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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah, pokemon.

What exactly has been changed since the first red/blue games? Besides just adding more pokemon that get more ridiculous every game(Or aimed at furry porn).

I'm all for letting people enjoy their games, but just what changed between all the pokemon games that it deserves another 50-60 $?

I didn't like dragon age enough for dlc-expansion bits, so I'll stay quiet about that one. It's a nice game, but it just didn't hold my interest.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Awakenings had some interesting moments near the end, but agreed it was rather short and fairly easy. As to the characters, I liked them. Though I was tempted as all hell to stab Nathanial through the testicles once I found out who he was. Being a Human Noble character, I'm not a fan of the Howe family. I also like Justice. A spirit inhabiting the body of a dead Gray Warden. That was pretty neat.

At the same time, I'm also playing Metro 2033. Quite a good game. However, for being an FPS it has really sloppily designed shooting. Bullets don't even really seem to hit the mutants most of the time, and for a game where severed limbs are scattered about the environment, its got very little blood spray from combat.
However, its atmosphere where this game excells. Excellent design, even if we've seen nuclear wasteland before. We haven't seen it like this, even in Fallout 3. The destruction is complete, you need a gasmask to breathe on the surface and the mutants can crack it open, leaving you to slowly choke to death after you've killed the damn thing. Unless you find a replacement. Money is also the most powerful ammunition in the game, pre-war bullets. It's an interesting trade off "Do I fire off my shiny bullets to kill this damn thing, or save them to buy a better weapon?".
Even the voice acting and little details in the world just bring you in. Haven't beaten it yet, but its pretty damn good in so far, but its not an action game, despite having lots of action in it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, but if you don't feed him he does leave you alone for cheaper targets.

I actually tried a friends copy of DA the other day, and though I would say it's a good game. I didn't really like it, though that may be because I already knew what was going to happen after reading all of the stuff yall have posted. I wouldn't get it for myself, but I would recommend it to someone who likeds the genre at least.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's not feeding if the troll never goes away anyway.

Actually, I just start off by being an asshole for no good reason, then I start the trolling once I get some response. So really, if I said "HAHA POKEMON YOU'RE ALL VIRGINS" and nobody said anything, I'd probably just stop there and move on.

So yes, he took the trollbait, and now I'm still posting about this. So you +rep'd him for feeding the troll.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah, pokemon.

What exactly has been changed since the first red/blue games? Besides just adding more pokemon that get more ridiculous every game(Or aimed at furry porn).

I'm all for letting people enjoy their games, but just what changed between all the pokemon games that it deserves another 50-60 $?

Well, Gen 4 introduced GOD.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, Gen 4 introduced GOD.


They tried to introduce something to replace Mewtwo as the most powerful pokemon again eh? Did they actually succeed this time, or is it another failure?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Pfft, Mewtwo's still broken as heck.

Even God is no match against the broken.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

God is no match for Scarfjask or Wobbuffet?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Motherfucking Wobbuffet. Now THAT'S a Pokemon.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dude, red blue was the shit. Gold silver was ok. Then it got dumb. People who are still playing those games are... well that makes me sad. They were good games back in the day - I mean it was addicting as fuck, and hella fun raising your team. But now it's just like graaaahhh another one??? what are they up to, like 500 by now? I bet the card game is even more stupid.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Awakenings had some interesting moments near the end, but agreed it was rather short and fairly easy. As to the characters, I liked them. Though I was tempted as all hell to stab Nathanial through the testicles once I found out who he was. Being a Human Noble character, I'm not a fan of the Howe family. I also like Justice. A spirit inhabiting the body of a dead Gray Warden. That was pretty neat.

I haven't gotten Justice yet. I look forward to seeing him in action. And as for Nathaniel, yeah, he's a Howe, but I suppose not all of them can be blamed for daddy's issues (btw, try for that conversation between Oghren and Nate. OMG, the banter is just as good if not better in this game. Good place is outside the Crown and the Lion, in the city. There's a trigger east as you're facing the door.)

As, was browsing around today and found some God of War 3/God of War 4 spoilers...

Re: Games Discussion Thread

The banter is great, between every character. Anders is particularly amusing. He reminds me of Alistair in many ways. Justice isn't as amusing himself, but some of the comments others throw his way gave for a good chuckle.
Nate does bring up some good points about the Howe's though, and family. Interesting character, glad they included him.

God of War IV should be interesting then no?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ugggghhh frustrated that I cannot play the great games on 360 or ps3 because I'm fucking broke. Loved GoW1, am salivating over 2 and 3 and now you tell me there is a fourth coming out. *facepalm* RELEASE A PC PORT DAMMIT! cause you know pirating is the only way I can afford that shit >.>
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The banter is great, between every character. Anders is particularly amusing. He reminds me of Alistair in many ways. Justice isn't as amusing himself, but some of the comments others throw his way gave for a good chuckle.
Nate does bring up some good points about the Howe's though, and family. Interesting character, glad they included him.

God of War IV should be interesting then no?

I believe I read somewhere that they were inspired by Alistair when writing for Anders (but don't ask me to find it. I've got no idea where I read it.) and yeah, friend and I who've played the game both agree they're very much alike. I love smartasses like him. Justice does strike me as the straight man in the group, given his background. AND Nate makes things EXPLODE with his bow. LOVE HIM!

Hhehhee If that were the actual direction they took GoW I'd be highly amused, but you know they're not going to do that. Atlus does. Digital Devil Saga (Nocturne, I think) Yeah. One of those "do not play if you're a highly offended Christian." Same goes for Xenosaga (the one for the PS1, not the new one with Kos-Mos. I get them confused.).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Know what I just played for the first time? The first Pikmin game. It's a real blast if you ask me. Only thing I don't like are the screams of agony the little guys make when they're dying. Oh and those half snake half bird things are less then likable.

I wonder why the Pikmin didn't attack what's his face when him first met them...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Doesn't he have a little antenna coming out of his head? Maybe they thought he was one of them. Or their god, or something.

Wow, haven't played that game in ages. Stupid kids were always hogging the Gamecube whenever I was on break at work and we had it in.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dude, red blue was the shit. Gold silver was ok. Then it got dumb. People who are still playing those games are... well that makes me sad. They were good games back in the day - I mean it was addicting as fuck, and hella fun raising your team. But now it's just like graaaahhh another one??? what are they up to, like 500 by now? I bet the card game is even more stupid.

Two things:
  1. Every pokemon game they're coming out with now is a remake of an old one with better graphics.
  2. Get a gameboy emulator and pokemon blue. You know you want to.

Also, to GoldGolem: Try 'Overlord'. In my opinion, it's Pikmin ripoff that was done better than the original.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ugggghhh frustrated that I cannot play the great games on 360 or ps3 because I'm fucking broke. Loved GoW1, am salivating over 2 and 3 and now you tell me there is a fourth coming out. *facepalm* RELEASE A PC PORT DAMMIT! cause you know pirating is the only way I can afford that shit >.>

Alias if you look at the picture...
I'm pretty sure there isn't a fourth one coming out. Not for a long time anyway. Three was supposed to be the last one.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

haha don't I look stupid. I thought there were actually spoilers in that spoiler tag =p well still, I haven't gotten to play 2 or 3 and it still frustrates me >.>

1. Even worse. At least have the creativity to make newer games if you're going to be milking the series like this.

2. Already have it. Occasionally I'll pick it up if I have nothing better to play, for the blast from the past aspect.

Also, overlord was done pretty well. I never could get into it, though - the silly things died too easily and the controls were too funky for my taste. If you like Pikmin though (I didn't) definitely give Overlord a try - and it's for PC, too!