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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

What made me giddy today is the obvious fact it's Friday :)

...I'll give you a Rebecca Black-eye if you don't watch yourself.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Making my mom happy today. So, I didn't get her a Mother's Day present, because I couldn't find anything good. We just had dinner together and it was just...Sunday for us. That, and, well, mom and I have a good enough relationship that I don't need to suck up to her with flowers and cards, but I digress.

So we're browsing around in the local Big Lots and we're in the toy section (I found plushies I wanted. Score for that, too.) and we found a Barbie display on the end of the aisle and they had one of those Retro Barbies that they put out (for the iconic years...'85, '80, etc.) and the one they had there was the one from 1963.
Me: Hey, check it out. *holds up 1963 Barbie*
Mom: Oh my god. That's the one I had! With the wigs!
(Doll has an all plastic head and you can change her hair to blonde, brunette, or redhead.)
Me: I remember you telling me about this one.
Mom: She was my favorite!
Me: *humming and picking through the boxes. I stand up with one in my hands*
Mom: What are you doing?
Me: Happy Mother's day.

Needless to say, I had a very happy Mommy!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Actually staying out till 1 AM on a Friday for once. Not like I expect it to happen again for a long time. Monday doesn't count, as we'll be leaving at 10, we'll just be far away x.x

Oh yeah, offically have an Associates Degree in History now.
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

What a hypocritcal little fucker this "Kyle" is. I've already made my points on using Christianity and religion to try and strike down homosexuality: Here on ULMf.

While it amuses me that he got called out on using religious text (told to him by someone who it was told to more than likely. I doubt some of these people actually read the bible, just throw out whatever they're told) when he in fact has broken it already, it bothers me that he uses a religion centred on love and forgiveness to preach hatred.

What religion are you talking about? Because if you look any deeper into Christianity, it does not fit the bill. All that stuff really is in the bible and large part of it in the New Testament.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

That's a cute story Cop. Good find too. Now to find GI Jerry for my father...

Also, it amuses me how other people look forward to Friday, and I come to hate it. Fucking drunk asshole day.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

JO put up her final Let's Play Yu-Yu-Hakusho Dark Tournament video. Somewhere around 16:20, MAJOR LULZ.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I found out today that one of my favourite shows (Eureka) and one show that may turn into one (Warehouse 13) happen in the same universe! Okay, by watching that episode of Eureka I probably spoiled a bit of the Warehouse timeline for me (they just started showing W13 on another channel), but still. Major fan moment.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Heh, I remember that, Rule. An absolutely, spectacularly appropriate crossover. Now, if they would get Fringe division in there as well, things would be perfect...
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I found out today that one of my favourite shows (Eureka) and one show that may turn into one (Warehouse 13) happen in the same universe! Okay, by watching that episode of Eureka I probably spoiled a bit of the Warehouse timeline for me (they just started showing W13 on another channel), but still. Major fan moment.

I like Eureka, W13 not so much.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I'm giddy today cuz I had two cups of hot cocoa. Maybe not as giddy as I am hyper. But, damn....it tasted pretty good :)
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

What religion are you talking about? Because if you look any deeper into Christianity, it does not fit the bill. All that stuff really is in the bible and large part of it in the New Testament.

Sorry about the late reply, I honestly missed yer post and I apologize for that.

But yes I was talking about Christianity. I was looking through some of the stories that have been told to me as to why I was going to hell, and the arguments don't seem as solid as they claim.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

well the leviticus specificaly mentions only male homosexuality. lesbianism is never even mentioned so given how specific they are being one would have to say they look upon it as they would a normal relationship.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

well the leviticus specificaly mentions only male homosexuality. lesbianism is never even mentioned so given how specific they are being one would have to say they look upon it as they would a normal relationship.

This may be because of the fact that sodomy was viewed as a sin.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Eh, well even in the 1800s, some people in power didn't think it was possible to be a lesbian. The reason the UK's laws were biases towards only punishing male homosexuality in that era stems from Queen Victoria not understanding how two women would go about it and no one really felt like explaining it to her, thus they didn't bring it up ever.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

"'Family Guy' creator Seth MacFarlane has got the green light to re-boot classic cartoon series 'The Flintstones'. “I think America is finally ready for an animated sitcom about a fat, stupid guy with a wife who's too good for him,” he said."

Not because I like Family Guy, because I don't. Neither do I like Seth MacFarlane. But this'll cause so much butthurt whining I can't help but get giddy over it.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Good lord! Who the hell put him in charge of that D:'
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I put through google translate today. It sounds like he's hoping to have an update or maybe even a release for Shinobi Girl by May 25 (!). And the commenters all sound really excited, so I think it might be a good translation...

If it isn't, don't blame me...but maybe spank me anyway. :eek: