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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

For future reference, are there any ranged units that make good meat shields? My best for the task was that Vampire Hunter whose special improves her attack, HP & Defense. But after that, I wasn't sure. I supposed other vampire Hunters like vincent would be good, though his defense was lower than I thought, and that pirates would be pretty tough too.

The best this server have?

Did lots of page in gcwiki been deleted somewhat?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

For future reference, are there any ranged units that make good meat shields? My best for the task was that Vampire Hunter whose special improves her attack, HP & Defense. But after that, I wasn't sure. I supposed other vampire Hunters like vincent would be good, though his defense was lower than I thought, and that pirates would be pretty tough too.
After Vampire Hunters (Fran) its probably Dragon Shaman and then Feng shui thanks to their healing, with Pippin having about 2200 health and 190 defence. Robert (who is also a tanky ranged) was my sole healer for the 12 stam map and did the job fine.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

16 copies. mincost 6/10.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

16 copies. mincost 6/10.

Nice work, mines only -3 4/10. Not really worried atm as i am unsure if i will use her anyway and if i do, i can always up her later. Might give her a try when she has true damage, who knows when that will happen, though hence my hesitation to grind this one out and instead opted focus on dailys.

That said, managed to 3star the 9/12 on my second try after my first blind attempt let a blasted single slip through. Always got to be one, right?
Anyway, that is everything 3 starred, i guess. in both event and revival.
Got my Alice to 80/80, waiting for silver spirits to CC fodder silvers and idk, might use a gold soldier but that would be a waste, you'd think? Really tempted but i know i'm better off selling said unit for SC rather then wasting what could be 2 silver soldiers.

I only have 5 master monk orbs anyway, so even if i did AW her i can't SAW her anyway. Those are tuesday, right?

Same day i grind for rains to get my 4/5 uru and now 4/5 Aisha to SAW. Sigh. So many rains, but the egg won't crack. You'd think 20 combined failures or so would do it, but that is simply not the case. Fortunately didn't need SAW Aisha for the 9/12, which was my plan (To cheese it), didn't even use her lmao. She too weak, guess magic can't protect you from getting shot, huh?

Surprised harry potter didn't try that on he who shall not be named (Literally forget his name kek)

Oh well, Come Tuesday unless there is an IC or good UF ima probs be getting absurd amounts of rains only to add to my tally of failures to accomplish a 5/5.
Oh, talking about SAW, I managed to SAW totono on DMM and Jesus, I really did underestimate her ability to generate UP.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission
 "The Dark Guild's Servant" ends
- The Revival Mission
 "Ancient Automata" ends

- The Urgent Mission
 "Anna's Great Adventure" begins
- Basic EXP x3 for Gold or above female units begins
- Basic EXP x2 for Gold or above male units begins
 Only basic EXP will increase; levels will not increase.
 EXP will return to normal after the maintenance
 scheduled for October 31, 2017 (Tue) 3AM.

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon


Annnnnnnna!!!! Oh, and 100% -1 CR (if you didn't use a Gold Bond Fairy or a Time Fairy for whatever reason or missed out on Katie's sub) & +1 SU (if you didn't already use a Rainbow Fairy or a CC'd Julian) for Katie is pretty neat too, I guess. :V


Now all that's left is Eliza, Happy's Subjugation, and GRs 2, 3, 4 and 2014 DMM will finally be finished.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hmm, still no answer on Liana problem.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission
 "The Dark Guild's Servant" ends
- The Revival Mission
 "Ancient Automata" ends

- The Urgent Mission
 "Anna's Great Adventure" begins
- Basic EXP x3 for Gold or above female units begins
- Basic EXP x2 for Gold or above male units begins
 Only basic EXP will increase; levels will not increase.
 EXP will return to normal after the maintenance
 scheduled for October 31, 2017 (Tue) 3AM.

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon


Annnnnnnna!!!! Oh, and 100% -1 CR (if you didn't use a Gold Bond Fairy or a Time Fairy for whatever reason or missed out on Katie's sub) & +1 SU (if you didn't already use a Rainbow Fairy or a CC'd Julian) for Katie is pretty neat too, I guess. :V


holy fuck

Just before the current star rush:
Wouldn't be surprised if Annas sometime soon, tbh.

sometime 1 week ago, idk - for context, it was a convo about wishlists for aigis nutaku version, followed by a statement.
Black ticket
Sybilla's buff/ the balance update that contains it.
Training pack with the 10% exp spirit
Spirit 'racks
Silver 'racks
Prince AW
Anya revival
Daily MOTHERFUCKING revivals
Imperial GATCHA.
Majin fucking Advents (SOLVES ALL YO PROBLEMS)
3rd scene / free SC/Bond spirits yo
Adolf hitler in drag as a new event waifu.

IF anna is not next it will be metus next IC i think unless they drive a fucking train into the schedule again

u better not be trollin ey like i swear if i fucking predicted that shit im never gonna live that one down ay lmao
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

She's pretty much the Prince's personal Dancer, not really all that great tbh, but idc, she can finally participate in battle and stop being a lazy ass.

Likely not getting Happy since she was added on the Revival, we haven't even gotten her Sub yet, but oh well....maybe they'll give us it on the second week, that'd be great.

Hopefully this means we won't have to wait long for The Holy Spirit of Light and Darkness, as I still really needs that max SU fairy for Sophie.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

She's pretty much the Prince's personal Dancer, not really all that great tbh, but idc, she can finally participate in battle and stop being a lazy ass.

Likely not getting Happy since she was added on the Revival, we haven't even gotten her Sub yet, but oh well....maybe they'll give us it on the second week, that'd be great.

Hopefully this means we won't have to wait long for The Holy Spirit of Light and Darkness, as I still really needs that max SU fairy for Sophie.

eh -3 cost not bad when u finally woke (When we get the jungle arc). Unless u need 2 deploy her, lol.
Also another star rush is nice for grinding them dailies, kek. Saw some people bitching in the wiki like, oh no - gotta try so hard to do a star rush, we needz break. wot.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ah, right I forgot about the CR. Yeah, I guess that'd be helpful for if/when you need to use a AW Prince. According to her wiki page seems like she only needs to be in the sortie for the ability to work.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ah, right I forgot about the CR. Yeah, I guess that'd be helpful for if/when you need to use a AW Prince. According to her wiki page seems like she only needs to be in the sortie for the ability to work.

Cool, with a rear-guard, that's 20 cost, or -6 in total, yeah? better then 26 lmao.

AW prince is pretty gud tho he can actually do some gud phys damage...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

She's pretty much the Prince's personal Dancer, not really all that great tbh, but idc, she can finally participate in battle and stop being a lazy ass.

More importantly, we can finally get her into bed. :D


Still waiting for Liana solution, I want to roll something without having to fear getting her. -__-

Ceterum censeo Liana esse delendam
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Anybody knows if Anne's event can drop silver healers? I've just managed to get Elyse to CC80, just to realize that I don't have a single silver or surplus gold healer.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Alissa drops as a completion reward, otherwise there's no healer farming drops.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

the drop tables for these maps look terrible. i was mostly looking forward to it for the katie dupe but now it's only a 50/50 shot at CR.

at least there's an aw fairy as far as i can see.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

the drop tables for these maps look terrible. i was mostly looking forward to it for the katie dupe but now it's only a 50/50 shot at CR.

at least there's an aw fairy as far as i can see.

Nothing beats the time fairy as a reward (except maybe happy, but she's only in the revival along with a second time fairy), just make sure to use it on a black that already has -1 CR as its 100%.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

"Hell, it's about time..."

 EXP will return to normal after the maintenance
 scheduled for October 31, 2017 (Tue) 3AM.

Hol' up.
That means the update after Anna's is the Halloween update?
Do we even get a Halloween update?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Nothing beats the time fairy as a reward (except maybe happy, but she's only in the revival along with a second time fairy), just make sure to use it on a black that already has -1 CR as its 100%.

Actually it's better to use it on a unit that is already -2. Since going down to -2 is 50% with a dupe or bond fairy and -3 only 25 %. Both are 100 % with a time fairy.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Knowing myself I'll never use the time fairy. I'll always be thinking that there surely is a better unit to use on, just wait a bit and see. :eek: