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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan laughed at what she called him, "Mister Bakan? And you were the one who wanted to drop the formalities." he said, feeling a bit better after having laughed a bit, before frowning as she brought the topic on to the island. "Unfortunately, I have... The people of this island are... Odd, to say the least. I cannot understand why any but demons would enjoy the acts the arenas seem to encourage here. The only person who was as disgusted as I am with this place was a Shrine Maiden... Who became afflicted with lust induced magic..." he trailed off, recalling the memory a bit.

"How could women be so shamelessly lewd..." he sighed, "They should really take after the divine standards of the angels."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia smiled brightly as Bakan laughed, pleasure practically oozing off of her that she had gotten the man to loosen up slightly. "Some of the contestants are worse than others, certainly, but it should be said that not all acts of the flesh are evil. I cannot say that I approve of making a contest of it, of course, but love does have its place in life, just as much as discipline." She remarked offhandedly, still smiling and looking out into the woods.

She didn't flinch at the mention of the shrine maiden, but she did remember her encounter with Tomoe, and wondered.... "Shrine maiden... You wouldn't happen to mean Tomoe, would you? A very beautiful woman, long flowing black hair?" At the mention of the "divine standards of the angels," Nadia raised an eyebrow, and turned to smile quizzically at Bakan. "You have met one of my kind before?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bakan flushed, looking away for a moment, "But to do it without shame, and to force it on others..." he said slowly, trying to state his side more clearly. But at the mention of the shrine maiden, he turned to her, and nodded, "Yes, I met her not too long ago. We were taken into another one of those arenas, where... I fear that I was the first man that..." he shook his head, frowning, "She lost her purity to me. Because of that, I won't forgive the owner of this place. To take away a maiden's sacred right is a crime."

Though tense, he turned to Nadia, and nodded, his frown turning into a smile, "Yes, her name is Ashloriel. I have a direct connection with holy magic, and often call upon her for guidance." He looked straight ahead, his eyes and expression taking a dreamy look, as if he's talking about the love of his life. "She has long, beautiful blond hair, and remarkable green eyes. Her power is vast, and gentle. When I was lost in this world, she was the one who came from the heavans, and raised me since I was a boy... Even before I knew what lust was, and the difference between men and women, I was in love with her. I hold not a single immoral thought of her, I would be perfectly content with knowing she's watching over me until the end of my days... She is an angel among angels, to be sure..." he said with a blissful expression on his face, now completely unaware of his surroundings.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Zaro'Alk

The smaller girl sat in silence as Zaro spoke of her missing mistress. The pale swordswoman wasn't really sure what to say in response to the loss of a loved one. Matters weren't helped by her lack of understanding as to what Narissa was to the Dragoness. A mother, maybe? The genetically altered female had suggested that the woman made her for her duty. It seemed like a strange way to refer to a parent, though. Maybe she was a mother figure? A foster? The manacled swordswoman continued to think about the subject and listen while she worked. It was hard for the manacled woman to consider the information the warrior dragoness shared as anything other than depressing, she felt a pang of regret for the imposing female. By the time her sparring partner had concluded, Tamonten was so deep in thought on the subject that she almost missed the question. "A hero? I don't know about that," she replied as she took another shaving of wood off of the training sword. After that, the white-haired woman drifted back into thought for a time. Despite the dragoness's lingering gaze, the ghostly pale girl didn't shift away. It wasn't out of any natural courage or implicit trust of the shield-maiden so much as it was Tamonten's subconscious response to a perceived challenge. While Zaro'Alk might not have intended her gaze as a challenge, as a human, it was natural for the swordswoman to want to shy away from the watch of someone much taller and imposing. So, it was as much a challenge made by the human woman's desire to move as a natural action as it was one made by the giantess. Green eyes remained eying the stick and the ground, however, as was normal for the pale girl when deeply considering something.

By that point the implement was almost done, or as complete as the would-be weaponmaster would ever accomplish with her limited woodcarving skills. A simple amateur-crafted training sword. In practice, it probably wouldn't be much more effective than the stick in original form had been, though it wouldn't be worse. It looked a bit closer a formal training weapon, at least. "I just want to be the best, you know?" Tamonten finally broke her contemplation, returning her own gaze to Zaro. "Maybe I'll be lucky enough to realize that dream and use those skills for good." It was an uncertain response, at best, as the swordswoman really had no idea what she intended on doing with herself the next day, let alone should she somehow manage to realize even a fraction of that grandiose goal. "But I think I'd like to die heroically. No matter what happens in my life, I want to meet my end against a horde of enemies while serving justice. Maybe they'd make stories about my last stand," she concluded with a small smile. With one last stroke, she deemed the training sword 'improved.' With that same action, she finally looked up to take notice of the crashing waves of the beach. It really was very beautiful on the island, she realized.

"So, what's next, Lady Zaro?" Tamonten spoke up with a mischievous grin. "Another quick bout? Or would you like continue conversing and taking in the sights? I had fun with both, so I'll leave the choice to you as the winner of our last session." It was a nice change of pace from when she normally asked that question. Among the faeries, the natural response to that was for the fey-folk to try and charm the pants off of her...literally. Managing to find one of the few others on the island unlikely to attempt the same seemed both lucky and nice for a change.

Beach - Rocky End
Zaro'Alk -> Tomonten the chatter-box.

The she-giant felt so very... comfortable here, at peace despite the lingering desires to find the one being that meant a great amount to herself; the island could have been a very strange and unique dream for all she truly knew... if it was, then the lack of logical sense for why there were so many and varied people here, with one in particular with a deep background and engaging personality, would surely be completely out of line due to all the other dreams being short, meaningless and simply imagery... Nay, a true dream lacked the sights, sounds and scents that she experienced now, and Zaro gently drew the thick fingers of her left hand through the sand, savouring the many and fine grains of the beach caress her hard limb as it displaced to make way then flowed back in the wake - akin to how water acted.

She continued this most child-like manner whilst potent ear-drums pleasantly tingled with Tamonten's soft and... nice voice. She never sounded forced, unless it was an attempt to cover up or mitigate embarrassed... genuine, honourable and lacking of the prejudices that typical humanoids held towards the artificially 'born' female, however little concern she felt from ignorant glares or shying innocents. She was quite aware of her fearsome appearance and never felt ashamed to remain unapproachable, however intimidation was not something she was well versed in... instead it was simply more effective to keep quiet and be far more superior in strength and ability when forced to defend herself or another - nothing truly humbled a fool or foe quite like facing against or witnessing a creature much heavier than themselves destroy an aggressor with no exertion. The lack of arrogance and absence of taunting just as or more profound then boasts and flare.

With that quiet, intensely awareness-driven aura still in 'effect' as it were, Zaro's pale sand-yellow eyes met those of emerald green, and the Giantess gazed into the depths of Tamonten's shining optics, seemingly possessing a much greater quantity of life in them that intrigued the Dragoness and pleased her in a gentle manner. This female was... 'modest' as some had labelled themselves or each-other in Zaro's presence, and continued to show this with a optimistic idealism that was perhaps both appreciated and likely to suffer in the often un-caring claws of reality, be it by supposed allies or the people one sought to protect... a typical flaw of those given free-will, rather then any loyal creature which was properly trained and augmented. She also noticed how much more better the pale-one's tool looked, and huffed a un-civil noise, that odd faint-smile appearing again if only for fleeting moments, muscles suited to make a expression of happiness working to do so without instruction... and naturally failing from lack of use or understanding, both or something else entirely less comprehendable.

She blinked and realised that she had essentially stared at or near the swordswoman's face the entire time when asked that question, and looked away - towards the sea slowly and thoughtfully. Everything that required social interaction felt sluggish in process and execution, and this was no different... yet merely talking and gazing at the scenery, however silly such a notion was in times prior, really did feel more encouraging then another bout of fighting, even though fighting was... Blinking again and answering with a entirely un-helpful shrug, Zaro chose instead to settle into the sand more with the tail curled around her thick, curvy body, the tip flickering every so often, taking some sand with it that felt good enough to repeat such a inconsequentional action, the same with idely playing with sand using her left hand. "I... Lady Zaro is comfortable, and accepting of either. Lady Tam-o-ten." She ennounciated with the guttural, but still feminine voice, lolling the other woman's name about her maw with relish for speaking with open, harmless company. She found it amusing that somebody would repeatedly call her a 'Lady', and such humour managed to seep into her otherwise nigh-monotone voice, healthily distorted by vocal chords better suited to grunting or growling out quick responses in the midst of violence.

Happily, killing was not required in such a pristine locality... the change was admittedly welcomed.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia twitched just slightly at Bakan's initial response, but nodded as well. It was true enough... Even though she herself wasn't exactly the most firm follower of that particular philosophy, at least not here on this island. "I see.... Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. There are many beings here who would not be so.... Gentle, as I am sure you were. But, yes, it was wrong for the two of you were forced into that, particularly for her first time. I am only curious, but you seem a holy man to me, so might I ask if it was your first.... Experience, as well, Bakan?"

She listened intently, and brightened visibly at the mention of Ashloriel. "You are her charge!? You are extremely lucky, Bakan. She would want me to wish you well, if she knew that I had met you." She saw his dreamy expression, and smiled even more broadly, truest joy upon her face as she beheld the expression. It was an angel's mission in life to inspire such in mortal beings, after all, and even if she wasn't the cause of it, Nadia was happy all the same. "She's lucky to have you as well, it seems! Though, at your age, I don't think she would mind a lewd thought here and there!" She said, giggling slightly at the last part.

"You are correct, of course. Ashloriel is almost an archangel, and has never allowed darkness to touch her. I am.... Not so old, or so lucky, I am afraid. I am very young for my kind in fact, and have a less than stellar track record all things considered." Nadia said, also turning to look out into the woods once more, her expression similar, but with far less happiness about it than the blissful one Bakan had worn.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six’s sudden entrance would allow her to see something familiar, in an unfamiliar place. Though Nerzalil shared her chitinous carapace… the shock, and moreso, horror in her expression was what she would have perhaps expected from a human, and made up for the strange lack of it most of the island’s other contestants had shown. That said, she did not share their fear; if anything, she seemed to want to move closer to the warped human, though it wasn't quite possible to tell whether or not she planned to attack.

“How… What… How did you come to be? Tell me now!
The Shadow Demon’s hiss was quiet, but furiously urgent. It was a feat enough that she was prepared to wait for the other insect’s answer; her thoughts were racing with the contradictory desires, ‘Hug her!’ and ‘Tear the abomination apart!’.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Forest Path
Six -> Nerzalil

Six stared up at the bioluminecent creature staring at her, a soft violet flush once again over her face. "T-to be honest..." Six stammered, cowering a bit at the sudden strange fury of the other creature, "Even I do not know. And yet..."

Soon Six too showed signs of anger, claws dug into the dirt, staring down the beast in front of her. "Wait... you're saying that I was curropted with your kind's changes? Is this why I am like this? By some cruel whim from your people?!?" It was obvious the reasoning that she was who she was did not go over well with her.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Neri had been faced with a tough decision, but the new insect girl had made things simple on her. The other apparent Shadow Demon didn't even know so much as what it was - surely driven insane by whomever had warped it into a female. Forcing Neri to confront such a travesty, and in a situation where she could not end it at that, was just like this inescapable pit. Still, the island's imposed pacifism did not stop Neri from trying to end the abomination.

"Damn it. Then, there's only one thing to do."

Neri steeled her own stance, lowering herself in hopes of striking Six's stomach.

"Die in that blissful ignorance!"

However, before any strike could be made, Neri and Six both suddenly seemed to find themselves in another place entirely...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Off-the-wagon Tamonten -> Helpful Tomoe -> The Pfithirian Voyeur Flower
Not a tower this time! More the foundations of a smut wall, really.

Spirit...? Oh, right, her demonic arm. That seemed all too easy to the swordswoman. Yes, she could claim, the demon had haunted her loins! She merely needed a little more time with the pretty miko to exorcise the spirit...and some other things. Any attempt to fuck the warrior priestess into the ground would be her demonic guest's fault! But in truth, the demon hadn't really bothered her since arriving on the island. The pale-skinned woman felt too guilty to use the excuse that had all but been offered to her on a silver platter. Tamonten's hands withdrew from the easterner's bosom for the moment, instead returning to the possessed woman's side before moving to Tomoe's shoulders. The black and white appendages began to massage the other girl, hoping to help her loosen up. "I would be lying if I blamed my lust on spirits," the manacled woman replied as she unpressed herself from the eastern warrior's back, mostly in order to better work at the woman's muscles with her hands. "It's always been too easy for me to blame my inner desires and troubles on my demon, a very dangerous prospect. It's true that I'm possessed, but that isn't the cause of this." Tamonten went silent for a time after offering the truth, instead focusing entirely on massaging her former opponent. It didn't even last into the tens of minutes before the aroused woman grew bored and decided to push forward, though.

Ever the intrepid explorers, Tamonten's fingers traced their way down the shrine maiden's shoulders, then her arms, and a small time later were back on her waist. The pale swordswoman pressed herself into Tomoe's back yet again, this time beginning to actively rub her own flesh against the miko's as if starved by the momentary lack of touch. The possessed woman's arms diverged on their courses. Her blackened arm moved up the easterner's body, returning to her breasts. The manacled appendage wasn't as rough as it had been during their match, instead choosing to softly caress the priestess's chest and alternating between the two soft orbs. Tamonten's pale hand moved down the other warrior's stomach, diving for her womanhood. It played about the eastern warrior's sex, thumb toying around the shrine maiden's sensitive nub and a finger poised and brushing at her lower lips as if to press in but never doing so. Distracted by her task, the pale-skinned girl never noticed that another had spotted them, nor the cry as the alraune pinched herself. Of course, in her state of mind the pale human might have tried to put on a bigger show if she had known -- Tamonten enjoyed consorting with pretty flowers, after all -- but that was another point. "I fear the only spirits that currently afflict me are curiosity and lust. Would you mind helping me banish them?" The white-haired swordswoman purred into the miko's ear.

Tamonten -> Auralice and Tamonten -> Zaro'Alk will be posted or edited in later/tomorrow because I'm currently dealing with Writer's Block -> Hafnium.
This tiny post alone took me forever to do. ;_;
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Cafe -> Hot Springs

Finishing up on the delicious meal she had ordered at the cafe, the alraune sat back eyes closed as she relaxed in the aftermath. All that was left of the wonderful steak she had just devoured was but a single bone, and a small smearing of the sauce that once adorned it plastered to her face, which she soon wiped herself clean of. 'Ah~! It's been such a long time since I had a good slice of meat. I really don't know why I don't enjoy it more, meat always has such pungent flavor compared to the earth...' It took a second for Ione to push herself to her feet, but once she did she quickly thanked the waitress and owner for the wonderful meal before setting out of the Cafe.

'Hmmm... where to next. Bakan was at the Hot Springs if I recall, so he might still be there. Maybe I just need a little alone time to meditate on things. The greens and blooms of the forest could easily take care of that, and it would be nice to be near nature for a time...' Ione took a moment to weigh the options before relaxing with a sigh. 'I'll... I'll just go to the Hot Springs to see if he's there. If he is I'll turn around and go to the forest, but if not... a relaxing dip wouldn't hurt any. Maybe there will be others who would enjoy my... er... who would enjoy my polite and civil company... yeah...' Walking toward the Hot Springs in silence, the alraune forced herself not to think of 'possibilities' and instead focus on the sights as she passed them.

Reaching the Hot Springs, at first glance it appeared as if Bakan was not there. Briefly, the plant girl was sure she had seen two others at a far side as she approached, but they had vanished behind a thin trail of mist before she could make them out completely. Shaking her head, the plant girl walked near a number of floating lily shaped flowers in the water before noticing a few others nearby. Familiar raven hair came into view, and Ione gave pause as her memory turned in her head. 'That woman... that's the girl who was in the room with Bakan and I. What was her name again? Toma... Tamo... Tomoe! That sounds correct.' As Ione came to the realization, it soon dawned on her as well of Tomoe's partner, the pale girl's skin noticeable as it peaked out from... behind... the...

The sensual actions beginning to form between the two were not lost on the plant girl, and for a time she stared in lewd curiosity before regaining control, covering her face and pinching herself, a muffled cry ringing out. 'Dammit Ione. Get a... Get a hold of yourself! You have to... be polite and civil. You can't let... such sights... effect you so much.' Forcing herself to turn away, the alraune's only comfort as resisted against her lustful urges was focusing on the beautiful white lily blooms that rested nearby.

Lily -> Ione ......... + Tomoe & Tamonten

After "The Man" had departed the springs, Lily had remained. As more people began to show up, she opted to remain low key and managed to avoid sharing any of the multiple pools with one of the groups. Switching pools at one point, but without having drawn any attention doing so, she simply enjoyed the warm waters and kept to herself for the time being.

When another Alraune happened to come by her pool though, she at first actually didn't notice, her attention elsewhere. Hovering at the edge of the pool, she peered over the edge and through the half obscuring bamboo screen between the pools. The top half of her head the only part properly visible above the water. As Ione looked over the various lily blooms to help put her urges out of mind, it wouldn't take long before noticing the single odd one out, complete with an alraunes face, and gazing out voyeuristically at the two human women sharing the other pool. Lily remaining unaware of the newcomer standing beside the pool to one side, kept her distracted eyes forward. Her expression easily readable as one of obvious interest, but also somewhat troubled and seemingly with a hint of guilt.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Lily + Tomoe & Tamonten : Hot Springs

The alraune's focus on the floating flowers remained constant for a small time, Ione finding the resolve to distract herself with their visage. She soon found her gaze drifting away and toward the sight of the other two as they continued to... mingle. The sight of their heavy petting drifting her towards lustful thoughts, thoughts that she tried to shake away with a small whine. 'A...ah... I just had to... arrive when there would be... two acting so... lovingly... if only it had just been...' Ione clinched her eyes shut once again and turned away, opening only to look out at light ripples of the spring and return her gaze to the flowers that also adorned them.

As she admired the white blooms, two in particular caught her attention, floating quite differently from the others where it sat. In fact it almost appeared as if... no... it did appear as if they were resting on something, something of which Ione quickly came to recognize. Laying low in the pond, staring at the same two that she herself had been looking at, was another Alraune! In an instant, Ione's lust disappeared, replaced with great unease as she froze up. 'Another...!? I've... I've got to... got to get out of here!' Stepping back, in her uneasiness the alraune's caution was misplaced, and she found herself stepping on a wet patch of grass near the pools edge, and before she could steady her footing, Ione with a yelp found herself slipping foward into the spring.

The loud splash that followed, along with the alraune's sudden sputtering when she resurfaced was sure to turn heads in the tranquil scene. And although it might take a moment for the other two to discover her should they investigate, the other alraune in the pool would be sure to have noticed such a ruckus occurring right next to them. Finally finding her footing in the pool, the colorful plant girl retreated slowly to an edge, her back pressed to it as she stared wide eyed with a hint of fear at the other plant person.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Hotsprings: Lily -> Ione ......... + Tomoe & Tamonten

The sudden splash and movement to her side being more than enough to get Lily's attention, she very quickly pushes away from the commotion to get a moment to figure out what was going on. Seeing another of her kind emerge sputtering from the water, and checking nervously in the direction of the neighbouring pool, she ducks both away from Ione and out of sight of the two she had been spying on.

Her back against the opposite side of the pool, the greener alraune very much mirrors the other. A look of having been caught at something, as well as simply being considerably startled. "Aaa, I didn't know - didn't see you there... I wasn't - was just uh..." she stammers out nervously, before dipping her head beneath the water once more in her new water plant act. After a moment peeking up again, "Are... are you all right? That looked like a nasty slip." she asks softly in genuine sounding concern, though said with the same timid front. It was hard to tell whether her fluster was more to do with the risk of being discovered by the humans, or being discovered by Ione. Regardless she did seem oddly tense for an alraune enjoying a show in a relaxing spring.

Inwardly Lily was cursing her unusual failure of perception, but also noting and trying to understand how come she hadn't detected this other alraune's presence from a mile away via the natural mental link her kind normally shared. Even now whilst properly aware and undistracted, she didn't seem to pick anything up from her.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Exorcist Tomoe -> Stair-spidering Tamo

After Tomoe's comment about the spirit, there was a moment of silence between the two females, the only audible sounds being the brief splashes of water and her own heavy breathing as the chest massage continued for a brief moment still. But eventually it stopped, the different-colored hands retreating back to her sides and making way upwards onto her shoulders. As the girl offered the truth about herself and the spirits, she began to apply a more non-sexual massage after withdrawing her entire upper body away from the easterner, this one more aimed towards loosening up the priestess' accumulated tenseness. The eventful day had left it's mark into the miko's body, and she was more than welcoming of such treatment.

It did not last long though, and after a nice while spent on the shrine maiden's shoulders, the pale girl stopped the the whole thing and moved on to more intimate touching once again. The black demon-arm returned to where it had been a while ago, taking turns at feeling up each of Tomoe's pleasure mounds. The normal pale white arm sought out her womanhood, making way towards it's destination via the miko's firm midsection. It eventually reached it's destination, the teasing starting in earnest once both hands had estabilished their positions on her shapely form. A few quiet sounds of pleasure came out from the priestess as she found herself at the business end of the gropey, rubby girl's desires once more. Despite the truth not turning out to be exactly what she had thought out, Tomoe was willing to give the girl some leeway for her honesty, which she respected. "If it's not an outside spirit... then it's one of your own inner demons... even so... I still desire to help... if I can be the one to grant a temporary respite... then I have no problem with this..." the easterner replied, her mind still set on the same path. She held onto the girl's hands with her own, not trying to stop her in any way, just holding onto the dual-colored appendages out of some strange desire to feel the same things she did.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Tomoe Also: those voyeuristic plant types.
The swordswoman smiled from her position behind Tomoe at the easterner's acceptance. It felt strange to be on that end of the seduction, very strange indeed for the possessed woman. Tamonten didn't want to indulge in the pretty miko's body quite so roughly that time, though. She was going to be (mostly) gentle with the shrine maiden, in a manner not dissimilar to how Jasmine had introduced the white-haired girl, herself, to that seemingly endless spiral of sexual decadence. Maybe if she could get the shapely priestess to warm up to the acts a bit more, she would get the chance to sate her more dominating curiosities. And, of course, once the manacled swordswoman had actually introduced herself and obtained her former opponent's name... At that thought, Tamonten giggled slightly, a proper introduction could wait just a bit longer.

A pale finger pressed into the eastern warrior's exposed sex, beginning to brush against her inner walls, slowly drawing back before pushing in. As the demonic girl fingered her partner, her thumb began to circle against Tomoe's clit, rubbing softly. The would-be weaponmaster's blackened hand continued its ministrations on the other woman's breasts, continuing to gently grope at her ample chest. It only took a little bit of effort for Tamonten to overcome the feeling of envy welling within herself and ignore the urge to roughly knead her partner's soft mounds. When the easterner put her hands on the pale swordswoman's own, it caused her to increase her pace, taking it as a sign that the warrior priestess was becoming more accepting of the situation. With the feel of Tomoe touching her own arms, the manacled girl began to more greedily rub herself against her partner's back, continuing until she was all but humping the other woman. In a show of multitasking skill, Tamonten somehow found the time to nibble at the miko's ear while everything else was going on.

The lustful woman continued to increase her pace. Every noticeable moan, every reaction, and every passed minute causing Tamonten to piston, rub, and massage with increasing eagerness. The pale-skinned girl intended on pushing her partner directly to orgasm before sating her own needs. It wasn't until Tomoe was coming close to her brink that the swordswoman varied her actions at all. As the eastern maiden moaned louder and louder, the demonic woman's possessed appendage abandoned its task on her breast, instead lowering to join its pale counterpart. Tamonten's unshackled hand withdrew from the other woman's sex and instead moved to focus entirely on her stiffened nub. She had no intention of leaving the eastern priestess unfilled, though, as a darkened finger took its place. Without missing a beat, the manacled woman continued her ministrations. The act of humping the other woman's back had been abandoned in favor of focusing on bringing her to orgasm, though the pale swordswoman's lips continued to kiss at her back. It came closer, and closer...

And then she stopped.

It wasn't that Tamonten had wanted to deny the miko any pleasure, it was that she had heard something. Oh, not now! The pale-skinned woman looked about, hoping to locate the source of the noise. What had it been, a splash? Somebody in one of the neighboring pools? It did make sense that there would be others, she supposed, when she had actually given it some thought. She was still so aroused, too, far too much to want to actually investigate the cause. I wonder if she heard it? The possessed swordswoman idly wondered, searching for clues from her partner. Maybe she had been too caught up to notice? If that was the case...the pale girl began to entertain some mischievous thoughts. There were already spectators watching them during the matches, so putting on a show for another few people wouldn't hurt, right? Tamonten guessed that she could indulge in that particular kink with her partner.

But first... As suddenly as she had stopped, the pale-skinned woman grabbed her partner to turn her around, until they were face to face. Tamonten pulled the easterner in for a kiss, much more eagerly than during their match. Her tongue aggressively explored the priestess's mouth. Once again, her fingers dove for the other woman's pussy and clit, beginning to piston and rub her a little faster and harder than she had left off. That time, there was no stopping for any of it, the manacled girl continued right up until the shapely woman had come, and for the better part of the minute afterward.

It wasn't until after Tomoe had come down from her climax that Tamonten offered; "How about we go over to that side of the water for this next part?" The swordswoman nodded her head towards the direction the splash had come from. As the demonic girl spoke, a rapidly forming cock began to press between the two women, several inches longer than the last had been. "I think it'll be a bit more comfortable," she said with a mischievous grin.
Tamonten -> Auralice
It might have been hard to find something capable of stirring the enthralled human faster than her mistress's offer. The enchanted swordswoman nodded enthusiastically, already feeling the energy within her arm stirring. With an unspoken command, something began to form on the pale girl's crotch. Only seconds after Auralice had asked, the possessed woman had materialized an average looking cock and was ready to go. The lustful warrior-turned-maid's pale arm trembled with excitement as it moved to guide her member to the naga's spread pussy. It was almost too much for the entranced woman to stand as she began to slide her rod into her master. Centimeter after centimeter, she penetrated the serpentine woman's depths, very slowly out of concern at causing her mistress any discomfort. A look of bliss overtook Tamonten's expression as she hilted in Auralice.

After giving the naga some time to adjust to the feeling, the swordswoman began to fuck her mistress, building into a slow and steady rhythm. Given free reign over the naga's exotic body, the white-haired human's pale hand began to wander. It cupped and kneaded at the snakewoman's large breasts, massaging them. Remembering the liquid from earlier, manacled girl's thumb and forefinger moved to pinch and pull at the nipple, milking the naga of her sweet aphrodisiacs. Softly grabbing the breast, the entranced woman slowed her pumping of Auralice's pussy long enough to, in an incredibly uncomfortable position for the human, suckle on that same stiffened nub, drawing the mind-numbing fluid directly into her mouth. The only thing keeping Tamonten from drinking until she was completely lost in a haze of lust, or more lost than at the time, if such a thing had actually been possible, was the amount of awkward bending required to get the nipple into her mouth. Straightening up after taking in a mouthful, the possessed swordswoman continued her efforts, thrusting harder and faster. Not only did she increase in pace, but the cock lodged in Auralice began to grow at the pale-skinned woman's whim. It lengthened and distended to such an extent that it began to stretch the faerie-naga's hole, making each push that much more noticeable.

To the enchanted woman, the act was a wonderful reward. Something felt like it was missing, though. Ah, yes! Her duty! How could she forget? The mistress might have wanted to reward her servant with the act, but Tamonten still had a task to perform! She was her master's cum-dump, too, after all! Without asking, because the enthralled woman could never try to order her wonderful Lady around, the woman's hands moved to grab at the tendrils that floated in the water. The pale-skinned woman carefully guided two of the tentacles to her own pussy and ass, before guiding them to penetrate her. With that, her duty as a maid to Auralice was mostly fulfilled, but it still wasn't enough for the entranced woman. Steadying herself on her blackened hand, the pale-skinned warrior redoubled her efforts at fucking the naga. In turn, each time the serpentine woman's tentacles thrust into the eager swordswoman, the effect was noticeable in Tamonten's thrusts into her. In a frenzy of lust by that point, the possessed human even moved to grab a third tentacle to take into her mouth. With her mouth filled, the pale hand moved to one of Auralice's cocks and began to stroke the appendage.

It was easily the most orgiastic display that two people could put on. The only thing keeping Tamonten upright was her manacled arm, desperately trying to keep enough leverage to both penetrate and be triple penetrated by her mistress at the same time. The sheer amount of pleasure was enough to cause sensory overload for the overwhelmed human, to the point where she continued thrusting simply because she had no idea what else to do, besides moan loudly around the invader in her mouth and often. It wasn't long until the feelings overwhelmed her. The possessed swordswoman gave a final noise, muffled by the tentacle cock in her mouth, which intended to be; "C-cumming, mistress!" The warning wasn't much help, however, as it only took one final, powerful thrust, hilting her in the naga's pussy, and she was spraying copious amounts of her seed into the snake-woman's womb. As the swordswoman convulsed, her own sex tightened, trying to milk its tendril invader of Auralice's cum.

And the tentacles acquiesced to her coaxing. A sudden bulging was the only warning that Tamonten received before her bowels, womanhood, and mouth were filled with her mistress's fluids. In addition, the cock she had been stroking and the one she had left untouched began to twitch as they expelled seed into the onsen waters. The pale-skinned swordswoman tried to keep up with the amount of cum in her mouth, swallowing in a careful rhythm as to not waste any of her master's 'gift,' but at the end simply couldn't and recoiled off of the tentacle to breathe. The lack of an orifice to unload in meant that the appendage that had been fucking her mouth and the ones that had went free showered the demonic human in her mistress's seed, who could only lay panting atop the naga.

As her magically endowed cock began to fade away, despite the tentacles still lodged in two of her holes, the exhausted swordswoman could only look up at Auralice, green eyes searching for approval once again.
Tamonten -> Zaro'Alk (Gasp! I don't have to spoiler this one! Partially because I suck and can't think of a way to make this more than a short response. >.>)

The smaller woman giggled at her new-found title. Before she had been a swordswoman, Tamonten had been a farm girl with an education that had never really focused on courtesies, so she was unable to appreciate the reason for the humor. Lady had simply been her go-to choice for formalities. Never would she think of Dame which, while still inaccurate, would have probably been more suitable to the dragoness's particular role, mostly because she had never heard of Dame as a title. Indeed, the pale-skinned woman simply wasn't educated on that matter. "Well, it seems that I have you beat when it comes to idle chatter, Lady Zaro!" Tamonten continued with a grin, continuing to misuse the title. "But you seem to have me beat when it comes to sparring. Perhaps we can alter? Another quick match and after that I can talk your ear off some more?" The pale human awaited the giantess's response patiently, seated on the ground. Given that Zaro had just mentioned that she would be willing to do either, the possessed woman prepared to bring herself upright, but she would wait until the more imposing female had offered consent before bringing herself into a ready stance.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Satisfied Tomoe -> Tamo the Orgasm-bringer (And those peeky planties too)

With the addition of her own hands over the girl's, Tomoe could detect her only getting more eager with the whole pleasuring deal. But that had been her intention, to signal her willingness to help. It was then that Tamo started to slide her entire form up and down along the priestess' back, showing an affectionate sign of sorts as their skins rubbed against each other. A further display of it came in the form of a nibble at the shrine maiden's ear, which made her flich slightly, but she was far too into the whole thing to try and stop the other over such a minor thing.

As the cries of increasing pleasure sounded in vicinity the pool, Tomoe 's partner switched strategies once more, moving to a more direct approach. Quickly leaving her chest area, the black demon-arm joined with it's white counterpart at her lower entrance for a joint operation. Just like before, both her insides and clit were being treated to pleasurable touching, but this time there was more determination in the whole thing with one hand on each spot. It continued for a good while, raising up her joy and volume of pleasurable sounds steadily towards the peak.

But before the tip of pleasure could be reached, the white-haired girl stopped. It was almost torturous for the priestess in her current condition, and she turned her head towards the other to see what she was doing. It seemed almost like she was looking out for others in the vicinity. "What is it... is... mhaaa..." she tried to ask, but was stopped by a sudden hold on her body. Before she could realize it, the easterner was facing the girl. "Oh.... yes..." she mumbled out, quite eager to kiss with the other as their previous one had gone only for a short while and left her kind of unsatisfied in that department. There was something unbearably nice in kissing, and she wanted to do it more, despite the partner's aggressive approach. The flower massage distracted the miko a bit from her pursuit, but it was aimed at bringing her closer towards her climax. And that she did soon, moaning out her release into the other girl's mouth, not wanting to pull away despite the climax shaking her frame to the very core.

Recovering from the peak against her partner, Tomoe was suggested something that was somewhat questionable. Despite not being entirely sure what it was all about, the feeling of the demonic cock against her form made her more compliant. "Well, since you've been so nice about this whole thing... then sure..." the priestess agreed to the request, doing her best to move towards the suggested spot by herself.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Zaro'Alk -> Tamoten.
Beach, Rocky End.

Tamonten -> Zaro'Alk (Gasp! I don't have to spoiler this one! Partially because I suck and can't think of a way to make this more than a short response. >.>)

The smaller woman giggled at her new-found title. Before she had been a swordswoman, Tamonten had been a farm girl with an education that had never really focused on courtesies, so she was unable to appreciate the reason for the humor. Lady had simply been her go-to choice for formalities. Never would she think of Dame which, while still inaccurate, would have probably been more suitable to the dragoness's particular role, mostly because she had never heard of Dame as a title. Indeed, the pale-skinned woman simply wasn't educated on that matter. "Well, it seems that I have you beat when it comes to idle chatter, Lady Zaro!" Tamonten continued with a grin, continuing to misuse the title. "But you seem to have me beat when it comes to sparring. Perhaps we can alter? Another quick match and after that I can talk your ear off some more?" The pale human awaited the giantess's response patiently, seated on the ground. Given that Zaro had just mentioned that she would be willing to do either, the possessed woman prepared to bring herself upright, but she would wait until the more imposing female had offered consent before bringing herself into a ready stance.

(That's fine with me... I'll spoiler your post for you. XP)

Zaro felt rather strange, what with being given a title that she did not feel deserving of in any way. The Mistress had never really given her any sort of alternative name, typically calling her just by her 'first' name, the latter 'Alk meaning absolutely nothing of importance in reality, but she never paid much attention to that... what was easily thought upon, was the curiousity of a swordswoman giving her such a title... Blinking and shaking her heavy skull lightly, the tall Dragonic female huffed at the pale woman whom seemed ever full of positive energy, so eager to get on with whatever was at hand rather then the simple desire to distract herself with the present. Ears perked and flickered quietly at the suggestion of continuing their... training, which had been more of a brief, intense spat then actual practice.

"Practice to better ourselves, Lady... Tamonten." She rumbled out and slowly rose, the words rather unfamiliar with her long tongue, and the moment her wide rump left the soft sands was the moment she really did miss just relaxing, and grumbled when at full height, stretching her legs and rolling thick shoulders. With a gruff noise she retrieved the training spear and gazed upon Tamoten's altered blade, gifting her ears with an apprecattive thrum. "Appears better, swordswoman." She helpfully commented on and loosely gestured towards the updated tool, and tilted her head, letting the dreadlock-like forms shift about her face and neck. "Keep the flint if you desire, I can retrieve another... now, prepare." She finished with a grunt, the lack of humour in her voice so very typical, though she had show a sort of faint lightness of features, which hardened once she fell back into the wide, defensive posture with the spear held securely by both meaty limbs, obviously intending to bat away swings and jab if provoked with a opportunity. "Come at me, female." She calmly spoke, half challenging, have inviting, perhaps if Zaro merely allowed her counterpart to begin and remain the attacker, she could improve by trying to beat a defensive form? That felt more helpful then throwing practice out by repelling the lighter female, the thought made somewhat audible with a light rumble...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Lily + Tomoe & Tamonten : Hot Springs

Ione kept her eyes trained and focused on the other alraune, never letting her out of her sight as she remained pressed up against a wall of the hot spring. Being around other alraune was something the plant girl had long since avoided, her earliest memories leaking in making her shudder with a cold chill despite the warmth of the pool. She hadn't expected to cross paths with another, but now being in the same pool as one she didn't have a choice anymore. She could only hope that this one was... different than the ones she originally stayed with, and that she would be much more hospitable too.

From the sound of her nervousness, it seemed less likely that the other alraune would be like the ones she remembered, but it wasn't nervousness that made her certain of that. The sound of genuine concern coming from her was what finally put Ione at certain ease, as from her memories the ones she remembered never showed even a sign of concern over her well being. The softness and timidness of her voice helped as well, though she did remember a few of the more... mischievous ones faking such presentment. She'd still have to be careful in dealing with this one, in case she pretending as well.

Taking a breath to calm herself, Ione scanned the other alraune before speaking. "I'm... I'm fine. I didn't hurt myself." The plant girl stopped briefly noting the various openings in the bamboo wall and the other plant girl's proximity to it. 'Just what was this other alraune doing in here? From how she's flustered it's almost as if she were spying too...' Ione shook her head at the thought, both trying not to be drawn into the scene again if she could help it and to keep her focus on the plant girl in front of her. "I... I came here to relax. To clear my thoughts, but perhaps this wasn't the best place to... keep my mind off certain things..." Ione briefly glanced in the direction that the two others enjoying themselves were, and it should be no mystery to the other alraune just what Ione was alluding to.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ryomou - Bath House

Ryomou stood there dazed and horribly confused and shocked. She had been practicing and sparring with the many unarmed fighters who attended the academy in Crolia. She had just finished a long and strenuous match with an exceptionally skilled warrior from Anudoria and had finished redressing after a quick bath when she felt a wave of intangible energy almost like a breeze, pass over and then she suddenly felt herself blink out of existence and soon after felt herself reappear in a hot steamy bathhouse; the only with clothes in a room full of other naked men and women. She didn't pay too much attention to the naked people for the first few moments as she was far too disoriented, "W-where....... Where the hell am I!? Wh-what happened? How did I get here?" she asked alarmed as she panickly looked around her strange new surroundings.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Luciana -> Iggy

As Luciana and Iggy were transported suddenly to a hotel room prepared for them, the succubus sighed. The poor foxboy had collapsed long before she had finished, and it had left her... frustrated. She withdrew her tentacle from his abused ass, laying him gently on the ground and frowning down at him. Slowly she moved over to a comfortable chair at the side of the room, her wings disappearing into her back again in favor of a thick, long dick as she waited for Iggy to wake up. When he finally did she called out "such a bad slave, finishing before your mistress and leaving her hanging! Now get over here and service me with that mouth of yours. Thoroughly. All of me. Make me cum and I'll give you a nice reward."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Iggy -> Luciana

Iggy wakes up, yawning cutely. He then gets on all fours and notices the slave collar around his neck, the tags jingling with every move he made. He then looks down, ashamed as his mistress scolds him. He then blushes as he notices her massive, erect cock upon hearing her orders. He realizes his place and humiliatingly approaches her and leans in to lick the tip. He then begins to noisily slurp and suckle it, slowly fingering her pussy as he went.
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