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RPG Patreon Active [Threshold] Monster Girl Dreams

Everyone always wants a fem protag for some reason. Of course, if they want that then they can always go play something else. Lord knows there're other games out there. Lol.

This is looking good. Keep it up.
Everyone always wants a fem protag for some reason. Of course, if they want that then they can always go play something else. Lord knows there're other games out there. Lol.

This is looking good. Keep it up.

You say that, but you really can't, if you want it in English. There are already a very low number of English (or English-translated) BF games, and all of those are male protag. If you want female you... well, don't have any. And the only one in Japanese that comes to mind, is Vampire Fuck. And I suppose Succubus Quest 2 with mods, since they made a female Ayexct.
You say that, but you really can't, if you want it in English. There are already a very low number of English (or English-translated) BF games, and all of those are male protag. If you want female you... well, don't have any. And the only one in Japanese that comes to mind, is Vampire Fuck. And I suppose Succubus Quest 2 with mods, since they made a female Ayexct.

Desecration of Wings and Corruption of Champions come to mind.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for more female protagonists for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't mean there's a good reason to rework an existing game to force it in.
Desecration of Wings and Corruption of Champions come to mind.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for more female protagonists for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't mean there's a good reason to rework an existing game to force it in.

Haven't heard of the first, but not sure CoC really counts as 'BF' technically. I suppose it has elements of it, but... it's probably more like a CR game.
Out of curiosity, what kind of perks would people like to see. Aside from damage/stat boosts.

Also does anyone actually think the sleep status effect is an actual threat? Not counting during Sofia 'fight'.
Haven't heard of the first, but not sure CoC really counts as 'BF' technically. I suppose it has elements of it, but... it's probably more like a CR game.

I really don't care to get into a debate about CR/BF/etc overall, but CoC played with sex focus has extremely similar gameplay and in combat sex acts as well as more in depth post-combat win/loss sex scenes similar to this game, so I can't say as that I agree with dismissing CoC based solely on that.

Not liking the flavor is cool - I didn't like CoC's focus on weird shit myself but still had good playthroughs as male and female chars - just saying.
Out of curiosity, what kind of perks would people like to see. Aside from damage/stat boosts.

Also does anyone actually think the sleep status effect is an actual threat? Not counting during Sofia 'fight'.

For perk ideas, one that might be nice is debuff resistance/chance to remove debuffs per round. Not a huge percentage, I'm thinking the range might be 10-25%, but innate resistance of some kind might be nice, and actually having a chance to clear status effects passively would be fun as well. A regenerator perk might be cool as well, some tiny percentage of arousal is recovered per round of combat/for every adventure scene that happens. I don't know how balanced either of those would be, but that's what suggestions are for in the first place, right?

And as for the sleep status, I don't think so really. It takes far too long to come into effect for everything except the m̶a̶s̶s̶a̶c̶r̶e fight with Sofia, because fights rarely last enough rounds for them to apply, and if they do last long enough, it's only a chance for a stage of drowsiness to advance, if the opponent even uses the move that triggers sleep in the first place. Once they do trigger, however, they're essentially permastuns until coming, so in that sense they're good. I don't really know what I'd suggest to change them, but those are my opinions on them.
Out of curiosity, what kind of perks would people like to see. Aside from damage/stat boosts.

Also does anyone actually think the sleep status effect is an actual threat? Not counting during Sofia 'fight'.
Excellent question - perks are a great base that could use more attention.

I would LOVE some kind of "comeback kid" type perk (PLS GOD don't miss the opportunity for a comeback->cumback joke) where if you would lose your last spirit you get it back and some short duration buff to try to pull a last minute win out of your ass - basically a fancy +1 spirit perk, but the flavor of having it kick in at the end rather than the start would be nice. Could be a partial heal and an attack buff or something?

Enemies get a fair number of on-cum perks as well, would be nice to have on-cum or on-orgasm player perks as well. Say when an enemy orgasms she gets a sensitivity debuff (cuz holy fuck after one o them babies there's some sensitivity going down) to exploit, could be useful for multi-Spirit enemies like kunoichi. Or when you cum, you get a temporary regen perk or attack buff, or inflict an aphrodisiac to the enemy. Hell, speaking of status effects on ejaculation, this might be a good way to bring back the old "stun on cum" thing, just limiting it to boss succubi and similar major enemies.

And why isn't there a heal over time effect? We have the equivalent of a damage over time effect in Aphrodasaics, there should totally be the inverse of that. Both for skills and perks.

It'd be interesting if there were mixed-bag perks as well, though this may be getting too overwrought, complex, or not-totally-positive for your tastes. Say a perk that inflicts you with an aphrodasaic effect AND increases attack for x turns after its conditions are met. Ditto for skills. I'd love the ability to say, have an attack buff that also inflicts aphrodisiac on you, or damages enemies and heals you (pseudo lifesteal).

Some perks for various sex types might not hurt... enemies get Undeniable Pleasure and player gets Pacing for recoil, but maybe perks that benefit specific playstyles, could be enemy debuffs like "increases enemy's Sex vulnerability" or increasing the power of thrusting moves, to make that playstyle a little less inherently risky, or a small discount on magic moves, or a buff to Seduction type moves in general or more specifically moves where you touch the enemy... etc etc. If you wanted to go full power you could even do stuff like "duplicates all thrusting damage at 50% power" or "enemy loses 2 spirit if orgasms through touch skills" though playstyle-defining perks like that would have to be unlocked much later, like how CoC required 60+ in a stat for its best moves and several prerequisites.

I can see how that could 'enforce' playstyles rather letting players freely do everything within their stat type, which may or may not be a bad thing depending on your playstyle, personally I generally like having more defined approaches to combat so I can better envision the scene and characters (ex. 'my character is a horny dumbass who thinks sticking his dick in a succubus is a good idea' or 'smooth talker with magic fingers', works both ways when I'm self inserting as the female one). But it would definitely be something that would have to be carefully balanced regardless.
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It's extremely rare to have a female protag in text games that can be lewded up by fems/futas just due to the fact everything follows a more common trope (Excluding Lust Doll, TITS ((God forsaken nightmare)) CoC, etc)
And even those scenes don't feel well done enough. It's less than a page worth of text, and is extremely dry. Quality yuri is rare despite on this genre being so popular in other ecchi areas.

Out of curiosity, what kind of perks would people like to see. Aside from damage/stat boosts.

Also does anyone actually think the sleep status effect is an actual threat? Not counting during Sofia 'fight'.

A good perk that could be used would be a reverse status.
Instead of the mob disappearing after they orgasm, they might have a chance to stay and ask if they can relieve you (without taking you back to town or providing expensive debuffs) Hell, maybe even have them give you a buff instead, or maybe even an NPC or mob asking to be your companion at home base.
It's odd seeing so much "I love you" status meanwhile losing/winning to them has little effect other than flavor text. I feel like there's some good potential other than just combat sex and "BYE LOSER LOL"

Sleep status is only a big issue when you're not going out of your way to resolve it. It doesn't feel like it's in the right place, if that makes sense. Going all-out into sex and suddenly just passing out with the only route being items that are otherwise useless/nagging make the entire idea of sleeping seem more like one of those required main quests that make you want to gouge your eyes out. It's not too much a threat if you have at least 10SP, but that's end-game for the moment. Not to mention, why can't I put THEM to sleep? why can't I make THEM deal with this hell that's been brought onto me because apparently stimulants only last for a few minutes in a world unironically plagued and prod with sex?
Some neat perk ideas overall so far.
The specific damage type ones (magic, seduction), were already a for sure one though.

A good perk that could be used would be a reverse status.
Instead of the mob disappearing after they orgasm, they might have a chance to stay and ask if they can relieve you (without taking you back to town or providing expensive debuffs) Hell, maybe even have them give you a buff instead, or maybe even an NPC or mob asking to be your companion at home base.
It's odd seeing so much "I love you" status meanwhile losing/winning to them has little effect other than flavor text. I feel like there's some good potential other than just combat sex and "BYE LOSER LOL"

I'd say that's less of a perk and more of a flat game mechanic. Would tie into win scenes thing that I know people have been wanting.
Though the outcome of such a thing would depend on the character, and I definitely would like some characters have the option to move into town, eventually.
Would definitely add more closure to some fights/encounters to have some post victory options. It will probably be a slow process though.

Sleep status is only a big issue when you're not going out of your way to resolve it. It doesn't feel like it's in the right place, if that makes sense. Going all-out into sex and suddenly just passing out with the only route being items that are otherwise useless/nagging make the entire idea of sleeping seem more like one of those required main quests that make you want to gouge your eyes out. It's not too much a threat if you have at least 10SP, but that's end-game for the moment. Not to mention, why can't I put THEM to sleep? why can't I make THEM deal with this hell that's been brought onto me because apparently stimulants only last for a few minutes in a world unironically plagued and prod with sex?
And as for the sleep status, I don't think so really. It takes far too long to come into effect for everything except the m̶a̶s̶s̶a̶c̶r̶e fight with Sofia, because fights rarely last enough rounds for them to apply, and if they do last long enough, it's only a chance for a stage of drowsiness to advance, if the opponent even uses the move that triggers sleep in the first place. Once they do trigger, however, they're essentially permastuns until coming, so in that sense they're good. I don't really know what I'd suggest to change them, but those are my opinions on them.

So generally it seems I was right, and it is effectively useless in the current build.
Also I forgot I've been meaning to add a sleep spell for the player, thank you for reminding me.

But next version I'll be seeing how things go as I'm changing damage calculations, again. So fights will generally last longer, so it may be more of a problem after this, i'll have to see with the testing.

I do have some ideas on how to make it better though, but not less annoying. Might tone back how long it lasts though if you are hit with it.
Making it increase one every turn instead of needing to be reapplied for example.
Or just decreasing the number of applications needed by one, though I think that will be hell given the combat changes.
Making it increase one every turn instead of needing to be reapplied for example.
I like that idea. It makes it work like Yawn from Pokemon. It would make it feel less random, which would be nice. I still think it'd need more work, but I'd like it nonetheless.
I like that idea. It makes it work like Yawn from Pokemon. It would make it feel less random, which would be nice. I still think it'd need more work, but I'd like it nonetheless.

I could also make the drowsy state have some minor/growing penalties. Like lower defense or attack. But that might be too much.

I'll probably add a cool down timer to be put back to sleep though so it can't get spammed at you or vice versa.
Alright, now with the recent rebalances the game has went straight into Early game hell territory.

Too weak to get out of stance spam from enemies, too little health to do anything against any enemy with above average health.

Just lost once because Two elves spammed stances and charm (apparently when charmed you can't make out, which didn't let me take out the elf kissing me). Couldn't do anything as well as a Slime literaly spammed sex and slime stances and made me come twice before taking her out. Let alone the fact they're all dealing 20+ damage to my meager 100 starting hp.

Edit. I just noticed, Power builds gets the benefits of getting Hp through the power increasing gear you can buy. Technique doesn't have any of that.
Though I'l get easier as I go on, so im not gonna flip a table just yet. Until I get to the one shotting Kunoichis that is,
Ugh. I just want multi thrust.
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Oh I forgot to respond to sleep status

I actually really like the basic mechanics of it in this game - having it be a gradual status is oddly rare but makes a lot of sense. The question is what you DO with it. It seems like a huge wasted opportunity to just have a default message as long as you're asleep, especially when most of those inflicting it are succubi... who can enter or manipulate dreams... why not embrace that? Sophia's loss scene has her fucking your soul inside out in a dream for like 10 hours, I can definitely see other succubi having sleep-only moves that give you dirty dreams, moves with high power/effects that represent their control of the dream and have it be something you have to escape. Maybe not the same mechanics as Restraints/Struggle but the general idea of having to actively escape the dream rather than just wait til you cum and instantly wake up from magic sleep.
Everyone always wants a fem protag for some reason. Of course, if they want that then they can always go play something else. Lord knows there're other games out there. Lol.

This is looking good. Keep it up.

I'm not sure how something like this could have a Fem protag without changing it entirely. I like it just the way it is and this is coming from someone who loves female protag games as well. the creator may simply not have the taste for it, which is understandable, i have no taste for female on female either.
Good Lord
the Stance Spams
Now I need STR more than ever
Well, updating from 13 to 13.2 breaks my save due to the Perk loading issue again. I enter an infinite loop of identical errors that I can't ignore or bypass anytime I enter combat. A similar error->infinite error loop occurs if I attempt to view my skills.

The error message is long but the last line is; "AttributeError: 'Perk' object has no attribute 'skillTags'"

I do not have any modded or altered perks and for obvious reasons it is difficult to check what perks I do have.
Good Lord
the Stance Spams
Now I need STR more than ever
Alright, now with the recent rebalances the game has went straight into Early game hell territory.

Too weak to get out of stance spam from enemies, too little health to do anything against any enemy with above average health.

Just lost once because Two elves spammed stances and charm (apparently when charmed you can't make out, which didn't let me take out the elf kissing me). Couldn't do anything as well as a Slime literaly spammed sex and slime stances and made me come twice before taking her out. Let alone the fact they're all dealing 20+ damage to my meager 100 starting hp.

Edit. I just noticed, Power builds gets the benefits of getting Hp through the power increasing gear you can buy. Technique doesn't have any of that.
Though I'l get easier as I go on, so im not gonna flip a table just yet. Until I get to the one shotting Kunoichis that is,
Ugh. I just want multi thrust.

There's more combat changes coming in the next patch, cause i'm not happy with where it is either.

Well, updating from 13 to 13.2 breaks my save due to the Perk loading issue again. I enter an infinite loop of identical errors that I can't ignore or bypass anytime I enter combat. A similar error->infinite error loop occurs if I attempt to view my skills.

The error message is long but the last line is; "AttributeError: 'Perk' object has no attribute 'skillTags'"

I do not have any modded or altered perks and for obvious reasons it is difficult to check what perks I do have.

This is because the pin point pleasure perk sneaks into your skill list when you update saves in that version, then proceeds to break a bunch of shit.
Next version will sort this out completely and fix your saves in the process if you have the issue.
But next version probably won't be out until sometime next week.

There's more combat changes coming in the next patch, cause i'm not happy with where it is either.

This is because the pin point pleasure perk sneaks into your skill list when you update saves in that version, then proceeds to break a bunch of shit.
Next version will sort this out completely and fix your saves in the process if you have the issue.
But next version probably won't be out until sometime next week.

I start new saves weekly (WAY too much mod shit to test) so I'm not too fussed about losing a save a day or two early lol. Just figured I'd report. Ty for updates.
Good Lord
the Stance Spams
Now I need STR more than ever

​​​​​They can't spam stances on you if you are the one spamming stances on them!

Im running full full technique and willpower build. Just gotta get 8 allure for the distract skill for the free escape of stances.

​​​Multi thrust is one hell of a drug.