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[Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

cleo would pass the legal test on paper. she looks like she could be 18. cleo simply does not look like a child and i doubt police will watch the anime just to find if she was underage.

think of this as a case of the police raided your home, seized your PC and found all your hentai.

the evidence they would use is the pictures, not the story or lore behind the characters. if a girl looked like a kid (loli) they would try you as a pedo. if they looked at cleo and didn't know her, they would have nothing on you.

if they saw a girl was loli, but had big boobs (oppai loli) they would probably try to use it since they will use anything they could.

so really, they go based on looks and not actual age since "art has no age".
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

All this discussion about what is loli and what isn't does not matter all that much, as long as everyone agrees that at least one made it into Aigis (or other games) untouched. Aisha did, and it takes some top of the line denial to argue that Aisha isn't a loli, so we know that Nutaku can and will get lolis into their games if there is enough reason for it.

So there's no need to produce silly justifications for censorship, and no need to "deal with it" like sub-par service is something that a customer is supposed to be dealing with. Really, just refrain from paying until they agree to remove the censors, and they will soon sing a different tune.

The difficulty lies in getting enough people for this to make an impact, which is why I'm arguing for this course of action here and elsewhere.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

Shiho is petite, but she has small boobs. Not oppai loli.

Solano is definitely an oppai loli.

Rika is somewhere in between, and Marie is developed enough to not be anywhere close to loli/petite level.

Pics here.

This is interesting. The way to really differentiate it for sure is to have height comparison with another character, which we can't do here anyway.
I personally think that Shiho is loli. A Chubby loli. That is. Don't hate me for that statement please. And Rika might be petite considering if her automata have 170-ish height. Totally agree for the other two.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

I believe Ravel Phenex also qualifies as Oppai Loli. I'd like to know what others think of too.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

I dont see the reason for all this bunch of "players" to be whining so much. FKG dont focus on porn, easily you could ignore it as is a scene per character.

Also the 3star characters ussually aren't used. In the game you tend to focus from 4stars to above after a week of being playing.

Totally agree about that, the scene is not that intresting.

Yess fill the thread with moar rage and anger about the game that isnt out yet. Why not you guys flood it somewhere else that is more "directly" to nutaku? Like maybe their website/facebook page or whatever, its funny you guys even bother arguing in here which nutaku is hardly going to see your hate and rage.

Can i have some more sir?
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Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

Totally agree about that, the scene is not that intresting.

Yess fill the thread with moar rage and anger about the game that isnt out yet. Why not you guys flood it somewhere else that is more "directly" to nutaku? Like maybe their website/facebook page or whatever, its funny you guys even bother arguing in here which nutaku is hardly going to see your hate and rage.

Personally I thought the discussion was pretty calm. I still want to see the pictures where sword hilts got removed.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

For those who don't follow discord or /jp/ thread, one of devs said edit will be reverted on launch:
Nutaku's Nameless Acolyte - Today at 4:48 PM
Regarding the characters: the edit slipped in and will be reverted.

Nutaku's Nameless Acolyte - Today at 4:50 PM
Please be patient though as no new build will be planned before global. We will revert on the 14th.

> Just curious, why would nutaku make such edits in the first place?

Nutaku's Nameless Acolyte - Today at 4:50 PM
It's complicated.

Personally I thought the discussion was pretty calm. I still want to see the pictures where sword hilts got removed.
This one:
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

For those who don't follow discord or /jp/ thread, one of devs said edit will be reverted on launch:

Complicated - Inconsistency on their own.

Just a guess. Might relate to how they treat each game differently. Like one team for this game and another for other. Also bad leader, and poor communication. That might connect all the stunt.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

Discord links added to first post. Yes, plural. There's an 18+ chat now in addition to the regular one.

Totally agree about that, the scene is not that intresting.

Yess fill the thread with moar rage and anger about the game that isnt out yet. Why not you guys flood it somewhere else that is more "directly" to nutaku? Like maybe their website/facebook page or whatever, its funny you guys even bother arguing in here which nutaku is hardly going to see your hate and rage.

Can i have some more sir?

You think people didn't do that when we were complaining about the lack of Aigis lolis?

And I'd downvote you myself if I actually gave a fuck about rep, but I don't. But if you have nothing useful to add to the conversation, maybe you should stop posting while people have a legitimate reason to be concerned. Just because you don't care about the edits doesn't mean other people shouldn't protest about them.
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Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

I would like to inform people that there is now a Discord Chat server
for the adult version of Flower Knight Girl here :
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

So Flower girls already has seen edits and it hasn't even launched yet? That makes me significantly less interested in it. Guess I'll log in once, see the game and be done with it if that. Nutaku's censoring is downright deplorable.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

So Flower girls already has seen edits and it hasn't even launched yet? That makes me significantly less interested in it. Guess I'll log in once, see the game and be done with it if that. Nutaku's censoring is downright deplorable.

It is already on Close Beta stage (Only on Canada)
Our Canadian friends kind enough to post the scene
While official launch is 14'th April if nothing goes wrong~
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

So Flower girls already has seen edits and it hasn't even launched yet? That makes me significantly less interested in it. Guess I'll log in once, see the game and be done with it if that. Nutaku's censoring is downright deplorable.
We have been assured that the edits were an "oversight" (one that somehow involves accidentally commissioning a body edit and then accidentally inserting it into the game) and would be reverted on the 14th, and if they keep their word, you should probably try the game for a bit longer. But it's still wise to be wary, because we know that they are willing to edit the girls, and they may try to sneak past more "oversights" later on.

And speaking of that "oversight" excuse, it is almost laughably hokey and what Acolyte wanted to say is probably "at least some part of our management wanted to censor Asagao, but thought better after the player response." So I'll take this as a victory on our part, and if EN players can raise hell every time Nutaku tries to pull something similarly reprehensible, they may even force it into actually running FKG decently.

... and just as I post this, Asagao is apparently fixed. The prompt response is heartening, and Acolyte does seem like he cares about the game he is responsible for. Best of luck to him.
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Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

So Flower girls already has seen edits and it hasn't even launched yet? That makes me significantly less interested in it. Guess I'll log in once, see the game and be done with it if that. Nutaku's censoring is downright deplorable.
Acolyte said edit was reverted just few minutes back.
No confirmation from anons playing it, but I doubt they would lie in such obvious way.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

Well , I guess that is good news
Let see that in 3 days~
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

Discord links added to first post. Yes, plural. There's an 18+ chat now in addition to the regular one.

You think people didn't do that when we were complaining about the lack of Aigis lolis?

And I'd downvote you myself if I actually gave a fuck about rep, but I don't. But if you have nothing useful to add to the conversation, maybe you should stop posting while people have a legitimate reason to be concerned. Just because you don't care about the edits doesn't mean other people shouldn't protest about them.

Lol dafuk you pissed all about? Who cares about the rep too, im just saying you guys whining in here wont be make a big deal. Its not like nutaku give a shit if you guys whining in here. If you spam the nutaku email or facebook page that are more directly to them is have more impact to them they might heard/see what you guys complaining about. Jesus use your head first man before making assumptions about people saying, i do care about the art.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

Incidentally I seem to be unable to post on nutaku's page on facebook, their wall at least. Wonder if new accounts can't post for a period. Nutaku says they didn't ban the account from posting.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

Lol dafuk you pissed all about? Who cares about the rep too, im just saying you guys whining in here wont be make a big deal. Its not like nutaku give a shit if you guys whining in here. If you spam the nutaku email or facebook page that are more directly to them is have more impact to them they might heard/see what you guys complaining about. Jesus use your head first man before making assumptions about people saying, i do care about the art.

You literally just said you don't care about the h-scene. That's pretty selective cherry-picking.

The point that clearly went over your head is that people HAVE been protesting in the appropriate channels, but last time this happened, they were deleted and had to be addressed separately. This time around, however, people jumped the gun and complained before we got an official dev statement, so there was no need to spam their Facebook at the time.

Ironically, your bitching about other people's bitching contributes even less to the thread right now.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

The "it's complicated" lends weight to an internal theory of mine (I'm not going to explain it.. it's complicated :p) of how things are done.

If I'm right (and I usually am), as long as the edits don't go "live", there is no need for hand-wringing.