could somebody help me out here? I was downloading files, and after a while (on file 4) I went to download that. Says that I'm not allowed to download more then 1 file at a time, but the fact is I'm not downloading anything at all. What's going on?
Re: Tsukihime

Could somebody help me out here? I was downloading files, and after a while (on file 4) I went to download that. Says that I'm not allowed to download more then 1 file at a time, but the fact is I'm not downloading anything at all. What's going on?

I've have files mess up while downloading and having the download hosts saying something like that as well, thinking that I'm still downloading something even though I've canceled it. It takes quite a while for it to realize the file is done/canceled(I can't estimate how long) so I can't really help there.

I'll try to download and upload the parts you're missing to mirrors if that'll work.
Re: Tsukihime

Oh that would be GREAT! I want to play the sequal, Hallow... something. But when I hit the 4th rar it freezes. T_T
Re: Tsukihime

I managed to get part 4 uploaded to MU

Is it only this part or the rest of them after it as well?
Re: Tsukihime

Well, haven't tried the others, but just to be safe I'd appreciate it. I HAVE to play this X3

Edit:.......... part 4 hates me. This one reaches 0 too..then freezes... god hates me. I tried all browsers, removed all firewalls, something is wrong. One thing I hate most is being denied good entertainment. Especially if it's a damn good story.
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Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

First of all, I wish to apologise for necroing a tread.

I'd played through Fate stay night, an excellent visual novel in my opinion, and thought that " hey, type moon should have other epic stuff to play, right?"

and come searching in this forum see if there's any thread about it.

boy, I'm glad to see that type moon have other visual novel to read. gonna download em all!

the thing would be I cant find a decent fate/hallow download anywhere.... can anyone help?:D
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

No worries, my thread wasn't dead so much as it was waiting for a Command Spell to become active again.

Yeah, I don't know the status of Hollow, I think it is still ever so slowly being translated off in the background somewhere. It will emerge someday translated.

Also enjoy that Tsukihime; I think, even though the visual elements in it are lesser and that it is an older release, it is Type-Moon's Masterpiece.

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Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Acknowledge!:D Thank you for the info.

I will just go play Tsukihime, read the Fate/Zero novel, read the manga.....

and WAIT. I cant download Kagetsu Tohya (Sequel to Tsukihime)! Damn my ISP for banning megaupload!:(

sigh..... any good sir/lady can reupload it? I still can access rapidshare, wuupload, mediafire, and filesonic.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Here is TOTALLY not a link to direct downloads of the Fate/Zero anime. (Which is badass.) I recommend getting the Commie Subs one, it works on my computer and is smaller.

(And so on, just increase the episode number in your URL bar. It is an ongoing series which is updated every Saturday.)

That is a link to a site which updates regularly as each episode gets released if you'd like to stream it online. "Version 2" (the tabs) has a Megaupload link that like never breaks, though the older episodes most of the links are going to be blank.


Edit: I'll work on reupping that Kagetsu Tohya when I have time for ya. It is kinda tedious but the ten side stories and the ultimate overall story of Kagetsu Tohya is awesome. I love Len. ^^
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Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Dear Nanie,

Never mind ! I got a friend who help me download Kagetsu Tohya when I pass him the Tsukihime game.

Thanks for your effort though!:D

Edit: It seems I cannot add rep to nanie-san! ARGHHHHH
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Here is TOTALLY not a link to direct downloads of the Fate/Zero anime. (Which is badass.) I recommend getting the Commie Subs one, it works on my computer and is smaller.

(And so on, just increase the episode number in your URL bar. It is an ongoing series which is updated every Saturday.)

That is a link to a site which updates regularly as each episode gets released if you'd like to stream it online. "Version 2" (the tabs) has a Megaupload link that like never breaks, though the older episodes most of the links are going to be blank.


Edit: I'll work on reupping that Kagetsu Tohya when I have time for ya. It is kinda tedious but the ten side stories and the ultimate overall story of Kagetsu Tohya is awesome. I love Len. ^^

The Fate/Zero anime is amazing I think. A lot more characters are actually likeable I think. I can't help but root for Rider in that one.
Though an unrelated story Fate/Extra for the psp is pretty awesome too.
So, what was this I read earlier about a type-moon D20 game?
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

This is a pretty awesome visual novel. In fact, the only visual novel I've really enjoyed apart from Bible Black, and Bible Black's success was attributed more to the pornographic side.

This however.... Four hours of gameplay, one erotic scene in all of that. Totally worth it. The story is actually quite compelling.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Though an unrelated story Fate/Extra for the psp is pretty awesome too.
So, what was this I read earlier about a type-moon D20 game?

I second both these statements. Loving Fate/Extra. Archer always was one of my favorites. I would play the shit out of a type-moon D20 game.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I second both these statements. Loving Fate/Extra. Archer always was one of my favorites. I would play the shit out of a type-moon D20 game.

Oh yeah! I've been working on a pretty slick Type-Moon D20 system. It is meant to be just as crazy as anything Type-Moon could throw out there. There were/are a lot of neat additions about it being made, like on creation the one running the show can roll to see what 'uniques' people roll on their character. Each of these is like a plot twist waiting to happen. When I did my original test run of the game, I had in total 25 uniques, with the average chance of getting one being 5%-10%.

Some examples were:
Heat [64% Chance] - Magic Circuit recharges faster when under 50% HP.

Blood Heat [Preq: Heat, 32% Chance] - Magic Circuit recharges even faster when under 25% HP.

Danger Sense [12% Chance] - The air feels thick and you can sense when someone of a higher level with hostile intent has entered the area.

Dragon [8% Chance] - Deal an additional dice of damage whenever you attack something two or more levels higher than you.

Falcon [8% Chance] - +2 to hit vs targets of a lower level than you.

Mystic Eyes [7% Chance] - Roll on the chart of Mystic Eyes to determine your natural gift. (You can forge them if you are an exceptional mage, but forged eyes are generally just one shot spells rather than some sort of incredible ability.)

Psychic [7% Chance] - Roll from the list of abilities inherited from being Psychic. (Human Only)

Reality Marble [6% Chance] - Capable of invoking a Reality Marble (Eventually, not generally off the bat.)

Phoenix [6% Chance] - When a certainly fatal blow is dealt to your character, you are rendered unconscious and by all means and senses appear to be dead as your heart stops beating. After a couple turns, it restarts and you are considered stable at one fourth of your maximum HP. This trait is lost upon use.

The icing on the cake is that among the giant list of uniques, the player gets to know none of what he holds until they are activated. The idea was to feed roleplay and make battles really fast but insane, and certainly deadly for something.

It is very much still in development, and I'm reworking mostly everything about it (since most of it was lost on an old laptop T-T), but it is certainly not a dead project.

I want to effectively create a random event system / series of charts that if everyone wants to play but noone feels like making something inventive for a scenario, they could all be rolled to determine what happens that day.
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Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Oh yeah! I've been working on a pretty slick Type-Moon D20 system. It is meant to be just as crazy as anything Type-Moon could throw out there. There were/are a lot of neat additions about it being made, like on creation the one running the show can roll to see what 'uniques' people roll on their character. Each of these is like a plot twist waiting to happen. When I did my original test run of the game, I had in total 25 uniques, with the average chance of getting one being 5%-10%.

Some examples were:
Heat [64% Chance] - Magic Circuit recharges faster when under 50% HP.

Blood Heat [Preq: Heat, 32% Chance] - Magic Circuit recharges even faster when under 25% HP.

Danger Sense [12% Chance] - The air feels thick and you can sense when someone of a higher level with hostile intent has entered the area.

Dragon [8% Chance] - Deal an additional dice of damage whenever you attack something two or more levels higher than you.

Falcon [8% Chance] - +2 to hit vs targets of a lower level than you.

Mystic Eyes [7% Chance] - Roll on the chart of Mystic Eyes to determine your natural gift. (You can forge them if you are an exceptional mage, but forged eyes are generally just one shot spells rather than some sort of incredible ability.)

Psychic [7% Chance] - Roll from the list of abilities inherited from being Psychic. (Human Only)

Reality Marble [6% Chance] - Capable of invoking a Reality Marble (Eventually, not generally off the bat.)

Phoenix [6% Chance] - When a certainly fatal blow is dealt to your character, you are rendered unconscious and by all means and senses appear to be dead as your heart stops beating. After a couple turns, it restarts and you are considered stable at one fourth of your maximum HP. This trait is lost upon use.

The icing on the cake is that among the giant list of uniques, the player gets to know none of what he holds until they are activated. The idea was to feed roleplay and make battles really fast but insane, and certainly deadly for something.

It is very much still in development, and I'm reworking mostly everything about it (since most of it was lost on an old laptop T-T), but it is certainly not a dead project.

I want to effectively create a random event system / series of charts that if everyone wants to play but noone feels like making something inventive for a scenario, they could all be rolled to determine what happens that day.

It sounds awesome. I just would have concerns about the player group being left out if for example something like the grail war since basically only one person can actually win. Though since I've only seen Fate related stories I don't know what else they incorporated into the same world.
Re: Tsukihime

It's good that the thread reapeared, With so little time i haven't even replied to your last post (in thruth i've seen it only today :p )

Yea, I certainly am not counting Fate/Extra since it really isn't canon. Nor in English to my knowledge. And Battle Moon Wars does follow a story depicted following the end of Heaven's Feel route of Fate/Stay, but I always have a hard time accepting things like that as possible parts of the Nasuverse when Kinoku Nasu has absolutely nothing to do with the company that made BMW (Werk). Not that I think BMW is bad, I simply do not count it.

I'm not sure if Fate/Extra is not canon, the fact is that the grail sumoned there comes from another source, that the reason of inconsistencies among fate/extra and fate/stay night

I assure you my good chum.
If you note too, during that little intro there's a moment which shows Arcuied within the blade works even. I know nothing of White Len, but I'm quite certain that Len's 'White Len' side is not an external being, and she was most definitely created by a different Magus long, long ago. Unless you somehow have a source on this, which if you do and I am totally wrong I would love to read up on. :D

spoilers, since I'll talk about stuff in both series
I though you're talking about the white haired girls that blinks for a moment in that scene.

I mixed her with white Len (which should have white clothing as well). White Len is exclusive to melty blood:

About the ominous black thing in the sky, while it was drawn exactly like the grail, Is actually the :

They probably recicled the image (they are still a relatively small studio), as both shoud have very similar appearances anyway

Alrighty, I'll be sure to! This laptop's lacking a power cord since the computer whizzes that built it decided to put the heating vent right on the part the damn cord plugs into, so I have to go hunt down another cord. So don't hold your breath, but I will ONE DAY make good on that.

Thanks, I just got a copy of the game this week, ther problem is start all over, as I end up losting the save files. but it's ok.

To finish, I've seen that you guys where talking about Fate-Zero, and the thing i have to say is Ufo table have done so far a incredible work. but be prepared to wait form a while, as they will fishing the first 13 episodes and the last 13 will come out only the april season (I know the wait would be terrible for those who don't know the story, but if it's to keep that level they doin right now I'm all about to wait as well).

(sorry for any mispellings, gotta sleep now. it's almost 3am. and I'm up since 5am of yesterday.)
Re: Tsukihime

I'm not sure if Fate/Extra is not canon, the fact is that the grail sumoned there comes from another source, that the reason of inconsistencies among fate/extra and fate/stay night
From what I read online Fate/Extra is in fact NOT canon. I thought I read it was a spin off series. That and...
they're claiming the moon itself is the grail in Extra. Some technological wonder left behind by god knows who to watch and observe us. Rather than a creation of ancient magi which is what I thought they said it was in Fate/Zero
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Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

It sounds awesome. I just would have concerns about the player group being left out if for example something like the grail war since basically only one person can actually win. Though since I've only seen Fate related stories I don't know what else they incorporated into the same world.

The idea of that event (thought about it many times) is that people could make entirely new characters for it, or enter their own characters if they qualify / feel brave enough to. It is a high risk gamble with a wish at stake. I bet it would be awesome. :D

The threat of death and dying when involved in these sort of affairs in this is meant to be very real and frightening. The way to win is generally with tactics above stats. Smart making makes right.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

That's one of the key ideas in Fate/Extra. Information is power. The more you know about your opponents, the easier you'll be able to counter their moves, etc. If you ever need playtesters, feel free to drop me a line. :D