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School Courtyard


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Siphon nodded.

"Of course. It will not get out through me. It wouldn't be something I'd be too ... let's just say it's a topic I wouldn't like to talk about with anyone and leave it at that. Too many memories if you catch my meaning."

A sudden thought occurred to him and he turned back to him.

"Wait, until we know for sure, how about a smaller minor spell? Maybe see if we can work something that will make it so this zombie doesn't HAVE to eat flesh but can eat normal food first, then go from there. If we can pull off a more simple spell like that we should, in theory, be able to go to the next step relatively easy."

Another moment and then lower.

"And we are sure it's just the one, yes?"


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Art had been listening in silence, not wanting to interrupt mainly because his anger wasn't fully contained yet, instead he allowed Corax to answer any questions relating to what went on earlier.

"The person had only been dead for three days though," Art added as Corax explained about one of his parents achievements. "And even then it was a proper dead body, not an undead. Though, my parents have been researching Anima, it doesn't seem to be a typical source of energy but they haven't worked out its true nature yet. If they do find anything out it may be able to help change the zombie back human."

"I don't have any knowledge of any spells working like that with Anima," Art replied to Siphon. "And I assume the zombie has been eating normal food, how else would it be able to blend in with the rest of us so easily?"

"And from the number of bodies I've found I'm assuming there's only one. Otherwise the body count would be much higher."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Siphon nodded slowly.

"Agreed, although I am surprised none of those bodies have converted, which suggests however our resident zombie was changed is not infectious. Which is a very good thing I might add. As for Anima, can't say I've ever directly heard of it, but I'm guessing it's what allows your dimension to utilize magic spells?"

He thought for a moment, then shrugged.

"I don't suppose they would be interested in researching magic generated from within the blood, or interdimensional magic would they? If so I'm sure I can arrange a proper sample of blood for them. Suffice it to say that my species blood contains some very ... unique properties, including a mineral not found on your world that generates it's own power."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Ellisia had been heading back to the dorms, her route not passing too close to the tree the gathering had came to, so although she saw Siphon and Art talking in the distance, initially she hadn't really noticed anything much amiss. When a chunk of tree flashed into hot vapors a short way off, that was reason for concern. She turned and frowned, doing her best to listen to the raising voices without getting closer and becoming involved. She was now in alert mode, looking out for any hidden danger, though she detected no apparent threat. In which case what ever had gotten Siphon so riled as to fire off a blast within the school grounds? Deliberately in front of multiple witnesses to boot. She trusted him, but this seemed reckless. A similar outburst could mean a court martial for her.

This wasn't her world, and Siphon's business was his own, but she felt she should ask about this later. She wasn't going to walk into the group and complicate anything right now though. If needed she could always investigate more fully once she heard a brief from Siphon. For now she watched from a distance partially hidden by scenery, unless she moved closer she probably wouldn't be noticed.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

"The other bodies were still fresh when I found them, so I must've at most been only an hour behind the zombie's attack. And I assume my mother destroyed the bodies completely after running tests on them. Though I imagine most of them didn't change due to the fact that there wasn't much left on some of them."

"Maybe, I dunno. There hasn't been much research into Anima, seeing as my family are the only ones we know of who can manipulate it. You read about the witch hunts in the medieval times? Thats when most of us Casters were killed, destroying many of the families that had mastered it. Some how our family managed to survive to last this long." Art explains, his voice now sounding quite tired. "Though, if one of my fathers theories is correct then Anima could be the energy that allowed existence to form, which would mean that it wouldn't just be this dimension that it exists in. Though this is all just a theory. I'll let them know that an outsider is willing to donate some blood for research, they should be interested in it though." Art lets out a long, loud yawn, his fatigue finally catching up with him. "Well, I've had enough excitement for one night, I need to shower and go to sleep. Not that I'll be able to sleep much tonight. I'll see you around, Siphon. Corax, try not to wake me up if you get back after I've fallen asleep and I'll see you tomorrow, Maria." Art bids the group good night as he walks back to the boys dorms, the path taking him close to Ellisia though he doesn't spot her. She however will most likely notice the state that he is in.
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

...Art bids the group good night as he walks back to the boys dorms, the path taking him close to Ellisia though he doesn't spot her. She however will most likely notice the state that he is in.
((Fix'd. Grace is in her room. Except that Ellisia was on her way to the Girls dorms, which is kinda in the opposite direction if leaving from the courtyard. I imagine she more or less noticed anyway after she started paying proper attention.))


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

((goddamn, I always seem to fudge up your characters whenever I reference them XD ))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Siphon nodded to him after a moment.

"Very well, you know how to get in touch with me when you need to then. Get some rest, and sorry about the attitude from earlier. I'm actually heading out to get some meditation in out side here, maybe some training as well. Enjoy your evening gentlemen, and, Maria I believe it was?"

((Going to assume auto-confirmation on that one since I'm just moving it onward for him.))

With that confirmed he nodded.

"Then enjoy your evening Maria. When things are a little less hecktic I shall properly introduce myself, but for tonight, let us all do what we must in order to prepare for the next day."

With no further word, he proceeded to move onward, passing out of the courtyard and towards the forest and cave areas, unaware that he would pass not far from Elissia, though unable to shake the feeling someone or something was watching him. However, he did not feel threatened or sense any danger to it, and passed it off as likely being an animal.

((Feel free to have her follow him.))


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Suzy came walking through the courtyard, on her way to the forest, with a tall bag on her back, slightly taller than she was, and quite thin, though it looked mostly empty. She didn't notice the fried tree, though she did glance around from the odd scents in the air. Shrugging, she carried on, and anyone who was nearby would be able to hear her singing still, her iPod still playing.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

(New day!)

Simon was already up and out of the dorm. He was in the courtyard standing by a tree he frequently liked to read in, but right now was more interested in the mysterious new hole seemingly burnt into it. He ran his hand across the smooth hollow wondering.

He didn't stay long, as more student's started making their way through the courtyard, and started to take in interest also. Not wanting to get trapped he moved on to N Building to hand in a piece of coursework.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

The armour-clad figure slowly made its way to the courtyard, looking around as if it was trying to see if it recognised anything.

"Hrm....This place has changed much since my last 'visit'," It mutters quietly to itself. "No matter, this world will fall to ruins regardless."


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Having spent hours searching the forest with no luck, Corax, Ian and Siphon enter the courtyard, coming face to face with the armoured figure.

"And just what do we have here?"


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

"Humph, my name's unimportant to you worms," The figure coldly replies, as it stares down the group. "What is important though is how you managed to avoid the effects of time being stopped." The figure muttered quietly to himself before seemingly pulling a large sword out of nowhere and pointed it at the group. "No matter, for once I've ended your lives no one will be able to stop my revenge."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

After hearing the explosion at the A building, Leo had woken up, and was on his way to investigate when he saw the strange armor-clad figure, his left hand shoved in his pocket as he flexed the fingers on his right hand, noticing Ian, Corax, and Siphon "Am I the only one who finds it strange that we're the only ones moving?" he states plainly, his heavy Italian accent showing as he reaches his right hand up and adjusts his glasses with his middle finger.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Simon had been heading back to the dorms after, once again, nothing happened. As he walks he comes to a sudden stop. He feels a ping in his mind, emanating from the building he had just left minutes earlier, followed by the echoing boom of an explosion just seconds latter. 'Now what...'

Turning round he begins his way back passing through the eastern side of the courtyard as he goes. A second ping in his mind alerts him to the strange new figure in the courtyard, and he stops and watches from a distance. His shadow seemed focused intensely on the mystery figure. 'And now it draws a sword?'


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Corax doesn't bother replying to Leo. His gaze is fixed on the sword now being wielded by the mysterious figure.

"That sword. Where did you get it?"

Having heard the explosion, Maria teleports in nearby and falls to her knees. Corax helps her up, but never takes his eyes off the figure.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Instantly there's a nasty looking energy pistol pointed at the armored figure.

"Put the child's toy down, or face the wrath of the cral'nek."

For those not already accustomed to it, the near demonic voice would be a rude awakening, but Siphon was no demon. No, he was actually a bit more potent than a typical demon, for he was not a single life form, and it had not been him who had spoken the words, a sign made clear by the glowing red eyes.

((I just had to.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Time stop. Plate mail. Swords. Mazes and monsters gone horribly wrong, hmm? A bit of a quirk pulled at Ian's lips.

He doesn't seem to recognize the sword that Corax is so interested in, but what does interest him is the word "revenge."

"Let's call him Steve. How's that sound? Maybe Mike? Todd? Susan?" One brow cocked upward.

Ah, and there was Siphon, right in the middle of things, like usual. Some things never really changed. No, not Siphon. This was Talvesh running the show now. Still, despite how casually he seemed to be taking the situation, he was perfectly ready to yank the pig-sticker away from the knight should he take a swing at anyone standing around.

((And he will attempt to do that, even if I'm not here to do it. Whether it succeeds is up to you guys.))

"So, Todd, who ya hell bent on gettin' revenge against?" He glances around to those gathered. "Anyone care ta start a pool? My money's on our prodigal."

((And I couldn't resist either, with the names *grin*))


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

"Marvelous, isnt it?" The figure replied to Corax, almost gleefully. "Who knew I'd find a body with such wonderous abilities."

"This toy?" The 'knight's' attention was now drawn towards Siphon. "You seem to have misunderstood the situation you're in." The figure then began to circle around the group, its arm dropped and let the blade glide across the floor as it paced slowly.

"If you must know," The figure growled at Ian this time. "My name is Charles. And who is my revenge aimed at? The entire world, thats who! And once I've taken care of you lot there'll be no one who can stop m-" Just as Charles was finishing his 'speech' his eyes locked with Maria's, a sudden pain washed over him and caused him to double over and growl, his free hand clutching his head as he tried to fight the pain back. After a moment he regained his composure, and quite suddenly he burst out laughing. "Oh my, this is too much," He said between laughs. "Who knew my little shell would survive?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Leo was still standing nearby, listening to the man rant and rave "I don't think I like your tone." he says, his right hand clenching into a fist as he sighs, stepping his left foot forward, his left hand never leaving his pocket "If you're out to destroy the world, then I'm afraid procrastination is no longer advisable." he says, sighing, then punching his fist downward and hitting the ground, as four vines suddenly shoot out of the ground behind the armor-clad figure, shooting up towards his neck in an attempt to grasp him and yank him onto his back