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RPG RPG Maker Loli [木陰の泉 / Kokage no Izumi] ドミネーションクエスト-クロとエッチなモンスターガールズ- / Domination quest - black and horny monster girls (RJ227208)

cool thanks I've got all of them so far then I just need to find a way to capture the Man eating plant then go through the rest
if you are unable to capture her then you might need the most recent version 1.15. If you have any earlier version she is uncapturable
AoE status are annoying as hell but if you are used to RPGs in general you can have a party with AoE nukes wiping everything really early before the enemy can even get a turn. (3 AoE nukers + 1 single target nuker for bosses/annoying targets).

AoE, Status and AGI are king, stack those and the game its a breeze.

Problem is that all enemies outspeed me if I go with the recommended level to handle the previous dungeon (which is usually the same level as the strongest MG you can recruit there) so even if I attempt to use AoE attacks they can be easily disabled with status debuffs before I'm able to attack. And then there's the times in which you get attacked by surprise, meaning the enemies get a free turn before you, which is enough to cause a game over. Heck, I usually reloaded my save when it happened because I usually get wiped out.

So obviously I'm forced to grind so at least some of the girls get a turn before the enemy, which after a while becomes really annoying to do in each dungeon. Of course I also switch girls if they get stuck with any of the status effects that may make them waste a turn, but the problem here is that they usually don't have good equipment since money is scarce unless you go out of the way to farm it, which again slows the pace of this game (and as a minor note, why is it locked at 50K?).

And then there's the mechanic that the girl lose stamina every turn, and they need to replenish it on you. Frankly, that they die if it reaches 0 is something I don't like, they should just make the girl get stuck with no other options than Ejaculate frankly, as some of the most powerful attacks become unusable since when the turn ends the girl will instantly reach 0 stamina. Also, a way to replenish it outside the battle using the same method would be nice.

Of course, there's also the crafting mechanic, which is not worth it after a while. Creating a gem means you have to get an empty gem, two materials and the money needed to craft it. And unless you have already explored the dungeon (which kinda makes it a waste since it's intended for that dungeon), this is something you'll have to pay from the shop, which means more money to farm. Frankly I don't bother and straight up buy the already filled gems because it's cheaper than getting all required materials, they're faster to get and they can be given to backrow party members when you get better ones since they have a balanced stat spread meaning everybody can use them.

Frankly, I feel there's no mechanic that helps the player in this game. No way to get increased EXP/Gold/Items, no preemptive encounters, no way to negate or reduce surprise encounters and specially no way to reduce encounters at all. Kuro being absolutely useless except with item management doesn't help at all too.

Again, I feel this game is not balanced enough to be played on Normal. I did it and there was nothing but frustration due to all the elements I mentioned. When I beat the final boss I swore to myself to go with Easy from now on, specially after I died several times because of the BS AoE charm the boss spams.
Sounds like you just hate turn-based JRPGs because this is quite normal to me and I don't mind it at all. I embrace the grind. Means more affection and I like to see what new skills everyone gets. You would probably HATE MGQ Paradox.
On the contrary, I like Paradox (500 hours in that game, and I'm not even sure how). And I played JRPG before and still play them from time to time. That's why I can easily say this one is unbalanced and not worth doing it on Normal. I already made my points about why I think that, based on pretty much experience with other games.

If you don't agree, then that's okay, I suppose you had more fun with it. I sure didn't. Hopefully for the next part they improve some things (like letting us buy more than one item at a time, that would be nice).
as soon you get ghost girls (inmune to all physical), zombie girl (insane single target nuker + CC + AoE), necromancer (insane AoE nuker + late game having the best buffs skills in game in AoE) so she will be in you party forever.

Later you can switch zombie girl for more DAKKA, i changed her for the cat girl since its literally zombie girl but with higher damage, speed and paizuri.

ghost girl still relevant until you find you dont need CC, AKA:when you start wiping everything in a single turn.

and the game becomes a cakewalk, stack necromancer with AGI to buff you whole party on the first turns or help to wipe everything before the enemies get their turn and its gg..............she also does anal.
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It's definitely not a very difficult game as it's very generous with the recovery springs which are necessary thanks to the monster girls losing stamina every turn.
Assuming you don't run from every encounter and understand the stats + status ailments correctly which are listed in the text file it's never unfair, besides you can always grind a couple extra levels if need be it doesn't take long to level up.
I really can't wait for new content and I want that Oni girl in the epilogue scene to do things to me.
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Does anyone else's game crash after fighting the blue dragon in the cave? After the cutscene end the game crash immediately... I can't progress anymore and I don't want to use a full save

EDIT: Ok bvm, thanks to RogueTwilight I figured it out, if you are using skinship the game crashes if you don't it's fine
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I recommend you download the 1.17, the game crashes a lot less after I played with that version.
Can somebody please send me a link to a zip file that contains the kuro_Data for version 1.17 of the game? I am sick and tired of all the crashing and not responding already! It's driving me nuts!
Anyone have any luck using cheat engine with this game? I can't even figure out how to find the money value.
I see I'm not the only one getting a random "Not Responding". Any idea what's causing that?
Most likely a bad version. From what I've heard, 1.17 is the lastest and I have 1.14. That's what my comment above was about.
Ugh this game has so much potential yet is so clunky at places.

The combat system is reasonably interesting, fueling your girls as they fight, though a bit slow with no way to speed up. Skinships are amusing, and H-scenes vary in quality thanks to the wildly different artstyles but they're overall fine. The gem system is an interesting way to personalize equipment but it's also a pretty significant timesink since you tend to have to do it after every exploration, unless you purely use the preset gems.

Mildly Annoying Stuff:
  • Mob encounter rate is annoyingly high relative to the damage you take early game, but tbf the devs seem to have noticed this by putting healing spots practically everywhere early-game, until you build up a full backline party of healbots.
  • Consecutive button presses don't register even at perfectly reasonable input speeds. Either 1.17 made it less of a problem or I just got used to it.
  • Making the up arrow pull up the textlog for every small thing means you'll keep pulling it up just by trying to walk after picking up an item.
  • Using thin, diagonal paths despite the game having only 4-directional movement. You either have to slam into a wall every other second or spam up and right to spazz your way through the path.
  • Escape being a straight return-to-title with absolutely no warning is pretty dumb. You get used to it, but you really shouldn't need to.

And the obvious and serious problem, the crashes. No game worth its salt should be crashing this damn much. I think it's due to specific skinships (e.g. Slime crashed me three times), but nonetheless, it's too much.
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Hey has anyone figured out how to rip the CGs from the game? I know how to rip them from regular RPG Maker games, but not from unity games.