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Operation TR (game in the making) - now with a blog

Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Honestly, I am sick and tired of negative rep from Joe Schmos who find small errors in some of my posts and call me out on it from the comfortable confines of the reputation system.

Seriously. It is cowardly to do this instead of simply PM'ing me and asking me what a certain typo was intended to be.

I am so damn sorry for ruining your life by making a simple misaligned keystroke. You may beat me now.

We already have another thread for this. By posting here, you only invite more of the same.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

We already have another thread for this. By posting here, you only invite more of the same.

True. I just react negatively to negative rep scoring. Heh. It has been the second time in this section someone insulted my intelligence this way. I was just expressing my disdain.

I agree I should have just kept quiet about it here, heh.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

heh, I got negrepped once for signing my post, really. It takes all kinds. I could care less what my 'rep' counter is. I try to say relevent things, and not worry if people want to throw negrep at me.

Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Okay guys, to remind myself to work on this more and keep you all up to date better I'm gona start posting weekly update from now on, giving report up on the graphics done so far.

Eitherway for this report;

For the last few weeks I have been doing converting the the basic poses;
So far;
Idles - complete
Walking/run - 80% complete. Need to adjust the arms still.
Jump - not started on yet
Shooting - early sketches

Last week however I wasn't really doing anything, considering there's a new adorable rodent family member that had required my attention. :3

However this week I picked up doing some other basic things;
The background objects, tiles and the like. They came out pretty easy to convert as they were oversized to begin with, 200% and refining, voilá, clean and easy and fitting. The background sunset appereantly is good size and scaleing too.

I've also worked on converting the little slime guy;


And now for something completely new;

an ordinary sandpile.

But watch out, thats no ordinary sandpile!

Sand tentacles love to lurk around, waiting for new prey to attempt to rape for unknown reasons..
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Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Nice work MoT. Looking forward to finished product.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Cant wait to get these new animations and get putting this together :)
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

What you've got so far looks pretty solid, although I can't see it all because all of the TinyPic images have been disabled it seems, including the one in your most recent post. Would it be too much of a hassle for them to be put up somewhere else so that we can see them?

I like the newer, more "detailed" body sprites, but if I could make a suggestion; have a bonus of beating the game be an option to play through with the old sprites, or a beta level with the old sprites. They kind of hearken back to the old NES days for me with their pixelyness, and it would be neat to use them (I can't just download the old betas unfortunately ^_^;; my Mac despises .exe).
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Nice work MoT. Looking forward to finished product.

Cant wait to get these new animations and get putting this together

Neither can I wait to see the outcome
I like the newer, more "detailed" body sprites, but if I could make a suggestion; have a bonus of beating the game be an option to play through with the old sprites, or a beta level with the old sprites. They kind of hearken back to the old NES days for me with their pixelyness, and it would be neat to use them (I can't just download the old betas unfortunately ^_^;; my Mac despises .exe).

Well there's an intresting idea, though will have to see.


So here's a re upload about stuff that might've vanished from tinypic

Weekly report;

Overall, not too much change, as I've had a lot preparing to do this week.

I did try mess with the walking pose, but there were some akwardnesses with the legs.
So you might notice the design change from the above image? Yeah those stockings and shoes are probably gona stay, I'm having a lot of trouble getting the feet look good all around. ...And I like stockings :c

I'm hoping to be able to get my next week to be more productive, but there's still quite a lot of stuff ahead for the next week as there are some large family meetings a head.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Looks alright it's a lot of work to make sprites so take your time.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.


hmmm....cool character
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Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

What is this?

Looks like somebody edited your work without your permission possibly?
Not a cool move at all.
I do not like this makes me angry leave the artwork to MoT he has his own style
and lets leave it at that no need to edit anymore.

Your reaction should have been "What is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:"
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Yeah, I know that I edited his character without permission. But I'm not claiming it as my own character...I'm just doing a rendition. :<
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Hooray for dark skinned chicks!
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

It's okay, I was just wondering what that was about, it's always fun to see other peoples renditions about stuff.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

It's okay, I was just wondering what that was about, it's always fun to see other peoples renditions about stuff.

As long as it's not hurting anyone, but its wise to keep renditions till the game(especially for indie) has been completed that way nobody gets distracted it can hurt game development.
I've seen it happen before(they decided to change all the models again then gave up) that's why i got a little mad sorry.
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Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

It's okay, I was just wondering what that was about, it's always fun to see other peoples renditions about stuff.

So are you planning on making this game yourself? You don't need any help? :D
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

So are you planning on making this game yourself? You don't need any help? :D

At the most part, yes, Oberon got the programming down and I'm mostly doing the graphics myself.

I wouldn't mind graphical help otherwise but it's bit so-so, I'm not sure how to split the work and keep the graphics and sprites consistant in the way I imagine them in my head.

Backgrounds however is my biggest weakness in graphics though.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

I wouldn't mind graphical help otherwise but it's bit so-so, I'm not sure how to split the work and keep the graphics and sprites consistant in the way I imagine them in my head.

You do the sketches whilst someone else does the coloring/animating?
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

You do the sketches whilst someone else does the coloring/animating?

Probably something like that could work, but I'm not sure how much fun there is in that either and all.
I'm just bad at team work unless it has clear splits I guess
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