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Re: Hate Thread

You know what I hate? Fuckers who don't pay me back the money they owe me on time THEN refuse to acknowledge any form of communication I make with them. Time to take him to /b/.

Wow. I know this... I lent a "friend" $20 in Middle School (Yes, not a lot, but it's the principle..)... He then disappeared. I saw him every once in a while. He "never had my money"... One time, he came into the store i was working in, said he didn't have enough money to pay me back, then bought a $50 toy. I finally got it back, 6 months ago. (I'm 19, just about 20. It's been 6 years.)
Re: Hate Thread

Wow. I know this... I lent a "friend" $20 in Middle School (Yes, not a lot, but it's the principle..)... He then disappeared. I saw him every once in a while. He "never had my money"... One time, he came into the store i was working in, said he didn't have enough money to pay me back, then bought a $50 toy. I finally got it back, 6 months ago. (I'm 19, just about 20. It's been 6 years.)

One of my brother's "friends" told him he couldn't pay him back the $20 owed because he had to pay rent. My brother later told me the kid was evicted because he spent the rent money on cigarettes.
Re: Hate Thread

Semi-related to my last giddy post. I hate it when I don't read something correctly, then notice that due to my lazy habit of reading my e-mail I missed a very giddy tiem.

Re: Hate Thread

It is really annoying to have an open cut on your foot and take a shower, really stings when it gets wet, which is like, all the time...
Re: Hate Thread

i didn't think they where your private army?

Nah they aren't, I started a Facebook douche thread, which got some replies and other people posting details of other people so I'm hoping someone noted down his details.
Re: Hate Thread

I have a long thing to read but only 20 minutes before I need to get ready to leave. No time to finish it obviously, but now I'm going to be thinking about it all day through my boring classes x.x
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck friends that like to stop being so for one reason or a fucking nother. Fuck it all, I am pissed.

This is twice in one week that I am losing a friend. One for not talking enough, and one for talking to him TOO much.

There is no fucking median for friendship. This is severely stupid. I am about to give up and invite everyone to hate me.

I will be your friend, Lila. :)
And please feel free to talk to me TOO much, because I'm a good listener... well sometimes.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I have a test tomorrow and I haven't read.
Re: Hate Thread

Fire alarm went off at work today.

No, this isn't what I hate. What I hate is how the dozens upon dozens of employees looked around for leadership when faced with the alarm, and the only leadership provided was people telling us to "ignore the alarm, keep taking calls." Except it didn't seem like a drill, because there was no brief announcement before it.

Some 5 minutes later, in which most of us continued to wonder just what was happening, we were finally evacuated. The fire in the end was minor, but due to the alarm system had called in the fire dep and a basement corridor was closed off. Given how everything seemed to be handled, it was probably small enough that an extinguisher would have sufficed. Which is pretty much just as fucking well, if that had been a major fire, people could have died because the senior managers refused to evacuate us.

It's comforting to know that a call centre's statistics are indeed more important than the safety of their expendable employees.
Re: Hate Thread

Mmmm, on campus the fire alarms go off "fairly frequently". Everyone is ALWAYS evacutated and generally the building is closed for at least an hour, generally at least four if there was actually a small fire. Twice in the past four months the same room has caught on fire...
Re: Hate Thread

It's comforting to know that a call centre's statistics are indeed more important than the safety of their expendable employees.

this sentance works better when you dont claim to be expendable.
Re: Hate Thread

That depends on the tone and stress given to the word expendable, doesn't it?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when unexpected information decides to bite me in the butt out of nowhere. Like last night, I was feeling nostalgic about some of my favorite books and comics growing up. So I decided to do a little search on google for one of my favorite characters of all time to see if I could find any new pictures or stories of her. The first thing I found out is that she DIES in some unknown future novel in the series that I never got around to reading! Now, I feel upset and sad because she was killed (it's kinda like a little part of my childhood just got ruined), and annoyed and somewhat offended at the accidental spoiler. I don't want to spoil it for any other fans of the expanded SW universe, so I'm not going to blurt it out.

If you're curious who it is and aren't worried about the spoiler, you can click the link
Re: Hate Thread

I hate hate hate hate hate that Bitsy has to be put down just because she has FIV. She's a beautiful black 13 pound cat, sleek and gorgeous and I don't want her to die ;_;
Re: Hate Thread

I hate hate hate hate hate that Bitsy has to be put down just because she has FIV. She's a beautiful black 13 pound cat, sleek and gorgeous and I don't want her to die ;_;

Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. We have lost a number of cats to FIP ourselves, including a number of young kittens from our cat's litters, who is a carrier of the virus that is suspected to mutate into FIPV.

I have already seen way too many dead kittens.

EDIT: This is probably not what you need right now. Sorry. *hugs*
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Re: Hate Thread

Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. We have lost a number of cats to FIP ourselves, including a number of young kittens from our cat's litters, who is a carrier of the virus that is suspected to mutate into FIPV.

I have already seen way too many dead kittens.

EDIT: This is probably not what you need right now. Sorry. *hugs*
-clings- this quarter just hasn't been good for the kitties. We've already lost a few, and then we still have one who reacted badly to the anesthesia... i hope she's out and about now...
Re: Hate Thread

If you're curious who it is and aren't worried about the spoiler, you can click the link

awww... damnit her character always intrigued me.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate epilepsy. I don't have it but my friend does which means whenever he comes over I have to walk him back home through the cold dark night, which takes roughly 30 minutes. Then I have to walk back on my own adding another 30 mintues of time taken.