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Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"He hee, success.." Shiina gave a small chuckle as her determined picking work opened up the door in front of her. Now faced with two-way stairwell, she opted to follow the slime trail downwards. The blonde maid was there to deal with the goo trails after all.

Once she's gone down the flight of stairs, Shiina comes to an area that could only be described as a prison. Keeping her hand over the hilt of her blade, she cautiously moves through the area, heading towards the second door and the source of the cries. Eyeing the cells and the glowy circle along the way, she'd attempt to pick the second door as well if it didn't co-operate with her.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

As it turned out, there was no need for Shiina to pick the second door, it opened with a small creak to display a room of many mechanical devices, suspension ropes, chains, buckets, racks, specialized tables and benches, along with a partially opened closet on which many tools of inquisition and discipline could be seen.

The muffled cries were female, and Shiina noted that a welt-covered woman with brown, slightly graying hair was sitting upon a wooden horse torture device, her arms tied behind her back with ropes that were being completely covered by a large gray blob whose tendrils were at the moment stuffing themselves into her mouth and ass, leaving her womanhood to remain at the mercy of the triangle. The woman's breasts were red and clamped in several places, including two tiny clamps at the tips of her nipples, which were attached by a crude chain.

She looked altogether a very pitiful woman, and the creature pumping itself into her was only adding to her agony. Her blue eyes were welled up with tears.


Ariane reacted at the last moment, one of her hands clutching the near invisible strand of gossamer webbing and tugged it hard. The webbing net swung upwards, catching the blob in mid flight, saving Ariane from the would-be attacker. However, her momentary relief was quelled as the blob began to wriggle and then ooze through her webbing trap, dripping down in one long strand to the floor. She was out of traps for this battle, and would have to take the thing on by herself. The blob readied for another lunge.

(Suggest a course of action, and the appropriate stat) ((Blob has taken 4 stress)


Zeha reached the top of the cellar stairs only to see the little gray blob that had retreated through the wine bottles making its way towards the kitchen door, leaving a trail of goo behind it.
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Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael turns around, one hand on her hip, and gives a sigh. "And just where do you think you're going?" she asks the other blob in a stern but tired sounding voice. "What is it you want, hmm?" she demanded of it, fully aware that it almost certainly lacked the higher brain functions necessary to understand her, but willing to give it a chance before she attacked it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The state of the room was getting worse and Ariane decide to end this fight soon to then start to clean again. As she walked toward the wardove were she saw a big holy bible her eyes saw the creature return to their form and also she pay attention to the dirty bed's sheet' on the floor sorry, dear ussually i will forgive your life, but you are in our way and for that i will treat you as an enemy unless you... no, i cant let you live. a little sad the princess use her web to throw the sheets over the creature and then start to smash him without stop using the big book in her hands.

[Cunning or Athletism if i cant]

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Creaking the door open, Shiina has quite a sight in front of her. "My goodness.. Master is much more serious about his discipline than I initially thought." she thinks as the torture chamber unfolds before her eyes, a huge array of devices used for pain and interrogation making the place quite intimidating even for someone like her. The woman being abused in the wooden horse made her cringe, the thought of such treatment not an appealing image in her mind.

Shiina moves forward to help the woman, brandishing her thin blade towards the creature abusing her, but suddenly stops. "If... she is being treated like that, no doubt she did something to displease the Master. It is a suitable punishment for her... I suppose..." the blonde maid thinks. Faced with a moral choice, she was not quite sure what to do with the situation. The soldier in her was telling the girl to keep away from the situation, the maid was pleading for her to use her strenght to drive away the ravaging blob and get her down from the horse. She decided to get rid of the blob and ask the woman why she was there in the first place. Moving to a suitable position, she takes a stab at the slime while doing her best to avoid hitting the woman.

(Athletics to attack the abusive slimey)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

(I'm gone for three days and look at what I miss.)

Ayeka hurried over to the door as she spotted the slime seeping underneath it, but stopped short as an orb of it formed. The maids skin began to writhe beneath her maids uniform, and she set the mop aside as she watched the blob grow. Ayeka backed away a few steps and said; "You can obviously move on your own. Let's hope you can hear me too. Take your filthy slime and get out of this house. Or Ill kill you." She delivered the words sternly, but her tone was almost.... Bored, and her expression was only lightly scowling. The skin around her wrists split silently, and from out of her flesh the tips of two ropey appendages silently slid out of her, still hidden beneath the cuffs of her outfit. She made sure that she wasn't between the slime and the door, but Ayeka seriously doubted that she would get off the hook so easily. As soon as the disgusting thing moved away from the door, unless it was directly toward the mansions exit, she'd be ready to tear the thing apart.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The slime ball made a small sound that almost - almost - sounded like "uh oh!" and then sped in the direction of the ball room. Ayeka followed it with her eyes. Either the gunk had not understood her, or it had and deliberately ran in the other direction. Either way, it seemed it would not be easily intimidated out of the house.

(attack? if so Athletics? something else?)


Shiina raised her thin, needle like blade and pierced the grey blob in its side. The thing reeled and screeched, falling away from the woman and onto the floor. For the first time, the captive became aware of the maid and began making unintelligible sounds from her open mouth, which didn't close for some reason.

"Eeeelll eeee!" she yelled as she struggled uselessly with her bonds.

The slime meanwhile had gathered itself and was preparing to spring at Shiina with its own attack!

(Shiina hit the slime for 6 stress)

Ariane brought out her book, a hard covered volume written in the secret scrawl of Arachne royalty, and made to thwack the slime with it. But the slime dodged her attack and then crawled up her arms, dissolving her maid uniform as it went! It gripped onto her ample chest area and began to chew through it happily, causing Ariane's eight eyes to quiver with surprise and revulsion!

(Ariane takes 3 stress! Her blouse is damaged!)


Zeha received no response from the slime, other than an undignified bubbling splurt and then a quick dash as it attempted to retreat under the kitchen door into the main hallway....

(attack it now? or follow it out the door?)


In the garden, Kasumi was blissfully ignorant of the chaos inside the mansion. She was busy gathering up herbs when she notices a large red and green snake suddenly slither not five feet in front of her, scaring her something awful. The snake stopped and looked at her.

"Hello." It said.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

With another sigh, Zeha lashed out with her mind once more; again trying to incapacitate rather than kill. These creatures had at the very least piqued her curiosity, already she was considering trying to train them, to give herself some servants of her own.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The spider princess made a repulsion sight as she feel the inferior being body touching her without even ask her. Eew..! How dare you to touch my royal skin? Get away now! Ariane start to hit the creature with her book and others things at the hand trying to get free of the creature Ok i will satle your needs, but at least stop to give me time to take out my uniform, i will get angry if you continue melting it said without sound false even when was lie him.

(athletic and cunning to earn time)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

With the thin blade of her rapier piercing into the slime, Shiina witnesses it backing off from the victim it was abusing for who knows how long. Ignoring the woman's pleas, the young-looking blonde maid steps back a short distance. Quickly moving one hand behind her back, she holds the blade parallel to her face before assuming a dueling stance. "Ready yourself, blob." she addresses the goo ball before moving forward to attack it when it leaps for her. She was sure her superior skill would be enough to keep the creature at bay.

(Carry on with the Athletic attacking)
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayekas eyes burned like open flames as the blob tracked across the floor, not only adding to the mess but pointedly not leaving the mansion. "That wasn't smart." The pink haired girl hurled herself forward, following after the slime blob at a run, but as she came with about fifteen feet, her left arm swept across her chest at full extension. The trio of red, fleshy tendrils at her wrists stretched out to their full twenty feet as she did, reaching their full length just as they were about to pass through the slime. She'd assumed that the jelly-like thing would be fairly easy to tear through, and if she was right, her tentacles would go through the blob like butter, cutting it in half horizontally and taking a chunk of it away with them as they passed through the other side. If her attack worked as she wanted it to, her right arm followed suit even as the tentacles coming form her left wrist retracted back toward her, making sure not to splatter too much slime around the house or get any slime on her body or uniform.

(Athletics works, I suppose.)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane attempted to scrape away the slime with her book, buying her time. She felt out of sorts with her blouse having been eaten away. She could see clear through to her bra! She anticipated what this ball of goo might be after and attempted to lie to it, but the lie was completely ignored.

Scraping the slime away momentarily with her book, the thing made an annoyed bubbling sound and concentrated itself back into an orb, now on top of her book, held out in front of her.

(Total stress damage: Ariane 3, Gray Slime 2)


Ayeka's lashing tentacles startle the blob, and in its frightened state it hops over her lash, which only succeeds in barring its immediate escape. Changing direction, the slimeball makes a bee line straight towards Ayeka. Startled by this sudden change in tactics, Ayeka retracts her tentacles to a shorter length and then whirls them in front of her just as the thing makes its leap towards her. The tentacles shred the blob in midair, causing it to fall down in a heap, just another slime puddle amongst all the rest of the slime trail it had left behind.


Again, just as with the first blob, Zeha's psychic attack completely overwhelms the creature. She feels with absolute certainty that she could crush the thing into lifeless paste if she wanted to, but again she stays her hand, curious as to what she might accomplish with these bizarre little creatures. She floats the captured blob over to her and holds it in the same manner as the first.


Shiina squared off with the large gray blob. It seemed angry at her and interested in engulfing her. It sent out a wild tendril from its body which the maid easily parried and then cut in half with a flick of her wrist. The blob made a grunting sound. Then Shiina pressed her own attack, a flash of steel moving so fast as to create a 'Z' in the air from where her steel had scored against the creature.

It made a wailing sound, but rather than fall away as she had expected, the slime instead chose to dive over her. Shiina yelped and dodged out of the way, but she wasn't quick enough. The slime caught her by the legs and gripped her up to her thighs. Her stockings began to rip, tear, and dissolve before her eyes and her legs were caught in the sticky muck.

(Several rounds of combat at once: Shiina has taken 4 stress and taken damage to her stockings, the enemy has taken 6+1+5=12 stress)


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Pleased with now having a pair blobs helpless to her, Zehasael once again resumed her goal of trying to track down Fade, to report the situation to him. By her count, there was only one of them remaining down in the cellar, although she wasn't so optimistic to think that this was the only one given the mess she had witnessed. Still, as long as it was contained to out of the way areas such as that, it wouldn't be a major problem, considering the guests due...


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The first thing Zeha sees in her quest to find the butler is Ayeka in the main hall, having just dispatched her own blob with extreme prejudice and a healthy dose of tentacles.

Wait... tentacles?

Yes, it did appear to Zehasael that the pink and curly-haired maid had sprouted several tentacles from each wrist.

All around the great hall were several slime trails and a few slime puddles.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael glances up at the other maid, a ball of the grey slime in each hand, with a raised eyebrow. "I see it wasn't an isolated incident after all. I should have figured as much," she remarks dryly, making no comment on the... features... the girl was sporting. "Still, this bodes poorly for this afternoon's affair. I wonder how far this infestation has spread... I am going to try and locate Mr. Fade, to inform him of the situation. Perhaps you should locate the others, and we can re-concerntrate our cleaning efforts here, and other areas our guests will see before they leave for the afternoon," she suggests, in a tone that makes it sound much less like a request than the phrasing would imply.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane,s ample blossom was now only covered by her bra and she really was really tired of this creature. At least this room was locked from inside and nobody will saw her fighting . Quickly she try to attemp a new tactic using her spiders skill she will go toward the ceiling in a a quick jump when she get free of the creature and then she will proceed hitting him from range attack using her book with her web like a chain ball weapon.

[Cunning roll]


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Quickly Ariane sent a strand of webbing to the ceiling, and then hauled herself up to the top, leaving the blob on the ground. Then, spinnning another web she attached it to her strange, metal covered tome and wielded the book like a ball on a chain. The bold blob sprang to the far wall and began to speed its way up to the ceiling, in an attempt to attack the maid further, but with a loud smack, the book slammed against the blob, splattering it flat.

A few tentative pokes with one of her spider legs proved that the creature was no longer living.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The sexy aracne sight after know that this had ended for now and then take her book back from the little hole in the wall and then whisper to herself as her eyes drop some tears So you know it Mother, thats why you insisted that i had to take one of your books to this mission even when my magic is not too strong. Mom The girl clean the book lovely with the sheets of the bed and then hug it for an instant before saw the room "looks like this mansion really had something important, but no mather how many foes i had, i will win this war for the Queen" she through to herself as she start to read some pages of the book in her native lenguage. Soon the webs of the room moved from themselves and turn into a trap before dissapear from the sight "this spell is the only that i know of this book, but it will help me to hide my traps from anyone and soon this mansion will turn into my own nest" she think as she take the sheets and cover her sexy and once again human body as is was a mantle.

Her hands opened the door and soon start to cry and run toward the kitchen trying to find help with her book hidden in her clothes

[she is now human and will use afection and cunning to ask for help]


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

((Sorry for the long delay! Personal issues and such.))

While the other maids combated the evil slimes, Kasumi was humming happily in the garden, unaware of it all. Having forgot to bring a basket with her to carry the herbs in, she was using her apron to hold her harvests. Perhaps because of her earlier moment with the Master, or her ignorance of the problems inside, or just her own personality, Kasumi was taking her time with her chore, but she was almost done now.

Kneeling down to pluck a few sprigs of her last herb, Kasumi suddenly noticed the snake. Hurling herself backwards in shock, her collection of herbs scattering over her dress and the ground, Kasumi looked at the snake in fear before it spoke, then her expression changed to curiosity. "H-hello..." She greeted it tenativly and slowly got back to her knees.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka turned to the other maid as she spoke, making no attempt to disguise the fleshy tendrils snaking out of her wrists, her expression on the verge of a scowl, but not quite there as it shied closer to simply blank. Her tentacles dancing around in a swirling pattern, slowly splattering the remains of the slime around her feet, waiting for Zeha to finish speaking. Judging by her nonchalant reaction, either the girl had suspected that some or all of the others weren't completely human, as Ayeka herself had, or had somehow already known. It also seemed a safe bet to guess that she herself wasn't entirely normal, judging by the two balls of slime lying passively in her hands.

As she finished, Ayeka nodded and said; "I'll be going to the West Wing, upstairs. That is where I left Ariane. If I find Fade, I will tell him what's going on and send him here. I don't know where Kasumi is, but I believe that Shiina went to wash the masters clothing. I will meet you back here within ten minutes, regardless of whom I've located." Whether she took offense to the other maids tone or not was undetectable in her voice, as she was speaking in as flat a tone as Zehasael, but her trios of red fleshy tentacles retracted back up into her arms, her skin writhing visibly, and she was clearly agreeing with the redheads course of action. The more they concentrated their efforts, the better. That in mind, Ayeka turned as soon as Zeha moved away and went back to the West Wing to find Ariane and appraise her of the situation.
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