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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris [v0.83 Final]

Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Yeah a map would be great, mmmm if not a map having Ayane use an item (or more like an app for her cell) to navigate the map would be good, something simple that would either point with an arrow were to go or something in text saying north, south, east or west. It could be something to spend her money.

Also do we poor fans also get the newest version (even if a week or something later)?

Yes. We now have a new planned public version. Somewhere in January.

Question, will there be a route that involves Robert's job? i mean i remember this map that is pretty far from everything that had a shady Mansion on it, it looked like a druglord, crime boss, etc headquarters, not sure how Ayane would get involved (unless she is kidnapped) but it got me curious.

Also yes.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

what does very soon mean? 2 weeks 1 month? can you tell us if we get the update in 2016 or in 2017?
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

In their case "very soon" means up to 2 months.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

nobody is forcing you to play this game get the hell out if you don't like it :rolleyes:

1. Actually theres a guy pointing a gun at my head threatening to kill me if i dont play this game so youre wrong.
2. Youre an asshole. :rolleyes:
3. I say how it is - they miss their own deadlines on a regular basis.
4. I like the game but they are not trustworthy creators.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

1. Actually theres a guy pointing a gun at my head threatening to kill me if i dont play this game so youre wrong.
2. Youre an asshole. :rolleyes:
3. I say how it is - they miss their own deadlines on a regular basis.
4. I like the game but they are not trustworthy creators.

thanks :D he gets a lot of shit for the game even tho the game is really good. when they do updates its almost everytime a huge and good update for the game, so its ok if they fail the deadlines. they give you a reason why it didn't work out not like other creators ;)
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

thanks :D he gets a lot of shit for the game even tho the game is really good. when they do updates its almost everytime a huge and good update for the game, so its ok if they fail the deadlines. they give you a reason why it didn't work out not like other creators ;)

how its huge? while people who made noxian nights have released 1 game and - there will be second - Ayame's Adventure have released 1 teaser, not worth demo, in 5 years - almost no body is demonising circle- but when some one speaks about it- the answer- you pesants don't know what it is to create a game , kneel to us...
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Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Everytime i see someone mentioning the updates i think of George Martin and how we the fans are still waiting for Winds of Winter........any day.......i am sure he won't die before that...right?

Also, i check their Patreon and if every post is an update or something similar then they actually update fairly frequently, something like once per month.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Also, i check their Patreon and if every post is an update or something similar then they actually update fairly frequently, something like once per month.

Last update is from Oct 29, the one before that - Sep 22. And the previous... I'm not sure, like July?...
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

yeah starke is probably going to post that he deserves a vacation of 1 month.
When you look at his game, which copies the plot from "To h.....", the progress he made is pathetic. He almost cashed in 5k USD/month for 2 years now and the game is a joke with 4-5 scenes.
That guy is a cont artist, I only feel bad for the patreons that have serious brain damage.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

I was under the impression that this was a team effort and not a solo endeavor, am i wrong?
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Too many green-eyed monsters in this thread, why are you all so concerned with how other people spend their money. I'm pretty sure Starke put To H.. out their for the grand total of $0, shared it with the HRPG community for you all to enjoy. Nobody is forcing you to support him on patreon. Spend your money how you wish, support whoever you deem worthy of supporting. But please grant others the same courtesy, instead of just coming here to shit on people.

An yes this is a group project. An no I'm not involved with it in any manner. I don't even contribute to the patreon. So the idea that Starke takes home 5k a month (not that it should be anyones concern) is complete rubbish. Look you don't have to like Starke, or respect him. But to paint someone who provided the community with a much loved completely free translation as a bad guy. That's crap, you know it, I know t. If you don't want to support his patreon don't.

But do us all a favour an provide constructive criticism, or kindly fuck off. An don't bother arguing with me, I won't reply I barely bother posting here because of shit like this.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)


you are picturing starke as a white knight for the hentai community whereas the dude tried to monetize on pirated content and a translation he didn't even work on alone.
There is a reason he was banned two times on this forum and is using his third account now to post on this forum. Just ask the mods.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Also, i check their Patreon and if every post is an update or something similar then they actually update fairly frequently, something like once per month.

Define "update". If you mean post with something like this: "hey guys, we are working on the next patch. The new content will blow your mind. We're almost done and trust me it'll be worth the wait(...)Soon(...)Muku just has to finish 1 scene..." and so on then yea - they release updates regularly. I dunno, maybe im too demanding but when some Patreon creator charges monthly then i expect them to show monthly results.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Jesus not this discusion AGAIN! there could be a multitude of reasons for the delays, heck even the fact that is a group of people instead of just 1 or 2 can actually make it harder (like having to wait for a certain someone to finish his/her part), i know i read somewhere that one of the reasons they get delayed sometimes is because they remake whole sections of the game, plus the voice acting took a lot of time aparently, or maybe they are just smart scamers, WHO CARES?! (well the paying customers, but if they think like that then they are idiots for supporting something they think is a scam), honestly if i could i would support them because 1 or 5$ isn't too much in most countries (even for me if i could legally use my creditcard for it =S ), anyway i probably shouldn't even be writing this since it will only inflame the discusion even more, so will just try and ignore it from now on (and yes is probably too late but i just couldn't resist).
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Delay for what? We never stated a release date, Muku finished the CG last Thursday, Issac got sick, Christmas arrived, that's it. So much drama...
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Whaaa? Issac got sick??? What a fucking scumbag!!!

Bet he's planning to steal all the patreon cash to pay for antibiotics and hot nurse strippers!

Ya'll patron fools needs to jump ship ASAP! Don't you see the iceberg in front of your eyes!!!! Run to the hills! Run for your LIVES!!!
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Whaaa? Issac got sick??? What a fucking scumbag!!!

Bet he's planning to steal all the patreon cash to pay for antibiotics and hot nurse strippers!

Ya'll patron fools needs to jump ship ASAP! Don't you see the iceberg in front of your eyes!!!! Run to the hills! Run for your LIVES!!!

Not just the Patron fools, the others too, because this patch will be live for everyone here on ULMF 2 weeks after it's released, so yeah, for those who were asking, here it is, a second, bigger, more reflecting of what the game is public patch.

how its huge? while people who made noxian nights have released 1 game and - there will be second - Ayame's Adventure have released 1 teaser, not worth demo, in 5 years - almost no body is demonising circle- but when some one speaks about it- the answer- you pesants don't know what it is to create a game , kneel to us...

Bruh... x'D
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Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Bruh... x'D

when typed misspressed on numpad 2 for 5, but lets wait for 3 years, and i will copy paste this again