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ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Just noticed Spout disables Unarmed exp gain, it works fine in regular MC.

Unsure if the same applies to other weapon skills or if it's just because of the way Spout registers the use of inventory items (and fists). I'm pretty sure Spout changes that somehow given it flashes the selected slot (and inventory) when used.

Actually nevermind, I get the same problem in regular MC as well. Though at some points it did give exp only to not change afterwards, I've restarted the client without any improvements either.

Still unsure what the problem is, after I restart MC and punch a spider for a bit I seem to gain exp, but after it's dead and I check my exp with /unarmed it doesn't seem to register any more exp gains afterwards. I managed to get 30exp (147->177) the last time, and IIRC each strike is 6exp. I think a spider survives more than 5 strikes until it dies though.

Just restarted MC one more time and no exp gain. I could get Acrobatics just fine earlier, but Unarmed hasn't moved an inch. Surely it isn't Jobs that are interfering just because I'm a Hunter? As it's gaining exp from killing properly.

Left my jobs (Didn't have much exp in them anyways), restarted MC, went from 177 -> 261 exp then no more gain afterwards.

Right, it seems to work fine under Spout, and as much as I can tell it breaks either upon killing a spider (Should be 10 strikes for either 30 or 60exp) or using the /unarmed command to check the exp.
I know Spout has the option of changing the autosave interval, but if the problem lied in the data not being saved I shouldn't have been able to gain Acrobatics exp without problems. (Not even sure if it's server related either due to this as I'm certain the default was set to 5min whereas MC default is 2s)
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

quick question about this spout client: I know not having won't cause an issue here, but will having it cause an issue elsewhere? I play on two servers, and the other is rather mod-light.

You can switch between Spout and regular Minecraft no problem, and Spout should work the exact same as regular Minecraft on non-Spout servers, so shouldn't cause any issues.

As for your EXP gain Aurani... I haven't the foggiest. It might be something in mcMMO, but I'm pretty sure it's not Spout doing it.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Minas Tirith in Minecraft...

Part of me wonders if we should create a Minecraft Mega Project thread somewhere. I know Amp has a thing for making big things, unsure of the rest of the fourums.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I'm cool with having Skylands put in, and I'll give Spout a look over, though if I do have the same problems as Aurani I'll probably take it off.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Yeah, sure, bring on the Skylands.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Yah, with Aurani's problems, Spout is on probation. If it doesn't work out, I'll get rid of it. It's nothing essential. There's something I'm going to do first though. Still, any problems, let me know.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I'm currently working on a tree farm to supply everyone with wood. It'll be enclosed so I can work through the night without having to worry about defending myself from mobs. I will need quite a bit of glass for it, and I'm probably also going to need to buy bonemeal.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I'm currently working on a tree farm to supply everyone with wood. It'll be enclosed so I can work through the night without having to worry about defending myself from mobs. I will need quite a bit of glass for it, and I'm probably also going to need to buy bonemeal.

I have a few stacks of bones lying around and would be willing to trade them for cobble, as I have an unending need for it.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I'm currently working on a tree farm to supply everyone with wood. It'll be enclosed so I can work through the night without having to worry about defending myself from mobs. I will need quite a bit of glass for it, and I'm probably also going to need to buy bonemeal.

I've got a fair number of bones I can send your way. I've also got a small tree farm of my own, mainly for personal use, so feel free to make a bigger, commercial one. My only suggestion would be to build walkways a few blocks up so you don't have to climb into the trees if they grow too big to reach from the ground.

Skylands will be introduced tomorrow. As well as , cause Aurani wanted it. mcMMO will be updated as well, so you'll get nifty XP bars at the top of the screen. This might also fix the problem Aurani posted. Also, do people want ?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Street lamps will be cool.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Street lamps seem kind of neat, don't know if they'll get a lot of use though.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I plan on making the tree's only grow to the smallest size so the blocks aren't fiddly to reach. And yeah, street lamps would be pretty good to have.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I'll throw a vote for the street lamps, they look pretty nifty.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Okay, all of those mods have been applied. Spoutcraft users will now have a nifty XP bar at the top of their screen for your skills. It automatically changes to whatever one you're working on.

Also, the lamp post mod is running. If anyone's willing to put some up in commonly used areas, I'm willing to give them money or some other payment (MC money only!).

Skylands is running, however there's currently no way to get there currently. I'm going to use a portal, but I'm not sure where to put it yet. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Also, when in the Skylands, you can use /fly to, well, fly. Once it's active, hold Shift and you'll fly in the direction you're facing. You're also immune to damage while /fly is in effect, something that needs to be fixed... also, if you drop into the void in the Skylands, you'll end up in the real world. If you're still in Fly mode, you should be able to continue to fly and be immune to damage. THIS IS A BUG! Please disable /fly before returning to the real world.

If anyone finds a good flight mod that is supported by Permissions (This last one is very important), you will get a lot of thanks from me. The one I'm currently using is I Believe I Can Fly.

Also, Snow and Ice should no longer melt. You're welcome Squid and Aurani.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Okay, all of those mods have been applied. Spoutcraft users will now have a nifty XP bar at the top of their screen for your skills. It automatically changes to whatever one you're working on.

Also, the lamp post mod is running. If anyone's willing to put some up in commonly used areas, I'm willing to give them money or some other payment (MC money only!).

Skylands is running, however there's currently no way to get there currently. I'm going to use a portal, but I'm not sure where to put it yet. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Also, when in the Skylands, you can use /fly to, well, fly. Once it's active, hold Shift and you'll fly in the direction you're facing. You're also immune to damage while /fly is in effect, something that needs to be fixed... also, if you drop into the void in the Skylands, you'll end up in the real world. If you're still in Fly mode, you should be able to continue to fly and be immune to damage. THIS IS A BUG! Please disable /fly before returning to the real world.

If anyone finds a good flight mod that is supported by Permissions (This last one is very important), you will get a lot of thanks from me. The one I'm currently using is I Believe I Can Fly.

Also, Snow and Ice should no longer melt. You're welcome Squid and Aurani.

I'd suggest planes, but the prerequisite for such is really problematic to download it seems (not to mention one of em isn't up to 1.7
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

OK, I just logged on for the first time, moments ago. After playing with my brothers on their server, am I severely disappointing in the amount of monsters that are running loose. Especially around the initial spawn point.

I do not feel like going through all the pages of this thread to find out what mods you guys are running, but I have accidently bought a shovel, and noticed that the current market has a shortage of slime balls and diamonds. Also, noone was selling torches at all. I can fix the diamond and torch shortage.

I have only a single request for a large community project; we make huge statues of women will all the cobblestone we dig up.

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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

So how do I use this Spoutcraft jar? Just pop it in the Minecraft folder?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Make a batch file to run it.

java -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar Spoutcraft.jar

To make a batch file, create a text file, copy and past the above code, and go to save as... and save it as a .bat file instead of a .txt file. Then run the .bat file. It doesn't matter what you name the .bat file.

Again, any problems, let me know.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

You could build the portal in the town itself, possibly in the town hall. As for bonemeal, I can buy it off you if you want.