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Unknown's Blank Page

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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((Scroll down. I did something new.))

Huzzah, I have a blank page thread. Why? I just spent a silly amount of time in ms-Paint listening to the same short track looping and looping... and thought I'd share my resulting creation. Drawn 99% with nothing but the polygon tool. Why I did this in paint of all the graphics programs I have, I don't quite know. Why I actually drew it I don't know either. I just kinda did. I guess the game kinda struck me somehow.

Curly Brace, of the game Cave Story.

Funny to look at that and remember each bit I fussed about individual pixels. Must be something wrong with me. Couldn't decide on a background.
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Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Sometimes the simplest things are the best. It looks really great, though I wish it had shadowing in it. She's really bright.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

There is a lack of shading, but considering you did this in MSpaint, its freakin amazing.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Yep, three times as good as I can do in paint. Of course paint is all I have to work with though.
Unknown Squid

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Thanks. =)

It's not too hard to get an up to date copy of something like Photoshop though. Or things like the excellently named GIMP graphics package and open canvas are free anyway. Then you can ignore them like me and use paint anyway.

Being a robot, her skin is actually white, and I was keeping the colours as in the game, so brightness was a bit hard to avoid using paint. Could have used a light grey, but it didn't seem right. I wasn't sure where or how to add any more shading than what's already there. Kinda matches the colourful retro style of the game, which was the aim.
Unknown Squid

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Ok, it happened again. I went nuts on MS-Paint and dedicated an entire evening into creating my own tribute to Cirno from the Touhou Project. I'll consider this my contribution for the year of the ⑨. Like the last one, done entirely in MS-Paint, though this time while listening to nine different remixes of Cirnos theme. =)

In general I found this one much harder than drawing Curly and at several points nearly scraped it, though I'm glad I didn't. Trying to get Cirno's attitude right had to be the toughest part. The dress gave me hassle too. But maybe I was being too harsh judging myself against the mass of other Touhou art out there. Overall I'm proud to present...

Cirno - The Fairy of Ice, and self proclaimed "Strongest in Gensokyo"

チルノ -
"But I'm always full of energy, because fools don't catch colds!"
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Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

The fact that you achieved somthing like this in MS paint shows some damn godly skill.

...Would you be willing to draw my characters? :D


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Well... once again really great job. That's all I can think of to say actually.
Unknown Squid

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Cheers. I never know what to say with this stuff either. I think sometimes it's just nice to know that someone has seen it. All I really needed. I mean you could of spewed some essay length article on the symbolism of the ⑨ and the how the piece portrays the strugle between fairy and frog kind... but seriously, who really believes that art critic nonsense?

As for drawing Host's characters? Well, I do like a chalenge. Though it would be quite different trying to draw for someone else. I normaly just do these when the feeling takes me. Are you new to the forums Host? I've been online infrequently over the last few months, so I haven't been able to stay up to date with everything lately. In fact it's only because I've been offline that I've found the free time to do these. I supose I can consider it. Who are your characters? Maybe you could put them in that original characters thread (or whatever its called) in the blank page section.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

You could say that, Squid. I'm new to this forum, but I was Adom on the second one, and *A Ramdom Lurker* on the first. The guy who helped you figure out that Kuromaru was backbeard on the second forum, after everyone else left... remember? Hence why I mentioned Beako and Kuromaru and 'the other forum' in my opening post (introduce yourself thread).

I've more stuff to say and do, but it's 6:23AM, parents will probably be up soon and I've uni work to do... although I think I have too little willpower to stop myself from posting here... :eek:

You could say that, Squid. I'm new to this forum, but I was Adom on the second one, and *A Ramdom Lurker* on the first. The guy who helped you figure out that Kuromaru was backbeard on the second forum, after everyone else left... remember? Hence why I mentioned Beako and Kuromaru and 'the other forum' in my opening post (introduce yourself thread).

I've more stuff to say and do, but it's 6:23AM, parents will probably be up soon and I've uni work to do... although I think I have too little willpower to stop myself from posting here... :eek:

Edit: Kay, I'm back, and I'm officially nocturnal. After I went to bed (7:00am) I slept for 12 hours, waking up at 7:00pm. o_o;

As I was saying, I like essay length articles on pieces of art; in fact, I tend to write them, but I focus more on things that make the picture worse, or areas where particularly masterful skill is shown. For instance, the ice crystals and both ribbons are superb, but the positioning of the eyes could be better and the mouth may benefit from being a little less straight. The dress, hair, and flesh areas are all fine - not too high of a HSQ (Holy Shit Quotient ), but most certainly not low either. I have to give special mention to the hands; most people tend to fuck them up, but by going with mild abstraction you've managed to do them well. If there's one thing about the hands that could be improved, it's that I find, when I try to strike that pose, that my fingers don't want to go back up; the best I can get without being uncomfortable is for the ends to curl about 90 degrees away from the hand forming a sort of 'c'- gah, just try doing it yourself and you should see what I mean.

As for my characters, well, that was actually a joke - I figured that, as you mentioned, your willingness to draw was a sporadic thing. But if you're willing, I'd certainly like to have you do them =). Unfortunately this gives me a whole 'nother dilemma; most, if not all of my characters have their appearance taken directly from some other character - even my favourite or most powerful ones. I'll try to give you some examples... but in another thread, or this thread will get far too cluttered. (it is worth noting that almost all of my characters were created around the time I was entering school, hence the stupid names and plots.)

Edit: Character list has been added, it's here: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=740
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Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

i didn't know you could draw squid... how dare you keep your abilities out of reach of my exploitation!
Unknown Squid

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

...I was Adom...
Oh cool, so you've finaly came over here. I missed your intro (and most other stuff) since, as I said, haven't been online much lately. I'm currently limited to short visits to Wi-Fi hot spots, thus depending on battery life per session. I've mostly been trying to keep up with the RP's and checking the odd thread with an interesting name. You know I never did make that thread on Sankaku Complex, since I was moving out around the same time. Maybe you could do that instead now? It's one of the few other sites I still grant myself time to check.

And I was never trying to hide anything from you Nunu, I just didn't think I could draw. I'd still say that, spare the results would suggest otherwise. While paint is certainly lacking in tools and extra functionality, I think it's simplicity help keep me on track. Or something like that...


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

know I never did make that thread on Sankaku Complex, since I was moving out around the same time. Maybe you could do that instead now? It's one of the few other sites I still grant myself time to check.
Done and done, Squid. It's added to the Stuff Mk3 thread, along with several other sites I like. Not really a fully-fledged topic, but still appropriate advertising.

(Hint to anyone else reading this, check out my post in the Stuff MK 3 thread...)


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Hmm, looks like there's someone else's hands I need to break. Damn you people being better than me >_>;;

Anyway, great job they look freaking amazing.


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Heck yeah, I demand moar arts from board members! XD These look great!
Unknown Squid

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Unknown's Blank Page

So, I have this other little project in the works, but I can't seem to pull the will power to get up and complete it. I normally do these in one evening, but I got interrupted twice and it threw me off. in order to fix this, I'm gonna show a vague preview so that I'm kinda obliged to finish it. Just want to give myself an extra reason.

[Update - New silhouette posted to give my self a second mid project sense of achievement.]

I filled it in red to hide it's half complete weirdness. ¬_¬

To do list: Wings, Fix Hair, Hat, Fix the Lævateinn, Colour Retouch, Finalising, Stuff...

(Old Silhouette)

In the meantime, my distraction led to this set of quickie doodles which I'll share too.

Little Vampire Flandre Scarlet - Play Time

Locked away for 500 years, with good cause. In a way these doodles are all inaccurate, since according to Flandre's canon bio, she's never known where her (pre-prepared) food came from since the few times she's encountered humans on her own she has accidentally incinerated/obliterated/disintegrated her new friend before getting close enough for any possibility of feeding.

I also put together the banner you see in my sig. Thought I'd give one a go after looking at some snazy stuff on another forum. A bit meh, but decent enough. Made it too tall maybe?
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Apr 12, 2009
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Ooh, that top one looks like it's going to be interesting! I noticed that the bottom of the page is cropped oddly, cutting off one toe and nearly cutting off the other -- before it gets finished, you should add some space to the bottom of the page so that the feet don't cause an unintentional tension point in the image!
Unknown Squid

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Hmm, your right. So far while drawing I'd generally ignored it, but I'll be sure to fix it. I was wondering if I'll need to widen it to fit in the wings and Lævateinn too, but I'll see when I get there.

Most difficult and potentially best one yet, but I've got to get it done first.


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

The weapon looks like it's okay to be cropped off on the sides... though whatever you think looks best in the end. :D Best of luck, keep it up! ^_^