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SBS Notice Board

Re: SBS Notice Board

Well, I'm all for pushing it off another day. Mia needs time to repair her body for a bit to let Ima hang around for a bit as well as securing a means for defense so... yeah.
Re: SBS Notice Board

the dance is happening as soon as possible, if you start making posts in the g building about people moving chairs and such then the dance will be happening.

And then:
Damon sees the cafeteria staff, which have appeared from seemingly nowhere, moving tables and stacking chairs. He drops his tray off and heads back for the dorm.

I tried to kind of shove this ahead a bit ago, but it didn't seem to take. In any case, I'm not of a particular mind either way. General consensus seems to be for putting it off, and there's no problem with the staff moving stuff the afternoon before so they can set up properly instead of some slapdash affair. Or maybe they were just cleaning up for the day. Who knows?
Re: SBS Notice Board

Ok, due to unforeseen circumstances, I'm going to have to stay in that limbo-land for a good while longer. See my post in the Member Announcements Thread for more details, but basically, Al and I won't be back for some time.

As for Maia, I hate to leave Tsuki hanging, so if anyone wants to take over her, go for it, or remodel, whatever. If not, Tsuki, you could just NPC her. I'm sure you can sort something out.

Re: SBS Notice Board

Not that it really matters if I post here, seeing as Pale is gone for now.... But to whom it may concern, I've decided to just let Megumi (and Maia) just chill. No one needs to take over and such.... Maybe I'll see if I can just make a new character again at some point... but not right now.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Given that we've hit a bit of a lull (that being partially due to one of the players several of us were interacting with having his computer go boom...) I thought I'd put forward the notion of moving onward. Several of us have wound down conversations for the 'evening' and I think, with just a few more wrap ups, perhaps we could move on to the dance? That is, if folks are still interested, that is. I see a lot of interactions coming together so it'd be a shame to have them die off now.

Anyone else have thoughts on the matter?
Re: SBS Notice Board

Oh shit. So that's where SBS went. It isn't exactly easy to see "Super Boarding School" in a little crack between sections, especially since it's .0001 font size.

Did SBS die or something? Is nobody interested anymore or... What's going on?
Re: SBS Notice Board

I have no idea what is going on. I think some people are waiting for others to come back, or for something specific, not sure.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Waiting...? Waiting for what? From what I've just read, people have been saying to just continue on with the story.
Re: SBS Notice Board

I'm not sure. I may be totally wrong, I have no idea what's going on. I COULD post for the new day and all, but I don't want to just ASSUME it's a new day now. Even if I did, I have no idea if anyone would reply...
Re: SBS Notice Board

i think any posting would be preferable
Re: SBS Notice Board

So.. does this mean dance night got skipped/glossed? Since I could've sworn that "last night" was the night planned for the dance..? (And my return from death)

Re: SBS Notice Board

No the dance night got pushed back one night.
Re: SBS Notice Board

You can rise and rejoin us well in time for the festivities, I think.

EDIT: Apparently I failed to post anything regarding what happened after I left the cafeteria "yesterday", so we'll just assume Damon made it back to his room okay. Unless of course something awful happened while no one was looking, in which case Nunu will set me straight.
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Eh... I got half way through Mia's return as Ima's post... and kinda left it there due to other less casual rps taking up all my time. Guess I'll pop back in and skip the post in particular (where Sly is officially introduced.)
Re: SBS Notice Board

EDIT: Apparently I failed to post anything regarding what happened after I left the cafeteria "yesterday", so we'll just assume Damon made it back to his room okay. Unless of course something awful happened while no one was looking, in which case Nunu will set me straight.

It was dark. You were eaten by a Grue.
Re: SBS Notice Board

I've been unable to take part due to not having internet at my new place. It's expensive, and I need to get BT to re-connect the phone line after the previous tenants cut it off apparently, which cost extra. I'm not in one of the cable broadband areas either so can't get one of those services, which again, means it costs more. It all became so much more awkward and expensive than I'd hoped. Taking much longer than I'd hoped, but I'm sure I'll be back soon enough. Lack of internet can make you do crazy things I tell you.

I may make small posts if things start moving again. Though since things had gone quiet I saw it as taking a break untill I could get online again. If the dance or anything else goes along, I might see If I can take part. I'll just keep my characters generally open and not do anything to lock people in a thread.

I think the last I wrote of my characters was them heading back to the dorm. Assume they are going about their day or something, and that Simon just quietly spys on the world. I doubt I could be involved in any heavy combat/activities/conversation at this point. I'll just join in again when I can.

Oh snap, I just read the recent activity in G. My peeps were meant to be meeting you guys at breakfast weren't they? That seems kind of something I shouldn't miss. I'm tempted to see if I can make that appointment. Can't today since my battery is running low by now. But maybe I can post tomorow. Just hoping the people at McDonalds dont wise up and kick me off their roof, because I think someone saw me climbing up the other day. I'll be damned if I'm meant to buy a burger to access their customer wireless zone. It's kinda fun in a way and very Simon-eske, but ultimatly not the most practical way to access the internets. =)
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Just be careful, Squid. And in a pinch, get a cup of coffee...sit...and nurse it for three hours, like the customers in my store...
Re: SBS Notice Board

So, how do I get in on all this RP goodness? :)
Re: SBS Notice Board

It helps to look back in on the character concepts, but basically...come up with someone with some sort of super power or ability or the like (we have aliens, mutants, mages and one insane janitor running around), post your concept in the appropriate thread and, as an added bonus, PM Nunu or Darkfire to let them know. The more detailed (or I should say, explainable) the better. Don't godmod, don't make something that tips the charts in the power scale, and once your charrie is approved, head for the registration building and you're in!

I think...
Re: SBS Notice Board

Yup, as Copper said. Most important things to think of when thinking up a character is probably how fun they will be to play and interact with, and not to forget to give them some more personal detail than just their unique ability/power. Mind reading and mind control are generally outlawed as power choices since they are far too difficult to implement. Most everything else is good.