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Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who cling at the bars an hour after last call... seriously people its fucking 2:30 in the morning, can't you have a life at normal hours of the day? Preferably... in daylight.

Guh, so fucking drunk and stupid and I just wanna go home.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who cling at the bars an hour after last call... seriously people its fucking 2:30 in the morning, can't you have a life at normal hours of the day? Preferably... in daylight.

Guh, so fucking drunk and stupid and I just wanna go home.

There's a familiar pain. Except, y'know, the bar I was working at shut around 9.30-10pm most nights; it didn't really cater to a late night crowd.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when you're ready to leave, but can't quite yet because you'd be too early, but only by about 10 minutes so you can't really do anything worthwhile, and you end up writing a comment about how you hate it when you're ready to leave, but can't quite yet because you'd be too early, but only by about 10 minutes so you can't really do anything worthwhile, and you end up writing a comment about how you hate it when you're ready to leave, but can't quite yet because you'd be too early, but only by about 10 minutes so you can't really do anything worthwhile, and you end up writing a comment about how you...

Well, you get my point.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when people misunderstand a offhand comment on someone blatently breaking a game system's working operation and think that it is actually YOU that is the bloke with the evil dude mustache and wicked laugh.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when you're ready to leave, but can't quite yet because you'd be too early, but only by about 10 minutes so you can't really do anything worthwhile, and you end up writing a comment about how you hate it when you're ready to leave, but can't quite yet because you'd be too early, but only by about 10 minutes so you can't really do anything worthwhile, and you end up writing a comment about how you hate it when you're ready to leave, but can't quite yet because you'd be too early, but only by about 10 minutes so you can't really do anything worthwhile, and you end up writing a comment about how you...

Well, you get my point.

Made you late, didn't it?

I hate this whole liquidation process. I'm fine with the signs. I'm not prepared to inflict bodily harm onto the liquidator himself. And I hate the fact that we have to mark every fucking book that people are buying with a remainder mark because we can't have them buying the books at discount and then taking them over to the store in the mall that's staying open to get a full price refund, oh no, because, you know, company policy is that you DO NOT take returns without a receipt, so they'd *see* that they'd purchased it cheap and should refund it accordingly, but oh no, because if the customer bitches and moans and gripes and threatens enough, they cave and give in and do the return, so we have to peel off every fucking price tag on the books that we're selling MASSIVE QUANTITIES of right now, tick people off because we're marking up their books (I had one guy, who was buying graphic novels, ask if the marker came off. My response was "No, sorry." "Then you just ruined the book." "Well, I'm not happy about it either, but I have to do it." "I should get an additional discount because of that!" "No.") It goes against my very nature to be doing this and I'm finding it an incredible pain in the ass but it's something that, unfortunately, we have to do because people are greedy.

And speaking of greedy, one of our supervisors put up on FB that, when she left at 8pm tonight (we opened at 10am), the other manager informed her that we'd done a whopping $45,000 day. AVERAGE day is 5000. As my boss put it, when my one co-worker was depressed over this asshole giving her shit because he bought books *yesterday* and we wouldn't let him return them for the 20% off today "Yeah, all these people, complaining about the store closing. Where were they at Christmas when we could have used the revenue to keep the stores open?"

So yeah, I get to go in tomorrow, possibly attempt to tidy up the store (*insert laughter here*), and more than likely wind up on register because we had lines TO THE BACK OF THE STORE because people are buying mass quantities of books that we have to peel and mark on every f'ing transaction.

And they wonder why I shoot things in the head to relax.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when people misunderstand a offhand comment on someone blatently breaking a game system's working operation and think that it is actually YOU that is the bloke with the evil dude mustache and wicked laugh.

I didn't break it on purpose x.x
Re: Hate Thread

That blows Copper. It's funny cause I've only bought two books since Christmas, because I bought so many around that time.
Re: Hate Thread

That stinks Copper :( Like Sin, I bought a ton of books around christmas because its my favorite thing to give as Christmas presents (everyone in my family loves to read..) My favorite bookstore went out of business around Christmas time too, so that makes me double sad.

As for my hate...I was just sitting in my couch sorta spacing out when all of a sudden the valance on top of my window swung off one of the sides and scared me to death. And to make it even worse, when I reached up to fix the valance and put the part that came off back in place, the whole thing came crashing down and hit me right in my mouth.... So now my lips feel swollen and my gums hurt...

I would really like things in my apartment to stop breaking or falling down.
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Re: Hate Thread

Fucking lazy asses around here. Our city hall closes at noon on all days except Thursday, and by then it's too late. So I'll actually have to skip school tomorrow morning to get the stamps on all the documents I need to be able to join the institute for subject teachers I want to go to AND to be able to do the final exams at our school, which I ALSO need to be able to join the institute for subject teachers I want to go. The photos the institute also needs (for some fucking reason) can also only be made tomorrow, because the photographer in town is, guess what, closed on Mondays.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate being in pain when sick.

I can deal with being sick, I just hate it when the sickness causes pain.
Maybe I should lay off the spicy food for a bit.....
Re: Hate Thread

Went to pick up my car. Not only did they break the replacement part for the one they already broke, when I went to start it up (because we're going to take it someplace else) it refuses to start, and when it finally does, dies and refuses to start before I even make it one foot out of the parking place :mad:
Re: Hate Thread

While shit in the above post is going on... there are News sources that think it's more important to talk about Justin Bieber's fucking haircut. What the fuck people? That is not fucking news, that is just someone cutting their god damned hair, a simple and natural part of modern life.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate being in pain when sick.

I can deal with being sick, I just hate it when the sickness causes pain.
Maybe I should lay off the spicy food for a bit.....
depending on how you're sick, spice is great for you.
Re: Hate Thread

Mousewheel just broke.

And, in an ironic twist to my giddy, weather.com says we're going to get 5-7 inches of heavy, wet snow tomorrow :(