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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Waaay to late to jump into the full blown discussion on this but a few thoughts on it. Suffice to say, I am intrigued and will be keeping an eye on developments as they come about. Personally, I like the idea of seeing more of the world.

As for the set character that you play, can I just say that I was a happy puppy back in the day when Dragon Warrior 3 let you choose that you could *gasp* actually be a GIRL?! (Which, btw, you apparently can do with Hawke. There's a female version the article mentions.) Most RPGs that have come before had set protagonists. Customization was limted to the color of your shirt and hair at times. Or picking a character portrait that you liked. Yes, the deal with Dragon Age: Origins was the customization and the backstory. This is Dragon Age 2. It's not DA: Origins 2. This is the second in the Dragon Age series/universe. I liked the story they told with the first one and wish to see more. If Tass doesn't, that's his right as well. I won't say he's wrong for wanting to pass on the game, so long as he's willing to not give me a ration of it for not wanting to pass.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

eh.... bioware are making it... isn't that enough?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm not going to bother getting into the meat of it here.

Let me just keep this simple.

Tass, if you want a game with great amounts of flexibility and customisation, where almost any path is open to you: go and play a tabletop roleplaying game under a decent GM.

The less time and space wasted on side options because some player decides they want to slaughter whole towns for the hell of it the better, I say. I find your arguments mostly sum up to "I want to play the type of character I want to play. I don't want to have to conform to your rules or worldsetting." As a sometimes GM, I have a very quick response to players who take that attitude with me, and it results in either them getting back in their box, or leaving my game.

To me, this amounts to the same thing. They have decided how they want their game to go. They've got an awesome storyline to do it with. If you want to experience their awesome storyline, you play by their rules.

I don't understand where the bitching about dragon age combat is coming from. Sure, it's a little MMORPGesque, but I didn't mind that. If I had to click my mouse every time I wanted to attack I'd have broken my mouse, because I was a dual daggers 'as-many-attacks-as-possible-in-short-time' style character. I don't understand how you can say all the classes pay the same, because they don't. If your bitching about combat is that it's too hard, and you think they all play the same, you're not doing it right.

All in all, however, your attitude here has been fairly consistent with the kinds of people I don't let into the games I run. So if you don't want to go and get it because you don't like playing by their rules in their world, then by all means don't. But kindly refrain from complaining loudly about how they're ruining a game that, by all arguments prior, you apparently didn't like much anyways.

So much for keeping it simple.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So far, all I've heard from Tass is that he didn't even really like Dragon Age: Origins, except for the initial customization. They took that away from him, so why are we even debating with him at all about the game. He obviously has no interest in it, and despite almost NOTHING at all being revealed his one thing he liked is gone. So let him leave it. The rest of us can enjoy it.

I for one am very excited. I love the universe it's set up, and this isn't the first time in the Dragon Age universe that Dark Spawn weren't really a part of it. In the first book the Dark Spawn show up once. The rest of the book is about Ferelden rebels taking back the crown from Orlais. There were no Gray Wardens in it as I recall. The Darkspawn were merely the focus of the first game, and that time period. I'm interested in the political intrigue and the surrounding world.

And 10 years. That's a long time to play up your character and decide who he will become, and deal with his/her regrets of the past. And really, a lone man/woman running from a tide of murderous monstrous creatures that have so far killed everything in their path, the king is dead and civil war is looming on the horizon, and it is said that the Gray Wardens were the ones who killed the king... yeah I might have considered running in his/her shoes as well. We don't know why s/he ran, who s/he was before s/he ran, or anything. All we know is that s/he ran. Sure it seems like a black streak on his/her past, but we have 10 years of in game story time to decide who he'll/she'll become, and what exactly it means to be "Champion of Kirkwall".

Caring about Kirkwall, well that'll be something from the game. Why should we care about any fictional universe really? A new setting is never a bad thing, or else we just use the same places over and over and over again, but with somewhat better graphics and a few unlocked houses. Sure the way they dealt with the citadel in Mass Effect 2 was well done, but most Medieval towns are as massive.

The combat I'm interested in knowing about. Will they make it more action oriented like Oblivion? Or will they keep their current style? I know some will shout heresy, but I kind of hope for a more action oriented style. I just like tapping a button and swinging a sword and seeing that blade cut through flesh. However, I won't be upset if they keep their current style as it's still fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I know I don't have much of a right to complain, and I did have fun with the game, but I'd like it if they either A) dropped the real-time combat - who are you kidding, Bioware, the combat was turn-based, with the only difference being that I actively had to pause the action - or B) make it more action oriented.

Don't get me wrong, I love the first game, but it's the little things that get to me at the end of the day. And for some unintelligible reason, I cannot get past the fact that I had to actively pause the game every 5 seconds.
"Oh, well, you must have not set up your Tactics right, if at all!"
HORSESHIT. I set them up fine. I've played enough RPG, RTS, and Strategy games to know how to set up Tactics. The problem is if I set the Tactic too low on the list, they act like it's not even there half the time, and they use the higher-up tactics in leu of the lower tactics, despite the fact that the tactic lower down on the list is the better choice. And sometimes, I would re-arrange Tactics based on the fight that was coming/already in, and they'd get confused or something, and forget that I had changed up their tactics. Yeah, that was probably just a problem I encountered, and it didn't happen very often, but it was always at JUST the right time to PISS ME OFF.
I liked the idea, but in my experience, it didn't work too well.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

From what little there is, it seems they want to go a little more action oriented. I'm sure there's going to be people upset with that choice. I'm excited about it personally, but that's just me. I like me some heavy fighting.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I never paid attention to other threads but I saw this one and thought I'd make a statement.

The Nintendo Wii is now pretty much a console meant for the casual gaming industry and has lost much of any producing of quality games, except for the name brand games of Nintendo (Zelda, Mario, they are always good, etc.)

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Does anyone on this forum even play the Wii? I don't think I've heard anyone really mention it til Sponge brought it up.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Igit (read: my sister) and I got a Wii for the rents. It's mostly due to the fact that they're games that they actually enjoy, but are even good for them for exercise. I don't play it much except for Smash Bros. really.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Most of us Wii players don't have a reason to mention anything, except for Aika. Since, as Sponge said, Wii's mostly based around casual gaming. Not something outstanding enough to bring up in a conversation.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I never paid attention to other threads but I saw this one and thought I'd make a statement.

The Nintendo Wii is now pretty much a console meant for the casual gaming industry and has lost much of any producing of quality games, except for the name brand games of Nintendo (Zelda, Mario, they are always good, etc.)


Pretty much every single game that comes out for the PS3 or XBOX is either ported to PC (and especially when you're talking about competitive gameplay, this means it's inarguably better), or it will be able to be emulated by PCs in a few years. So why would I spend the money?

Not to mention the fact that Nintendo is the only company that's trying to make a console that's actually outside of the box (Motion sensor is the wave of the future, by the way) and isn't just a carbon copy of the old system with MOAR GRAPHIX.

I game on my PC and my Wii. Give me a good reason to spend $400 on a system I either don't need or won't need in a few years time and I'll go out and drop it today. And no, smashing it in front of everybody else doesn't count... although it does come close.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Don't have a Wii. Not enough games on it that interest me, although my mother is getting intrigued by the notion of using it for exercise, so I'm thinking that might be our next addition as far as consoles go. Wii Fit plus Samura Warriors 3 and I'm a happy puppy. Just gotta start saving up the EB gift cards, heh.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Does anyone on this forum even play the Wii? I don't think I've heard anyone really mention it til Sponge brought it up.
I would if my parents would let me have it. D< They never use it and it's gathering dust but they won't let me have it "Just in case" they wanna play it one day.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wii? Meh. Dads got one, but I only ever play on it if invited to on one of the little party game style things. It's the only console with Cave Story on it, which is worth something, but then I can just play that on PC, so again, meh.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Pretty much every single game that comes out for the PS3 or XBOX is either ported to PC (and especially when you're talking about competitive gameplay, this means it's inarguably better), or it will be able to be emulated by PCs in a few years. So why would I spend the money?

Alias, I know you've got a massive hard on for the PC, but come on. That's an opinion, it is not strictly "inarguably better" because you think it is. I really don't care if you personally find PCs much more tailored to your play style than a console, but it does not mean that a console is well suited for other people.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

When playing competitively, you can't argue against the fact that the mouse is more accurate than joysticks. It's simple fact.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

When playing competitively, you can't argue against the fact that the mouse is more accurate than joysticks. It's simple fact.

So your argument that PC is better than consoles is... that it's easier to aim with PC?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

When playing competitively, you can't argue against the fact that the mouse is more accurate than joysticks. It's simple fact.

I find myself more accurate with the joysticks, especially after configuring sensitivity settings. It's what people are comfortable with, not one or the other.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

No, my argument that PC is what's used in COMPETITIVE GAMEPLAY is because it's easier to aim with the PC. Read what I wrote, please. I don't care how good you are, against someone with equal skill, the person who is using the mouse will always win over the person using joysticks. Keyboards have more customization, you can macro, you can tweak all the individual settings in your PC, blah blah blah blah, I could go on. My point is, when you're playing in TOURNAMENTS, as in, the kind you can win money in... serious money, like a quarter of a million dollars kind of money, not a gift card to spencers... you will always be on a PC. I am not toting PC as better than consoles, that's ridiculous, it's a matter of taste. I am talking strictly in a competitive, tournament environment.