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Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Choice is 1

Katie begins to walk down the left tunnel as she hears the man approaching with someone else and telling them about the ghosts in the tunnels, then directing whoever it was down the right tunnel. She lets out a sigh as she holds her arm in front of herself, wondering if there was actually such thing as ghosts...

She felt a little silly as she held her arm out, what was she doing? There was no such thing as ghosts, nor magic, nor this arm which would "magically" suck up ghosts. She noticed that she was walking into a dungeon, and begins to think again about what happened to the group. She suddenly feels sometihng very cold touch her ass, she jumps and turns around, she could barely see an outline of a man looking back at her,

With a yell, she leaps forward, unsure of whether her leap was out of bravery or being scared. Regardless of the reason, she manages to somewhat land on the ghost, albeit a little awkwardly. But she somehow stays on, she notices the ghost seems very surprised that she was able to even touch him back, she raises her arm and points at the ghost, she feels her arm tremble, the arm somehow telling her that she needed the ghost to appear more before she would be able to destroy/absorb it,

She gives a suddenly yelp as the ghost manages to push her off and pin her arm down. She sees her dress being lifted as she struggles to get free, getting the ghost off her just as she felt something prodding her privates gently, she let out a triumphant scream as she lept on top of the ghost, missingly horribly as she feels something being roughly shoved up her behind.

The ghost mounts her, pushing his very cold member into her, she lets out a scream as she feels the icy violation. Her arm gets pinned down as she feels the frozen sausage pumping in and out of her at first very slowly, but quickly picking up speed. She cringes as the chill seems to somewhat cancel the pleasure she was receiving from this. She suddenly bucks as hard as she can, rolling and pinning the ghost down, the cock easily slipping out of her of her behind, but the momentum somehow moving it into her delicate flower. She blushes deeply as she feels the insertion, the ghost doesn't seem to be very happy as he begins to kick and scream, she couldn't hear what he was saying, but it was something along the lines of "You bitch! Get off me!"

She simply glares at him, then notices something, her momvents were getting the ghost increasingly hard, and also increasingly visable, she tries her arm again and realizes that it was still far too invisible for her to absorb it. With a heavy sigh, she begins to move her body up and down, shuddering as she felt the ghost approve seemginly by fondling her.

She watches as the ghost smiles and bends his upper body up to kiss her, she almost turns away in disgust, but remembers that she was to complete her job as she endures the etheral lips against hers. She felt the ghost begin to tremble, she wonders briefly whether it was due to the ghost's past life or whether it was due to it's currently bodily state. She is interrupted as she feels the ghost wrap it's clammy arms around her, it's tongue going along her neck which she felt was like an ice cube against her skin. She shudders and starts to move her body up and down faster, hoping to finish quickly which would hopefully, let her arm absorb, or destroy, or whatever it would do to the ghost.

It finally let out an unearthly wail as she felt the very strange feeling of afterlife sperm filling her, then promptly disappearing. As the ghost leans back to bask in the glory, she lets out a scream, "R...Robert...?" The ghost simply looks back at her without any recognition, she closes her eyes and points her arm at him, feeling herself fall onto the ground with a thud as the ghostly shape is forced into the arm. She sits there panting as she hears a voice behind her, "Very good work..."

She turns around to see the man who had brought her here had returned, offering to help her up...


GC Arm

1. Just follow him, best not to say anything...

2. Questions! Mountains of them!


4. Punch him

5. Other
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

4, punch the fucker.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

2. something along the lines of "didn't you say you didn't see blah de blah"
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

What Toxic said, along with "why didn't he recognise me", "why does sex make them corporeal", and "what is going to happen to him"?
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

2, as above.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

4, Violence solves everything.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

why? Cause when in doubt, run away.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

4, if the punch was like a revenge punch.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Violence does not solve everything, all it has solved so far is now to stop not being a captive. As in we are now a captive.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

We just got raped by a ghost. And chances are, it's gonna get better.

This is because we kept using violence.

I say stick with the violence.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Trying to attack the last person we came across wasn't too successful and that was just the maid with one hand free, this is a large, vampire-like man who sneaks around like a fucking ninja
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

2. I agree with Toxic. Violence could end up making us lose ANOTHER arm
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

4. darkfire's idea
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

I'ma go with 1 again, if only because I am curious where that will wind us up.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

4. If we lose another arm, maybe we'll get another metal one, with which we may punch things even harder!