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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I can't wait to hear how you'd attract competent people to government jobs without giving them decent salaries. $400 000 per year is a lot to the average person on the streets, but someone capable of taking care of the duties, dealing with intra- and inter-party politics, and doing a competent job about it not to mention actually getting elected could probably get equally good pay for a less demanding job easily. Despite how stupid their opinions may seem, someone capable of getting elected as a president or a senator or an MP must be competent at the job. And the pay should reflect that, even if those people aren't doing it for money.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'm not talking about cutting down defence spending as a whole. I'm talking about cutting DARPA spending and numerous pipedream projects they seem to be constantly working on with on regard to budget because it's essential that they come up with new ways to kill people.


Fair enough.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'm talking about cutting DARPA spending and numerous pipedream projects they seem to be constantly working on with on regard to budget because it's essential that they come up with new ways to kill people.

Hey, now, if anyone is going to find a way for me to slap people through my computer, DARPA will.

But yeah, we do need to cut down on the projects where the product is designed to kill. Plenty of products like that already.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'm not talking about cutting down defence spending as a whole. I'm talking about cutting DARPA spending and numerous pipedream projects they seem to be constantly working on with on regard to budget because it's essential that they come up with new ways to kill people.

Well then, we just have to talk to the DARPA Chief.


No wonder this country's screwed.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Cut government official's salaries. You know the President makes 400,000$ a year? And he's not the only one, and their salaries have been climbing higher and higher in the last few years.

Stop cutting funding from education plz Government... It's kind of necessary

By this point I almost wonder if ripping up the Department of Education and constructing a new one from the ground up would be more effective with how bad of a spot education is in right now.


I'd very much like to go: "Oh well, they made a mistake, guess we should learn from it... blablabla." But experts have been seeing this coming for ages, and they have made possible solutions, and all the possible solutions have been thrown away in congress, or by some ministry because it might, just might raise some taxes. This has been coming for years, lots of warnings, lots of experts, lots of possible solutions, and lots and lots of idiots.

My father started saying, some ten years back, that the United States of America were devolving into a third world country.

Seeing what is happening to their view of the world, their view on taxes, on education, on evolution, on debt, on war, on oil...

Guess he was right...

As evident by the tea party, we literally have hordes of old people who don't care about the next generation as long as they get out good.

I was part of a very good discussion on the issue a while back, pertaining not only to the US, but most of the EU as well. Back in the day, people relied on their children to support them in old age. Now most first world countries have a functioning welfare state. Now, regardless of opinion on a welfare state, the modern incarnation requires a birthrate of 2.5 kids per couple to sustain. The problem is that across much of Europe the birthrate is now well below that, below replenishment (2.0) levels even.

In the US it's currently 2.4, but augmented by immigration, so we really can't use that excuse, as mismanagement play's a large part. In fact, there's several simple solutions that would avert the crisis if we simply raised taxes. The whole hubub about taxes is really too big to get into here, but also simply making retirement age 70 instead of what it is now would get rid of 60% of the problem (with time).
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I can't wait to hear how you'd attract competent people to government jobs without giving them decent salaries. $400 000 per year is a lot to the average person on the streets, but someone capable of taking care of the duties, dealing with intra- and inter-party politics, and doing a competent job about it not to mention actually getting elected could probably get equally good pay for a less demanding job easily. Despite how stupid their opinions may seem, someone capable of getting elected as a president or a senator or an MP must be competent at the job. And the pay should reflect that, even if those people aren't doing it for money.

negrep said:
"someone capable of getting elected as a president or a senator or an MP must be competent at the job" Nope. It's not like there's any requirements.

So I take it you'll be the next president, then?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

So I take it you'll be the next president, then?

It takes Charisma, the ability to lie really well, and you have to be 35 and born in the United States.

yup, 35 and a Natural born US citizen are the only legal requirements for the job.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yup, 35 and a Natural born US citizen are the only legal requirements for the job.

From what people keep on shouting about Obama, apparently you don't even have to be naturally from the US. PFFFT HAW HAW HAW!

(Edit: I am just making fun of the people mentioned in the comment above which I highlighted bold for your convenience., I have no particular interest in Obama, he's just like every other president, "OH HE LOOKS COOL" (once elected) "BURN THE WITCH!")
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

From what people keep on shouting about Obama, apparently you don't even have to be naturally from the US. PFFFT HAW HAW HAW!

Except you do, because he's from Hawaii, which is an American state.

Don't start with that bullshit.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Except you do, because he's from Hawaii, which is an American state.

Don't start with that bullshit.

Yes but Hawaii isn't "Real" America; you know, the America that's full of God-fearing, Bible-thumping folk. The America that gives moderate republicans like me a bad name...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The America that makes the rest of us look liek arrogent douchbags?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

And McCain was born in the Panama Canal zone, which last I checked, was behind Hawaii in terms of statehood :p
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

As long as one of his parents was an American citizen he's a natural born US citizen.

That's how it goes.

So the birth certificate and other somesuch doesn't matter. It doesn't matter where you are born as long as one parent is a United States Citizen. Because my the standards of the law, you are also a Citizen.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Last I checked...

35 years of age
Born in USA or territory of USA
Lived in USA last 14 years

^^^ All requirements of being President
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

For my last post in this very thread:

Knowing that Hawaii is a state is beyond the grasp of some.

"Because he's from hawaii" lol

I got a compliment for knowing a popular vacation spot is actually part of the US, and then someone who doesn't like me pointing out the fact that Hawaii is an American state and that apparently their current President came from there.

Gotta say, the only reason I pointed it out is because I'm not even American and I'm getting annoyed with every other person who wants to be president claiming Obama isn't actually American, despite showing off his birth certificate. So getting insulted for that is like getting insulted for telling someone that the National Enquirer isn't real news...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


But seriously, the main thing is:

If he was truly from Hawaii, why did it take him years to get his birth certificate?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It didn't...

It was released in 2008. The year of his election. That was of course apparently just the short form (you guy's have long and short forms?) and wasn't good enough. So in 2010 the long form was released.

So no... it didn't take him years. It only took years for him to go "Fucking fine, here's a longer version".
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