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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Sounds like the problem can be very easily solved by telling them what's actually happening - the pc overheated and there are some melty bits inside.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I don't see the problem, you should just reformat it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Global Warming overheated your Laptop, maybe he'll believe that.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Just take a hammer to that laptop and then he'll definitely see what's wrong with it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

You obviously messed up the settings.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Should not have turned on the "emit smoke" setting.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Or try a deep scandisk ^^;
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Or, it might be a virus! You should try Norton anti-virus, it's really good at the virus stuff.

However, you did say your laptop was smoking... So... Hm... Have you tried cleaning your hard drive? Just get a wet cloth, and clean the inside of your laptop.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Smoke is clearly an indication of fire. Why haven't you called the fire department?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Cast frost on it.. that'll fix it
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Oh please, Alias, you don't need the fire department when you have a firewall installed.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

...oooooooooh god
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Alright, this pisses me off. I've known a lot of friends who went through divorce and there's nothing that has a sting like separated parents.

Long story short, this article's about this one guy who divorced his wife, who was a Japanese native. He had custody of kids and the wife lived near the town he lived in so that they could still visit. Eventually things turn sour and the wife actually takes the kids and leaves for Japan. The Japanese court system, however, doesn't recognize this as child abduction because they didn't sign up for the international child abduction convention. Therefore in Japanese laws, she hadn't done anything illegal. The problem is that she violated American laws by taking the child, but we can't do anything about it. Even better, they actually say that "Parental child abduction is not considered a crime in Japan." Eventually the father takes action and goes to Japan and tries to take the kids back. He gets arrested and is thrown into jail. And now a whole bunch of international law hoo-hah is springing up about what laws are in effect here.

Are you fucking kidding me, Japan? I know people say this a lot as a joke, but now I'm dead serious when I say that Japan is fucked up. What kind of a fucking country actually says that child abduction isn't illegal? First and foremost, that's truly fucking disgusting that Japan would even approve of ANY kind of child abduction. Secondly, none of that even MATTERS. I don't know much about international laws, but if something happened in one country, they should be facing the punishment FROM that country.

It's basically like saying I stole from a bank in America, then fled to Canada, where I'm safe because apparently in Canada you're allowed to steal from a bank. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT, JAPAN.

Furthermore, you're telling me that the dad needs to be jailed because NEITHER side was taking any action? Sure it was irresponsible and downright illegal what he did, but at least he actually cared enough about his child to take them back. The wife took the kids and fled most probably to spite the father. The father went to take the kids back because he wasn't getting any results from the failures of a government system.

This brings me to my next point. Like I said before, I don't know much about international laws, but you're telling me that the wife was okay when she abducted the child and ran to Japan because Japan doesn't recognize parental child abduction, but the father is going to get jailed because he tried to abduct his kids? Either CNN made a typo or Japan is a corrupt as hell place.

Thoughts or comments?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Japanese are usually cited as being extremely xenophobic, so I wouldn't take it as surprise that it's ok for her to abduct her own kids, but he can't. Another point that you didn't outline too much that pissed me off in the story was the American court who, being warned that that was EXACTLY what she'd do, they were like "No, it's fine, keep giving her the kids, it's not like she can run awa...oh our bad."
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

This... this is...

Fuck, I can't even come up with good words for this. All I know is that the father should go Liam Neesan on their asses.


But like Toxic said, Japan is very Xenophobic, even publicly racist, so that's why the Father got arrested, but the mother didn't. As for international laws... did she had citizenship in the US? Cause if she was she is most definitely accountable. Even if she isn't, she should be accountable.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

The mother was not arrested because it was an international abduction. Pops was local. Most, if not all countries, have laws against grabbing kids off the streets. If he had made it to the US Embassy he technically would have been on US soil and good to go.

Regardless, it is immensely fucked up that he gets to go to jail. This whole thing is fucked up, especially the bit where international child abduction does not count in japan apparently. And the bit where the mother thinks it's okay for the kids to never see the father again. And the bit where... Y'know what? Fuck it. This is the single most fucked thing I have read since that russian guy grew a fir tree in his lung. This is the kind of shit what makes people wonder where the world's gone, and when it's coming back. This is insanity of the highest caliber, a circus for people who watch the goddamn news.

(At this point I am surprised no one has mentioned Oni in any capacity).
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I say we bomb them again... yanno, remind them that America doesn't put up with bullshit... perhaps not nukes this time, but something that would let them know that 'you fuck with America, you fucked up'.


Now for seriousness.
Well, gee thanks Japan, for letting the world know that you'll gladly harbor criminals, or at least ones that abduct children. You have officially finally done something to sicken me, and that's hard to do...
Those children are citizens of the United States, and are protected by OUR laws. The father decided to be nice and let the mom see the kids, and this is how she repays him. Fuck off Japan, this is OUR legal matter, not yours. I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but you'd like that, you freak.

I'm glad Common Sense isn't alive to see this... he'd probably cough up a few internal organs before self-combusting, and then finally exploding.