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ACT Vore NTR Ryona Guro [Team Krama] Seed of the Dead Sweet Home (RJ330023)

well, the monster scenes were disappointing, the first game is a lot better in that regard.

Agreed, more variety, but overall weaker which sucks. Really short too, you get like 10 seconds of H and then the snuff comes in which really isn't my thing. The in game defeat animations were also really boring, a lot of zombies don't even get animations.. As a fan of weird shit, most of it left me wanting and disappointed.

I also prefer the old art style over this new one. Characters in this look... souless I suppose? It's really offputting, not exactly sure how to describe it. The regular H-scenes left a lot to be desired art style wise, but I thought the animation and variety was decent.

Gameplay is more or less the same, serviceable. Easy enough to run through and skip everything even on Hard.

The best parts of the game IMO were the voice acting and the fact that it's survival horror with some effort behind it. I'm starved for survival horror H-games in general so even though it's fairly rough, I still enjoyed it. Hikari's voice actor in particular does a great job.

I'm sure there will be some new content incoming like they did with the last one, here's hoping they do a bit more with the monster H-content.
Yeah, the hasty nature of the death scenes is really disappointed. Every monster seems desperate to get right to the "kill and eat" part; the only monster that actually gets to climax on-screen is the giant worm thing. There's more rooms that appear locked in the main base, so hopefully later updates will unlock more substantial extreme content.

I gotta say, though, Hikari and Kirara's voice actresses give it their all in those scenes.
If I was disappointed in the first game, will I be disappointed x2 now? Is that what you want to say? :D
It's a mixed bag. There's now eight unique scenes compared to the first game's six (one game over for each Act, with character model and dialogue variations for each one), and they feature a wider variety of monsters (every enemy but the elite common zombies and the female superzombies get a scene of their own). Unfortunately, around half of each scene's runtime is now dedicated to the guro portion of the act, and the NTR aspect was removed. If you were here to see women get messily butchered, it's better; if you were here to see them assaulted, it's worse.
It's a mixed bag. There's now eight unique scenes compared to the first game's six (one game over for each Act, with character model and dialogue variations for each one), and they feature a wider variety of monsters (every enemy but the elite common zombies and the female superzombies get a scene of their own). Unfortunately, around half of each scene's runtime is now dedicated to the guro portion of the act, and the NTR aspect was removed. If you were here to see women get messily butchered, it's better; if you were here to see them assaulted, it's worse.
I found it quite a shame that unlike the first game, the girls were not enjoying the monster sex (because of the anti-virus side affects) anymore, just pure suffering for them and like another said the monsters have no climaxes except perhaps one. also in the first one you had a short grace period to skip the rest of the scene before they get killed if you really didn't want to see the gore part.

If I was disappointed in the first game, will I be disappointed x2 now? Is that what you want to say? :D
If you are only interested in the monster sex and nothing else, then you are indeed better off avoiding this one.
Is there like a gallery to see the monster scenes?
Is there like a gallery to see the monster scenes?
Leveling up the base to Level 6 unlocks a laboratory downstairs that lets you watch the game over scenes for all the Acts you've currently unlocked.
shame there is no way to view the actual in-combat scenes
Got to say I'm a bit disappointed at the amount of total H content in the game. Also the NTR stuff is really tacked on, doesn't even feel like it's part of the game. I feel like if you're going to put that content in the game then at least try to integrate it better because as it stands now they're all just fetch quests with repeat scenes that have no impact on the girls.
I have to agree that the NTR part really doesnt fit in well, even as im not a big fan of that genre i dont usually mind that stuff, but in this case its just so... unnatural and without any consequence, they couldve just left it out and one wouldnt even notice.
I really hope those 2 locked doors in the base are the "in-combat" sex-scenes, cause i'm really not a big fan of gore in sex games. my take is, the game is acceptable, gameplay feels okay-ish to me, graphic wise however, the realistic stuff like the zombies and background civilians look way better than the more anime styled girls, they just look off-putting and clash with the style. and animation wise, the sex-scenes work for me, they are nice and fluid.

and yeah, like the other said, the game over scenes feel like 10 seconds of actual fucking before the monster decides its murder time.
I really hope those 2 locked doors in the base are the "in-combat" sex-scenes, cause i'm really not a big fan of gore in sex games. my take is, the game is acceptable, gameplay feels okay-ish to me, graphic wise however, the realistic stuff like the zombies and background civilians look way better than the more anime styled girls, they just look off-putting and clash with the style. and animation wise, the sex-scenes work for me, they are nice and fluid.

and yeah, like the other said, the game over scenes feel like 10 seconds of actual fucking before the monster decides its murder time.
the game was released without some content (pole dance room, 3rd gallery room etcc) because reasons.
everyone hoping that devs will release all the "cut content" with dlc in the near future. we can only cross fingers and wait.
I wonder if the dev didn't try to please both the peoples wanting them to remove the guro and peoples wanting them to keep (add more) guro in it.
I mean, shorter scene and the option to not evne see them combined ? Seem like there was way more peoples asking to not have guro so they made short scene and add the option, but removing them would be like making the fan angry and it would be like killing their own universe...

And everyone know you can't make every side happy at the same time...
Does anyone know if there is any way to change the language after initial setup?
I used a save that defaulted the language to Korean and didn't see a way to re-select English.
EDIT- NVM if you reset settings it will revert back to English it seems.
Video walkthroughs for the other 3 hidden outfits courtesy of Japanese forums. Note that act 8 checkpoint has 3 randomized routes when you load in. The Bikini Armor is also not 100% spawn rate for some reason.

Bunny Girl:

Bikini Armor:

Combat Suit:
Agreed with the lackluster H content especially in regards to monster sex. The game over scenes are too short. For me, having a climax is very satisfying to me. Would have preferred a few more poses, a climax, and then the guro which should fade to black before it happens for those that disable it.

Like a climax for the ingame sex scene, one for when the heroines reach 0HP and then at full corruption or whatever it is would have been nice.
Agreed with the lackluster H content especially in regards to monster sex. The game over scenes are too short. For me, having a climax is very satisfying to me. Would have preferred a few more poses, a climax, and then the guro which should fade to black before it happens for those that disable it.

Like a climax for the ingame sex scene, one for when the heroines reach 0HP and then at full corruption or whatever it is would have been nice.
Personally I'm annoyed that the death scenes are cutscene-only. Letting you loop parts and skip other parts would resolve basically every complaint I have about them.
Personally I'm annoyed that the death scenes are cutscene-only. Letting you loop parts and skip other parts would resolve basically every complaint I have about them.

I am not yet done with the game yet but I remember the first game having a controllable gallery mode similar to the Intimacy Events in this game but for the monsters going through each animation. Like there is no ingame H scene for the Timtam or whatever that red mutant zombie is as far as I can tell.
for the Timtam or whatever that red mutant zombie is as far as I can tell.
Hey, lay off Timtam.
I was called the 'Timtam mutant' in highschool as well, probably where the diabetes came from. It's like crack in biscuit form. It's addiction, yes, but the red skin colouration caused by massive colour 4534 ingestion only happens to forty percent of us timtam abusers.