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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Going to see Iron Man 2 in about 5 hours. I should sleep before then. Will come back with my opinion on it later, though of the two guys I'm going to see it with it's already "Black Widow." *moon eyed look* This should be entertaining.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Some people would have gladly payed ticket price to see Scarlet Johansen in a skin tight outfit.
These are the ones who didn't think to use google images, I'll presume.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I liked Ironman 2. I thought it improved on the first one. Yeah, I guess the avengers stuff didn't really NEED to be in the movie, but considering they're setting up all these characters for a big avengers movie they sort of do need it. Stuffing characters together with little or no exposition is a very bad idea. The first one was extremely anticlimatic, once you knew who the bad guy was, that was the climax, and the rising action stopped there, and the last half hour - 45 minutes was just sort of fluff and not really terribly interesting. This one actually had a climax that came at the end of the movie - the last action scene was pretty awesome. Not incredible, but enough to call it the climax of the movie. I liked the flavor the avengers stuff added. I mean...

Funnily enough, I partially disagree.
The final fight against Whiplash was far more anticlimactic than the one against Iron Monger. Sure the first one became slightly predictable once you worked out the villain, but the final battle was far more visceral and impressive. Whiplash kinda went down fast, though I guess it might have become tedious with all the action against the Hammerdrones beforehand. Tricky balance. They just built Whiplash up so much that it felt like a let-down.

That said, I agree that the second was better than the first in many ways. Dragged a little at times, but tied together very nicely. Definitely one of the better superhero movies out there.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Alright, two movies I saw today that I'll review under spoiler tags. The first I saw was "The Zombie Diaries", an obviously low budget zombie film from the UK that uses the same 'from the camera view' thing that films likes "Blair Witch Project" "Cloverfield" "Diary of the Dead" and so forth have done.

The second was a weird Canadian Horror film called "Pontypool"

Diary of the Dead:
Alright, as I said it's one of those mockumentary type films. I'm generally not into those movies. Cloverfield was okay, I enjoyed Diary of the Dead but this movie was fucking terrible.

It's essentially three different stories, very weakly linked together, in one film. However because of this, I hardly knew half the characters' names, didn't connect with anyone, the acting was poor. Really, the only thing I felt this movie do right was the make-up. For a low budget it was really well done, and the head shots were pretty good too.

So, we have a rambling narrative that ends with a stupid torture scene with a zombie, and leaves about a dozen plot threads just dangling. I felt zero closure when this film wrapped, and it didn't even feel like they were opening for a sequel. There was no pace, everything just... happened. I was bored, utterly.

I also can't get over how characters holding the fucking camera would look about and see a few zombies shambling about, but not tell their friends looking in the opposite fucking direction, and during fights with zombies, while everyone was shooting, these people would sit there and film in night vision, looking at zombies coming on that no one else could see.

Sure there were some interesting ideas presented, like the people having to wash the bottom of their shoes before going into the house to cleanse off any possible infection, but they also had to include pretty much event on the zombie movie checklist.
-killed a little child
-killed a loved one turning into a zombie
-zombie feasting scene
-random close up of creeping zombie standing there
and so on and so forth, and none of these presented in interesting ways, partially because of their mockumentary style, the camera was shaking all over the damned place.

Holy... fuck.
That's pretty much what I said after finishing this obscure little Canadian flick. Set in the small Ontario town of Pontypool, it's hard to tell what the film is about without giving anything away. It basically follows the town's local radio show host getting to work and starting to get reports of strange behavior in the townsfolk, almost setting the movie up for a zombie thing. But... it's not. The trailers and such set it up to be... but it's not. It really is something else.

There's a very limited amount of locations in the film, most of it being in Grant Mazzy's (the main character) radio booth trying to make sense of what's going on. I was on the edge of my seat, just like he was, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. It teases you, makes you think you know what's going on, and really it's one of the few movies that I'm not pissed off at not knowing what's happening because it's handled very well.

It's based off the book "Everything changes in Pontypool" though I can't remember the author's name. I might have to go pick it up now.

Really this is one of the best horror films I've seen for awhile now, as it doesn't try like so many recent ones to simple be about how much gore can be thrown on set at once, the film getting a 14A rating in Canada for some swearing and a bit of violence (most of which is shown off screen), and probly R in the States for saying 'fuck' more than once.

I could gush more, but I'll stop. I recommend this movie for anyone looking for a good horror film.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Hmmm. I will recommend Pontypool to the DM, then. He loves the horror flicks.

Saw Iron Man 2. Really enjoyed it. Might even go see it again with the madre. Liked the humor, liked the action. Liked seeing Scarlet Johansen kicking ass. Liked smarmy Hammer. Surprisingly, I think my biggest issue was Nick Fury, actually. Not rightly sure why. I like Samuel L. Jackson well enough. Guess he didn't just seem to have the chemistry with Downey. Ohyeah...near the end...

and please! I really don't think Pepper would be *that* dumb to be like "why is the evil death robot beeping?" I really think she'd be the type to be like "Ohcrap!" and get the hell away from it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Before reading the text on the back of the DVD for Pontypool I assumed it was set in the Pontypool near me. I think I may have that, just haven't watched it yet. That or I plan on buying it. I have so many zombie films now that they all seem to mesh together.

Seeing as you like zombie films I suggest picking up Colin. It's obviously a low budget amatuer film, but it follows the 'life' of the titular zombie from pretty much the outset. It even has it's tear jerking moments. I think I'll have to track down The Zombie Diaries, it sounds good.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I've actually seen a trailer for Colin, and yeah despite it being low budget it looks pretty good, and wouldn't mind seeing it.

Still, I don't recommend Zombie Diaries. Still, apparently there's a bunch of people that think its brilliant and smart, probably cause they talk about 9/11 and the bird flu... despite the fact that every character that holds the camera is a fucking twat.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Fair enough, though by 'good' I meant that merely because of the 'killed a child' part. We all know how much I detest children. If it's that bad I'll probably just download it, and if I like it enough I'll buy it. Also, I picked up Dead Snow last Friday, from what I've heard of it it does sound good though I haven't watched it yet.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Pontypool just came on for me. Looks and sounds similar to Dead Air, though I believe this came first.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

the child killing scene was supposed to be this big emotional moment in Zombie Diaries... but it just flopped. I mean, the damn girl was pretty much dead already. There was a hole in her skull and she was bleeding out, but somehow still conscious. So they shoot her again, and the girl who does it breaks down, and I almost broke the disk.

Dead Snow though was pretty damn good.

I've never seen Dead Air toxic.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Well, it wasn't very good, but at least it's virus made sense of sorts. What didn't make sense is the virulent gas was released by an islamic extremist terrorist who ended up forcing the radiohost at gunpoint to rant against islamic extremist terrorists. The only issue was that he didn't belief in those things as his wife, who he knows was listening, is a muslim. I guess he was supposed to sort of be feeding off the hate or something, but yeah, people were becoming extremely aggressive and violent while the man in the station could only sit there and hope that his friend, who he sent out earlier would get to his wife and daughter in time to protect them.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah, the only political or social issues even touched in Pontypool was French separatists in Canada, and even then not very much.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So I just watched all five (4 and a half? I kind of lost track...) hours of John Woo's Red Cliff tonight with my friend. Awesome movie. Little hokey at times, but I find that's kind of a given in some of the martial arts movies.

Essentially...take Dynasty Warriors, specifically the battle of Chi Bi...make a movie out if it and you get Red Cliff. Lot's of stabbity stab stab and lots of the lone warrior taking on the hordes of enemies thing. It's really fun when you see mention of characters like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei and you get to see them kicking ass. And body checking horses. The one thing I will say is that some bits are predictable and the blood looks rather fake when the guys get stabbed but for as much as they *are* getting stabbed and you *see* blood, I'd rather it look a little fake than be uber-realistic and make me want to gag.

Also, I do recommend the 5 hour international version as opposed to the "dumbed down for the Americans" release.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I'd say this would excite Copper and Chibi the most, but it's a Dragon Age anime movie announcement.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Also, I do recommend the 5 hour international version as opposed to the "dumbed down for the Americans" release.


It annoyed me when I noticed a discrepancy between the Romance of the Three Kingdoms story and this, especially when it robbed a cahracter of one of their most famous moments. (Such as Guany Yu holding the rear guard isnted of Zhang Fei, so no jumping on a bridge and yelling the Chinese equivilent of "None shall pass", or Huang Gai not getting whipped 50 times the day before he was to command the vanguard of the battle.)

Plus, Shu totally weren't at the battle. Zhuge Liang was, none of the other Shu officers were. They set up along Wei's escape route in an attempt to get Cao Cao, and if it weren't for Guan Yu letting him pass to repay old debts, would have done so.

But yes. Awesome none the less.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Oh, aye, there are definite discrepencies. Still, it is an enjoyable epic and a little more fun if you're a fan of the Dynasty Warriors franchise. It was nifty seeing all the various tactics and plots and double crosses coming together, though.

And totally had a yaoi-tease moment, too.

Onward to other things, I saw Prince of Persia today. Also fun. Falls into the "High Adventure" kind of movie in that...it *knows* it's an adventure movie and is a good hack slash action tumble roll romp of kickassness but there's plenty of maguffins, as my friend calls them, but you can forgive them for the most part. Also, never been attracted to Jake Gyllenhaal before. Funny what long hair can do to a man for me...
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Toy Story 3 was surprisingly good. Especially considering it's eleven years removed from the movie it sequels. I definitely recommend it if you enjoyed the others in the series, and maybe if you didn't.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

i'm just reliving the ghost busters movies... man those are awesome. the stay puff marshmallow man was a masterstroke.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Has any one here seen toy story 3 in spanish? There's a bit where Buzz is reset to spanish, but I'm wondering what language he gets reset to in the spanish film. It's one of those things that just bugs me.