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[WIP - Full] SHRIFT Translation Version 2.0 (Machine and Manual Translation)

The patch 8.06. It is asking for a .NET. Which one in particular is it looking for? I tried the Desktop app x64 and had no luck.
The .NET you need is the 32 bit one, patch is made to also work with 32 bit systems I believe.
The .NET you need is the 32 bit one, patch is made to also work with 32 bit systems I believe.

The link I am provided by the patch only shows x64 - x86 and Arm64. I'm trying to find the x32, but I am not seeing it on the .NET site for windows.
dunno if it was mentioned before but in EX2 there are still untranslated lines
i think this appeared because i did EX2 a 2nd time (because of a HC playthrough)

on the topic of HC, the Proof lines are also not translated yet right?
Might already be known, but I found this after the Cheshire Loss scene accessed from the main menu. There's a few lines before it as well.

I am aware yes, and I do appreciate the work and effort going into the translation project. I just noticed it's been a while since the last update regarding the status of the translation so I was wondering if there was any new information.
Yeah, I can only imagine how much work has gone into this and how incredibly challenging it must be to go through the massive amounts of dialogue in EX4. I wouldn't blame anyone for taking a few very well deserved and long breaks in tackling and translating that beast.
Quick update on where the translation is:


We've gotten close enough that we can finally give an accurate release date on when the patches comes out on. This match is MASSIVE, and EX4 is roughly the size 0f around 3 or 4 acts of the entire main game (i.e, the entire Neutral route). In addition, there's a lot of custom type-setting, image translating, and some custom script work in order to make the translation work and shine. But as of now, I think we're closing in on the our release of the translation of EX4.

Prospective Changelog:
  • All of EX4 is fully translated, alongside all included images!
  • Minor scriptwork has been upgraded to make everything work properly with EX4.
  • The usual bug/typo fixes on all the things mentioned in this thread since last time, including a few more we've found.
  • Backing version will be updated to the latest version on DLSite (8.08, I think.)

We are expecting to be done and release in roughly 2-3 weeks from now.

Hope you all enjoy it when it comes out!

man i kinda forgot about ex4 lol was playing to many other games, cant wait to play it again and read the story
Glad to hear translation's nearing completion. I've been holding off on playing EX4 until it's translated, so I'm looking forward to it.
Thank you, and good job, I didn't know how much I needed a good new until now.
Quick update on where the translation is:

View attachment 41780

We've gotten close enough that we can finally give an accurate release date on when the patches comes out on. This match is MASSIVE, and EX4 is roughly the size 0f around 3 or 4 acts of the entire main game (i.e, the entire Neutral route). In addition, there's a lot of custom type-setting, image translating, and some custom script work in order to make the translation work and shine. But as of now, I think we're closing in on the our release of the translation of EX4.

Prospective Changelog:
  • All of EX4 is fully translated, alongside all included images!
  • Minor scriptwork has been upgraded to make everything work properly with EX4.
  • The usual bug/typo fixes on all the things mentioned in this thread since last time, including a few more we've found.
  • Backing version will be updated to the latest version on DLSite (8.08, I think.)

We are expecting to be done and release in roughly 2-3 weeks from now.

Hope you all enjoy it when it comes out!

The Thank Giving's present for us, Praise the Lord.