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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Most of my time recently has been taken up by Minecraft. Hell, today I spent about three hours screwing around and making a long ass river underground. Unfortunately I didnt dig the tunnel down deep enough and I broke through the bed of the river above me so I couldn't continue flooding it with the waterfall I had made from my base entrance so I've only got half of my river finished. I've made an awesome looking underground base though, and made another waterfall with a storage room behind it. I'm trying to get a crap load of iron so I can make a rollercoaster now.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

If it has no fantasy elements, it doesn't qualify as fantasy.

What would you qualify it as, then? It plays in a fictional world, after all.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

If it has no fantasy elements, it doesn't qualify as fantasy.

Yes it does. It could qualify as Low Fantasy because of the lack of traditional fantasy elements, however because it is in a secondary world and not Earth itself some would still call it High or Epic fantasy. It is this alternate world which propels the game into fantasy, rather than historical fiction.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Some would say it is Medieval Fantasy.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yes it does. It could qualify as Low Fantasy because of the lack of traditional fantasy elements, however because it is in a secondary world and not Earth itself some would still call it High or Epic fantasy. It is this alternate world which propels the game into fantasy, rather than historical fiction.

I beg to differ.

wikipedia said:
Fantasy is a genre that uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot, theme, and/or setting. Many works within the genre take place in fictional worlds where magic is common. Fantasy is generally distinguished from science fiction in that it does not provide a logical (or pseudo logical) explanation for the scientifically impossible events that occur, though there is a great deal of overlap between the two (both are subgenres of speculative fiction).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Who uses Wikipedia as a source?

Just sayin', they've been unreliable more often than not.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I hate to be persistent like that (a blatant lie), but what would you qualify it as then?

I don't know. I haven't seen fiction like that so often as to have picked up the genre's name, if it even has one. But it's not fantasy.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Low fantasy is something I have heard thrown about, and may be an actual thing. Since it was on an alternate plane or some such, it's not alternate history or historical fiction. Could just call it fiction, if you're feeling lazy, which I am.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I beg to differ.

If that quote was the case, then George R.R. Martin's epic fantasy series "A Song of Ice and Fire" would not be considered fantasy, as the primary theme, plot and setting (if the world of Mount and Blade is not a strange enough setting to be considered fantasy, than neither is Martin's) are not based in the supernatural or magical. Indeed it is primarily an alternate world very similar to Medieval England and Northern Europe and is based primarily around politics and warfare. Much like Mount and Blade.

After a bit more looking, Mount and Blade would be fit under Historical Fantasy, because it takes place in a secondary world, not Earth, that has factions that closely mirror many that have appeared in history.

It is purely because of that alternate world that Mount and Blade appears in the category of Fantasy.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

See, I TOLD YA you can't trust Wikipedia.

... Unless Dusk Peterson is wrong.

I mean, to me, Fantasy and Fiction kinda mean the same thing, cept they're used in different situations. Like, how Hooker said, when most people think of fantasy, they think magic and dragons. But if someone were to say, think about having sex with a girl, that'd be called a sexual fantasy, wouldn't it?

This debate had made me wonder where the line is drawn on the word itself. It could also be a debate on it's official categorization, which I never, ever really agreed with in terms of games and movies today. My five year old sister actually watched me play Resident Evil 5 for a while, and was actually laughing, instead of being scared. Probably doesn't mean anything, but that kinda made me think about it's "Horror" classification. 'Kind of a far cry away from horror, if it can't even scare a little girl,' I thought. But then again, she's kind of insane already.

I suppose it boils down to it's official title versus what it really is (I'm not talking about M&B, btw). If the content is based on a world that doesn't exist, I'd say it's a fantasy world, or fictional world, at the very least.

Not that I'm contributing to the debate one way or another, I just think that official titles usually aren't very specific to begin with.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's medieval fantasy.


(Because I use High Fantasy for a medieval like setting that is abundant in magic and/or fictional races.)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's medieval fantasy.


(Because I use High Fantasy for a medieval like setting that is abundant in magic and/or fictional races.)

Medieval Fantasy is any fantasy setting that uses a medieval like basis. So anything from Baldur's Gate, to Lord of the Rings to Game of Thrones to Arthurian Legends can fit under that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Medieval Fantasy is any fantasy setting that uses a medieval like basis. So anything from Baldur's Gate, to Lord of the Rings to Game of Thrones to Arthurian Legends can fit under that.

See, I don't consider such things Medieval Fantasy because I consider them High Fantasy. I find that things like magic should change things too much to really have them resemble a true medieval setting anymore.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm losing my life to Spore again.

What is it about this game that makes me want to play it over and over again?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not sure. I got bored of it after a couple of months, and the Galactic Adventures expansion wasn't all that great in my opinion. Sure, it made the Space Age section more bearable, but it was still crap.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm losing my life to Spore again.

What is it about this game that makes me want to play it over and over again?

the first part, thats why you play it over and over instead of just one long game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

the first part, thats why you play it over and over instead of just one long game.

But why is making critters so... life consuming?

Damn you EA games. And Maxis too. Making Sims, and Spore and -grumblemutter-
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Can't sleep, Cho'Gath will eat me.
Can't sleep, Cho'Gath will eat me.
Can't sleep, Cho'Gath will eat me.
Can't sleep, Cho'Gath will eat me.
Can't sleep, Cho'Gath will eat me.

. . . DAMN YOU LoL!

And now for something completely different.

Buddies got me back to playing Diablo II. Javazon/Javezon/however-you-want-to-spell-it 4tw.

And now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Apparently, LoL is FINALLY getting a new map. About time, the fuckers. New champions just about every patch is fun and all, but almost any champ under 1350 IP isn't worth playing anymore. Almost any champ. There are probably a couple that are still decent.
Yeah, new map. WOO, field of liquid hot magma, or at least that's what I'm assuming with people talking about it having magma. Now I just want them to give me my Desert map.

On a completely un-related related note, killing people with Annie is fun :)

ALSO, damn I'm tired.