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JSK工房 Hgames Translation Thread

Sounds perfect, almost like Overthrow The Demon Queen. There were tons of different lines with variants in that one. Still remains my favorite. It's cool you're getting more comfortable with the more intimate lines. When you did Reimi I knew you'd keep growing from good to great. Think you'll give Renas another shot when you're done with this?

I honestly don't know, I have free pass now since I am down with flu and fever, once I get better, it becomes rather difficult for me to do it, I'd have to do that when she is not around to see it,
but since we're both stay at home types after work, I have hard time finding opportunities for it, and I'd rather not get into another fight from something that we've already settled.

And its not like I am not comfortable with erotic lines, I just don't know how to write proper smut in English, in a way that it would stay faithful to the original source without making it sound like it was taken from a poor porn script, as I try to make the lines sound as natural as possible, which is quite hard (for me, the very least) when it comes to erotic content, I don't exactly do 'dirty talk' during bed wrestling myself (🤭), as it doesn't seem natural for me, that's why smut writing is difficult for me to pull off (example; Spank me harder, daddy~), and trust me, I am NOT going ask my wife to act out these settings for reference 😂 , I'd sleep on the dog house for the next following week.

I have approximately ~1 hour per day when I am all by myself at home, and that's not much time to make progress on something that will consume time faster that rats leave a sinking ship, I miss the times she wasn't aware of my anime related hobbies (we did not live under same roof, I didn't mention it to her either, especially when she clearly was open about her anime hate), she only found out after we moved together, as I don't talk about my hobbies to anyone I meet in person for the obvious moral reasons, and boy that was fun few days, cold war all over again, threats, silent treatment, lashing out, all those wonderful things that are part of any relationship.

So, I wouldn't hold any hopes up for me taking more active participation in translations after I recover from the flu.
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Once again, I am so glad that my wife does not get jealous of my pixels. Since she's in her 50's (I'm 39) that helps a lot when I'm in the mood and she's not.
@Icevail I'm surprised you are with someone that clearly hates your passion! Does she compensate in another way that much interesting? Never thought about searching for true soul mate?
she doesn't have something you dislike and that could be a balance to yours?
Get better, it is way more important than everything!
@Icevail I'm surprised you are with someone that clearly hates your passion! Does she compensate in another way that much interesting? Never thought about searching for true soul mate?

She is the first person in ~1,5 decades to show any kind of interest on me on personal level,
I am not exactly popular fella due to my anti-alcohol stance in a country that's entire social life centers around it,
if you don't drink, you're seen as weird or religiously insane, both are social suicides,
and I am not fan for religiously insane people either.

Leaves me rather isolated socially from others, I can't exactly be picky about who accepts me in their life, now can I? 😒

And yes, she has done more for me than any other person I've come across with, so the little disagreements between us are acceptable trade off,
and about soulmates, my cheated on me with my former best friends while I was being enlisted in service, I had known both since childhood,
I trusted them without any hesitation until I found out about their little 'adventures' behind my back, it made me bitter as hell result.
fuck soulmates, and I don't even want to go back to the part where my former friends after that event, screwed me over for money.

I have some severe trust issues with people, she managed to win/gain mine, and that's already something big for me to appreciate.
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She is the first person in ~1,5 decades to show any kind of interest on me on personal level,
I am not exactly popular fella due to my anti-alcohol stance in a country that's entire social life centers around it,
if you don't drink, you're seen as weird or religiously insane, both are social suicides,
and I am not fan for religiously insane people either.

Leaves me rather isolated socially from others, I can't exactly be picky about who accepts me in their life, now can I? 😒

And yes, she has done more for me than any other person I've come across with, so the little disagreements between us are acceptable trade off,
and about soulmates, my cheated on me with my former best friends while I was being enlisted in service, I had known both since childhood,
I trusted them without any hesitation until I found out about their little 'adventures' behind my back, it made me bitter as hell result.
fuck soulmates, and I don't even want to go back to the part where my former friends after that event, screwed me over for money.

I have some severe trust issues with people, she managed to win/gain mine, and that's already something big for me to appreciate.
Cheers to that. I'm no posterchild for a normal relationship either considering I had to date/marry a generation above me just to get some respect from my partner (cheaters/con artists can get kicked by a horse and die) Hope she accepts your hobbies someday. But as long as your happy with each other that's what counts. But now I'm curious about the anti-alcohol thing. I'm similar because the first and only time I got drunk I damn near killed one of my friends (he wanted to wrestle, did NOT end well for him), never got drunk and rarely drink since. What's your reason?
I can understand your hate for soulmate then ;)
If she did a lot for you then it is a good reason.... the "fear" of being alone is not one...
I'm 37, not the party type, no alcohol, no smoking, no drugs.... just gaming and anime for a loooooooot of time.... sometime despair gave me wrong thoughts, but sports took me out of that. Could meet people with a similar interest, even if only a very few was interesting (and interested in me =).. and one day after like 13 years lurking on date sites, met online with ad girls, stupid girls, baby girls, problems girls, rarely meeting IRL, she came... then my daughter.. now our house (imagine the attic and make it x15 =D only the 2 of us for the 90% of things, ending isolation @23H45 monday after a 12H day of it =)
This fear of being alone is not the good reason to be with someone. Being happy with this person (even if everything is not blue sky of course ^^), is the main thing! Ever tried to integrate her in the anime world? showing animes with "ethics", or feelings (just now i think about Clannad or Air in front of the ones tears were hard to keep ;'). Maybe she would see anime are not just like fighting, horror, or babyish cartoon... But maybe she's not into "screens" at all....
What's your reason?

Parents preferred bars and alcohol over paying rent when I was kid, bills and buying food weren't their priority in life, fun times, I spent most of my after school sitting in the bar's back room, or at the counter, in middle of the heavy smoking drunkards more than few times a week, while waiting for one of my parental figures to take me home, and not only that I've also been run over twice by a drunkard driver within same year in my teens,then assaulted by few skin heads just because I refused to pay for their drinks, so, yeah, anything related to alcohol do grind my gears quite a bit, and I try to avoid situations where it is involved in anyway for my own sanity's sake.

Ever tried to integrate her in the anime world? showing animes with "ethics", or feelings (just now i think about Clannad or Air in front of the ones tears were hard to keep ;'). Maybe she would see anime are not just like fighting, horror, or babyish cartoon... But maybe she's not into "screens" at all....

No, I don't push my hobbies to anyone, and especially not to her, as she doesn't like anime, like at all,
The reason I did to mention my hobbies to is because she is quite vocal about her hate towards anime and asian pop-culture in general,
to her anime is just male fantasy eye candy, she was raised in quite conservative household, anything asian or 'commie' is literally worse than
mr.hilter to them and it shows in her world view as well.

And I tried to show her the one I believe to be good one, Violet Evergarden, and boy she trashed one of my favorite series right in front of me,
that was enough for me on trying to make her see the beauty in animations, but when it comes to marvel DC stuff, she goes into full fangirl mode.
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but when it comes to marvel DC stuff, she goes into full fangirl mode.[/SPOILER]

huhu.. seeing thor or captain america with full muscles sure isn't women eye candy....... hypocrisy when you hold our heart....
when we were kids, people didn't care for animal healthcare (chicken, cows....), didn't care for peasants or their field full of pesticide, thought nuclear was so good, our grand parents where a lot in religion with God as the all mighty. But yet WE evolved, WE decided to think different, to ACT different (at least many try to open eyes of others)... Our parents may have been right on many things and mostly wrong on so much others.... hope whe will open her eyes too and think with her own mind, not her parents =)

good luck!
Welp, I worked with one mid H scene chat bubble talk and this is how one scene ended up being as.
The original line was her saying she might get pregnant today if protag creampies her, but since the line repeats few times over
on several occasions, I decided to try spicing it up with alternative lines implying the same thing, to give it slight more variation,
the scene in question triggers after using skill 'Absolution' (if you use my partial translation) when her DAMAGE indicator is
flashing and proceed to doggy style her in love route, I also added similar changes to S & Lewd route, I haven't yet touched
the Rape route dialogue in this scene, but all 3 are not even remotely close to being finished and typo checked.

As long as you don't put in a bunch of mind-break dialogue into the rape dialogue. It'd be really annoying if she was at Hlvl 1 at rape dialogue and makes a comment about ''why does it feel so good I should be hating it!'' or something.
As long as you don't put in a bunch of mind-break dialogue into the rape dialogue. It'd be really annoying if she was at Hlvl 1 at rape dialogue and makes a comment about ''why does it feel so good I should be hating it!'' or something.
A translation's a translation.
Not that JSK's never done that before. Shogun Princess Christianne gets into it REAL quick every time.
As long as you don't put in a bunch of mind-break dialogue into the rape dialogue. It'd be really annoying if she was at Hlvl 1 at rape dialogue and makes a comment about ''why does it feel so good I should be hating it!'' or something.

Why would I write rape pleasure level 3-4 lines to rape pleasure lvl 1 lines? 🤔

I mean, I rewrite the sentences to mean the same thing as original line was, but in different ways each time the duplicate line pops up on same scene,
so it has more variety on it instead of repeating the same lines over and over again during the intercourse scene.

Missionary and Doggy scenes have exact same dialogue on them for example, I rewrite the lines so that each position has different lines from one another, but still meaning the exact same thing

Also for note, I am only practicing the lines so far, I am not sure will I add those to the partial as my rewritten lines might not be for everyone's liking.

Example lines for clarification;

Rape insert line doggy style; Shit, pull that filthy thing out of me! <- Closest accurate translation I can pull off.
Rewritten line in missionary; Pull it out, asshole! I don't want that filthy thing inside me! <- alternative way to express the same sentence.

S insert line 1 in doggy style: You're doing it without protection? As long as you make me feel good, I don't mind it, but if you cum inside me today, you're dead. <- Original line with mention of risky day with follow up line.
Rewritten line in missionary; You're doing it raw? Fine, but don't you dare to cum inside, today is a risky day. <- Both combined together and follow up line replaced with "You'd better make me feel good then, or you're done for."

Out of curiosity, would she be willing to tolerate anime if it's based on a Marvel or DC title? Stuff like Marvel Disk Wars or Batman Ninja?

Anything anime related is instant no, no matter what it was based on.
She is adamant about it, to her anime is just drawn male perversion, that only cringy freaks watch, quoting her own words there.

You should have seen her face when she learned I am one of those "freaks", priceless.🤭.

Her parents don't know yet and never will, for a good reason, her father would dual barrel me in instant.

Trial and Errortic
Before you add this to Orekko remake's 'sub'folder, make a backup of the original 'kouhai2' just in case.

This file contains some Doggy 2 ero dialogue lines I've practiced on.
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Hope that your fever's getting down.

Basically, by looking forward for more variety in a translation, it's like if I'm asking JSK to be more creative, even through indirectly.

In the past, I have tried to add more than one translation per dialogue line. However each time I do this, I always find one of them sounding better than the others, so I ended replacing the others. Surely because I'm quite lacking of smut vocabulary.
Hope that your fever's getting down.

Basically, by looking forward for more variety in a translation, it's like if I'm asking JSK to be more creative, even through indirectly.

In the past, I have tried to add more than one translation per dialogue line. However each time I do this, I always find one of them sounding better than the others, so I ended replacing the others. Surely because I'm quite lacking of smut vocabulary.

Its already down, I haven't just recovered from flu completely, today and tomorrow probs my last days on bed, then back to regular daily life. 🙄

And would you look at that, I came across lines that do not belong to Satsuki at all.

Unless the uncle from previous title makes a stan lee cameo~ 🤣

Attached images are from Lewd / S doggy 1 insertion with rewritten lines.

contains updated kouhai 1&2 (doggy style 1 & 2) partial dialogues I've been practicing on, as usual, make backups of the original ones you got before adding these two in if you have uncensored versions, feel free to trash the quality, I know I can't write proper smut. 😂

And on that note, I close the curtains, I hope the bits I've provided have given some light for those playing the Orekko remake, the ball and chain has spoken. 🤣

Till next time I get a proper chance to goof around.


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Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. Asking for or alluding to links to game downloads is prohibited. Failure to follow this rule will result in an immediate 1 week ban.
Hy everyone!

I have a question.

Is there a link where all the translated games can be found?
Hy everyone!

I have a question.

Is there a link where all the translated games can be found?
Does anyone read the first post of a topic? Click the red "here" next to the JSK Community Guide in the first post. that will take you to where you need to go as well as walkthroughs and some other goodies. 26716
Does anyone read the first post of a topic? Click the red "here" next to the JSK Community Guide in the first post. that will take you to where you need to go as well as walkthroughs and some other goodies.
To be fair that red link for the translated game was never updated. Though it maybe because it haven't completely translated yet.
I mean seeing our main translator here has a rather complicated situation. The last game that was fully translated was fuuma girl maisa.

I was, "oh okay, learned that from her parents" to "she bashed the beautifully animated violet evergarden!?" Until I'm triggered when you told us that she went full fangirl mode for marvel/DC...
Well, God likes to prank us, believe me. 😂
Its not complicated, people just have hard time understanding that we had to make the rules clear for one another, I don't like her smoking (does it inside, yuck) and drinking habits, but asking her to quit would be unreasonable, if healthier on the long run, so she can do both on limited scale on where and when, not as much and not as often, same applies to my gaming and anime habits, which were her terms, doesn't leave me much time to translate stuff on same scale as I before could, if I want to do hentai related stuff, I need to do it when she is away for prolonged period of time, just like now, she was visiting her father's birthday celebration. 🤔

We literally have to ask for one's consent on these matters (not that I'd let her smoke inside even if she asked to), if the answer is no, it means no, and that's it, isn't marriage a bliss? 🤣

I got a free pass since I was sick and she slipped (went to bar without asking/telling me about it) some weeks ago, hard not to notice how ~270€ poof, gone, over a weekend and her being passed out in the sofa when I come back home, now we're back to our regular daily life. (y)

And I wouldn't say I am the main translator, I've done the least work here in regards of that, even if I have released few partials out there with varied quality, the T-pals (nickname I call the other translators by) have done much more in that regard, they even made tools out of nowhere to make the whole process faster and work together, while all I did was turn moon runes to english lexicons all by myself, since I prefer to work alone with my own strange way. :rolleyes:
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