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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

it annoys me as a general trend that hades is butchered in modern culture. pretty much every modern interpretation of greek mythology has him as the bad guy just because the zealous idiots of modern Christianity say lord of the dead is the most evil thing in existence.

still clash of the titans was quite a pretty movie and i enjoyed it.

Yeah. Hades got the underworld pretty much cause thats what was left after his sisters and brothers claimed everything else
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

well zues got the sky, Poseidon the sea and hades the underworld. none of them seemed annoyed about any of this.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

It was more along the lines of Zeus got everything (he is the King of Gods), Poseiden got the Sea, Demeter got the Land(harvest), the other sister got the Hearth/Fire, and Hera got to bang Zeus, and the Underworld was all that was left Lol

It's been a while since I've read up on my Greek mythology, though. So I might be wrong
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

well i don't really think the specifics matter, no one was annoyed with what they got and the underworld wasn't evil.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

well i don't really think the specifics matter, no one was annoyed with what they got and the underworld wasn't evil.

Aaah, the good old days. How I miss them.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Well, I'm reading up on Tartarus... and it seems to be something like Zeus' Guantanamo Bay. All the people that Zeus just didn't like ended up there - people who dared to tell the fathers of kidnapped daughters that it was Zeus that kidnapped them, or people that lusted after his wife (even though he's been sleeping around since the dawn of time).
Basically what I'm trying to say is that Zeus is an asshole.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

really they were all assholes, but not necessarily evil.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I don't know. I like Hephaestus. When he found out that Aphrodite cheats on him with Ares he didn't bash her skull in, but he caught them in a net and made the other gods ridicule them.

EDIT: Thinking about it... he ridiculed ARES, the insane god of bloodshed and war. He may have worked with a hammer, but he may as well have used his enormous balls of steel.
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.


Yeah, I like Hephestus. One of the stories I remember hearing is how he *got* Aphrodite in the first place. Everyone else is trying to woo her with presents and promises and stuff and he apparently (on Hera's advice, I think, I don't remember...) tells her "I work late." and that sealed the deal. Which always made me wonder why he was ticked about her cheating on him *laughs*

My personal favorite has always been Athena. Only one time I can think when she was really a bitch (Arachne.) but for the most part, she's pretty cool. Also, my views of the gods have skewed a little thanks to the romance books I'm reading, since the Greek gods play a big part in the series. And yes, the vast majority of them *are* assholes, especially Zeus and Apollo. OMG. But Athena's cool, Hermes is cool, Hades is pretty neutral (but still cool. Mostly he needs Persephone's influence) and Cupid and Psyche are damn cool.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah Hephaestus did have a pair of balls on him didn't he. My personal favorite of the Greek ones would probably be Artemis. A little bit of an asshole, but like Athena not too much of one. Hermes and Dionysus were pretty cool also. I actually preferred the Norse gods to the Greek though.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Egyptian in this bitch?
Are you referring to our resident kunoichi?
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Actually I always got confused by the Egyptian mythology. The Celtic myths were actually pretty good just like the Norse were too.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Is quarter Welsh and mostly Norwegian.

Actually I always got confused by the Egyptian mythology. The Celtic myths were actually pretty good just like the Norse were too.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

1/4 Irish and a 1/4 Norwegian myself, which may explain my liking those myths.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Celtic ones were always a little confusing to me though. It's like everyone was a goddess. Cu Chulainn was cool though.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah Hephaestus did have a pair of balls on him didn't he. My personal favorite of the Greek ones would probably be Artemis. A little bit of an asshole, but like Athena not too much of one. Hermes and Dionysus were pretty cool also. I actually preferred the Norse gods to the Greek though.

I liked Artemis when I was younger. I suppose I still do. She and Athena were pretty much tied. And given that Artie is 'affectionately' referred to as "The bitch goddess" or "the red-headed heifer goddess" in my series, it skews me a little. I understand her motivations sometimes but others, wow. Someone needs a time out. *laughs* Suppose it's true, though. Gods and Goddesses don't think on the same level as mortals do (and it comes out in the series a few times.)
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Cu Chulainn was cool though.

Man, that was a sweet persona when I was the appropriate level...

...So, I don't know all that much about ancient mythology...
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Funny how much we learn about ancient history/cultures from video games and/or movies, even if it is slightly skewed, isn't it? (Or more than slightly skewed *coughZhangHecough* but so long as the interest is drummed up, I suppose.)
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

The only reason I know Cu Chulainn's name is because I played Fate/Stay Night.

What does that tell you about my elementary school education?