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School Courtyard

Re: School Courtyard

"Well hey, guess what? You're doing it again! Killing the innocent magic people, that is. Funny that there are so many here. Perhaps EVERYONE'S secretly magical these days? Besides, you really haven't thought this through. Avenging people who you wrongly killed by wrongly killing MORE people? And anyway, people haven't been killed for that sort of thing in years. You need to calm down, man. Do you need a hug? I think someone needs a hug."

Rolf stretches his arms out as if to hug someone, then fires off his energy fists in different directions. Once again, they double in size, and curve through the air to hit Charles on each side simultaneously.
Re: School Courtyard

'A vengeful spirit? Bitter about past killing and his own fate. Reacting by retaliating against the living. He's a walking cliché.' Ellisia thought to herself sighing at the absurdity of it. "How long have you lingered waiting for this vengeance spirit? You valiantly switched allegiance in order to fight for the sake of the innocent, and now you turn your blade on them? At which point did you forget yourself. Is this how you would have done things in your lifetime? Would you have started with the people you seeked to protect perhaps? Think about this, your cause is absurd! You cannot end injustice by becoming an avatar of it yourself. This campaign of genocide will solve nothing! You will become but another black mark in history."

While evidently powerful, Ellisia very much doubted that he truly possessed the power to properly realise his plans. Even if he did somehow possess the power to fufil his twisted goal, Ellisia knew for a fact that the souls he would be releasing would not thank him for it. Did he realise he would be sentencing himself to an existence of endless torment at the hands of the lost souls his actions would create? Build enough anger in a large gathering of like minded spirits and they can become capable of terrible things. It was a known phenomenon to Etheirian science. The closest thing to a classic imagining of hell Ellisia knew of.

Grace still kneeling in place turns her head to face Charles as he begins talking. Her worried face changing to anger as she hears what he has to say. "That's his excuse?" She mutters angrily, clearly not agreeing with his reasoning, "Fucking bullshit!" She spits. She wasn't sure if she could do anything for Isabella immediately, but perhaps she could help take this bastard down.
Re: School Courtyard

((Sho doesn't really gesture overmuch, but she does sometimes point or make at least a few hand motions for focus, so I'll give ya that one.))

Not pulling it out fast enough, Sho realizes as Charles can obviously still move and talk and OHSHIT!

There was no way for Sho to get herself airborne in time to avoid the blast of lightning, nor really dodge in any way. So needless to say, she was pretty surprised to find herself flung into the air, letting out a yelp as she suddenly realizes she's suspended over the spot where she had just recently been standing, the lightning passing the space and striking something beyond. Hopefully nothing important.

"He's right, mate. Killin' more folks doesn't make past killin' bettah. Just damns ya all the more."

Shooting a grateful look at Ian as he sets her back down, she puts her attention on Charles as he rants about what happened to him, only half hearing it due to the fact that her heartbeat is pounding in her ears and she's trying to catch her own breath, that save being a little too close for comfort. As she heard the others raving back at him, she began to piece together why he was doing this, although Grace summed things up rather nicely, she thought, her humor kicking in the way it always did whenever she grew nervous, a bubble of laughter indeed spilling out as Rolf asked him if he needed a hug, the fists only adding to it. Still, she wasn't about to get caught off guard again, so she watches and waits, keeping an eye on the knight's actions before planning her own.
Re: School Courtyard

Being flown into a tree, the now fully-transformed Trixie continued to snarl, her odvious non-human form now evident around what remained of her school uniform. Her claws gripped the dirt as she charges the knight again, another feral screetch coming from her, but this time she wasn't gonna hold back, scythes angling to a impaling angle as she charged.
Re: School Courtyard

"Everyone 'magical'? Dont be absurd, boy. I don't know where your powers come from but they don't seem to be dervied from Anima," Charles growls at Rolf, his sword reforming. His attention is then turned to Ellisia.

"I've been waiting for this moment for nearly five hundred years," Charles barks at her, Ellisia's questions and accusations only adding to his anger. "You all, you're not innocent and you most definitely aren't the people I swore to protect. You stand in defiance against me, and so I'll cut you down. Don't you see? The other humans all but wiped out most of the Caster's once they killed me. What few remain aren't enough to bring back magic completely and they distrust other people with their knowlege of magic so they'll die out." Whilst Charles talks he paces back and forth, his hand motions fast and erratic. "These aren't the same as the Caster's I swore to protect and avenge, they use their abilities for their own gain. This boy's memories tell me so! And for that they're as bad as the rest of us humans. They wont be spared for their selfishness. So yes, I may have fallen off my path to a degree, however, my vengeance is for those who I failed to protect not for those selfish few that remain."

Charles braces himself as Rolf's attack hits its mark. "You really...thought that would work against me when it failed..the last time?" Charles half shouts at Rolf, ending with a twisted laugh that echoes across the courtyard. What he didn't expect was for Trixie to fly at him to attack. Struggling for a moment to grab her, Charles eventually manages to pry the girl off himself, his hand wrapped around Trixie's throat."Foolish girl, I guess it's your time to di-" Charles stops midsentence, pausing for a few moments before laughing again. He then throws the girl to the ground. "Ah, I see now. You're this boy's wench. I think..I'll enjoy making his body take the life of his lover." At that Charles pulls his sword arm back and goes to strike Trixie a death blow.
Re: School Courtyard

"I don't claim to know what 'anima' is, but if they're not magic then science is bullshit."

"And there's not a great deal else I can do, to be honest. So I'll keep doing it, and you'll damn well like it! Wait, that's not... SHUT UP! Now look what you've done!"

As Charles brings his sword back for the swing, the two fists that just punched him fly out and grab it, holding it in place.
Re: School Courtyard

'There's no reasoning with this one. The deluded spirit will have to be stopped forcefully.' Ellisia thinks to herself as Charles paces and rants. As she expected the attacks again failed to penetrate the armour. She did not know the strange beast girl, but as an evident ally she was in trouble. Ellisia bursts into action, dashing forward at a superhuman speed and with a clash of sparks brings her sword to meet Charles' weapon before he can strike. Now standing between Charles and Trixie, she takes the force of the blow without recoiling. She stares harshly into the helmet, her eyes now lit by a strange light.

The moment he reacted she would follow through with a powerful attack to his wrists, ankles or knees. While she may not be able to penetrate the armour, the flesh and bone underneath could still be easily broken with enough carefully applied force.

Meanwhile Grace was misunderstanding things and wondering if Art had actually been a scythe armed alien.
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Re: School Courtyard

The feral growl from Trixie turned into a whine as she was grabbed, before being tossed down. However, even if his sword wasn't impeded, she'd suddenly not be in front of him, having managed to clamber up enough to dart away, quick as a blink. Half-standing, she glalres, her eyes now slanted, like a cats as she glared daggers at him. "You just don't know us at all, then..." she hisses.
Re: School Courtyard

Jackson watched as some of the others turned from trying to understand why this knight's reasoning of what was happening to an out right attack. Once thing that had really caught him off guard was the fact the... beast could speak. But came a deathing ring of gunfire again. He whipped his head to look over to the girl's dorms when he heard the shot come from. He couldn't make out where the shooter was but as he turned his head he at least saw the sparks shot off Charles' armor. The shooter was at least trying to help them.

With his sword arm being held in place by one of the other student this was the best chance Jack had. He rushed in on the knight's non-sword arm and shot his still arching arm grabbing at the helm. Once he had a firm grip he grabs on to Charles' shoulder and tries to flip himself over still keeping his grip. The force of Jackson falling back would for sure cause Charles to fall back with him and if he was lucky the may take the helm off.
Re: School Courtyard

Siphon was sent back, and unable to block the blast that headed in Sho's direction in time.

Standing, he growled, his eyes flaring red once more.

"THAT was a big mistake you son of a ...."

Before he could charge, the air around both himself and Charles suddenly became super heated.

"Enough. Let's see how well you like this asshole."

A lovely blonde woman appeared a fair distance from him, and before Charles could register who SHE might be, he felt quite warm. Then suddenly, it became unbearably hot.

A quick look confirmed what he might think. The majority of his body had suddenly burst into an all consuming flame that he would discover, should he try, that he couldn't put out instantly, in fact, he'd find it very hard to put it out, if not impossible. Eventually, it would literally burn the body to death, and likely sooner rather than later.

((Not sure what kind of defense he has against her abilities, so leaving it kinda open.))
Re: School Courtyard

Charles is forced back as both Rolf and Ellisia block his death blow, an angry grunt escapes him. "I don't choose to know you," Charles grunts at Trixie, looking to see if he could find a possible opening without giving these two time to counterattack. What he didn't expect is for Jackson to suddenly jump him while Charles' attention was on Rolf and Ellisia. As Jackson pulls him back Charles momentarily loses his grip on his sword which slips out of his hands before he could correct his mistake.

As the two of them hit the floor Charles screams in pain as he's set alight in his armour, the heat would no doubt pass through the armour and burn Jackson. The bullet that had been aimed at Charles flies over him as he is pulled backwards by Jackon, the bullet hits the floor harmlessly. Though with this new threat Charles didn't allow himself to be tied up with Jackson for long, using all his strength he gets up, forcing back the pain of being burnt alive as he uses most of his concentration on healing himself and increasing his strength.

"Such ruthlessness, to kill a friend to stop the threat of world destruction," Charles half shouts at Aya, a twisted grin can be seen on his face as his helmet melds into the rest of his armour, the smell of brunt hair and flesh quickly spreading through the courtyard and though the fire should be causing more damage it seems as if Charles is able to repair much of the damage the fire is causing. "If your power is anything like this boy's, you need to see your target to hurt them." Taking off several small splinters of metal off his armour Charles charges at Aya, with Jackson still on his armour if he hasn't already gotten off, and as he nears her he fires the metal shards at her face, supercharged with electricity. Once he's done that he teleports a few dozen feet behind her.
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Re: School Courtyard

As soon as they're loosed, the shards suddenly shoot upward rather than forward, hovering in the air and steadily rising higher so the electricity can't arc into anything.

Anyone remotely close to Ian can hear him growl, eyes pinched with concentration. The shards start to spin in the air as he scans around, trying to find Charles after his little teleporting stint.
Re: School Courtyard

Ellisia was given no opportunity to counter attack, but the burning effect from the new comer to the scene seemed to be ideal for bypassing his defences. She made pursuit as Charles charged at Aya, but with the teleport she was not confident that she would reach Aya in time. "Behind you!" She warns to Aya, gesturing in the direction to make sure there was no confusion. Assessing the battle she determined that Ian seemed to be posing a visible threat to their opponent and may become a target, so she manoeuvres to a position that she would be able to move to defend him should Charles focus shift. She mentaly curses not currently possessing her own armour. Her options were more limited without it and she was considerably more vulnerable.

Grace was now standing a meter or two from Isabella, in between the battle and the downed girl. An angry and determined look on her face. If Charles made another attack on anyone, she would be ready to block it this time.

(Will be in the form of a visible physical barrier, or an electrical barrier if she believes he is using another lightning attack. Strength of barrier depends on how fast his attack is/how long she has to cast it. Instant/fraction of a second barriers will likely break upon an attack, but should be enough to deflect the first blow.)

Simon was feeling increasingly uneasy being unable to do more than watch. He had been mentally building multiple well thought out counter arguments to Charles reasoning, but had never been much of a speaker.
Re: School Courtyard

Jackson was not ready for the sudden flames as the two hit the ground hard. He had held his grip tight before the landing and due to the grip the entire underside of his left arm was burned. The damage was at least second-degree burn due to how slow Jack reacted. He rolled to gt away from the sudden inferno. Once his was a safe distance from the flame he looked back only to see Charles stand back up like nothing was happening.

"WHAT THE HELL!" He yelled as he regained his footing. Just the sight of seeing the knight stand backup was unbelievable. No one in the world should be able to handle such an intense fire. Jackson shook his head not knowing what he could do to aid anymore seeing as this knight seemed like and unstoppable tank. However his eye caught glimpse of golden arcs on the helm and neck area for the armor before he teleported. Jackson shut his eyes and focused and the feeling of magnetism and found his target before hearing someone else yell out where he was. He grabs the sword the knight had dropped and starts to magnetism. Golden arcs seemed to jump out of blade trying to shot back in to Jackson as he held the blade. Once it felt ready he threw the weapon skyward and caught it. He then aimed the blade to land behind Charles. All the while the his power was slowly pulling the sword out of shape so once it hit the ground or anything else for that matter it would shatter. He hoped the rain of metal would someone else a chance to drop his as his eyes started to unfocus, a sign his was his powers too freely.
Re: School Courtyard

Aya stood shocked for a moment, the magnitude of what was actually going on sinking in. She wasn't able to move, seeing something race towards her ...

And then a body slammed into her with near concussive force, completely shattering her concentration over things.

Siphon had seen an attack coming and launched himself at Aya. With Elissia's shout, he'd slammed home one of his hand bursts, propelling himself at Aya in record time, slamming into her and sending her flying against a tree.

However, his momentum wasn't enough to carry him out of the range of fire from the lightning attack, and it slammed into him with all it's might, dropping the Alveran to the ground on one knee, gritting his teeth in near unbearable agony.

Skin began to sizzle, a tooth might have cracked, and his eyes bulged, but somehow he didn't pass out. In fact, after the lighting had died down, even though it took a moment, he actually stood back up.

"That ... hurt ... asshole".

Aya was nowhere to be seen now, having been thrown clear of the battle field.
Re: School Courtyard

"Oho, I see you're a strong one, taking a lightning blast at 70% power and still standing," Charles calls to Siphon, slightly impressed with his endurance. Now that Aya had been put out of commission the fire that had engulfed Charles was gone, and while his body was mostly healed there is the odd burn mark and his body is mostly blackened. Wisps of smoke rise off of him as well. "Looks like play time is over, I'm starting to tire of this fight and I've got many more people to kill." As the sword spins through the air towards Charles he throws his right arm out and catches it, any control that Jackson has on it instantly snaps off as Charles' Anima reconnects with the blade which once more acts as an extension of himself.

In a blink of an eye Charles is suddenly standing in front of Siphon, a twisted grin stretched across his features as he slams his free hand into Siphon's face. "Try and survive this," A shockwave radiates from Charles and rips through the air, a second later a blast of pure Anima flows over Siphon, white-green mist forcing outwards from Charles and Siphon. Not checking to see whether it had killed Siphon or not as he's sure it would Charles turns around to face the rest of them. "Alright, who's next?"
Re: School Courtyard

Siphon's face contorted in anguish as he was sent flying, slamming into something solid and for a moment, he didn't move.

What happened next though was ... impossible really.

He'd been in the process of summoning his blades back into existence when he'd been hit, and there was an absolute explosion of light when he landed.

His entire body began to shudder, the sounds of snapping bone audible even as Charles turned away.

With his back turned, Charles wouldn't see the sudden, massive transformation Siphon went through.

His body shuddered, then began to alter as his teeth became sharper, claws extended from his fingers and his body arched with electrical power. He did not scream, though internally he was in agony as every joint was aflame. The transformation was so sudden and so violent, he literally felt the death of Talvesh occur. Yet when his body ceased to convulse, he realized he was not dead.

He did however recognize the claws he now wielded, and he could feel his sharper teeth, and knew somehow ... somehow he'd been transformed into a Palvek Navrah. An Ancient Vampire.

Silently he stood, and allowed a small grimace. No doubt he'd have to go into hiding when this was through, for he'd surely be hunted by the others out of fear, and knowledge of what he now was.

However, he was going to do some good while he could.

Crossing the distance between himself and Charles in a heartbeat, he paused for a moment to recover from the rush of speed.

Then, he slammed his palm straight into the back of Charles with enough force to at the very least get his attention, and at best it would knock him off his feet or send him flying.

He spoke, but it was a more demonic voice than anything.

"Fuck you asshole. Now your REALLY made me mad!"

His eyes, should anyone notice, were completely soul less BLACK.
Re: School Courtyard

Seeing Aya go flying, the shards actually start to fly toward Siphon before Ian realizes who he's about to target, logic kicking in just fast enough to keep him from attacking him when he realizes he's trying to protect the blonde. He's also aware of Ellisia in front of him though his main concern is trying to find Charles again.

The thought occurs to him, especially at Charles' violent attack on Siphon, to send the shards straight into the knight's face. It was watching the sword come together once again that changes his mind, the shards pulled back instead, hovering closer to Ian rather than being sent off. If Charles wanted any bits and pieces of himself back, he was going to have to come and get them.

As Siphon lands and the light explodes around him, there's a scream of "SIPHON!" and the air pressure in the area suddenly drops and outside of the sounds of the fight, it grows almost unnaturally quiet in the surrounding area. Any clouds that happen to be above the school start to shift, coming together and starting to swirl. The one thing Sho isn't prepared for is how quickly Siphon recovers and given the fact that he's suddenly right behind the focus of the funnel cloud that suddenly roars down on top of the knight with the tell-tale locomotive sound, the intent not to stop or hinder any longer but to suck him up, send him flying, let the winds batter him and keep him disoriented while he's pulled higher and higher into the tornado that seems to bloom to life right at that exact moment.

((Sho is acting pretty much on primal instinct at that point and isn't exactly considering those in the area. This would start while Siphon's transformation was taking place (short as it seems) and, given how fast he's moving and how fast she called this up, thinking that his hit and her tornado probably happen at about the same time, given that she wasn't expecting him to be there that fricking fast. Her focus is Charles, so it's tight to him, but anyone really close - Sorry, Siphon - might be a little *too* close for comfort, though there's a good chance Ian can probably yoink them far enough back, reliquishing his hold on the shards.))

((Edit: Fix'd, Squid. For some reason those two superimpose in my head sometimes.))
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Re: School Courtyard

((It's Ellisia near Ian, and not necessarily in front of him, just near enough to intercept an attack. Grace is still with Isabella a short distance in the direction of the girls dorms. Just worth pointing these things out in case other people get confused.))
Re: School Courtyard

Charles wasn't expecting Siphon to still be alive after his attack, let alone able to attack him with such force. Unable to right himself in time Charles instead opts to form his helmet again, to protect himself from the inevitable crash though again he wasn't expecting Sho's tornado and for it to pick him up.

"Really, do you like handing me way's to end your lives?" Charles mutters to himself, the wind violently ripping around him even as he rights himself midair. Charles stretches his arms out, his sword merging once again into his armour, and a moment later crackles of electricity can be seen crawling along the length of his arms then quickly over his entire body. "Fundemental basics of lightning manipulation; super heat the air around you using fire manipulation and then create a path directing to your target using air manipulation." Again, this was more to himself than ther others as the wind would be too loud to hear him over it, it was as if he was mocking Sho's mistake. The wind would die down considerably as Charles' attack follows, pointing his right arm at Sho a lightning bolt, much larger than the previous one, tears off his outstretched palm and heads directly for her.

Having manipulated much of the wind being controlled by Sho the tornado ends abruptly, and not acting fast enough Charles plummets to the ground, where a large dust cloud forms and hangs in the air as Charles hits the floor. Getting up Charles coughs, probably due to the dust in the air and staggers for a moment. Small cracks can be seen in his armour for a moment before they heal over.