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Well sadly no more news about english and uncensored translation by kagura games... wish more people wishlist it on ste*m. It's been 8 months they announce anything about ambrosia in their twitter :cry:

Kagura games tend to announce the release date of a product about 1-2 weeks before the release date. So it's not surprising not to have heard about it. And yes, they mostly communicate about their already released work.
The only place to get information about the state of the translation is the corresponding chat in their discord, but from what I've seen, they won't gave ETA. You can get info about delay (motif of) for exemple, but not much more.
Sorry for necroing, but it seems like the game is available on IOS and Android now:
Sorry for necroing, but it seems like the game is available on IOS and Android now:
Somewhere in Japan classroom people are playing h-rpg and sharing one another. "Dude u got ta see this chick suck" :ROFLMAO:
Go to Kagura Discord, they got a bunch of games that need to TLed.. Probably Brave Alchemist Colette first will be released before this or not, just stay toon at there rather than keep asking here..
Kagura Discord: or can follow their twitter
Sorry in case im necroing. it might not be really confirmed, but it seems the eng version will be released soon on steam?

Based on this tweet, its prepping for release(tho there's no timeframe)
Yeah, Kagura Games picked this up for translation some time ago. It's my assumption that they release these tweets / announcements to prepare for a game when they are somewhere close to it's completion.
Not certain about that.
They already had some tweet and some more about some game, and it's been months since and there no release date.

It may also just be to remind you that they work on the game....
Oh I see. But yeah just assumption on my part. Shame, it would have been great if it was correct though as there's a game I've been looking forward to which had a similar tweet recently.
Kagura only ever gave one kind of release date information - the official release date - usually about 6 - 10 days before the release...
That's.. why didn't I think of that possibility. Going to add the game I want to wishlist also.
this game not translated? im not good with reading japanesse writings
Its not translated yet - add it to wishlist on steam to speed up the process.

Id imagine itll be out this summer considering its been announced for a year
Its not translated yet - add it to wishlist on steam to speed up the process.

Id imagine itll be out this summer considering its been announced for a year

Announcement date doesn't mean anything. Some game had a release like 6 month after announcement, while other (like Queen Melissa or dungon town) are nearly at the 2 years milestone since the announcement....