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The pics thread.

Re: The pics thread.

Also, Man in a coat!

Hey you have anything against people with coats? *just joking*


Yeah that's me :p.
Re: The pics thread.

So, by any chance were you trying to look like the guy in your avatar?

Cause it's working.

You should rape some girls now that fight demons.
Re: The pics thread.

Well it was my first attempt. I realized that i need a much smaller medical coat, since it wasn't mine (explains the fake blood on it).

About the girls who fights against my precious sex demons...they will pay for it. WITH THEIR BODIES!!!
Re: The pics thread.

gonna commish this person to draw me a Raptor for a tattoo. So it's going to either be that design or a raptor claw. If she doesn't get back to me after like, a week, I'm gonna get a claw.
Re: The pics thread.

Well it was my first attempt. I realized that i need a much smaller medical coat, since it wasn't mine (explains the fake blood on it).

About the girls who fights against my precious sex demons...they will pay for it. WITH THEIR BODIES!!!

I grant you luck on your quest to rape some girls that won't leave your crazy, insane, rapist demons alone. Obviously those bitches should not interfere.
Re: The pics thread.


The claw is a deinonychus claw for putting my little girl dreams of being a paleontologist to rest, the halo is for all the people who have sacrificed something to get me where I am today.

And a third meaning for shits and giggles, Raptor Jesus. LOL

closer pic
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Re: The pics thread.

And now Raptor Jesus may live on your skin forever and ever.

Re: The pics thread.

Yeah, the closer-up pic looks much better :p

Nice tattoos :D
Re: The pics thread.

For a moment there I was thinking, Trogdor? Though I'd actually be more worried it was a genuine giant ape monster wearing a bad snake monster costume as a disguise. Look at it. The guy inside wearing it would have to be huge! Caution advised...
Re: The pics thread.

Omg. Ow. *wipes tears out of eyes* Okay, wow, I probably found the Derp and Wat ones way more funnier than they were but...ow. My stomach still hurts from laughing.
Re: The pics thread.

Yeah, the "Derp" one, you can just see the gears in the guy's head coming to a screeching halt as he realizes "You know, that ball's coming at my face pretty fucking fast. I should do something about that, but... ball..." :p

As for the "Wat" one... maybe someone on here from Iceland could answer that? I honestly have no clue >.<
Re: The pics thread.

Who's sexy stallion body is that? I can't even fathom how a person can have that much concentrated sexy in one picture.
Re: The pics thread.

My tattoo design is done. i can't wait. This is amazing. I'm so happy.