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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I like the "fuck you" a lot better, lol. It fits my attitude right now.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'd like to fuck the world as well :3









EDIT: ARGH. I just can't win. When I'm in school, everybody's on when I'm in class. When I'm out of school, everybody's on in the afternoon and I can't get on because of peeping eyes. FUCK, SHIT, BUSH, ... MATT DAMON >:[
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Another thread reminded me of how much the Twilight movie killed me. It was a few months ago, but my rage just fired up again.

Long story short, I've never read the books, but my girlfriend has. She hated them. We wanted to watch the movie to see how awful it would be. We were expecting it to be awful. Boy were we in for a shock.

It had to be the WORST movie I've EVER seen. Granted, I'm not a movie buff, but HOLY BART'S ASS that movie was gawdawful. Plot holes that had to be explained to me through the people who had read the books. Yes, I say books. Some of the stuff that didn't make sense in the FIRST movie wasn't explained until the SECOND book. Here's an example: the girl is totally turned on by the boy, but there is zero flinching away from him during the incredibly awkward "sex" scenes when his skin is supposed to be as cold as ice and hard as rock. I'm sorry, but I don't find an ice cube cuddly. I just don't. Here's another example: I didn't know what the fuck was going on with the baseball scene until it was explained that the only reason they can play in the storms is so the thunder masks the loudness of their bats hitting the ball (because of their super strength). Fuck you. That sort of force against an ordinary aluminum bat would simply break it, the ball, or both.

The acting was by far the worst acting I'd ever seen in any major film. The whole movie made me feel fucking AWKWARD. Do you know how hard that is, for someone else's awkwardness in an obviously fictional setting to actually make YOU uncomfortable? I kept wanting to say something along the lines of "Welll.... I'll be going outside now" to relieve the tension!

The "romance" was even worse than Mass Effect. The two trade calf-eyes for a while and then all of a sudden they're lovers. Who don't have sex. Because the author is a Mormon, and sex is bad. Do you know how she resolves sex in the later books (apparently they don't have sex until the fourth book)? She has the girl (whose viewpoint it is written from) black out until they're done. How retardedly lame is that? What the FUCK is a romance novel without the SEX?

The special effects were fucking shitty as fuck. A ten year old with an ordinary home camera could do the exact same thing; all they did was

The people defending the movie say that "Oh well you didn't like it because it wasn't your typical vampire movie. You were obviously expecting an action/horror flick, when this is a romance story. That's what makes it great."
FYI: FUCK YOU. Romance between human and [insert incompatible other race here] has been DONE TO DEATH. Vampires, werewolves, elves that will live fifty times the lifespan of their partner, IT'S ALL BEEN DONE BEFORE. This story is 100% UNORIGINAL. STOP treating it like it's the Jesus' second coming because this dilemma is in at least half of the fantasy books I've ever read, and I own SHELVES of them.

Here's the kicker. I was expecting this movie to have a retardedly low budget, considering how bad it was. But when I look it up, it cost almost $40,000,000. That's right. Almost half the cost of the first Matrix. I've seen movies that had a tenth of that budge that were better. I have NO IDEA where the fuck they put all that money. There weren't many sets (although I will admit that some of the sets they did have were gorgeous), the actors came out of some homeless wino's asshole, the dialogue was atrocious at best, and the special effects might as well have not been in there for how shitty they looked. Apparently this movie was shot in a little under a month, with a week of preparation.

Here's a hint, jackholes of film production: IT SHOWS.

This movie makes me want to bash my skull in.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

a nice comparison is that firefly had a slightly lower budget (39 mil) and they did a lot more with it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I've heard that Firefly was really really good. But like I said I'm not a movie buff... can you give me some basic info? general plotline, genre? I might download it if it sounds interesting.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I've heard that Firefly was really really good. But like I said I'm not a movie buff... can you give me some basic info? general plotline, genre? I might download it if it sounds interesting.
Firefly was the television series. Serenity was the film set after the end of the television series.

Firefly was created by Joss Whedon and Tim Minear. It was a science fiction series with many elements of westerns, combining traditional scifi elements such as space travel, terraforming, and the like with western elements such as fronter settlements and lawlessness. It's kind of unusual in that there aren't any aliens whatsoever, and that there is no faster-than-light travel. It was very well written, by most opinions, and combined elements (again) of both comedy and drama.

A generalization of the background is that Earth became uninhabitable, and we migrated to a new multi-star system, terraformed those planets, and settled there. At some point, there was a war between the inner, richer planets (Alliance) and the less settled and less tamed rim planets (Independents) over whether the Alliance should be allowed to rule those outer planets. Firefly follows the crew of a ship captained by one of the soldiers from the losing side, the Independents.

Did I do that right?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

As this is a ranting/debate topic, I shall abuse my right to rant on a different topic.

I have never, in my entire life, wanted to vandalize/violate a website so badly. A pal of mine came across this web page from MicroScat (M$) that compared their newest browser (Internet Exploder 8) against Fire Fox and Chrome. The "facts" as they call them, are so wrong and misleading that it feels as though some troll created this page.

Really, it's just M$ marketing crew trusting that the remaining percentage of non-tech-savvy people will buy into their bull crap.

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Heh. I was wondering if anyone would post that here. I agree, by the way.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

That's so weird. I knew about Firefly the tv series. I could have sworn there was an unrelated movie though that people said were good. Maybe I'm just remembering wrong.

The "facts" as they call them, are so wrong and misleading that it feels as though some troll created this page.

Whatever FF doesn't do that IE does, someone has written an extension that does do it. Or you can write your own. Meaning customizability is literally unlimited.
Unfortunately, most people using computers are retarded. So they actually will buy right into this shit.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

M$ pisses me off a little bit more everyday. I'm always hearing of their shenanigans.

Some people still seem confused about the firefly movie. It's called Serenity.

As for the worst movie. The award clearly should go to Dragon Ball, not twilight. If I had the time I'd write a rant.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I would say Battlefield Earth has the title of worst movie, but to each their own. It was so bad a rant isn't even neccesary as that would mean the movie was worth it. Though I'm sure both of the others are probably just as bad. I'm just lucky enough to not have tried to watch either of them.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Of the three horrible movies just mentioned, I've only seen Battlefield Earth.
Ronny is right.
The book was written by L Ron Hubbard for some background on it...
Also... Twilight has fans... Battlefield Earth dosn't even have those.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

:( I didn't hate battlefield earth
Though it coulda used more Travolta dancing
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Have any of you seen the recent movie Blindness?

Apparently it was even worse than Twilight and BFE together.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Was the entire film black?

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I don't actually remember anything about Battlefield Earth, but I do remember liking it when I watched it :/

As for the fans point, yes Twilight has fans, but so do the Jonas Brothers. It's the quality of the fans that count, not the quantity ;)
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Of the three horrible movies just mentioned, I've only seen Battlefield Earth.
Ronny is right.
The book was written by L Ron Hubbard for some background on it...
Also... Twilight has fans... Battlefield Earth dosn't even have those.

actually your forgetting about Scientology... there all fans.

that movie annoyed me so much, why oh why can cavemen pilot 500 year old jets and win against alien fighters that decimated the entire worlds defences in like 7 minuets or something. I've seen worse movies to be sure but once you cut away the Scientology actors and money its just a generic c-grade sci-fi movie.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I read the book, and it wasn't bad. Granted, it was much longer than the film, and as such better to explain things like how or why. I never got around to seeing the film.