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[WIP - Full] [RJ318368] Shrift 2 Demo/Game Hand Translation

Aw hell yeah, I've been waiting for months
Keep up the great work, fellas
Hell yeah, really appreciative of you and the team. Been waiting patiently for this (and by that I mean checking the thread near daily for updates lol) and super excited to play. Thank you so much for all the work you and the team have done!
Hum, looks like another update dropped, though not a major one.
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Very nice, looking forward to the updated translation!
cant wait last time i played this was when the game came out so now ill finally be able to read the story
Wow! I was just writing up a review for Shrift 1, and remembered sequel was out.
I will join you guys in hype for translation...
only played chapter zero, won't play rest till this translation is out. Kage-Onna not even my type, but the idea she can live in my shadow and come out and do things was for some reason a huge turn on, I didn't even want to fight her off the first easy encounter. I would imagine things only get better, but I got a feeling Kage-Onna is best waifu.
Quick update since it's closing in on the fabled time of release:

The translation patch is now 100% done. All that's left is for the installer to be built and final sanity checks/playtesting to be done before we can release it. We should be releasing it within a couple of days from now.
Very nice, looking forward to it
Quick question, though: will this include the free Sphinx DLC?
Don't post really, but I want to thank Shrifted and team for the work. Shrift is an amazing game and any translated content is hugely appreciated. Seriously, thank you for the hard work, it is appreciated by many.
It's done, the patch is ready to release. I'm dead tired from work and playtesting, so no fancy release log here.

Grab it at the usual space:

Note that there are a few things we couldn't translate in this update, mainly:
  • Sphinx DLC
  • Map Names for the Undersea Shrine (Dungeon 3). Changing them seems to break the drop tables for that area and we haven't found a proper work around for that yet.
  • A few variable lines while training in the Gym.
Other then that, everything should be good to go. Enjoy! Let me know in here if we missed any lines, there are way too many to count and it's likely we missed one or two.