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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ehhhh. Devil May Cry isn't very well written, which is okay since the series is based on a character rather than a story, but when DMC4 was half-based on a new, much less interesting and much less amusing character that we had no emotional attachment to and is as like-able as the average emo kid, it went South pretty fast. That's probably why I didn't like the cutscenes very much.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So it's like the latest Prince of Persia? (haw haw, even though I really liked it =p)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The final Super Street Fighter IV character has been ... And he's looks hilarious as hell with his fighting style. Bitchin' theme music too, I might add.

Ten bucks says that 90% of all online players will still use Ken though, despite the new roster.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ehhh... I feel dirty after watching that video....
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You disappoint me.

Eh, I played the game through once all the way on whatever they consider "normal" mode. Since I am now playing to get achievements/alternate story views, I am not going to kill myself playing the game over and over 5-8 more times when all I want to do this time around is enjoy the story.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Okay, more on the R.U.S.E. beta.

Having now played it online against living opponents, I am thrilled with the game. Finally, a realtime strategy game that doesn't depend on the player's ability to micromanage for victory. No getting steamrolled by a rush of units two minutes in that you scratch your head about how they were created so fast; with the whole economy thing streamlined, it's more about troop choices.

Be warned, the following is just my commentary on how the match played out.

In the 2v2 match I played, for the most part it was two isolated 1v1 games on different fronts; there was the occassional crossfire when my artillery caught sight of tanks moving towards my teammate, and the occasional one of his tanks wnadering down to try and shut up said artillery, but mostly it was my italian army against a british one.

My opponent was... well, a damned fool, in truth. Our first contact was when his engineer trucks moving out to try and establish a forward base and drove through a town sqaure I had placed some infantry in. Infantry in such positions, as well as in forests, will wait in ambush and do horrendous things to that which walks into the trap; needless to say, the poor defenceess engineers were wiped out before they knew what hit them.

His response to this was to spam fighters and fighter/bombers. Now, Italty doesn't have the best ground based air defence; historically they prefered fighters for air defence, but I decided that holy crap, that's alotta air superiority power, and trying to fight that from the air was stupid, so I bought some air defences. Then, I bought more. Turns out the light, stanionary anti-air units you can deploy can hide in forests, and there was a rather large forest just before a river on my border, so i set them up in there, with the town I had garrisoned just on the other side of the river. My opponent had no idea they were waiting there for him.

Then, I issued a radio silence order in the tacical sector, and tried to run some infantry out to the town. The fighters spotted them, and dived in for a straffing run; which sad to say for my opponent, put them in range of the air defences. The three units of infantry (at 5 points each) were wiped out, but I easilly lured about 150 points worth of aircraft into a killzone; only a few things managed to pull out of it. He tried to bring up artillery to take them out, only to find I'd beaten him to the punch and wiped them out with my own bombardments before they could set up.

Lastly, he sent forth a wave of the advanced jumbo tanks one only gets from the prototype base; they were ambushed by heavy infantry in that familiar town square, and then set upon by a squad of four medium tanks, with another two moving in from the flanks but arriving too alte to contribute; the enemy offensive was destroyed. Match time was running out when i was about to launch an all out armour offensive against him when sadly, one of his team suffered sudden and convenient connect problems, and he followed suit by surrendering and quitting.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i was reading about that on wikipedia, it says there that there ability to zoom out allows for larger maps than any other game ever. i take it they've never heard of sup com then which did the same thing the same way half a decade ago.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i was reading about that on wikipedia, it says there that there ability to zoom out allows for larger maps than any other game ever. i take it they've never heard of sup com then which did the same thing the same way half a decade ago.

Eh, it's wikipedia, what do you expect?

Although I am rather impressed with how seemless the zooming options are; as much as I seldom use them.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm not really all that good at RTS's normally but this one actually sounds like I might be able to play it. Is it actually called R.U.S.E. or is that just a shortened name. Just so I don't go looking for the wrong thing.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

No more heroes: desperate struggle. I cant wait until it is released in norway.
its gonna be awesome with improved AI and wait for it.... dual katanas.
and also looong katanas, awesome bosses as well as multi bossing, several bosses at once. Its gonna be epic, teh best part though is that you still save at the toilet :D
Re: Games Discussion Thread

NMH2 is like...one of the best games. Ever. You'll be super happy when you get it and play it, Zoto.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm not really all that good at RTS's normally but this one actually sounds like I might be able to play it. Is it actually called R.U.S.E. or is that just a shortened name. Just so I don't go looking for the wrong thing.

It's actually called R.U.S.E.

Re: Games Discussion Thread


Okay, maybe not THAT funny, but I was wondering if this has any accuracy to it, or is it just the guy's bad luck?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just got and started FFXII. A couple of points about the characters:

1- In every FF there is a character whose sole purpose is to be a useless, annoying assfuck. Hope is certainly annoying, I don't know that I'll give him the chance to be useless.
2-Vanille's accent bugs me. At least, I think it;s an accent. About half the time it sounds like a speech impediment.
3- Seza(I think that's how it goes, he's the black guy) is either a reference to a stereotype I wasn't aware of or was designed backwards:
A:"We need a chocobo. It's not FF with out a chocobo."
B:"It could travel with the group."
A:"Where would it live?"
B:"Birds live in nests, right?"
A:"Where are they going to keep a nest?"
B:"In their hair?"
C:"You know what looks like a nest? Afros."
B:"Black people have afros."
A:"Y'know what? Fuck it, let's go with that."
He is still one of my favorite characters so far.

The battle system feels kind of like 7 with more freedom, the leveling system kind of like 10 with less.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

pirated star wars battle field one and two. I love revisiting these. I played them on my ps2 and now it's gone to shit, totally unplayable.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

pirated star wars battle field one and two. I love revisiting these. I played them on my ps2 and now it's gone to shit, totally unplayable.

I will wreck your shit as an engineer. Though I kind of wish you could use the fusion cutter for melee.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I will wreck your shit as an engineer. Though I kind of wish you could use the fusion cutter for melee.

You can on vehicles? Slice into them and force the enemy out?

Maaaaan shit is old.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Recently I've been playing Borderlands, and Battlefield Bad Company 2.
I can't believe I was so late into getting into Borderlands, I love it. The co-op mode is really well designed as well, and makes me wish many more games did something along these lines as me and a buddy had a great time playing this game.

Battlefield isn't too bad. The campaign is fairly straightforward for more Shooter games, but the multiplayer is great... when the servers are working. Tanks, helicopters, and infantry duking it out while buildings explode around them. Makes the urban maps more interesting when you can blow open walls guys are trying to hide behind. Fairly fast paced and enjoyable. Recommended for multiplayer, for single player might as well jump into Call of Duty or Halo, or the new AvP game.

obvously you havent beat the game yet.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

obvously you havent beat the game yet.

Which one? Battlefield 2? Beat that fairly recently. It wasn't too bad.

Borderlands? Nope haven't beaten it yet.