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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I actually quite prefer tentacle hentai with submission, or even consensual.

Just two sides of the same coin... You have nothing to complain about though...Enjoy yourself while 99% of all tentacle hentai will be exactly what you want... :rolleyes:
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Just two sides of the same coin... You have nothing to complain about though...Enjoy yourself while 99% of all tentacle hentai will be exactly what you want... :rolleyes:

I wasn't complaining, just stating that though ya hate it, there is an audience for it.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I wasn't complaining, just stating that though ya hate it, there is an audience for it.

Ironically, it should be the other way around. People like me should be stepping out to remind the makers that there's an audience for the non-submission. =/ I'm pretty sure all people are aware of the audience for submission/consensual material, or else they wouldn't be making so much of it, would they? =P
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread


However, non submission/consensual might not jive with many artists, and starts poking in on morals. That is why I assume that there is not much out there.
Sure the thought of rape is hot to many, and seeing pictures and reading stories depicting such a thing is awesome to those who like it, those who do write and draw probably don't like crossing that taboo line. I think that's the biggest reason there isn't more of it out there.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

That's partly why I get into that genre. Morals... morals should NEVER be applied to fantasy. It's not real and for that exact reason, then do whatever. For people to "have troubles" with a certain genre, is to suggest that they don't know the difference between fantasy and reality. It's like all the people who complain about all the gay content on Rule34. Why complain? Just don't look at it, you don't have to take further steps... but if it really bothers you to see such imagery, then you must have issues with your own reality. Don't get my wrong now, there are plenty of things I don't like to see; but I don't crazy at the fact that they're "there".

The only reason I'm getting all fussy here is (we are in the rant thread), when people take the liberty to try and counter-attack my complaint; like you just did. Why would you really want to point out such an obvious fact? You have no real reason to say that there are people who like the consensual content.. it should be common sense to know that consensual hentai is popular by the mass majority. Just think about that for a minute... I step out to say "hey, look here, I'll look at the hardcore stuff if ya make it"... why bring opposition that?

No hard feelings, but this is a rant/debate thread... so let's make it worth it. ;)
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

when people take the liberty to try and counter-attack my complaint; like you just did.

Why would you really want to point out such an obvious fact?

You have no real reason to say that there are people who like the consensual content.. it should be common sense to know that consensual hentai is popular by the mass majority. Just think about that for a minute... I step out to say "hey, look here, I'll look at the hardcore stuff if ya make it"... why bring opposition that?

Errmmmm, OK, I hate to do this, but:

when people take the liberty to try and counter-attack my complaint; like you just did.

She didn't attack you... She reasoned as to why there is so little non-submissive content.

As for earlier in the post where you said she was complaining. She wasn't.

Why would you really want to point out such an obvious fact?

Well, you made her when you attacked her post about her liking it. She had to clarify.

You have no real reason to say that there are people who like the consensual content.. it should be common sense to know that consensual hentai is popular by the mass majority.

Dude, we've known global warming is a fact for well over 8 years, and yet the news are still telling us.

Just think about that for a minute... I step out to say "hey, look here, I'll look at the hardcore stuff if ya make it"... why bring opposition that?

She brought no opposition, she simply stated her thoughts on why there was a lack of content, backing up what you were saying.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

She wasn't opposing me directly, she was opposing the idea I was stating. This is the rant/debate thread, why would you make a post that has no rant/debating intended? It was opposition and sure, she'll come back saying it wasn't, but it was; allow me to explain.

1. Rant/Debate thread. That comment wasn't a rant or part of a debate, just a random statement.
2. The question then remains, why make such a comment at all? Do you not think I don't already know that people enjoy the submission/consensual content? That should be obvious to everyone.

The only motive I see is a subconscious feeling. Something was there to drive sinful to make that comment. It obviously wasn't a rant and it obviously wasn't meant to continue a debate... if the comment wasn't meant for the objective of the thread, then there must be an alternative. If the motive was conscious, then I'm sure it would have been a rant or to continue a debate.

I did this before, back at hongfire. There was a random h-movie that was basically submissive rape. I made a comment saying "I sure wish there wasn't any submission, oh well". Something similar to that, but it wasn't a driven hate comment. Just me expressing my opinion and accepting the fact that my opinion won't change anything. The point why I made the post was to basically stand up and raise my hand.

What happened? I got like 3-4 shots back from random people posting similar comments to sinful's. "Well we like the submission, har har har". Unlike my purpose, to remind people that there is another side to fantasy; those others were just plain obvious and thus nothing but pure redundancy. It would be absolutely pointless! Unless! There is the alternative: opposition.

I had to tack on some other points. Basically regarding Sinful's point about aritsts not liking rape... I can promise you that near, at least, 80% of all erotica artists will draw full blown rape. I come from this crap and see artist drama way too often. One of the biggest things you have to know is that most erotica artists, draw for fame and fortune. Course, unless they work for a company; then they obviously draw what they're paid to. For free lance artists though, it's about fame and fortune. Most artists will draw popular characters for the fame and most artists will draw whatever genre for the commissions. So if the money is right, they'll do it. If the genre was popular enough, they'd draw it. Most artists don't care what they draw, so long they get the benefits from the result: fame and/or fortune.

Course, you have artists who draw so well, that they end up not having to do much to get fame; so then they'll set their "guidelines" to establish some kind of authority. There is no reason for anyone to dislike any erotica content, all because it's not real. The minute you start to oppose a genre is the minute you question the line separating reality from fantasy.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

She wasn't opposing me directly, she was opposing the idea I was stating.

What? When?

What I saw was this:

First man "Hello there, I don't think there's enough red apples on this market."
Second man"Oh, I actually fancy the green one's myself."
First Man "WHAT?! You saying there aren't enough green ones?!"
Second Man: "No, no, I just wanted to tell you that there are people that like green apples."
First Man: "I should be the one telling YOU that I like red apples!"
Second Man: "Hmm, yeah, well red apples are cool if you like them. I think the only reason there aren't more is because the farmer prefers green."
First Man: "You're attacking me!"

This is the rant/debate thread, why would you make a post that has no rant/debating intended?

Well it sure started a debate, didn't it? Also, ULMF has ADHD... It's a fact.

1. Rant/Debate thread. That comment wasn't a rant or part of a debate, just a random statement.
2. The question then remains, why make such a comment at all? Do you not think I don't already know that people enjoy the submission/consensual content? That should be obvious to everyone.

1. Yeah, and those aren't to be found all over this thread?
2. Yes, but did you know for a fact that Sinful enjoyed submission, which was what she stated in her first post.

The only motive I see is a subconscious feeling. Something was there to drive sinful to make that comment. It obviously wasn't a rant and it obviously wasn't meant to continue a debate...

Really? I can easily see a debate over what is sexy in submission/non-submission working out rather well on this forum. The "Something" that was there could just as easily have been the fact that she wanted people to know she likes submissive rape.

if the comment wasn't meant for the objective of the thread, then there must be an alternative. If the motive was conscious, then I'm sure it would have been a rant or to continue a debate.

I did this before, back at hongfire. There was a random h-movie that was basically submissive rape. I made a comment saying "I sure wish there wasn't any submission, oh well". Something similar to that, but it wasn't a driven hate comment. Just me expressing my opinion and accepting the fact that my opinion won't change anything. The point why I made the post was to basically stand up and raise my hand.

What happened? I got like 3-4 shots back from random people posting similar comments to sinful's. "Well we like the submission, har har har". Unlike my purpose, to remind people that there is another side to fantasy; those others were just plain obvious and thus nothing but pure redundancy. It would be absolutely pointless! Unless! There is the alternative: opposition.

Wow. I'm going to enter your realm of reasoning and psychoanalyze your motives and sub-conscious just from the content of these few posts.

First of all, you seem ashamed and/or unsure of your fetish for rape. This has manifested itself in a slight paranoia for critic against it. As was concluded in the Psychology thread, something that makes this forum so nice is the fact that everyone were sick bastards to begin with, as the common denominator on the forum was tentacle rape. Because everyone knew such an intimate secret about the fetishes of each other, we felt less vulerable.
Now, it seems you are afraid, uncounsciously maybe, of standing out with your fetishes, and in your slight fetish paranoia flail out and attack the first person that immideately appears as "more normal."

I had to tack on some other points. Basically regarding Sinful's point about aritsts not liking rape... I can promise you that near, at least, 80% of all erotica artists will draw full blown rape. I come from this crap and see artist drama way too often. One of the biggest things you have to know is that most erotica artists, draw for fame and fortune. Course, unless they work for a company; then they obviously draw what they're paid to. For free lance artists though, it's about fame and fortune. Most artists will draw popular characters for the fame and most artists will draw whatever genre for the commissions. So if the money is right, they'll do it. If the genre was popular enough, they'd draw it. Most artists don't care what they draw, so long they get the benefits from the result: fame and/or fortune.

I'm not gonna tear this down too much, this is your opinion, and your're entitled to it. Just like Sin is entitled to hers.

Course, you have artists who draw so well, that they end up not having to do much to get fame; so then they'll set their "guidelines" to establish some kind of authority. There is no reason for anyone to dislike any erotica content, all because it's not real. The minute you start to oppose a genre is the minute you question the line separating reality from fantasy.

Opposing a genre and not liking it are two very different things.

OK. Now to cover my ass.

I will refrain from replying to this topic again, because I have a feeling this may be spiralling towards a flame war. I will still read replies in this thread, but until the topic shifts again I won't post.

I know my post has been overly harsh, and for that I apologize.

As for a general piece of advice on the ULMF forums, we're the sissies of the internet, and we act like it. Ranting against something is one thing, launching attacks is something else.

Tone down the attitude and the intent-analysis, and we'll all be better off.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

That's.... not how I read it at all.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

tl;dr but it seems as if people are ranting about there being a lack of consensual/non-submissive tentacle hentai. Ladies and gentlemen, I point you to . His stuff contains some consensual tentacle hentai.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Wonderboy, you're making no sense. If you think you are, then you're not understanding my points. I'm not going to re-write my points, as usually when I do, people just repeat themselves cause they still fail to "get it".

So, I still stand with my last comment... :rolleyes: I apologiez if that sounded condescending, but I laid out the facts and you're not seeing the facts. It's like I'm debating atheism with a christian... =/
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Well, I did promise myself not to keep that debate going, so I won't. Your facts are yours, my facts are mine.

Oni, the complaint is actually that there isn't ENOUGH non-submissive/non-consentual rape porn^^
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Vuki stated he didn't like that there's more consensual than non-consensual hentai.

Sin stated she liked the consensual stuff.

Vuki said she didn't have reason to complain; Sin said she wasn't.

Vuki said he himself SHOULD be complaining; Sin stated why it might be hard to get people to listen.

Vuki stated that he gets annoyed by people stating the obvious.


At least, that's how I read it >.<
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Lol. Thanks Oni! I'll take a look through that but Vuki was actually saying that there is not enough tentacle hentai without submission. I believe he is referencing hentai videos, and doujins however and not pictures... cause I don't see too too many submission pictures.

*shrugs* maybe we're looking in different area's Vuki. Much as I would have loved to actually debate... I think its become somewhat redundant now as the debate became about a debate... I think. I dunno.

Anyone have any ice cream?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I would consider pictures as well. I believe it's just more difficult to lay out any understanding with 1 freeze-frame from a supposed story. For example:

A pic from one of my favorite artists:

Ask yourself, is that rape or submission?

Truthfully, I'm pretty sure BT was aiming for submission, but because of the one-time expression he drew; you can pretty much put whatever you want... So I pretend it's rape... but eh...
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

From my confessions thread:

Does anyone here believe it could/would be considered homosexual/homoerotic t want to suck off a futanari?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

From my confessions thread:

Does anyone here believe it could/would be considered homosexual/homoerotic t want to suck off a futanari?

I'm going to apply a little of my logic to that. Think about the concept of sexual fantasy, to be stimulated. I would suggest that anyone sucking a dick, would be very slightly stimulated, or not stimulated at all. I don't imagine the cock would taste like a cheese cake o_O - pretty much meaning that no one should be stimulated by sucking a penis...

So if sucking has little to no stimulation, then wouldn't that mean it's like work? So to put yourself to "work" on something, rather than to be strongly turned on...

I'd say, yea... you're gay...
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

What's "gay"?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

I'll say what I said before: most gay men don't find futa's attractive because they have a female figure. Draw your conclusions from that.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Homosexual men may not find futa's attractive because of their feminine shape, however a futa still has a penis, which is supposed to be for men only. If one is attracted to a futa because of the penis, then indeed that is homosexual.