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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

How Unfortunate, may be I will stick with English. And can you show me what files show text for Holy City Punishment. I like that scene and hope translate it first :D
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

And can you show me what files show text for Holy City Punishment. I like that scene and hope translate it first :D

The one in Pallant? It's file "0003629". I've been meaning to touch on that, buuuut I prefer to work my way up.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

When I applied the name plates and translations, the names are not in english.
Re: Princess Sacrifice

When I applied the name plates and translations, the names are not in english.

You need to be more specific. Did you apply the nameplates folder in the correct location?
Re: Princess Sacrifice

You need to be more specific. Did you apply the nameplates folder in the correct location?

I think I did. I wasn't too sure if I did it correctly when I did it.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

The one in Pallant? It's file "0003629". I've been meaning to touch on that, buuuut I prefer to work my way up.

No worry, I'm planning translate for my own, so I don't mess up with your work. :)

And by the way, I'm using window 10 so I can't run ITH, it's appear error and close. Any solution?
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

No worry, I'm planning translate for my own, so I don't mess up with your work. :)

And by the way, I'm using window 10 so I can't run ITH, it's appear error and close. Any solution?

You can actually ignore the errors. After you select the game, click attach and then close.

You can still use IHT after that.

Just ignore all the error boxes and dont close or click okay on them
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

This link leads to the tools needed to open lsb files.

Put the lsb files into an 'Output' Folder and 'disassemble.bat' will convert them into xml files in an 'Input' Folder. If you don't have the folders, make them.
And now you know~! :)

I tried it and it isn't working.
I made an input and output folder in the tool folder from extracting the zip
copied all Isb to the output folder and clicked on disassemble.
Whenever i run disassemble, windows pops up with "Windows can't open this file" Imcompiler.py and a command window saying "E:\Tools\tools\Imcompiler.py x output input"[/QUOTE]
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I tried it and it isn't working.
I made an input and output folder in the tool folder from extracting the zip
copied all Isb to the output folder and clicked on disassemble.
Whenever i run disassemble, windows pops up with "Windows can't open this file" Imcompiler.py and a command window saying "E:\Tools\tools\Imcompiler.py x output input"

Did you install all the software need include in txt file "Livemaker 3 What do - The short guide"? You need Install Python 2 and BeautifulSoup4 to make it run perfectly.

I made same mistakes as you before.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Okay! First time doing this so bear with me

イヨッ! おねいちゃん!!

Can someone help me with this? Context is Feena is talking to a shopkeeper while almost naked.

I get something like Oh! Sleep-chan. How much do you charge.
Im not sure this is even close those.

(hasbian if you answer how did you figure it out... T.T)
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

In this case, I prefer "Feena-chan. What a suprise apperance! How much do i pay to have fun with you?!"

And Shopkeeper from which city?
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

This is starting to feel like one of those literal versus figurative subjects.
We can always come back to the chastity belt later if further input is needed, so I'm gonna put this to one side for the time being.

Is it too late for me to recommend "Holely Destroyer"??

For the pun. Get it?
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Is it too late for me to recommend "Holely Destroyer"??

For the pun. Get it?

Funny. :D
But no. :I

Can someone help me with this? Context is Feena is talking to a shopkeeper while almost naked.
There's like, five shopkeepers in Wellston. (Or more) Which one...?

Oh, BTW. How on earth did you manage to get 'sleep-chan' from 'onee-chan'? 'Onee-chan' typically means 'big sister'. How did you mess that up...?
Oh, not only that, but your effort just made this project look waaay worse than it should. :p (They can vouch for that)
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Okay! First time doing this so bear with me

イヨッ! おねいちゃん!!

Can someone help me with this? Context is Feena is talking to a shopkeeper while almost naked.

I get something like Oh! Sleep-chan. How much do you charge.
Im not sure this is even close those.

(hasbian if you answer how did you figure it out... T.T)

"Yo!(イヨッ!) Onee-chan!! (おねいちゃん!!) How much do you(相手して means partner, so in this case it means sex partner) cost (いくらで)?"
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Funny. :D
Oh, BTW. How on earth did you manage to get 'sleep-chan' from 'onee-chan'? 'Onee-chan' typically means 'big sister'. How did you mess that up...?
(They can vouch for that)

I put it through six different machine translators and EACH of them said Sleep chan. So YEAH! hahah. I also did it word for word but I have a feeling that i dont know how to use that program correctly yet. T.T

I also know no japanese so this is PURELY me trying to figure things out.

Gimme a break T.T

And after looking at google translate, the ONE translator i usually ignore. おねいちゃん makes sense... I'm going to go cry in a corner now.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

it's been 3 weeks. Any progress/update?
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

it's been 3 weeks. Any progress/update?

Life wants me away from this, so nothing new as of yet. (I suspect the worst to come in the form of my PC crashing on itself from age, but I'm sure it'll last as long as I keep cleaning it)

I've got some time to spare later down the line, so I'm gonna do my thing.
Which also means I need help. :D (Because my sources are lacking)
By Philosopher Werner 『オメラス大陸博物誌』
Nearly every H-scene starts with this. The second half I can slightly make out, but the first half eludes me.
Have a crack at it, everyone. :D
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Nearly every H-scene starts with this. The second half I can slightly make out, but the first half eludes me.
Have a crack at it, everyone. :D

What exactly do you mean by "first half"?
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Sorry. Wasn't very specific.

Omeras (continent), it's a proper name so don't fuss too much, get a name you would prefer to romanize from omerasu and go with it.